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ex-cop has the ability to see how crimes really went down. |
The music sounded like a sound check. It was barely audible. But then again he couldn't hear as well as he used to. He ran to many shot-gun obstacle courses as an instructor for the DownRiver Mutual Aid S.W.A.T team. That was years ago, but the SWAT exercises started the eventual hearing impaiment. That, the college fraternity band, and a little to much Led Zeppelin through the head-phones. He heard the talking...wispers. There were several different conversations going on but none that he could really discern. The music was louder now, static free. That's the song he wanted to hear, a little "Kitaro". Things were easier. He felt he should let go. The wispers, became low "s" filled muffles. The music was all he heard..he was soothed to sleep by the tranquil rythem. He woke to the sound of the wig-wag siren. He slung to his right and felt the side of his head, hit something hard. He took a moment, a second, less then a second. He knew exactly where he was. He was thrown back in his seat. He heard the police interceptors click in the same time he heard his partner scream a loud wail. His partner forced laughter. It was irritatting. He didn't get along real well with Hayes. His regurlar partner Jason Book had been off all week, tending to his new baby son. Hayes was busting his balls, driving to an "open door" alarm, like he was on a Nascar test track. "Didn't this alarm come in last week"? Don't know Hayes said..opening a pack of "Big Red" gum with his teeth. He knew that it had. Giant Video, a mom and pop owned video store, a block down from the Super Mega BockBuster. Hayes dossed the lights and rolled up slowly. He stopped the patrol unit on the west side, out of sight of the front door. Both officers exited the unit. Both left their doors ajar...they slowly walked toward the southwest corner of the building. Hayes walked flat-footed. He appeared relaxed..this alarm came in all the time right! Hayes walked toward the front. A red mustang went speeding down the street. There was a loud crash of breaking glass. The officers looked back over there shoulders to see the rements of a beer bottle sliding on the pavement about ten feet from them. He tried to get the "dish" off the back of the now, "reckless" auto, but he couldn't grab it. Hayes said "should I call it in"? "No we'll go look for it, once we clear this"! The store front looked good, no broken out glass. Hayes pulled on the front door, and the door flew open in his hand. The alarm bell, which was in the overhang directly above their heads sounded at an earth shaking desciple. Both officers jumped out of the doorway. Hayes immedialtey called the station on his prep radio. "4-11 has no open door 8072 Dix. He moved inside the business with Hayes behind. They could see all kinds of change on the floor, near the front counter. Hayes went back on the prep..."we got a good one here...radio"! The register cash drawer was on the floor. He moved down the main isle, which realy wasn't any mainer then the rest of the isle's. It was narrow, about a foot on both sides. He made his way toward the end, "boom" the heat kicked on. He went down on one knee, at the sound of the furnace, and the ducts expanded. He saw Hayes out the corner of his eye...he was shaking as if he was laughing at him. At that moment he was looking at a man that that was pointing a gun, directly at him. He dropped to the floor, and pulled his gun in one motion. He layed prone on the floor. He pointed his gun at the man and yelled" don't move mother fucker...police. Hayes ran to the end of the isle. He drew down on the man.."police move.. and you're dead"! At the same instant both cops realized that the man holding the gun, was a life-size cardboard stand-up of Don Johnson from "Miami Vice" "Now that's funny"... Hayes cackled. "That's some funny shit"! "You gonna need to change your shorts Walsh"? He heard the music again it was very faint. He felt okay. It was soothing music, the music that he wanted them to play. |