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Rated: 18+ · Short Story · Drama · #934577
This short story is about a group friends who took a vaction to a house of murder.

I woke up in a large pool of blood, I tried to get up the but my splitting headache me pinned to the floor. I rolled over to my side trying to get a good look of where I was, I saw that I was in a dark small musty smelling room. The room’s only window was barricaded with thick brown boards that covered up almost all the cracks of sunlight. I realize I was in the blood and opened my mouth to scream but they were silenced by the sound of footsteps just outside the door, it was a fearsome crescendo to me. I held my hand over my mouth trying not to cry; slowly my memory came flooding back to me. I felt relief that the blood I was in was not mine but I also felt grief because I knew it was my boyfriend’s, Shawn who died trying to save me.

I wanted so badly to be angry with Shawn for dragging me here when I just wanted to be home for the 3-day weekend. Like always Shawn’s persuasion got the best of me and also the best of our friends Taylor and Lena, who was also a couple. Now their bodies was dismembered and scattered throughout the “The Entrance of Hell House” surrounded by the “ Heart of Hell woods”. I could still hear their cries seeping out of the cracks of the dingy walls. I knew I had to get out of this little room because I wasn’t safe here I wasn’t safe anywhere. I tried to sit up one more time but my attempts ended when I passed out a second time from the pain in my back that shot up.


I could hear police sirens in the distance; I felt relief because this nightmare was almost over. Also heard the footstep right in front of the to the room I was in, I felt grief because I was mistaken the nightmare had just began. I jumped up and ran to the window to try to pry the boards off but they wouldn’t budge. I knew I had made a grave gamble and lost because the footsteps stop and I could see the shadow of a man with the intentions of a monster. It was no doubt in my mind that it was Louie Munster standing behind the door. He hacked up his intire family and cooked their body parts into a stew and served it to the children of Crane Bridge Orphanage. It took 13 years to convict him but when the police went to arrest him, he was gone.

The Munster House was auctioned off years later to old nice women with the intentions to open up a bed and breakfast. The business was doing great after a few slow years of advertising. The Fourth of July weekend was when the incident happened; families had came all over to be apart of the Fourth of July celebration. It was said that the house held 23 people in it, 18 of the people were divided into several different families. The rest was the some of the staff and of course the old women. Shawn made me read the old clippings of the incident; I could never forget the horror of what that article said. It read...


Shelly Bristen, age 72 bought the George Munster House (Louie Munster’s Father) a couple of years ago and opened up Bristen Bed and breakfast. This Fourth of July weekend was suppose to be a fun filled occasion sorry to say that was the complete opposite of what happened. After the firework funfest the guest retired to their rooms for the night. It is suspected that Louie broke in shortly after the clock stroke 4:30 am. Louie killed his family at the age of 14 and was convicted at the age of 27 and vanished before the cops could get to him. He was suspected to be dead after the police found large amounts of his blood all over a motel room. Since the then the Munster case has been closed. Louie armed himself with an old ax that he used in his family murder and an old rusty sling bade he found in the yard. He went from room to room killing each of his victims in their sleep by cutting off their heads. “They didn’t have time to react, feel pain or even panic, they didn’t know what was coming”, said Sheriff Greenday as he was working the crime scene. The only survivor was a little girl, Anne Moore, 8, who hid under her parent’s bed as Louie killed them. Anne was the one who went to get help by running to the servants quarters that was just beyond the bridge in the woods. Those quarters were built just two years ago, Louie had no clue that they were there, I believe that was the only thing that saved their lives. Due to this horrific event the George Munster house is renamed to the “The entrance of hell” and the woods that surrounds it is called the “The heart of hell” because that is where they found the guest’s hearts in a sickening circle in the heart of the woods. Louie Munster a.k.a. “Munster” has vanished once again, the only evidence tying him to this crime is the rusty sling found in the head of Shelly Bristen.
Written by: May Dismal, 1982

Back in the small room…

The doorknob to the door began to turn and think my heart stop just as it did. My body went completely numb and my mind began to fail on me. I pressed my back against the wall as hard as I could trying to make myself into a blank spot, hoping that Louie wouldn’t see me. The door was halfway open now and I could see a silhouette of a man coming close to me and I just went blank. “Ma’am? Are you okay”, the man said “I’m officer Markers and I got your call 15 hours ago I thought it was a joke but now I see it ain’t”. I opened my eyes to see a young man with a pale face, dark blue eyes and small pink lips that was quivering.

He had an old fashioned handgun that he was better off letting me holding because he couldn’t stop shaking. “Do you know where the man is who is doing this?” he asked with streams of sweat coming down his face. “No, but we will before we get out of here”, I said looking him straight in the eyes. He reached for my hand and began leading me out of the small room unto a long hallway filled with rooms. I notice that there wasn’t a staircase at the end there was just more doors. I could tell without even looking him in the eyes that he didn’t know which way he was going.

“Any chance you might know which door is the one that leads to the staircase?” he asked in a small voice. “We’re going to die”, I swispered into his ear. “Don’t worry ma’am I left the door to the staircase wide open and I see here there is a couple like that so we will have to check them all. So stay close to me I’ll get us out of here, and back up is on its way.” “I don’t mean to burst your bubble Officer but back up has been on its way for almost 15 hours now”, I said holding his hand tightly. “What? I was told someone would be here already?” he said. “Like I said we made the call 15 hours ago when there there was three of us left

15 Hours ago

“Wake up Susan, it’s important”, Lena said to as she was shaking me awake. I opened my eyes slowly to see Lena at the side of my bed. It may have been 3 in the morning but Lena looked stunning as usual with her short red hair, skinning face and light green eyes. She was dripping wet, I could tell she had just gotten out the of the shower by the old robe she had on. “Lena it’s late, what’s wrong”? I asked wiping my eyes. Shawn, who was beside me began to move around I could tell Lena was waking him up with her high pitched voice. “It’s Taylor, something went wrong”, she said on the verge of tears. “ What did he cum to soon”, Shawn said smirking to himself. “Goodnight asshole, no one was talking to you in the first place”, I said giving him a quick kiss on the lips. He smiled once more giving me butterflies in my stomach. He had brown eyes that dance when he was happy and blue hair that he dyed as a dare just before we came on this trip.

“ Why don’t you guys have a quick fuck while I am here pouring my heart out”, said Lena getting angry with us. “Sorry” we both said in unison. “I’ll go get us some something to drink, babe, when I come back we can finish what we started okay?” he said kissing me on the shoulder. “ Hey Lena could you turn around so I can get some clothes on”, he said smiling at her. “Shawn, I think you should stay here, it’s not safe out there”, she said with tears falling down her face. “Lena what is it?” I asked in a choked voice. “Taylor and I was…umm… having sex and it was going really good. Then….

Two hours ago…

“What was that,” Lena asked as she Taylor was kissing heavily. “What was what baby, come on I was almost finished”, he said licking the chocolate off her shoulder. “First of all, I am hoping that you were kidding about being done because you haven’t been in for 2 mins. Second of all I really heard something.” She said grabbing the sheets and covering herself. “Don’t worry babe it may have been the old floor boards, it’s an old house you probably heard them squeak. Come on, can we finish?” he said pulling the sheets from the body and kissing her slightly on the lips. “Okay, but if I hear it again promise me you will go check it out?”, she said rubbing her hands over his large mussels.

Taylor was a jock, the best linebacker in Hudson County; he was a shoe in for the pros. He had a strong jaw with brown bee stung lips. He kept his hair in a small Afro that had little waves on the top. “I promise if you hear another sound I will go and check it out, okay?” he said kissing her again. “Cross your heart”, Lena responded pulling him closer to her body. “What is it with white chicks and noises, are you trying to get a brother killed?” he asked irritated. “Forget it Taylor” she said rolling her eyes.

They started making love again; Taylor was on top of Lena and kissing her shoulder blades slightly. They were both moaning, Lena was about to cum and she threw her head back to scream when she notice a hole in the wall. She tried to get a good focus on what she was seeing and notice there was someone’s eye looking at them. “Taylor!!!! Look someone is looking at us”; she said pointing to the hole. Taylor looked up abruptly and notices the eye he jumped up immediately and started putting on his clothes.

“Motherfucker!!!!! Who the fuck or what the fuck was that?” he said throwing on his boxers. He yanked on his shirt and grabbed on a pair jeans, “I will be right back, keep the bed warm for me okay?” he asked. “Yeah okay baby, hurry back”, she said grabbing her robe and heading for the shower. Taylor grabbed a flashlight and walked out the door leaving Lena in the room.

Back to the room with Lena, Shawn, and Susan

“Soooo, why are you here, Taylor said he would be right back?” I asked rolling my eyes. “Weren’t you listening baby, she is scared”, Shawn said winking at me. “Guys he has been gone for two hours, I tried calling his cell and all I heard were his screams on the other end”, she said shivering. “Yeah right,” I moaned. “Yea, stop pulling our leg”, Shawn responded. We had a quick laugh than at the same time we stopped when we notice Lena wasn’t laughing. I guess we both knew at the same time that she was for real.

“Y’all wait here I am going to check it out”, Shawn responded. “No, Shawn at a time like this we shouldn’t be splitting up,” I said looking concerly at him. “Do you think it may be Louie Munster?”Lena asked. “Impossible, you guys just wait here I’ll go check everything out, you know Taylor he might be playing a joke on you”, Shawn said getting out of bed pulling on is clothes. “We’re going with you and that’s final Shawn and if we can’t find him lets go get some help and leave this place”, I said angrily. “Susan we can’t do that, we aren’t suppose to be here anyway the house is condemn remember? We could get in serious shit”; he said getting upset as well. “I don’t care Shawn you are the one who wanted to do the story here in the first place and if something bad is happening than we get out here”; I said putting my foot down.

“ Okay”, Shawn said signing. I gave Lena some of my clothes since she was shaking in that cold bath robe. Taylor grabbed a couple of flashlights and some walkie-talkies from his traveling bag. “You guys stay close, and if we get separated than we talk to each other on this okay?” he said to us. He grabbed our hands and pulled us out into the hallway.

Back to the hallway with Officer Markers

I looked up to see that officer Markers had found the door to the stairway. “ Let’s go down slow okay ma’am, if you get scared just squeeze my hand,” he said flashing me a quick look.

It was really dark in the house, our only source of light from the Officer’s shaking flashlight. We crept down stairs very slowly, there was no one to be seen and you could tell that scared us the most. “Stop”, I said. “What?” the officer said. “Be careful, there is some blood at the end of the stairs”, I said pointing to the darkness at the end of the stairway. We crept slowly step by step not saying a word to each other. I couldn’t help but keep shaking by the dampness and coldness in the house.

It was such an old house, the walls were crumbling and there were holes in the roof. Every step or floorboard squeaked, no light, no help for miles if something was to happen such as this. We finally made it to the end of the steps and as I predicted there was still a mass heap of blood, drying blood now. “What happen here”, said Officer Markers. “I rather not talk about it,” I said in a small voice. The blood was all over the bottom step, the rail of the staircase and the wall. It was Taylor’s blood as I recall it, he was the first one of us to go and this is where it happened.

15 hours ago

Taylor crept down the stairs humming a little tune in his head. “There is nothing here,” he said to himself. He held the flashlight steady as he crept slowly down the staircase. “Fuck this shit, there ain’t nothing here, I’m going back to bed”, he said in a swisper to himself. He turned to run back up stairs when he heard a noise at the bottom of the steps. He shown is flashlight to see what it was but the light flickered off. In a panic he tried to get it to work again but the light just wouldn’t come back on. “Shit, that is the last time I try save a few bucks at the dollar store, it never works. Hello? Is anyone down there? Shawn, Susan are you guys doing it down there or something?” he yelled out in the darkness.

There was no answer but the silence; he was starting to get scared. His breathing started to get heavy and the hairs on the back of his neck were starting to stand up. He pressed his back against the wall and kept walking down the stairs. The descending down the stairs seemed like it was taking forever and a day. He kept hearing a steady tapping at the end of the staircase; he didn’t know what it was it was way too dark to see. It sounded like rain drops or some kind of leak, he hoped. He was getting closer to the taps now it was on the same beat as his heart. He held his hand out in front of him to see if he could feel the water that he thought was falling down from the ceiling. He was now at the bottom of the steps and was certain that nothing bad was going to happen.

He didn’t feel the water like he expected but a sharp ax through his hand. He tried to scream in pain but he got hit in the head with the butt of the ax’s handle. He was unconscious bleeding everywhere. He could feel his body being drugged away from the stairs but he was in too much pain to stop from what was happening. He slowly passed out from the lost of blood and the throbbing pain in the back of his head.

When he came too all he heard was his phone that was ringing. He notices he was in a field in front of the “Entrance of Hell house”. He notices the smell of sour old blood and looked down at his hand to realize that it wasn’t there anymore. He screamed and tried to get up someone from behind pushed him back down again. He turned around to see an old middle aged man around his 50s he had salt and peppered hair. Charcoal eyes and a round face, he was so pale in the dark like a ghost in the night. He looked like a regular man nothing special about his looks, nothing out of the ordinary.

Except the all of the blood on his suit, and the ax in that he held firmly in his right hand. “Son, what brings you to my house?” he asked picking up Taylor’s phone that was ringing. “My friend Shawn, was doing a story about the murders in this house for our school’s newspaper”, he said crying. He was turning pale from the lost of blood in his body. “We’ll son I would like to give you the exclusive, I would hate for you and your friends not to get what y’all been wanting all along”, he said throwing a rope over Taylor’s neck. Taylor started crying but Louie put his hand over his mouth to signal for Taylor to be quiet. “Son I am doing you a favor, I am killing you fast rather than slow, don’t make me make you beg to die cause I can make this last so much longer,” he said smiling.

Taylor kept crying begging for help Louie tighten the rope on Taylor’s neck and began pulling it. Taylor was going higher and higher in the air, he was choking, Louie was hanging him. Taylor was trying to scream for help but he couldn’t breathe his lungs felt like they were on fire. He was a foot off the ground now and all he could see were the leaves on the trees swaying slowly in the wind. He was slowly dying; his eyes were almost closed completely when he heard a sound under him. He looked down the best way he could and saw Louie under him lighting up a torch, Taylor tried swinging his legs to kick him but it didn’t work. “I told you I can make this worst kid,” Louie said as he lit Taylor on fire. Taylor was screaming as the fire reached his face, he was choking as well.

Louie pulled Taylor’s phone out of his pocket it hadn’t stop ringing yet. Louie smiled, answered the phone but instead of talking he set it on a tree stump so who ever was calling could hear Taylor’s cries on the other end. Louie picked back up the ax he took out a handkerchief, wiped the blood off and headed back for the house.

15 hours later back at the bottom of the steps

“Ma’am do you hear that?” Officer Markers said pointing towards the room across the large dining room. “Stay behind me let’s go check it out”, he said pulling me with him. “No, we just need to get out of here”, I said trying to reason with him. “Ma’am don’t you hear the sirens coming, don’t worry we will get out of here safe and sound”, said trying to make me feel better. Before I could protest we were already on our way towards the room on the end of the dining room. I could hear the sound as well as we edge closer to the room that seemed darker than the house. It sounded like the rustling of papers; someone was in there.

I pulled my hand away from the Officer when we were in the middle of the dining room. “If you want to go in there than you can do it on you own, it just isn’t safe to stay in this house a minute longer”, I said crossing my arms. “Fine, have it your way ma’am but I have to go in there and try to stop this mad man who is doing this. So if you don’t want to help than so be it”, he said proceeding in the darkness towards the room leaving me there by myself.

14 Hours ago

“ Lena keep up we can’t afford to get lost in this house”, I said to her signally for her to hurry up with my flashlight. “Guys I am scared, I know something happened to Taylor”; she said shaking her head. I mean you saw all that blood at the bottom of the step.” “I told you everything is alright nothing happened to Taylor okay so just stay positive. Taylor is just being an ass and trying to go all out to scare you,” said Shawn proceeding down the basement. “Why are we going down here?” I asked holding on to his waist tightly. “Chances are that Taylor would be down here because no one would think to check it out”, Shawn said flashing the flashlight down the steps. We were walking closer and closer to the bottom of the basement when we heard the door close and someone run up the stairs.

“Hey guys do you hear that sounds like Taylor just ran up the steps, I am going to give him a piece of my mind”, said Lena running up the steps. “Hey Lena, take this walkie-talkie just incase you are mistaken,” I said throwing it to her. “Okay, thanks guys for taking care of me, I see y’all when the sun comes up,” she said opening the basement door and shutting it behind her. Shawn and I could hear here running up the steps just like Taylor had did before.

“Taylor where the fuck have you been all this time, let me guess you was out side getting drunk or something else stupid,” she said walking back into her room and closing the door behind her. She could see that he was in the shower the hot steam was raising up and out into the room. She took her jacket off and threw it on the bed, she started removing the rest of her clothes and throwing them on the floor. “You better make it up to me really good, for scaring me like you did,” she said walking into the bathroom.

The steam was really thick and it was hard to make out anything that was in front of her. “Baby, can you turn the water down, it is too thick to see you she said, making her way to the shower curtains. “Nevermind I found my way to you”, she said pulling the shower curtains back. She couldn’t see anything but the white steam “where are you?” she asked. She was getting ready to get in the shower when she stepped in something wet. She quatted down so she could look and see what it was she stepped in because she couldn’t see by the fog.

She reached her hand down and she felt more and more wet substance. She brought her hand up and she realized what it was, blood. She screamed and tried to run out the bathroom but she slipped and hit her head on the floor. She was lying on the ground trying to get up when the towel closet in the bathroom opened up and Taylor’s burnt body fell out. She screamed even louder trying to get up and run out the bathroom.
She ran to the bed trying to find the walkie-talkie to let Shawn and Susan know what was going on. She couldn’t seem to locate it, she was throwing her clothes all around trying finding it but it was no where to seen.

She got on the ground and looked under the bed to see if it was there, and it was. She tried to reach it but it was too far out of her reach, she was crying hysterically trying to grab a whole of the walkie-talkie when someone grabbed her leg. She screamed louder and tried to pull away she finally was able to get a hand on the walkie-talkie as she was being dragged from the bed. She tried fighting and kicking but it didn’t do any good the man had a firm grab on her. “Shut up,” he said in a harsh swisper. She manages to kick him in the growing and he went down. She grabbed the walkie-talkie and scream in it.

“Shawn!!!!!, Susan!!!!!, help me it’s Louie he killed Taylor, help me”, she said in a sob as she was trying to open up the door that Louie had barricaded. Louie finally got up and grabbed a hold of her and threw her on the bed. She tried to squirm off but Louie put his ax in her back so hard that it went through the bed. She didn’t die right away she just cough a few times than slowly closed her eyes. Louie smiled at what he done, he yanked his ax out of Lena’s back then hit her again and again, and the walls were covered with her blood.

10 Minutes earlier

Lena ran out the of the basement leaving Shawn and I alone in the dark. “I don’t care how mad you get at me but don’t you ever run off on me for two hours like that”, I said pulling him closer to me. “Never in a million years”, he said reassuring me. I kissed him slowly on the neck and beginning rubbing my fingers in his blue hair that made me giggles to myself. “Don’t laugh I think it is an improvement”, he said kissing me on the lips. I removed his jacket and threw it down while he unbuckled my pants. “You sure you want it in here instead of a cozy bed, with candle lights?” he asked. “Sure, we can do that the second time around”, I responded. He smiled and we began kissing again.

“Shawn!!!! Susan!!!, Help me it’s Lou…..(Static),” the walkie-talkie went dead. “What the hell was that,” I screamed. “I don’t know but we better hurry up and find out,” he said grabbing his jacket. I fixed my pants and we began running up stairs and out of the basement. The horror was so deafening as we made it to the stairway that lead up stairs. “Shawn slow down, don’t leave me here all alone,” I sobbed out slipping on one of the steps. “Come on give me you hand,” he said grabbing a hold of me and yanking me up the rest of the steps.

It wasn’t until we made it just outside Lena and Taylor’s door that we realize something was seriously wrong. It was so quiet and that seemed unreal most of all. We edged closer and closer to the door, and then we could the hear the quaint sound of hacking. It sounded like someone was chopping at wood, it was in a sickening rhythm and then we heard someone laugh as the wood kept being chopped. Shawn was pale, I could tell he was scared out of his mind, like me.

We got to the door and before I could get a good grip of the situation Shawn kicked in the door. Behind the door was the most horrid thing I had ever seen Lena and Taylor’s bed was covered in blood and body parts that I couldn’t tell if it was Lena’s or Taylor. And there standing over the pieces was Louie Munster, I remembered his face from the old newspaper clipping. The blood half covered his face, and so was his smile. “Let’s go now,” Shawn said digging his nails into his arm and leading me down the hall to our room.

“Shawn what are we doing in our room we need to get the fuck out of here,” I screamed trying to open up a window. “Listen to me Susan, all I need to do is get my cell phone call the police and they will save us”; he said looking through his bag. He grabbed his cell out and dial 911 in one swift move. “Hello, police? We need help we are at the “Entrance of hell house” and Louie is here right now. He killed my two friends and he is after my girlfriend, please help us”, he said on the verge of tears. “No this isn’t a sick joke please help us”, he said pleading into the phone. “Shit!!”, he screamed and threw the phone against the wall, “ They hung up on me”.

I began crying and I guess I chose to do that at the wrong time because an ax went through the door. And instead of seeing Louie’s face being a total cliché of “The Shining” he threw in Lena badly cut head in. I screamed and threw a lamp through the window. Shawn grabbed his baseball bat and ran towards the door. “Shawn!!!” I screamed. “Save yourself baby, remember I love you”, he said opening the door and running out of it.

I climb though the window and walked slowly through the drainpipe. It was beginning to rain and the pipe was too slippery to hold myself up but I had no choice but to try my luck anyway. Little by little I was getting closer to the ground until I reached a window of Lena and Taylor’s bathroom and saw Taylor’s burnt body on the ground and I slipped and plummet to the hard, cold wet ground. I tried to get up but I was in too much pain in the back of my head.

I got the wind knocked out of me, I was trying to get up but I couldn’t. Before I notice Shawn came crashing through the window and falling to the ground just like I had did. He wasn’t dead but he was on the verge from it, he had a deep cut on his stomach. He was breathing hard but trying to hold on when he saw me. “Baby I guess coming here wasn’t a good idea, come on we got to go back in there”, he said sitting up slowly. “No baby we got to get out of here”, I said trying to help him up to his feet. “We need to get out of her now, fuck Taylor, he is dead I saw his body”, I said pulling him away from the house. “We have to go back in there now, the keys are on our bed”, he said grabbing his stomach.

We kicked the back door opened and went inside. Shawn was in bad shape he couldn’t walk on his own I had to half carried him. We made it back to the staircase where we had to run up time and time again. The house was so dark and we didn’t have a flashlight anymore. Louie was no where to be seen but we both knew that wouldn’t last for long. Shawn was loosing blood fast and getting weaker and weaker by the second. We finally made it to the top of the stairs and still there was just silence. We made to the bedroom and I dragged him inside, “The keys are on the bed”, he said. I propped him up against the wall and I went looking for the keys.

They were easy to find, too easy. I heard something move behind, I knew it then that Louie was behind me. “ You should’ve left when you had the chance little lady”, he said raising his ax. He brought it down hard but instead of it hitting me Shawn jumped in the way and the ax go buried in his chest. I cried out but I didn’t have time to morn I rolled off the bed and ran out the room. I could hear Louie breathing behind me, I ran for the room in where the staircase led but I must of chose the wrong door because all I found myself in another room. I slammed the door closed as fast I could, I was stepping backwards too scared to turn around that when I tripped over something and fell backwards and hit my head on the ground. I couldn’t see focus on anything, everything was getting black.

15 hours later back in the middle of the dinning room

I was waiting in the middle of the living waiting for the cop to come back. I was a few seconds for leaving when I heard him walking back out in the room. It was still really dark but I could see the solitude of my man coming to me. “Come on there ain’t nothing there”, he said in a harsh voice. He grabbed my hand pretty roughly and began pulling towards the back of the house. “Where are we going I asked, we need to get out of here”, I said, but he didn’t say anything he just kept pulling me.

“Officer Markers, where are we going?” I asked getting scared. He just kept pulling me towards the basement door, I tried resisting but he was much stronger than before. He opened the door and led me down the stairs. “Officer Markers, what are you doing we got to get out of here” I said grabbing his shoulder, and I felt something moist. I raised my hand to look at what I had touched and saw blood in my hand. My body went numb when I saw this, and before I could ask any questions he turned around. It was Louie in the cops uniform, I tried to pull away but he had a grip on me. “Don’t be scared little lady, now I gave you all the chance in the world to get away, and you chose not to take it,” he said smiling at me. “Give my regards to your friends,” he said in a harsh swispered. He took my hand threw me down the rest of the steps, I hit the ground hard. I tried to roll over on my side to get up but my leg was broken, I could tell. I saw Louie walking slowly down the steps towards me; he was taking his sweet time. “Don’t be scared little lady I do this all the time”, he said in a grunt. I closed my eyes and all I could hear was the sharpening of an ax.
© Copyright 2005 Anne Michelle (queeny at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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