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Rated: ASR · Short Story · Action/Adventure · #932994
A Medieval story about a guy named Sir Philip protecting the High King.
This is a story that my friend from college wrote. He didn't feel like making an account so he wanted me to post his story on my account. The story has many grammar errors along with several other observable errors. However, I'll be editing this story every now and again to minimize the errors. Enjoy!

Sir Philip of Dennisville
Vol. 1
The Flight For Freedom

Hi this is Sir Philip of Dennisville. In the past few days there have been wars in the North and East of the city. I, the knight of white armor, shall tell you of the days that have surpassed. Just about a week and a half ago I received a letter from the High King Himself asking me to come join his army in the fight for our freedom. This was new information to me since my father was not a knight. Usually the High King only asks those whose father was a knight to come to the castle. However, I did as I was told and went to the castle. I soon arrived at the castle and entered the gate. Two guards stepped toward me motioning me to walk in their direction. As I confirmed to them that I was Sir Philip, the one that the King wanted to see, they insisted on escorting me to the throne room, where the High King was located. I entered the room and noticed some awe-inspiring gold shields and gold-plated armor surrounding the thrown, which dazzled me. I never saw that fancy of a room before, since I grew up in a very poor home. The guards walked in behind me leading me slowly toward the High King. As I made my way to the stairs, I instantly kneeled down at the King's feet, since that's what servants usually do. The High King stood up and generously walked in my direction until he was standing a mere five inches from me. He then unleashed his snow-white sword from his case, lifting it over me. I slightly tilted my head upward glancing directly at the sword which was hovering over me. Still glancing upward at the sharp-edged sword, I noticed the High King directing the sword toward my left shoulder tapping it, and then to the right. As the sword tapped against my shoulder, he announced, in a very deep voice, to the elders of the city, "I present to you Sir Philip of Dennisville, my guardian Knight." The council reacted to the announcement in excitement rising from their feet and cheering. After the council expressed their excitement for a few moments, the High King and I exchanged a handshake. One of the guards directly behind me put a hand on my shoulder and whispered, "Congratulations on your promotion. Don't let the King down." I immediately glanced back as the guard slowly released his hand from my shoulder and stepped back into position. I sensed a great amount of fear in the soldier's eyes as he tilted halfway in my direction to see if I acknowledged the phrase. A shiny reflection caught my eye as I turned my head toward the High King. I quickly realized that he had a thick, fancy armor in his hands along with the sword. Leaning toward my direction, the High King placed the armor and sword in my hands while signaling his servants to come and escort me to my room.

The next few days, I trained in the royal palace with the High King’s most loyal knights. On the third day, however, the High King received word from his scouts that the Black Knights had advanced through the territory and were marching that very minute toward the castle. With some suggestions from the advisors, the High King concluded on retreating to the woods. He assigned my comrade, Charles the 2nd, and I to lead the retreat while assigning two other loyal knights to lead a small skirmish to delay the enemy advance. After two hours, the scouts finally received an estimate of the size of the enemy force. They counted 150 footmen along with two hundred and thirty horsemen. Ten seige weapons were also in the their arsonal.

A few days later, two scouts made their way to the castle and brought word that the Black Knights were only one mile away. Charles looked up in my direction and said, “This is the day that we've all dreaded to face.” As he concluded the phrase, fear slowly crept through my body leaving me disarray. A few moments later, we faintly heard the clashing sound of swords as the enemy encountered our first ambush in the forest just outside the castle.

I stood there within the protective walls with both my shield and sword in hand listening to the horrifying battle. As we prepared for the retreat, Charles and I escorted the High King to the secret passage for our quick getaway. The passage lead us to a long underground tunnel toward the back entrance of the castle. As we made our way to the evacuation point, several guards along with three horses awaited us.
Just then out of hiding came three men with sword ready in hand to strike anyone they could get their sword into. I drew my sword and fought them as Charles helped the High King onto the horse. The men drew up and hit me on the side while I sliced my sword into one of the unprotected areas of one enemy. He slithered down and dropped to the ground. The other two hit me in the helmet and on my shield. Meanwhile Charles after helping the High King came to my aid and sliced the other on the throat. Seeing that his other two comrades were dead the third fled towards the castle but the High King came by and trampled him with his horse. I came by and stabbed him in the heart to make sure he was dead. Charles and I went up to our horses and jumped up on them and then we were off.
We rode for quite some time until we came to a small village. The sheriff came by and asked of whom we were. Charles spoke first and said, “We are of the High King Himself sworn to defend Him. The castle was besieged and are welcoming anyone who would come to his aid.” The sheriff looked at us and said that he had found word that the Black cavlry had invaded and torched a town not to far from there. The High King came over to him and thanked him for the information and asked him how many there are that are good fighting men. The sheriff counted for a while and said twenty rough footmen and six good horsemen. The king asked him if he could arouse them and meet him in the first break of dawn by the sheriff’s house. The sheriff rode off toward the town and we decided to camp just a half mile away from the town.
The night was cold and chilly with the smell of death hanging in every corner. Then the High King started snoring and Charles with his bright mind came up to me and told me to tie this piece of black wool around the premises with bells hanging on the wool. After I tied the wool I felt sleepy so I drifted off to sleep. The sleep was good until the bells awaked me. With my instincts I jumped up and found that it was only a fawn. I untied it and let it go but still I was uneasy with the feeling of death at my feet but knowing that the wool works I slithered off to sleep.
The next day I awoke and hunted for some fish from a creek I found a few seconds from the camp. Charles with his small dagger cleaned the fish and cooked it over the fire. The sheriff came riding his horse very fast and stopped at our camp. He jumped off and with short breath said that the town was burnt over the night and men women and children were all slaughtered in the streets. I jumped to my feet and asked him if any could have followed him. He told us that he saw four or five men followed him but he lost them. Just then two arrows were shot and just misted the sheriff. The High King took up his bow and started shooting toward the men then there came two footmen jumping towards us. I drew my sword and started hand fighting the closest one to me then as Charles threw his dagger into the other. There was a great cry come out from the far east and we jumped on our white horses and fled. We rode for hours on rugged terrain and came to my city of Dennisville. While there we gathered up fifty footmen and sixty horsemen.
Minute’s later arrows started flying on both sides of the line. The Black army were gathering up and advancing. The walls surrounding the city were covered with archers and the horsemen were lined up ready to advance through the gate at a moments notice. The Black footsoldiers came from the North and the East still we were prepared for any type of siege. Little did we know that they had ladders and siege equipment. That day was a bloody battle many people lost their lives on both sides of the line. And now here I am still the High Kings personal knight. The days grew dimmer and dimmer and the Black Army come closer and closer. Will we ever stop the Battle Of The Knights?

Sir Philip of Dennisvylle
Vol. 2
The Rescue For The High King

The following day we awoke to more war cries and trumpet sounds coming from the enemy lines. The High King was safe inside a very protective house in the middle of the town. He assigned me to help the footmen in the advance of the line toward the North. He also gave me the high command of all footmen while Charles was given the command of all the horsemen.
After the commandings of the orders I went out and walked to the gate to order the offence. The gatekeeper opened the fence and everyone ran like horses forward to the battle. It was a hot dry day with no clouds in the sky. My throat was dry as a desert but still we advanced. We ran up a small hill and there saw the line with huge amounts of enemy soldiers standing on it. My heart raced because this is where the heart of the turning point should be made. A few seconds were passed but it felt like hours then the horns blew and the battle began. Swords clashed against each other and grunts were heard. Every stroke was strong and every muscle clenched as we battled the day along. I slashed my sword into one man while another came by and hit me on the side. I jerked to one side and kicked him on the breastplate, which then in turn knocked him down. A fellow comrade chopped his head off while an enemy came by and jabbed him in the leg with his dagger. A leaned over and stabbed him in the throat and he gasped for breath then landed on the ground with a thud. My friends were fighting very well in the battle and then the enemy retreated for the day.
We walked back to Dennisville and when we entered the city there were cheers made in the city. I walked up to the city hall and entered the building and into the inner chambers. I kneeled before the High King and asked why the people were cheering. He got up from off his chair and walked to me. He lifted my body up and told me that word had came to him from the East that Charles had defeated the enemy there and in the morning he will come and bring news of the advancement of our borders. We walked to the table in the middle of the room and sat down. There I told him about the loss of my battle toward the north.
Just then we heard the ground move and rumble with rocks sliding everywhere. I raced out toward the door and just as I did several horsemen with black clothing rode through the door, which nearly trampled me and grabbed the High King off the chair and rode out the door. I looked back and saw many soldiers wounded by stab marks from the horsemen. I raced out the door and gave a captain under me full control of the whole army and jumped on my horse. Then I raced after them with three of my comrades toward the enemy lines. I thought the battle would end but I did not want to think that way because we were racing for the rescue of my High King sworn to defend him no matter what the circumstances were.
We rode to about two days journey east with several mountains in our way. We saw wild horses running about and really green grass in the pastures. We saw hawks flying about in the air. On the third day we came to a clearing that looked like nothing grew on it. The terrain was perfectly flat with a few trees on it. We looked at the trail and saw the hoof prints on the ground were several horses had trodden on. We followed the trail about five miles down until we came to an upright piece of rock that I guessed was probably about three quarters of a mile high. At the bottom was a small opening about the size that only one human being could fit in it at a time. Seeing that they knew nothing of our coming I decided to weight until dark to go in just in case they had guards there watching the entrance.
That night we crawled in the opening and lit some torches that were lying on the side of the cave. We crawled further into the cave until we came to a large opening and heard some talking. We blew out our torches and crawled further into the cave until we could see two guards sitting on the edge of rocks. Dave, one of the other knights, told me to walk on one side while he walked on the other while the other two make noise. Right when I walked beside a stag mite the two made loud noises and the guards very startled walked closer to the noise very cautiously. I took a handkerchief out of my pocket and stuffed the last guard in the mouth. David did the same to the other. They fought very hard but soon gave up due to the fact that we had tied them up.
Dave and I exchanged cloths with the guards and then we all pursued the cave. After a few hours of walking we came to a steel door, which was blocking the path. I walked up to it and stuck my torch to it. There was a handle on the edge of the door so I decided to try it. The door opened with a loud creek but it slowly opened. As we walked in I heard voices coming from the direction from which we were heading. All four of us crouched up against the wall where we found cracks big enough for us. Then a guard appeared before us walking then he stopped. He looked at Dave and then at me. The other two guards arrived behind him. The first guard spoke and asked Dave why we weren’t saluting to him. Then Dave with his roughest voice ever spoke and said that we didn’t notice him and asked him for forgiveness as a master would his slave. The man forgave us and then he departed, right away we drew our swords and smote them. I, exchanged cloths with the sergeant while Sam, the third comrad, did the same with one of the other guards George my second comrade exchanged cloths with my old armor I had on. After we exchanged cloths Sam decided to lead us.
As we advanced through the tunnel Sam who was a few feet ahead looked back at us in an astonishing way and exclaimed that there was running water. Before we came to the cave we were in desert country with very little water. The noise started to fill the tunnel and soon enough we came to an opening that led us strait toward a waterfall. When we entered the path we heard some voices ahead so George very excitedly jumped to the side. The other two followed him except me just in case it was an ambush I could stop it. Just then four scouts walked by the opening to the cave and stopped. With fire and excitement they saluted me and the headman of the four walked by me and told me that the king wanted my assistance and were here to escort me there. George very eagerly crept up behind one of the guards and was about to slice his throat but I shook him down with my pinky. I told the scouts that I would follow them so they surrounded me and we walked toward the waterfall.
After about a few minutes we walked strait into a fortified camp with tents surrounding both sides of the river. Many soldiers saluted me as I walked by. The path was long but soon we came to the biggest tent of them all. George and my other comrades followed me to the tent. The Sargeant of the scouts ordered my comrades to weight outside as we went in. As I entered the tent on my right I saw the High King shackled sitting on a tree stump. Right as I entered the enemy king walked up to me and I bowed. He told me that I should take the enemy back to the castle and cut his head off for treason of the crown because the High king was the brother of the enemy King. He also told me that he would give me ten soldiers to help me in my travels. After he said those things I rose and went toward the High King. As I picked him up I winked and his eyes went big but said nothing. The sargeant came over and helped pick the High King up. We dragged him off the tree and put him on a horse that was already awaiting him. The enemy king ordered six horsemen to ride with me and my men, which were comrades of mine and the sargeant.
After a few minutes of refreshing up we rode out more Eastward toward the castle. After a few miles I ordered a rest and everyone unsaddled and sat down for refreshments. I walked over to my comrades and told them my plan for the escape of our High King. Ten minutes came up so I ordered for us to ride again. As we saddled the sergeant came up to me and told me to go North three bow shots ahead then West. I was puzzled at him asking me this and asked him a question why we should go in that direction. He came up to my ear and whispered he said that his name was Charles and that he was captured a few days ago when he heard about the capture of the High King. He came on the fastest horse but was overtaken by a raiding party. He also said that he escaped last night and took on the apparel of a sergeant and planned for his ultimate escape with the High King himself. Then there he was riding with me so that is why we must go back to the castle. I questioned him and said wasn’t the castle destroyed? He answered me and said it was but a whole legion of ally soldiers is opened to join our side. Two kingdoms accepted us as allies and told us whenever we needed any soldiers just to inform them and they will join with us.
The days were short and we had a long ways to go but we still headed on. Just for our luck we headed straight into the enemy’s camp about a mile away from the front lines. The captain came up to us and ordered us to reveal our goings and to give him a brief explanation as to why we have a prisoner and why we were heading straight towards the line. Charles being the brightest of all of us replied that our prisoner was a guard dressed up as the enemy’s king and that he was to take control of the line and force the line into a retreat. Well this caught the captain off his guard so he let us stay.
The next morning we were awakened not by laughter but by war cries. What had happened was during the wee-early morning ten scouts raided the camp and stole war plans that were supposed to be done that day and several friends were invading the camp. I jumped to my feet and grabbed my armor and sword then hurriedly clasped them on. My soldiers and friends grabbed our horses while disarray was in order all over the camp. Men were running on both sides of the camp and horses were fleeing through the rode. Charles on his horse grabbed the High King and swung him around on his horse. Several soldiers of Dennisvile came running up to us and started fighting the guards standing next to Charles. Sam being the bright eyed of us all came running up with three friends in full armor on horseback and ordered the men to cease the fighting. George rode over to where we were sitting and reported that he had several on the run. Just then arrows shot right over our heads and then we just realized that reinforcements were on rout to this very spot and that we needed to get the king out fast. A few seconds later David came running up and jumped on the back of my horse. Seeing that everyone was with me I shouted to move out and we rode our horses like they have never been rode before.

Sir Philip of Dennisvile

The High King’s Death

The next day was a cool and windy day and the sun was as bright as it ever was. It was very peaceful in the country but it all ended very abruptly when the winds picked up. Rain hit us very hard and lightening flashed before us as we desperately looked for cover. Sam spotted a cave not to far from where we were heading so we all rode toward the cave. As we entered the cave David heard breathing and as we all looked closer into the cave a huge bear growled at us. George and David grabbed arrows and shot the bear right in the head. As the bear hit the ground Sam took his dagger and skinned the bear. We had bear for supper as we weighted out the storm that had brewed up worse that night.
The next day I awoke to birds chirping in the trees. The smell of fire was everywhere and I knew just then that someone was cooking soup for breakfast. I grabbed my sword and belt and headed out the cave when suddenly a bird flew right past me knocking off my helmet and darted straight up and hovered over me. My reflexes weren’t very sharp in the morning so I fell down not knowing what hit me. Suddenly I heard laughter coming from the trees then I realized that it was just a prank so I went up and walked toward the laughter. David laughing so hard that it was hard to talk peeked around the bushes at me staggering to me said “Meet Sally and her eagle Salem.” I came over to her and gave her greetings and asked her how she was. She said that she was fine and was wondering how her Father was. I glanced around to see where the smell was coming from then looked back at her and said very convincingly “I don’t know but if you would come with me we will find out,” because she was the High kings daughter and a very good friend. She lifted up her arm and the eagle landed on it then said that she didn’t mind at all.
David after recovering from the laughter walked up to us with our horses and Sally jumped on her horse so I walked on the side of it. We came to a fire a few minutes away and there sat around the fire several of the men sitting tied to each other very puzzled I ran over to them and Gorge called from behind the fire to stop so I stopped skidding along the ground. Sam came around the fire and said that they were scouts from the enemy line and would not tell us what their secrets were. Sal rode over and in a split second Salem came flying around and started to harass the men. He dived down at them but came inches of them and darted around. The men were so startled they started to squirm just then one of them screamed out in a blood-curling scream that he would tell us. Sally called the bird and it perched on her arm. I walled up to him untied the rope with my sword and grabbed him by the shirt and told him to tell us now or he will be killed instantly. He cooperated with us and said that an army of pike men was following them and they were coming this very minute to take the king. I flung him down and as the commander for the High king ordered the men to be released but that one of them had to take their commander a message along with a threat that he needs to remember to keep his scouts more trained for the forest.
After the men were released without their armor and their swords I walked over to the king and said we must leave this very minute to get back to Dennisvile before the army finds us.
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