Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/931741-The-Seven-Deadly-Sins
by Harry
Rated: ASR · Poetry · Cultural · #931741
A thought-provoking storoem about the seven deadly sins and America today.
The seven deadly sins gather together to gloat
about how ingrained they are in America today.
Pride and Envy brag they’ve been able to promote
self-interest and vanity that have led millions astray.

“Why, we’ve got cosmetic surgery being performed
on teens to elderly seekers of appearance’s perfection.
Never before have people so desperately conformed
to society’s image of perfection in all our recollection.”

Anger (Wrath) says, “I may appear to have lost ground
since the civil rights conflicts of the 1950s and 1960s,
but I believe most of that racial anger still remains around;
it is just more subtle, surviving in treacherous hidden eddies.

“And individual anger is at an all-time high. Consider the
phenomenon of road rage…people are getting so mad
these days, that everyone is afraid of strangers. One can see
more than ever the effect on public behavior that I’ve had.”

Sloth laughingly says, “Americans can’t even change a TV
channel without using a remote, and no one walks anymore.
Children sit at a computer game instead of an outdoor activity.
Government studies confirm people are lazier than ever before.”

Gluttony adds, “I make my case with the recent reports that
obesity is rampant in the country today. A supersized meal
and fries … want an apple pie with that? To produce all the fat
of the land, Sloth and I work well together. We always appeal.”

Avarice (Greed) speaks next. “People today are greedy in the
extreme – not just wanting high salaries for little work, but for
putting their self-interest above all others. They are called ‘Me
Generation’ and the ’Twixters.’ America now has greed galore.”

Finally Lust has its say. “I never go out of favor, not once since
the beginning of Man. I can fill a person with such desire for sex,
wealth, or power that he will betray his friends and easily convince
himself it’s right to cheat on his spouse. Man is really not complex.

“I probably have the easiest job of all. I’m a major reason divorce
ends the majority of marriages in America today. I’m here to stay!”
The seven deadly sins then all congratulate themselves. Of course,
they feel secure America will never turn against them. No way.

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