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Rated: GC · Fiction · Adult · #930405
A girl and her family and friends trials and tribulations
6 months had passed and since their night out on the town Nahsir and Lisha became inseperable where ever she was he was, and where ever he was so was she. They both had never experianced anything like this before, especially Lisha this was her first solid commited relationship. To Nahsir this was a breath of fresh air with her he got away from the streets, the hustle just all his problems. He trusted her and that to him was a bond that kept them together.
"Yes Nahsir?"
"Your birthday is in a few days right?"
"Yes it is, why whats up baby?"
"Nothin, I just want to spend the day with you if thats all right."
"Of course it is you are my man after all. Thats cool I would love to spend the day with you." He smiled. "Cool well I'm gonna pick you up from your house at like 11:00 in the morning. You don't have school that day do you?"
"Nope we're on a break remember?" she chuckled.
"Oh yea well I got to go handle some business, but we still on for tonight?"
"Of course sweetie, see you later"
"My baby where's my kiss?"
"Where's mine?"
He leaned over and gave her a long French-kiss
"Mmm..don't start nothin' you can't finish Mr.Man" she chided
"Well before we get in trouble I'ma go bye cutie"
She hopped out the S.U.V. and walked to the nail salon where her cousin was waiting for her.
"Well, well, well looks who's here finally. Don't think I didn't see you two his tints on that car are dark but not that dark. Anyways I could see your relationship is going very well. You didn't have sex with him yet right? Please say I'm right." she crossed her fingers.
"Yes you are right I'm a virgin remember what's the rule never give it away unless YOU want to no pressure or hang-ups. But lets get inside please its blizzard weather out here." They went inside to their favorite nail salon all the women in their family went here on account of their aunt Rockelle owned it.
"Hey how's my two favorite neices doing?"
"Hey Rocki" they both said.
They procceded to get their nails and feet done and Lisha retold Jeanie about her first night out with Nahsir.
"Well I'm happy for you. I mean you're much more relaxed and you can really tell you are falling in love with this man. Just make sure you two stayy happy if anything happens to you I just want you to know I'm here for you. So what are you two going to do for your birthday celebration.
"Thank you I mean that you know its people like you that make people like me lives worth living. You've helped me out so much in my lifetime I just hope I could help you one day like you help me." They stayed talking until Lisha had to go and get ready to see Nahsir.
"Baby where are you at? I thought you were coming to sse me tonight? questioned Lisha.
"I'm sorry business calls, you know how that is. I apoligize sweetheart,I really do."
"No this isn't the 1st time you've done this its the 6th time in 3weeks. What's up"
"Nothing,why does it always have to be somthing with you,never mind I work a lot it may not be legit, but it pays bills. It also helps me treat you so lavishly remember that." he said angrily.
"Why you gettin' so damn defensive you sound like you're hiding something. Why everytime I ask you a simple question you freak out and get angry. Why is that, huh? I told you, you could tell me anything. So whats really going on Nahsir?"
"You know what I can't talk to you like this,calm down I promise your birthday the whole day is yours all right?" "Whatever when you get all your 'business' in order come and converstate ok? Bye Nahsir."
"Lisha I-" his cell phone went dead.
Damn it! On some real shit we've been fighting a lot lately, why am I getting so defensive. It just makes me look more guilty in her eyes. I'm really coming to love this girl and now she thinks I'm cheating on her. I would never sabotage her trust for anyone I don't care who it is. I have to make this right, but how? Why would she even think that of me I know what I'm doing out her taking care of business so I could take care of her. Forget thinking about being in love with her I really do love her I just wish she knew that. Well I am going to show her how much I love her on her birthday it's going to be something she will never forget. he thought.
Why am I getting so worked up over this man he just gets me hot. I know he cares for me and I don't want to seem like a nagging bitch to him, but this is the 2nd time this week canceling plans with me. Come on now I'm not stupid I know he works to provide for me, but just once I would like to go somewhere that his cell-phone isn't going off every five minutes or he needs to leave suddenly. I really love him and I know he may not know it but I do, but it hurts me to see him out there hustling he could get knocked any day that’s why I'm always so worried. I know he wouldn't cheat on me and I wouldn't do that to him, but for real I just don't want to see him locked up like my brother was. No freedom is no way to live I saw the way my brother was in jail. Anyways I hope he's not too upset with me I really went off on him. Please don't let him be mad. she silently pleaded. They thought about each other for the rest of the night.
"Jeanie? What am I going to wear nothing looks right. Come on girl you gotta help me." said Lisha panicked
"Calm your ass down. That man would take you as you are, hell if you were wearing a paper sack he'd still want you." Jeanie replied.
"Forget you. Anyways help me for real I don't even know where we are going. He says its a surprise, so I have to get dressed up. Besides its my birthday I'm 17 so hey I don't think I'm coming home today."
"Well then where your red wrap dress, it sexy enough don't you think? she posed with it.
"Yes its exactly what I want. Thanks chiq. Now what else is there?
"What are you wearing under that?" Jeanie smiled devilishly." "Oh I know." She took out a pink box and handed it to Lisha, "Happy birthday chiq and many more to come. they gave each other a hug.
"What’s this?" she opened the box and saw Victoria Secret lingerie, black of course and a box of condoms.
"Hey tonight I have a feeling it won't be on for long," Jeanie laughed, “And if that happens use protection I'm not ready for a god-child ok?"
"You act like I'm ready for a kid hell no, plus I am not trying to get kicked out of my house."
"Alright but he'll be here in a few hours so lets get down to business."
With that Lisha got ready to have Nahsir come and pick her up.
"You look gorgeous girl, knock em' dead" quipped Jeanie.
"Hey you helped me out and calmed me down thank you." she gave her cousin a hug.
"I think he's here."
Soon as they went downstairs their doorbell rang and it was Nahsir.
Jeanie answered the door and they exchanged pleasantries.
Lisha came into the foyer.
"Wow you look beautiful, sweetheart. Happy Birthday."
"Thank you baby you look pretty damn good yourself." He smiled
"Well come on our reservation is waiting, nice seeing you again Jeanie."
"You too Nahsir. Y'all two have fun."
They walked to his car only in wasn't his car it was a Lexus.
"You got a new car baby?"
"No, you did."
"What are you talking about?"
"All the extra business I've been having lately helped me get this car."
"Oh baby thank you, thank you. I'm so sorry about these last couple of weeks accusing you of something, and you're out here working to give me a car."
"Anything for my baby you already knew that."
She gave him a hug and a deep kiss he slipped her the tongue then she remember she was in front of her house.
"Sweetheart, don't get me too excited we still have the rest of the day and tonight together."
She smiled at that sentiment
"Well lets get going baby our reservation for brunch is still standing.
"Alright, thank you baby this is the best birthday present I could get."
"Your very welcome honey, happy birthday"
With that they hopped into her new car he drove though, because she was afraid to wreck it. They went to this nice restaurant in New York called Justin's. This to Lisha was the sweetest man she knew, he cared so much and knew that she didn't care so much about material things she only wanted him, and he only wanted her.
"So how do you like your birthday surprises?"
"Baby this day has been amazing."
"I'm glad to hear that well we're going somewhere you wanted to go for a while."
"Where baby?"
"Its part of the surprise sweetheart, but I think you're going to like it."
"I'm with you and you've given me so much already that I like so I know it's something good. As long as I'm with you everything is good Nahsir."
He leaned over and gave her a kiss.
"Baby I feel the same way and its going to be this way for a very long time I'm going to see to it personally. I just want to take care of you baby give you all that you never had before, baby I care for you so much and there's something I have to say that I've wanted to say for the longest time. Sweetheart I love you and I'm falling deeper everyday I know we're both not perfect, but baby you bring out the best in me when I'm with you.
"Nahsir, I love you too and I know its going to be this way for a long time. Truthfully this is my first meaningful relationship and I love every moment we spend together. You treat me so good and I love the way you make me feel, like everything that's bothering me just fades away I forget all my troubles when I'm with you. You are just the kind of man I want strong, sweet, gentle genuine, loving, protective, baby I knew you were something special from the day we met. I know you give me a lot of material things but I would throw them all away just to be with you that's how much I love you Na."
Soon after their heartfelt conversation they went to the second part of Nahsir’s surprise for Lisha. He told her it was somewhere she had wanted to go for a while so she tried to guess but he wouldn’t tell her if she was right or wrong. So she just sat back and relaxed. When he finally stopped she looked up and say this café where poetry reading took place she had wanted to go there for the longest time.
“We’re here baby, remember when you told me you wanted to come here, well here we are and its open mike night, just in case you want to get up and read 1 one your poems.”
“Wow I thought you had forgotten about it. I just mentioned it once, most guys wouldn’t of remember a casual comment. Thank you Na.”
She gave him a kiss and he kissed her back.
“What am I going to do with you girl?” he chuckled.
“I don’t know you’ll figure something out.” she answered.
They got into the car and went into the café and sat in a quiet candle lit corner.
“This is so romantic baby I’m really glad we came here.”
“As long as we’re together everything is wonderful. Are you going to go up and read?”
“I don’t know I nervous and I didn’t bring my book of poems.”
“You don’t need them you’ve told me poems off the top of your head before. Don’t worry baby you’ll so fine I know it.” Lisha smiled at his encouragement
“All right if you think so I going to go up right now ok?”
“Go ahead I’ll be waiting for you all right sweetie?”
“Ok wish me luck.”
“I’ll do you one better.” He kissed her deep and hard. “Luck baby.”
“Whew you better stop that or you’re going to start something you can’t finish.” she teased.
“Believe me I could finish it.”
Lisha laughed and walked to the stage. She announced the name of her poem title The One. She read it and Nahsir knew it was about him and it touched him deeply. When she finished she mouthed “I love you” to him and he smiled and blew her a kiss. As she walked from the stage people were still clapping for her, but the most enthusiastic person was Nahsir.
“That was beautiful Lisha I really liked it.”
“Well I wrote it for you I would hope that you liked it.” he kissed her cheek
“Thank you for the poem baby, this is one of the best days I’ve had in a while and its only the beginning.”
They stayed at the poetry reading and listened to all the poets as well as songwriters. Lisha loved every minute of it she was just happy to be with Nahsir. She knew a man like this didn’t come around everyday he was some kind of wonderful. She was glad that they met each other and she knew now that he loved her as much as she loved him. This was a feeling of total bliss to her and she knew it was only going to get better with time. He loved her he really loved her not puppy-dog love he was too old all for all of that. This love was deep and genuine and full of support and trust. They both had never experienced anything like this all the guys she dealt with in the past used her or just didn’t care at all. All the women he had dealt with were jaded and very insecure and jumped at even the sound of a dollar bill rustling. This was new to both of them and they savored the experience of finding out what true was together. He never knew a girl like her unimpressed with the material just wanting him and him wanting her, this was the first woman to make him weak in the knees when she even uttered a word to him. He wanted her like no else in his life he needed her he needed her love her affection her trust. This was someone he would never give up even if given the chance she was special to him and as he was to her. The way he saw it was him and her against the world.
“Lisha its time to get to the last part of your birthday surprise.”
“All right lets go then.”
“Come on.”
He led her to the car and instead of going into the car he hailed a horse and carriage, while riding in the carriage he produced a bouquet of Birds of Paradise. She loved them and then he kissed her it was simple and sweet and full of promises to come. He told her he loved her. He kissed her on her neck and told her that this would be a night that she would remember. He told the driver to give him the other package he had at the foot of the seat. In it was a silk blindfold and a blanket to keep warm till they got to their destination. He put the blanket on both of them. He kissed her again with such passion that she trembled and he held her until they got to their destination the W hotel. They got out of the carriage and he led her to their suite. He blindfolded her and opened the doors to the suite he removed her blindfold. Her breath was taken away by the immense size of the room the first thing that caught her eye was the blazing fireplace and bearskin rug. In the living-room area there was a view to die for the whole sky-line was lit and covered in a blanket of snow. She went to look around the rest of the suite and saw a immense bathroom complete with a chaise lounge and a Jacuzzi the bathroom was lit with candles and red roses all over. She went into the bedroom and her breath was taken away when she saw a four poster bed with silk and satin sheets the color of pomegranate and a canopy done in silk that was the same color. The room was illuminated in soft candle-light and roses were all over the room. He came up behind her and kissed her softly on the neck and bit lightly, she turned around and her kissed her so powerfully she got weak in the knees. Wordlessly he led her into the bathroom it smelled of jasmine and Az Yet played in the background he had ran her a bath and filled it with bubbles. He undressed her and she got into the Jacuzzi accordingly. He left for a minute and came back with a bowl of strawberries and vanilla ice cream. He was now only in silk boxers, he knelt down beside the tub and began to feed her the ice cream and strawberries. She took the spoon from him and began to feed him the ice cream. He kissed her and she dropped the spoon it landed between her legs, he went to retrieve it, she looked in to his eyes and he seemingly read her thoughts that she was ready. She looked down to where his hand was and he touched her ever so lightly and kissed her simultaneously. He lifted her out of the tub and carried her to the bedroom and laid her down on the bed as Dru Hill played in the background. He crept on to the bed and began to kiss her slowly and passionately he kissed her neck, her breasts, and his hands seemed to be everywhere on her body. She wanted him so bad it hurt, she wondered if he knew she was a virgin. He took off his boxers and they laid kissing, touching, and licking until they couldn’t take it anymore. He asked her if she was ready and he stood on his knees over her and gently spread her legs. He asked her if she was sure and she shook her head yes he entered her slowly and she gasped as she felt the size of him and as she lost her virginity. It occurred to him that he was her first so he went slowly as she adjusted to him and they caught a rhythm that was unexplainable she gasped and moaned and moved her hips to accommodate him. He said he loved her as he continued to kiss her passionately, he kissed her neck and her shoulders. He sat up and suddenly she was on top of him sitting they made love like that for a while and professed their love to each over and over again. They returned to their original position. They made love fiercely and gave everything to each other she was so overwhelmed she thought she would faint. He realized that he loved this girl more than anyone in the world and would protect her for life, because she was giving her self so freely to him. She came over and over again, finally he couldn’t take it anymore and came with such intensity he thought that he just died and went to heaven. They laid in each other arms and Lisha began to cry and Nahsir kissed her and held her until she stopped.
“Wow, that was incredible baby did I tell you I love you?” Lisha said still catching her breath.
“Yea you did. I love you baby that was amazing, you were a virgin and didn’t tell me? Never mind it doesn’t matter I love you more now than ever you gave yourself so freely to me. I never had anyone trust me as much as you, I can’t believe I was your first. I feel like I was privileged to be with you tonight.”
“Sweetheart that was so intense that why I started to cry now I know how much you really care for me. It was beautiful I always dreamed of having an experience like this and especially with someone I love. Nahsir now you have me mind, heart, body I’m all yours like you say you and me against the world.”
“Baby now you got me mind, body, and soul honey it really is you and me against the world I promise to love you and treat you like the special person you are. We’re linked now that was like my first time all over again your responses were driving me wild. I just want to be with you through everything and anything. Anything you want just ask me and I’ll do everything in my power to give it to you.”
“Na I have what I want a man who cares for me and loves me for me I don’t care about the material as long as we’re together that’s all I want.”
With that he kissed her and they fell asleep in each other’s arms dreaming of the wonderful night they had just shared. She woke up and looked at the man she was sleeping with she traced his lips with her fingers as well as his eyebrows and cheeks. He really is handsome she thought. 6ft 1in milk chocolate complexion 180lbs of muscle six pack and all boyishly-handsome with a smile that could illuminate the darkness . Deep baritone voice that seemed to be cheerful all the time, luscious lips as well very, very well blessed in a certain place she was sure of it now. The combination of his personality and spirit as well as his looks and charm knocked her off her feet. I really love him she thought as she watched him sleep this could be the one I stay with forever. She moved to get out of the huge bed and he pulled her closer.
“Where are you going sweetheart don’t leave me I was having the most wonderful dream that we made love.” he said groggily
She giggled “Sleepyhead it wasn’t a dream it really happened I’m going to the bathroom all right I’ll be back I promise.”
She got up and he watched her walk away.
Damn what is she doing to me I think about her all the time I think I could marry this girl on everything real. She what I’ve been looking for, for a long time if she was to leave me I think I would go crazy. I want her to myself no one else I know that now she won’t soon forget this experience that we just shared. He thought. She came back into the bedroom and stood there in all her glory.
“Come here” he commanded
“Come here what?” she answered back
“Come here please. Stop playing with me come her darling”
She came to him and he scooped her up in his arms and held on tight.
“I love you Na”
“I love you too Lisha. Me and you against the world forever.”
With that he kissed her on the forehead and they went back to sleep in each other’s arms.

To be continued………….

© Copyright 2005 Blackqueen (blackqueen1 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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