Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/930335-The-Black-Girdle
Rated: 18+ · Short Story · Horror/Scary · #930335
A girdle is a wolf, but a pack is a swift, yet never-ending death.
It was eight o'clock on the night of October 23 when Daniel first met Susan. Susan, at the time, was not well and was having great difficulty financially, spiritually, and above all, emotionally in her life. She was only at that damn horror convention in the first place because her horror-fanatic friend, Mary, insisted that she joined her plus, she was looking forward to seeing the annual Vampire and Werewolf exhibit.

It was here, at this quaint London horror convention, where Susan first met Daniel. He was one of the speakers at the "Fur and Fangs" werewolf and Vampire exhibit. Susan first saw Daniel standing at his black podium passionately talking about Vampires and Werewolves in British and American Literature. His truly charismatic voice and gothic-esque beauty had Susan's attention from the moment she saw him. At that same moment when they first met eyes, Daniel also thought that Susan was a fine female specimen indeed. He had good reason to, too. Her natural long black hair, pricing blue eyes, and nicely fit body was just what Daniel was currently looking for in a woman. Another aspect that greatly appealed to Daniel was her innate love of werewolves.

After his speech was over, Susan and Dan had a long discussion on the topic of werewolves in movies and also in legends. They talked of the classic werewolf movies and also of the many legends of real werewolves throughout the world. During their conversation, Dan bought up the legend of Stubbe Peter and his infamous Girdle, which was one that seemed to greatly interest him. The Story of Stubbe Peter's Girdle is that it was given to him by the Devil so he could turn into a man-wolf and carry out wicked deeds of rape, theft, and brutal murder. By putting the girdle on he would transform into this wolf creature, which would give him ample speed and strength. Susan and Daniel both knew alot about this infamous Werewolf.

"Have you ever herd of the legend of Stubbe Peter?" asked Daniel in a polite, but slightly eager tone.

"Of course!" replied Susan enthusiastically. "It's one of my personal favorites, I've written and read hundreds of stories and articles about Stubbe and his gruesome adventures,"

"He's also my personal favorite, a true tool of the devil indeed," replied Daniel with a wide smile of enormous satisfaction on his face.

The two of them talked for another two hours about werewolves and werewolf legends (mostly about Stubbe Peter) until finally the convention came to an end. They, however, eagerly exchanged numbers, for they couldn't deny the obvious chemistry that burned between them the whole time they were talking at the convention. Susan left that convention with a new glow of happiness that had long been overdue, and Dan left the convention ecstatic with thought that he had found the perfect woman.

The next day they met again at a small, yet humble Italian restaurant located on the northern side of London. Both of them were eager to meet each other again and when they did they began their discussion about Werewolves, more particularly Stubbe Peter, once again.

"Do you know any of the stories about the black girdle after the supposed death of Stubbe?" asked Daniel.

"Yes, I've read stories about the girdle being found by hunters and such who transformed themselves into wolves and in doing so corrupted their minds into being evil due to the influence of the Devil," replied Susan in a fascinated tone.

"Some legends say that the Girdle was bought to England and used by the original 'Wolves of England'," said Daniel. "Have you ever been to the horror museum in South London, they have a lot of interesting exhibits and such on werewolves?" asked Daniel curiously.

"No, I haven't yet, would like to take me?" replied Susan with an inviting smile across her face.

"Anytime," said Daniel with a boyish smile widening across his face as well. He was positive he had had found the perfect woman. After eight months of tedious searching, he knew he finally found a success.

The two of them continued to talk for another hour or so when they finally decided to leave and part ways. Susan asked Daniel if he would walk her to the subway and he happily obliged. Susan was excited and more importantly happy that she found such a charming and interesting man and Daniel was also greatly pleased with Susan and her company. The two of them finally left that little Italian restaurant with a new confidence and excitement in their lives.

The walk to the subway was very romantic for the both of them. Instead of werewolves and vampires they decided to talk about each other and what they had planned for their lives. Susan wanted to become a prominent writer in the field of metaphysics and it turns out Daniel worked for his father, although he did not specify what his actual job was. Daniel continued by telling Susan that his family moved to London about a century ago because of problems that they were having back in Germany. He also told Susan that his family used to be prominent criminals in the time just before world war one. It seems that they were involved in a plot to murder several politicians that were spearheading Germany's political revolution. Daniel continued to tell Susan of his family's truly intriguing past until the two of them finally reached the subway.

They were standing at the drop-down to the subway when Daniel asked Susan if he could accompany her to her train. It was quite bright outside due to the full moon and Susan looked absolutely beautiful in the moonlight. Her black hair shimmered and her blue eyes were illuminated by the moon to make her look like a goddess of the night. In awe Daniel thought to himself, “I haven't seen a better example of a female in my entire life." His skin was beginning to feel clammy, his back was begging to tense, and his scalp was begging to itch. He always hated the feeling that a full moon gave him, but he's grown to deal with it. The two of them met eyes one last time before they descended into the subway; both their faces appeared to show the look of love.

They slowly walked, holding hands, down the damp stairs, and past the front gate and into the subway tunnel. They continued to have a conversation, but for some odd reason Daniel's voice kept cracking and his throat seemed to keep clogging with flem. By the time the two of them reached the train terminal Daniel was perspiring non-stop and his pupils were as wide as dimes lying on top of two blood shot eyes, which were now bulging out of his skull.

"Are you Okay," asked Susan in a concerned manner now worried about her new friend.

"Yes, yes, it's just these subways sometimes make my symptoms act up," said Daniel as the squeaking and screeching of a nearby train echoed throughout the terminal, “I should really be leaving here soon."

"Here's my Train..." answered Susan,"...would you like to meet again sometime."

"Yes, of course," replied Daniel in a surprisingly calm way since it appeared that his symptoms were really overcoming his body. "I'll...call you."

"God, are you sure you're okay," asked Susan once again, now somewhat frightened at Daniel's episode.

"I'll be...f-fine once I leave," replied Daniel, “Don’t worry."

After he said this Susan slowly turned around to walk onto the train. Daniel, who was now coughing, noticed that there was no one else left in the terminal and in a split second he made his decision. Before Susan could fully make it into the train two raging hands painfully grabbed her neck from behind and pulled her backwards with a great amount of force. She hit the ground with a thud and saw the train that was just before her speed off into the tunnel. Susan was confused and scared and she had not a clue of what just happened.

Her spine was aching and her head was pounding, but she managed to slowly rise to her knees. Although her head hurt, she quickly snapped it in each direction to see if the attacker was still there and also to see if Daniel was still somewhere in the terminal. When she looked to her left she noticed a man who was shaking and moaning on the platform before her. He was also making some odd gurgling noise with his throat, but Susan couldn't get a good look at his face, nor did she really want to. She got to her feet as fast as she could, which was quite slow from her injury, and began to run/stumble towards the exit gate.

As she began to run, the man behind her got to his feet with a horrendous wail and twisted his body around twords Susan. Susan instinctively turned her head twords the truly bloodcurdling wail. What she saw, she could not believe, nor would she ever forget it.

The thing's legs were now shorter and rapidly building up with muscle. Its hands began to collapse into paws and from these paws instantly sprang the sharpest and longest claws that Susan ever saw. When its legs were short enough it fell forward onto all fours and its torso began to rapidly sprout long wavy black hair. Then the torso itself began to mutate and reform with the gut-wrenching sounds of bones cracking and muscles tearing. It's arms became shorter and like the legs they began to grow bigger and bigger with muscle. The most horrifying feature that Susan saw, however, was when she got a glance the thing's face.

It was last feature that remained human before it was completely transformed. Susan saw the elegant cheekbones, "friendly" brown eyes, and slightly pointed chin of person she thought she knew. It was the face of Daniel. The person who she thought she might have loved turned out to be a werewolf the whole time. The sudden realization overwhelmed Susan and she fainted instantly.

When Susan awoke, she found herself in a pitch-dark room and it took her a moment to realize that her eyes were open. Her hands were bound together above her head and her wrist were chained to the wall or ceiling above her. Susan also noticed an extremely vile stench filled the room, but she did not know what the source of the stench was nor did she really want to. After about two minuets of sitting on the cold, stone floor while smelling the most putrid smell that her nostrils have ever had to endure, Susan began to cry. She cried for another five minuets until she noticed a fine line of orange light shine from under what appeared to be a door.

The huge iron door swung open with a clank and in walked a large man holding a torch. The moment the man entered the room; Susan began to scream. Susan wasn't scared of the man himself, but rather what his torch exposed when it illuminated the room. Lying ten feet across from her were the corpses of two young women who appeared to have just recently died. Their bodies were brutally battered with a large assortment of bruises and gashes, which appeared to be from a sharp set of claws. Both corpses were naked and both were also chained by their wrist, above their heads' exactly as Susan was. What truly frightened Susan after the initial shock of the bodies was their striking resemblance to herself.

Both of them had long black hair but, Susan noticed that one of them had brown roots indicating her hair color wasn't natural. From the corpse who's eyes were open, Susan saw that she had the same deep blue eyes as herself. The two corpses also appeared to have a very similar figure compared to Susan's. After observing the two corpses that were in front of her, Susan slowly turned her head towards the large man that was holding the torch.

The man slowly walked over to Susan and pulled a key out of his left pocket. He quickly glanced down at his new prisoner and then started to unlock the steel cuffs that were around Susan's wrist. After both cuffs were removed, he grabbed Susan by the arm and lifted her to her feet. The man then proceeded to guide (or rather force) Susan down a dark, stone-brick hallway until they reached another iron door. They then entered into a truly magnificent room.

It was a very large room in the shape of an octagon and along each of the eight walls there was a large black panel with images that made Susan's stomach drop. Carved into the panels were images of a large wolf creature attacking, goring, and raping different men, woman, and children. Her legs went numb so her captor dragged Susan to the center of the room which is where a large, black, alter was located. The alter had five channels carved into it flowering from the center. Susan recognized what the channels were there for from an old show she saw about ritual abuse from cults; the channels were carved into the table so blood would drain easier. Susan began to scream as her captor lifted her body onto the alter.

After he set her down he fastened her wrist and ankles to the table. She continued to scream and pull at the leather straps that bound her, but it was useless. She waited in the torch-lit room for five minutes screaming and struggling until she herd a door open to her left. Seven figures cloaked in black walked into the room along with a very old man who was being carried by one of the seven figures. They surrounded Susan and the figure that was carrying the old man set him down at her feet and left the room. A few moments later he returned carrying a black leather belt. He walked over to the old, dying man and fastened the belt around his waist. A few seconds later, the old man began to change.

Once again Susan heard the sounds of muscle tissue tearing and bones cracking. Within a minute a large, humanoid, wolf creature was standing before her. She couldn't believe what she just saw. The notorious Black Girdle was real and Pete Stubbe was right in front of her.

"Wha...Wha," mumbled Susan, to terrified to speak.

"It's quite fortunate that my son found you, it's truly been a while since we've added another to our pack," replied Pete in a hoarse, demonic voice.

"Wha, what do you mean," stuttered Susan.

"Your kind is very rare, not many females are like you, we've been looking for years, now, and have made hundreds of mistakes, but my son is certain that you'll be a success," replied Pete.

Mistakes, Susan thought of the two women that were with her in her cell. She remembered the woman with the dyed hair and the other woman that must have been "flawed" in some other way.

"What do you want with me," whispered Susan.

"I need you," replied Pete. "I need you, to breed."

Those were Pete’s last words before he jumped onto the alter and began the most Masochistic mating ritual that was ever carried out by a living being. For two hours he raped and mutilated Susan's womb. After the ordeal was finished, Susan went into a catatonic state of shock. Pete removed his girdle and collapsed back into the old man that he once was. Susan's motionless body was taken back to her cell. Her captors were forced to put her on an IV fluid until she snapped out the shock she was in.

It's been three months since the ordeal took place. Susan's stomach is now larger due to the thing that is growing in her womb. She's still waiting, chained to the awful ceiling of that awful dungeon. Here she will remain until her womb releases the demon-spawn creature that's growing inside.

© Copyright 2005 Lord_Nexus (lord_cthulhu at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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