Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/930131-deadly-rose-better-than-the-last-2lol
by horror
Rated: E · Sample · Fantasy · #930131
Deadly Rose

Chapter 1
I woke up at the screaming of my parents telling me to wake up “its 7:00!” they screamed.
Sometimes I lay in my bed looking at the black ceiling. I think why am I going to school why am I bothering with it? Oh well I said to my self, All I can see is the light that’s creeping threw my bedroom door. My room is painted all black I have heavy black curtains and my bed confider is also black.

Black is my favorite color that’s all I wear occasionally I wear black on white but that’s rare for me to wear.only 160 days left to be with the boring classes with the boring teachers. “Wake up your late”yelled my parents.
I really didn't care if I was late or not I usually walk to school anyways. But this morning was cold I brushed my hair and ran down stairs hoping my parents wouldn't see me. Unfortunately they did “why do you always wear black” my parents yelled. Because I like the color. My parents always do that I know they really don’t care what I wear. I think their only doing to this to make me feel better about my self I really don't know and really don't care.
I made it on time for the bus.it seemed like I was on the bus forever I have no friends on the bus. Every bus trip seems like it takes eternity. We finally made it to “New View high,” There are about 1,200 students here and none of them ever glance at me. If they do they turn away like I cursed them or something like that. I didn’t care I got use to it from the first couple days of school. My first period was Mr. Smith he’s really boring, it’s were you go to catch up on your sleeping. “Nikolas why are you always late to my class” I shrugged and took my spot. I always sit in the back of the class in a corner so that no one can disrupt me.

As Mr. Smith spoke I dose off thinking about vampires. Everything that people say about vampires aren’t true, they don’t die from light, their not affected by holy water or garlic. some people are so stupid some times, I think that I’ m the only person in this whole stupid school that think vampires egsist . My mom and dad always say “their not real, their just you imagination that I’m crazy”.My daydream was shaddered when the bell rang for the class to be over.

My next class was art room I think the number is 300 I always get confused about the room numbers I don't know why though.
I jumped when I felt someone’s hand on my shoulder; I turned around to see who was it. It was a girl, she sounded nervous when she spoke to me
“...can you tell me were the art room is?”the girl said I couldn’t say anything my words wouldn’t come out her beauty took all my words away. With her midnight hair, pale skin, her black mini skirt, her black eyes “she’s beautiful” I thought to my self.
“...Can you show it to me”? She asked.Yes...if I can find it my self She smiled at me.
Here it is room 300, are you new to this school? “Yea I’ am” ,we paused for awhile and I was getting sick of the silence
“are you going in already”I said.
“Nikolas why are you late!” My teacher shouted. I shrugged and before I went to my table the teacher Mr. White gave me a referral slip. I was all by myself in the art room I really didn’t mind of being by myself. “Jessica I presume”? Yea… that’s me. So her name’s Jessica nice name I thought . Were can I put you? The teacher said aloud assuming that someone would tell her to sit at their table. No one spoke it was weird because every time a new student would come in this class they would be seated immediately but not at my table.
“can I sit by Nikolas”? Jessica said The teachers eyes widened are you sure about that? Jessica nodded well ok you can sit by Nikolas. Jessica sat basically arms length of me. She always smiled at me every time I look at her but I couldn’t help my self . She’s so pretty I thought to. The teacher told us that we could draw anything we wanted for today. I put black all over the paper then drew a moon and at the end of the moon I put a vampire sucking blood from her prey. I was looking at Jessica when I was drawing it and it looked like her. “Wow that’s amazing” Jessica said to me. I smiled at her and went on drawing again.
The bell finally rang for us to leave I stayed to put my drawing away Jessica stayed also. I helped her pick up her stuff because it feel all over the floor. Our hands managed to touch each others “sorry” Jessica said it’s ok I thought to myself.
“So… which class do you have next?” Jessica said oh math I growled. “what was that for?”giggled Jessica I hate the class it’s really boring. “So what classes do you like then?” asked jessica Well I mostly like lunch, “other than lunch?” Then art
“Well this is my class so I’ll see you around”Jessica said. Maybe and maybe not I said. “Well hopefully we will”she said back.

The next period went by so slow all I could think of is Jessica and her beautiful black eyes. I didn’t notice that I put my arm on my paper that had wet ink on the paper. We had to write a poem about anything…all I had on my mind was Jessica .Hey Jessica do... you want to go to a movie with me? It all depends what movie. “Nikolas wake up are you done with your sleeping”!? Uh yes I’ am “well then get to it then” Mr. Green said. So I started writing a poem because we all have to write a poem everyday.

She moves nervous,
Thinking she’s going to do something wrong.
Her eyes are black,
Black as my heart.
Her hair is dark,
Dark as the midnight sky.
Her beauty’s like poison,
You take a taste you die.

“Hmm that’s a good one” Mr. Green said yea sure I think so myself.
BING the bell rang, save by the bell I said taking the poem our from his grasp.

Your poems are due at the beginning of the period tomorrow, which includes you Nikolas. Ok I growled, it’s lunch time finally I’m really not that hungry anyway. I started walking down the street to the place I always go the grave yard. It’s the only place I can go where I can think I don’t know why it just does. As I walk towards the bench I always go I see a girl sitting there. Excuse me what are you doing? She turns and it was Jessica, sorry I didn’t know you come here Jessica said.

This is my favorite spot to go though but you can be here if you want.
It’s so peace full here don’t you think Nikolas? Yes.. it is that’s why I go here. It’s the only place I can go where no one looks at me and thinks I’m a...freak, you’re not a freak Nikolas. You’re the first well as I think about it you’re the first who came up to me and you’re the first who talked to me in a longtime.

You’re not what everyone says you are, what do you mean by that I growled
No…no it’s not bad Nikolas I like the way you are….you remind me of what I wanted. Jessica turned to me and smiled. You have pretty eyes their black how did you do that? My…my family was cursed we aren’t cursed with just the black eyes…I’ll tell you in time Nikolas. Well here Jessica…it’s a poem I had to write in poetry class

She moves nervous,
Thinking she’s going to do something wrong.

Her eyes are black,
Black as my heart.

Her hair is black,
Black like the midnight sky.

Her beauty’s like poison,
You take a taste and you can die.

Is... this about me? Well…yes it Jessica jumped on me and started hugging me. This poem is so beautiful Nikolas do you really think of me like this? Yes... I do all of the sudden she kissed me her lips are so cold her whole body was cold. We kissed for what seemed for ages she pulled away.
Sorry I didn’t mean to do that to you. Oh it’s…its okay.

We must have been lying on the bench for hours because we heard the bell ring for school. Oh crap we mist school damn it my parents are going to be furious with me. I got home around 5 but my parents wasn’t home thank god I said. I ran up in my room and slammed the door I turned my music all of the way up so that my parents would know that I’ am here.

Nikolas are you hungry my parents yelled no mom. We got pizza it’s your favorite. How do they know what’s my favorite and what’s not. NO MOM!!
JUST LEAVE ME ALONE!!! . All I can think about is Jessica and Jessica only.
I went threw my books to get my drawing out and I found a white paper that had to Nikolas I opened the paper and it said
Nikolas can you met me at the sementary I need to talk to you
I was amazed I didn’t know when she put that in my books she didn’t even get in my bag how…how did she. Ahh never mind I’ll go to there.
It took me about 30 minutes to get there it was about 8 when I left and now it’s 8:30. Finally Jessica said behind me. How…how did you Jessica interrupted I need to talk to you. What about? Well it’s something I could tell just to anyone and you look like the kind of person who wouldn’t desert me. What is it then? Well… do you believe in vampires and witches? I do but then I don’t. Why not? Because my parents tell me their all in my mind, that their not real. What would you do if they were real would you be afraid?
Of course I would not be afraid.

Would you ever consider being one? I always want to be one that’s the only thing keeping from….dieing. Would you believe me if I said that I’ am one of those? What one? Well…a vampire. You would have to prove it to me. Now how would I do that? Show me your fangs. Are you sure you want me to do that? Well yes. “Okay” Jessica said Jessica opened her mouth at first there wasn’t anything there only normal teeth, then her teeth became longer. They look sharp can.... I touch them? Yes you can. I put my finger on her fangs and they were sharp razor sharp. Ouch, did you cut your self? “Yes” I said . Jessica grabbed my finger and licked my blood from it. do you believe me Nikolas?

I was shocked I believed in vampires but I didn't think that there was one living in the same town as me. “I have a question” Jessica mumbled. Yea what is it? Well….if you had a chance would you become a vampire? Well… “ you wouldn't become a vampire even if you wanted to!” some one yelled . Jessica went in front of me “ Aubrey stay back!”

“ Jessica don't interfere with my prey!” “he’s not yours I shed his blood he's mine I can do anything I want with Nikolas!” Jessica snapped So are you going to try to change him Jessica? Well...I was going to ask him! Go on ask him and see what he says! Nikolas do.. You want to become a vampire? “yes I would if that means I get to be with you” Jessica smiled at me and kissed my lips softly. “ how pathetic why would you want to change him I cant even sense his aura” I glanced at Aubrey but he was gone. I felt a cold stainless steal blade against my throat. “Aubrey what the hell are you doing!” Jessica screamed. “Make one move and I’ll slice his throat!” “Aubrey you cannot touch him he’s mine we’re blood bonded!” Jessica growled. Jessica nodded to me but I didn't know why she was doing that then I noticed she was distracting Aubrey so I can get away. I elbowed Aubrey in the stomach it had to hurt ‘cause she growled in pain. “damn you stupid pathetic human!” I looked at Jessica and she disappeared behind Aubrey and said something to her but I could only make out some words “ if you ever put another hand on Nikolas you’ll regret it for as along as I live”! Aubrey growled and disappeared.
Nikolas are you okay? I...think so who was she? She’s my oldest sister Aubrey. She almost killed me, no she wouldn't do that she was seeing how I’ll react to her. Nikolas are you sure you want to become a vampire? Yes if it means I’ll be with you till we both die. Jessica smiled. She hugged me “you’ll feel some pain” she whispered in my ear I noded.

She pulled my neck down and I could feel her razor sharp teeth insert my neck it hurt for awhile but it went all numb. Jessica put her arms around my waist to support me. Why cant I feel anything why cant I see anything? You’ll see something soon just hold on.
I woke up in a black room I didn't know where I was. I’ am so hungry,
Someone opened the door and the light when into my eyes burning them

Nikolas are you hungry? I nodded her voice sounded so familiar but I couldn't put my mind on it. “ here” she put her wrist on my mouth and her blood went onto my lips. At first I wanted to reject it then it started to taste good. It taste sweet like candy I wanted more I didn't want to let go I wanted more and more.
Again I fainted, I couldn't see anything but I could hear people argue I couldn't make out the words. I heard my name Nikolas I didn't know what to do I couldn't do anything I wanted to say something but I couldn't it was like someone made it so I couldn't talk or open my eyes.

“Nikolas...Nikolas wake up Nikolas” I could hear Jessica say those words it seemed like forever.

I finally woke up, Are you okay you took more blood than you are suppose to. What do you mean? I’m I I’m I “yes you are” I felt cold I felt hungry again but this time I wanted blood human blood. Are you hungry Nikolas? Of course you are. Jessica took me to this café called “coffee madness” what’s this place? It’s were we go to get some food. Human food? No blood “oh I knew that”. Are you okay? Yes I' am. Are you sure? Yes, you need food. A human walked by she smelt so good like fresh blood I could sense her fear when she looked at me. Before I knew it I had my arms around her with my mouth on her neck drinking the delicious blood of a human.

“Nikolas that’s enough” I didn't want to stop I wanted more. Nikolas you got to learn to let your prey live so you’ll always have some food when there’s no other choice. Ignored her plea I kept on drinking never stopping I wanted blood I would do anything for it.
Jessica pulled me off of the young girl “Nikolas you got to learn to control your self” I wanted it so much though. Yes I know but just try please Nikolas. I nodded but in my head I wanted blood I never wanted to stop. Jessica grabbed my hand and opened the door to the café “ everyone this is my dearest Nikolas” I seen humans every where Nikolas control your self you don't want to loose control of your self here. I nodded back at Jessica. Then she kissed me on my cold lips “thank you babe” she smiled and she took my hand and we went to a booth. Why are we here Jessica?

I need to talk to you when you get home you cant mention any of this okay. “Yes okay", do you understand Nikolas? “Yes I do” okay waiter we need two glasses of red wine. I thought we only drink blood? We do red wine is blood it’s in case someone unexpected comes in. “oh I get it”

The waiter came over to our table I could feel her fear when she was walking towards us. She put our glasses down I grabbed her hand “ you don't have to be afraid of us we aren't going to take blood from you” she nodded and ran off. Nikolas why did you do that? I don't know I just did it I’m sorry

No don't be sorry that was just amazing you made her fear go away.
Now Nikolas you need some rest you’ll going to have a long day tomorrow. I nodded and instantly we were at my front door. Now go I’ll see you tomorrow. I kissed Jessica “I hope so” she smiled and was gone.

I went straight to my room after that. I couldn't think about anything except Jessica why she wanted to be with me and why I wanted to be with her. I guess it was because she talked to me without any fright. As I thought about her I went in a dark sleep I couldn't see anything it was all black. I put my hand in front of my face I couldn't see my hand but I could feel my hand. I guess it’s because I’ am asleep. I decited to go to sleep, I wasn't dreaming of anything It was all black like I closed my eyes and didn't go to sleep it was weird but cool. I must have been “asleep” for 8 hours. I still didn't want to wake up so I didn't . But had to wake up because someone was poking me. I woke up in rage and hissed at the person that was poking me, it was Jessica. “wake up you lazy ass” what… “wake up we need to get to school”! How… did you get in my room it was locked. “ remember I’ am a vampire I could go anywhere at any time” oh I forgot I laughed.
“Man I’m hungry” “why didn't you eat before we got to school” Jessica snapped. I wasn't hungry when new left. Okay here Jessica put here wrist to my mouth “ drink I have enough to keep me full for hours” I grabbed her wrist and I jabbed my razor sharp fangs threw her skin. Her blood tasted a lot better than a humans. It gave me a rush so I made myself back away from her so I don’t dehydrate Jessica. “ are you satisfied”? I nodded, good we need to get to class. When me and Jessica went to class everything was different except for the Fact the kids at school still don't talk to me. I really didn’t care anymore because I had Jessica now. The class went the same like yesterday I dosed off and only thought of Jessica and what we will do next. I didn't think being a vampire was this exciting. The bell rang and I rushed out of class so that I’ll meet Jessica at her locker.
I seen Jessica at her locker “Nikolas look behind you”! I didn't know who did that so I turn around and there was a guy behind me. He had black eyes, black long hair, and he wore all black, with a silver chain on his neck that had circle and a star in the middle of it.. “ so who is he Jessica”? The guy said. His names Nikolas William” Jessica growled. He glanced at me and said in my mind you better watch your back kid. Jessica grabbed my hand and we went to class. Who was that Jessica? “He’s my...friend” I pulled Jessica towards me and I kissed Jessica's cold lips. “I'm not going to loose you to someone like him” We went in the art room and sat down at our table. When we sat down everyone was looking at me and Jessica. They wouldn't stop looking at us “ what are they looking at”? Jessica whispered .I’m trying something I whispered back. What are you trying to do? I’m trying to take over all of their minds. All of them? Yes “is it working”? Jessica whispered. I heard a loud slap on the desk “Nikolas what are you trying to do”! Hush nothing sorry “well then get your ass to work”! What are we suppose to do? I really don't know I answered. “You are suppose to draw what you love” what I love?
I started to draw what I love it was taking me all the period . “What are you drawing”? Jessica said. I’m drawing a black rose I love black roses. Do you know what they mean Jessica? “Well I have an idea” said Jessica. Yea what is it? doesn't it mean death or something along that line? Your almost correct but it means that if you get this from someone then you’ll become what the person is . “Like what” said Jessica. Well if a witch gives it to you than you’ll become a witch or if a vampire gives it to you than you’ll become a vampire ect. Oh I didn't know that. Now you do “it’s beautiful” well I’m not trying to make it beautiful. “Than why are you drawing it then?” Jessica said ‘cause I like black roses. The bell rang and everyone was trying to get out of the door as soon as possible I was one of those kids. “wait up Nikolas!” screamed Jessica.
Man that girl can be a pain in the ass sometimes. At least she’s not in he rest of my classes. I had PE next I didn't like it so much so I leave to lunch. I got my lunch and went off to the graveyard where I always go during lunch and after school.
Man! She’s there too okay “be calm Nikolas don't try to show that your inoryed by her” I said to my self. “hey Nikolas there you are babe” Jessica said. She grabbed me and kissed me soft but long with her cold lips. What was that for? I could tell that I was getting on your nerves . You were just a little bit. Your funny Jessica giggled and kissed me again.
“ are you going to eat your lunch or not?” Jessica said. I’m not hungry for this though. I thought so giggled Jessica .are you okay?
“yea why wouldn't I be?” Jessica said. well you’re a vampire and you were going to eat human food your not human anymore. I know that I just forgot that’s all. “here” Jessica threw me a plastic bag.
What is it? Open it and you’ll find out. I opened the and it was a shame pane bottle. Shame pane? No it’s what's in the shame pane bottle that you’ll need.

I opened the bottle it smelt good.
“Drink up!” Said Jessica .It taste good like...blood!
“That’s what it is it’s the only think we can have” said Jessica. It taste sweet
“yes I know I do drink blood you know.” giggled Jessica.
“So why do you go here?” Asked Jessica. The graveyard? “Yea the graveyard.” Well It’s because It’s calm there's nothing here to break it and the moon shines perfect on the graveyard. It does? Yea it’s so beautiful here. I sound like a fool guys don't say this kind of stuff… yes they do Jessica said. what kind of guys do? The good ones like you Nikolas. I smiled and kissed Jessica on her cold lips.

“What was that for?” Jessica laughed.
you made me ,you got me in the mood.
“I did!” Jessica giggled .she came closer to me and our eyes met. Your eyes are so beautiful Jessica. We looked at the moon but could hardly see it because it was day light. she looked at me again and kissed my cold lips.
“we have to get back to school Nikolas” said Jessica.
Yea I now I don't want to go back there. There’s no reason of going to school anymore. I got all I need right in my arms.

Really? Yea really. So then what would we do if we aren't going to school? Well…
“ your going to fight me weather you like it or not!”
Who...are you? “I’ am Emily I hunt creatures like you!”
“you want to fight us?” Jessica snapped. “You’re a waste of my time I want to fight him!.” snapped Emily
“Who Nikolas?” Asked Jessica.
“Yes him he has the strongest aura in this whole pathetic town!” snapped Emily.
“your not going to fight Nikolas!” snapped Jessica.
“you don't have a damn choice “ snapped Emily
“He has a choice he doesn't want to fight you.” snapped Jessica.

Jessica I'll fight her .
“What! Why you haven't had any training ever since you became a vampire” Jessica said. “I know some moves trust me Jessica.”
“Ha moves my ass I’ve been a hunter ever since I was born I know every move you’ll try to do!” snapped Emily
“ Hunter eh I’ve been a vampire for 2 days!”

“Lets see what you got vampire!” snapped Emily
Emily's eyes were staring right at me I couldn't get into her mind.
“what's wrong vampire are you scared?” snapped Emily.
Damn it! I cant get into her mind every time I see a weak point she puts up her shields back up.
Are you trying to do this little vampire?
huh are could you do that your just a vampire hunter.
Yes, I’ am a vampire hunter but I’m not human.
Then what are you ?
I’m a witch
A witch?
Yes a witch, a witch off of the tali line!
Tali? I know I heard that somewhere but where?
Now witness my power Nikolas!
Damn it she’s a fire witch!
The flames came out of no where I didn't think she could do this.
I thought that she needed fire to start with.
She shot the fire right at me it merly missed my face.
Damn that’s hot!
“You think that’s hot wait for the grandfanally” snapped Emily
I forgot I had a knife on my arm I took it incase something like this ever happens. It's good to be prepared I thought.
I had to wait for the right timing to use this knife of mine. I have to I wait for the right time to kill her though.

Damn it! There aren't any weakness on her but why isn't there?
Emily threw some more fire at me this time I couldn't get out of the way. It hit me in the left arm it stung only for a minute. But it felt like hell.

I got it! When she conger up her spell she’s defenseless this time I will put a knife threw her heart!
“ why are you just standing there Nikolas?” yelled Emily.
She started her flame to the looks of it would be her last.
Damn! It must be over three feet wide!
Big mistake, I went for the last blow.
I was only about a foot away from her and I stopped I didn't know how I stopped but I did.

Emily started laughing like it was just a joke like she was winning or something. It was feeling like she won I couldn't do anything even if I wanted to. I can see Emily but I cant grab her.
Emily went on the side of me and I felt a big pain on the side of me it hurt badly like fire.

Emily started to talk, but I could only make out one sentence “next time maybe” what did she mean by next time I didn't get it.
Then Emily disappeared.
As she left I felt my self falling thinking Jessica would grab me before I fell hard on the cold ground. No body grabbed me. I was scared I couldn't see anything .it felt like I died again but this time I wouldn't wake up.

Chapter 3

We don't think he’ll ever wake up Jessica. It’s been a month and there hasn't been a sign that he’s even with us. “why did you have to fight Nikolas why!” jess… Nikolas you alive!. Jessica what happened?
Well...when you and Emily were fighting she froze you and burned you badly on the side. Where did she go?....I really don't know Nikolas... she probably went back to where she came from. “where is that Nikolas”? Jessica said. Its-its New Mayhem." I've heard of such a town but only in fairy tales” Jessica said. Yes that’s true but normal humans cant see it in their eyes it doesn't egists….its in the forest north of my original home...I wont let you go there with out me Jessica I don't want to loose you to Emily. Its my fight not your not anyone's but mine. “your not in the condition to fight her yet your still too weak you’ll die before you even get the chance to touch her Nikolas” Jessica wined. Yes I know that I wouldn't be able to kill her right now...that's why I’ll wait till I’m in good health again what ever good health is.

Jessica promise me that you wouldn't go after her without me with you. Promise Jessica please. “okay...I wont,until you are in good health so both of us can kill her” Jessica said. Thank you…now let me rest so that tomorrow we can hunt once more. When Jessica left the room alone I went off into a I really don't want you to leave me here...with these tubs in me feeding me blood...not letting me hunt with you my love...

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