Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/929752-Caught-in-the-Middle-2
Rated: 18+ · Fiction · Adult · #929752
"Where you going? if I may ask?",Nahsir asked the pretty girl on the bustop.

"Excuse me? I'm going to the city, not that you need to know that, she replied with a smile,why do you want to know."

"Well I'm going to the same place,so do you have a name. Mine's Nahsir and you are?"

"Lisha my name is Lisha,so what made you come and talk to me out of all the other girls standin' here."

"You caught my eye,I have a feelin you're not like these other broads,my fault females. Really though you're special I feel it"

"Not like these other broads?, she shook her head and looked at him, well no I'm not I'm a lady and carry myself as 1 so yea, but I like your style, you're not like these other knucleheads out here."

"Really well thank you for the compliment, he grinned, our bus is here. Come on"

They boarded the bus and sat together and got to know each other. She was a student at the local high school James Madison High. 16yrs old with the body and mind of someone a years ahead of her. She planned to go to college and everything looked up for her. She was happy, but needed something, but didn't know what. Sometimes she just wanted to get away from everything. Her friends, her family, her job, the town she lived in, if only for a while. She possessed a complex personality, and was generally a nice person with a heart of gold, just don't push her too far or she snapped this only happened once in her life. One time was enough for her, she hoped it would never happen again.

He was an up and coming rapper with 2 albums to his name. life didn't treat him very kindly so he didn't trust anyone. he was 20 but lived the life of a 60yr old. He was raised by his mother with his brother and younger sister. He knew of his father and didn't get close with him till ge was 14. He was devoted to his family and like a family man he provided for his family. He also had a bad temper and it once almost cost him his livelihood. He just wanted someone for once in his life he could trust and that wouldn't hurt him. The bus finally came to a stop in Time Square.
"Well this is my stop,nice meeting Nahsir"

"You too Lisha,hope I get to see you again here's my number"

"Thank you for a lovely conversation."
She gave him a hug and was out the door. Her thoughts were inturupted by her cousin.
"Hey girl,who was that? Mmph, mmph, mmph he was foine."

"Girl you scared the life outta me. Don't do that you want me to have a heart-attack" Lisha laughed and gave her cousin a hug.

"Jeanie come on now what are doing just standin out in this heat, lets shop!"

They proceded to shop until they got tired while shopping Lisha filled Jeanie in on her fateful meeting wih Nahsir

"Well if you ask me it sounds too good to be true. As long as your happy, so you gonna call him?"

"Of course, how could I pass him up?" They both laughed for a while.

"See you the only person I could talk to like that."

"Glad to be of service," she chuckled. Jeanie was 3yrs older than Lisha and looked at her like her little sister. These two women grew up together and shared anything and everything. Nothing was off limits. Jeanie was a free-spirited college girl she was driven by pure determination. Not having much in the beginning but working for everything she wanted and getting it. She had an independant streak that wouldn't quit. This is who Lisha was most like and they protected each other and swore to do that until they both died.They had both had hard chilhoods, but Jeanie's drove her to get away from all the bad she grew up with and it made her succeed.

"So I guess we have to go its getting late," said Lisha

"Alright lets get the train I can't stand the bus"

"Your high-matinence ass, come on now" "Well excuse me miss thing who changes her hairstyle as well as color every 3weeks?"

"That's not matinence thats general upkeep," chuckled Lisha. Jeanie rolled her eyes.

They came to the train station and boarded and talked until Lisha got to her stop.

"Well this is me right here gotta go a certain someone might of called me," she smiled at the thought.

"Anyways give me my hug other people have better things to worry about. I'm sayin' though don't get in over your head ok? Just get to know him a little better before you jump head-first into a situation. Promise me you won't end up crying over no man, cause I'll have to beat your ass. Just playing, but be careful with this guy."

"No worries I know how to take care of myself I learned from the best, Jeanie smiled, but for real I promise to be careful, all right? So I'm going to take your advice and take it slow with him, because I don't wanna regret meeting him feel me? I've seen way too many women fall into that trap to get caught up over no man."

"Just making sure. Peace out chiq"

"Peace to the peoples," With that she hopped off the train. She walked the few blocks to her house. No one was home so she took a shower. When she got out of the shower the phone rang, it was Nahsir.


"Hey whats up"

"Oh Nahsir how you doing? Thats good me I'm fine"

"You got home alright I see, so what are you doing this Saturday?"

"I don't know yet I was going to hang out with my brother, why?"

"Well I was wondering if I could see you again, maybe go to the movies or something"

"Oh ok well are you going to pick me up or do you want me to meet you"

"I'll pick you up in my whip."

"You drive?"

"Yea the reason I was on the bus is because my car is new and I only use it when necessary."

"Oh ok well I'ma go Friday at 6:30" she gave him the directions and hung up. She went to bed thinking about him and he did the same about her. Friday finally came Lisha had been anticipating this and so had Nahsir.

"Momma I'm leavin'", shouted Lisha,"don't wait up ok"

"Where are you going girl?" her mother Angie asked.

"To the movies with that boy I told you about, Nahsir. Remember?"

"Oh yes but if y'all are going somewhere I would like to meet him first"

"Ma come on he's waiting for me"

"Tell him to come inside and meet your mother"

"Oh all right." Lisha said exasperated. She went outside to meet him and to tell him to come inside. "My mom wants to met you," she said embarassed.

"Oh ok I'd love to meet her if she's anything like you" Lisha blushed.

"Come on." She led him into the house and into the dining room where her mother was waiting.

"Hello Nahsir I've heard so much about you" "Same here Miss-"


"Oh thats a lovely name"

"Thank you, now what line of work are you in?"

"Oh I'm in investing"

"Really thats nice, well I just wanted to see who my daughter was so eager to tell me about"

"Well my intentions with your daughter are only the best I assure you," he added with a smile.

"I know, believe me I know. You seem like a nice young gentleman. Well,let me not keep you two" she chuckled.

She gave her daughter a hug and said good-bye. They got into the car and Nahsir started it up.


"What would you rather me say I hustle?"

"No, but investment come on now.

"Hey this Excursion didn't pay for itself, come on baby I'm sorry I lied but I don't want you to get in trouble on my part."


"Anyways where are we going that I had to get all dressed up?"

"Its a surprise you'll see."
She gave him a cautious look. "Come on Lisha I wouldn't take you anywhere dangerous."

"All right. I trust you."

When those three words left her mouth he smiled. She blushed and wondered what he was thinking. She's sure is something else he thought she trusts me,lets hope I could trust her. I have I feeling I could thats all I want is someone to trust and love. Maybe love is rushing it a bit, but she is special,something drew me to her, so she has to be someone I could trust. He stopped the car at a warehouse by the waterfront.

"Nahsir, are you all right?" she asked interrupting his thoughts.

"Yea I'm ok why what's up?"

"No you sorta zoned out. Is this the place?" she asked taking in her surroundings.

"Yes it is come on."

He got out and helped her out of the car. They walked over to the the warehouse and Nahsir knocked on the door, a slot opened and a pair of eyes looked out.

"Password," a deep voice said.

"Rock its me"

"Oh Na hold up." They heard several locks click.

"Whats up Na how's business?"

"Same old same old gotta make that paper." They shook hands.

"And who is this lovely lady."

"This is Lisha, don't be shy sweetie Rock is harmless." She stepped up and shook his hand as well.


"Hello Miss.Lisha how do you do?" he mocked bowed, Lisha laughed and so dis Nahsir.

"Man stop playin so who's in the house tonight.

"Your partner in crime is here," Rock chuckled.

"Oh Joseph is here, where is my main man at?"

"Probably in the back talkin business you know him always on the grind."

"Yea I know. You gonna make us stand out here all night or what?"

"Step on in."

"Thanks Rock."

"No problem, nice meeting you Lisha."

"You too Rock."

They stepped into the door and Lisha's breath was taken away this place was awesome. A huge restaraunt and club. Winding staircases on each side of her marble floors, red velvet adorned the walls. A huge bar with leather seats, a cigar and sitting room. Waiters dressed up it tuxedos and waitresses in classy dresses. Beautiful artwork adorned the walls, huge chandilers with what seemed like diamonds glistening from them, lovely music from pianos surronded her. Huge private booths with Corinthian leather and glass topped tables with velvet high-backed chairs.

"Nahsir this place is beautiful how did you find out about it.

"When you're in my line of work you find out a lot don't worry maybe one day I'll teach you."

She smiled at that statement. Several people came up to Nahsir and greeted him and he introduced Lisha accordingly. Soon after they were seated at a private booth, he ordered a bottle of Merlot, and closed the curtian to block out any distractions.

"So you like your surprise?"

"Yes, thank you for bringing me I can't get over how beautiful it is.

"Beautiful things for a beautiful person, and thank you for accompanying me."

"Well this surprise is wonderful, so tell me where do you see yourself in the next couple of years?"

"Well, I'm saving my money and will soon have enough to get out of the game. Hopefully I'll have someone to share it with," He stared deep into her eyes, "Lisha you really are a special girl I just wanted to tell you that. I know we've only known each other for a short time, but I see something in you that I want to figure it out."

"Thank you for the compliment. I also see something in you that I like, you're intelligence and humor are a wonderful combination. I've been looking for someone like you, beacause these other guys out here don't seem to have it. Plus if my mother likes you I know you're something special." This time he blushed, he was about to respond when the chime in the booth to announce someones arrival. The curtain opened and a handsome man stood on the step.

"Damn,Nahsir you can't come and say what up to your boy?" the man chuckled. "Joseph my man whats good with you?" The two men did a special handshake.

"Nothin' making money you know the deal. If you don't mind me asking who is this beautiful young lady?"

"Pardon me for being rude Joseph this is my very special guest Lisha."

"How do you do Lisha?" Joseph asked as he shook her hand.

"I'm do great thanks for asking." He looked into her eyes then she let go of his hand. She wondered if Nahsir had seen that, she excused herself to the ladies room. Nahsir told her taht he would go to the bar to talk to Joseph for a moment.

"She's seems like a nice girl, please keep her that way," chuckled Joseph.

"Come on Joe you know me better than that. Anyways how's the business going?"

"Another shipment is coming in tomorrow night, you made any sales I got my block on lock as well as the projects and I'm working on T's block."

"You gonna do a takeover?"

"Yes I don't like that nigga he's shifty I wanna knock him out the box as soon as possible."

"All right all right calm down I thought y'all wasn't beefin' no more.

"What he almost got me life in prison are you kidding me I want to crush him."

"Well if your team needs backup you got me already remember that."

"Always. Thanks man."

"So tell me about this girl, I haven't seen you this excited since you met you pops."

"Yea man she's really something I see myself with her for awhile. I mean she's not like all these other chicks out her she likes me for me and not my money. I mean we met on the bus stop, she didn't know about any of this till just now. She's not jaded she's beautiful inside and out I'm just blown away she's really intelligent too. She's not worried about the material she's goal oriented like me she's just what I've been looking for."

"Wow, well I wish you luck man you know I always got your back. I'm glad your happy I'm happy to see you happy."

"Thanks man" Just then Lisha walked up.

"Hey y'all two talkin bout me?" she chuckled. "I was just telling Joseph how special you are to me." she blushed.

"Well I'm going to leave you two alone, have fun."

"I'll catch up with you later Joe." "No doubt, nice meeting you Lisha," he gave her a warm smile,

"Nice meeting you too Joseph." she smiled back they shook hands and again they held on a moment too long. Fatefully Nahsir didn't see that he led her back to the table. They shared a wonderful night and danced the night away it was a magical night for both of them and the start of a wonderful yet turbulent relashonship.

To be continued.....
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