Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/929477-Dragonmistress
Rated: E · Short Story · Fantasy · #929477
A fantasy story sort of like Dragonriders of Pern. This isn't finished yet.
Chapter 1

The room was dim with only a few fires to light it. I noticed it was very warm as I looked around. There were many girls waiting excitedly for what was to come. I looked at the small cluster of eggs in the center of the room, such a small cluster of only seventeen. There were many people sitting on the benches around the room, many people to see who was chosen. Many parents who were hoping their children were the chosen ones.
“Thousands of cycles ago.” the schoolmaster began, “this planet was overrun with Seacrawlers. There were not enough dragons to kill them all and pretty soon, the dragons were on the verge of extinction. Then men came and helped the dragons destroy the Seacrawlers. The dragons were so grateful that they promised to be our companions.
“This day of your sixteenth cycle is a special one. Very few of you will become Dragoncompanions. There was a time when the clusters were great. There were many eggs and almost every girl was chosen. That time was long ago. Now so few are chosen; too few. This cycle, only seventeen eggs were given to us from the Breeding Ground.
“You have all been given special training this past cycle on how to take care of a growing dragon. Only a few of you will be using that knowledge on a daily basis. Many of you, if you wish, have the ability to work at the Mountain of Akasola, or as Dragonhealers.”
His speech was interrupted by a loud crack. The room became silent and everyone stared at the eggs. Four of them were hatching. The shells fractured and four yellow dragons emerged. They looked around and set their eyes on four girls. The girls smiled at the babies slowly walking towards them. The girls instinctively knelt down and picked up the baby dragons. The girls were led out of the large room and we turned back to the remaining eggs. More eggs hatched and the dragonets chose their companions.
Soon, there was only one egg left and everyone was hoping it was pearl. The room was quiet. If it were pearl, it would be the first in one hundred cycles. This was the last egg and there were over a hundred girls left. All but one would be disappointed and dragonless. Everyone stood still waiting for her to come out of her egg. It was an agonizing 40 minutes before anything happened. The noise was so loud many people covered their ears. I heard a voice, barely audible and looked around. “Arena.” I looked up and saw two beautiful eyes looking into mine. My heart melted at the sight of her. What a beautiful creature. I wanted to run to her and help her be free from her longtime cage, but I knew she had to get out by herself. Her lovely pearl scales shown with many colors as she rolled out of her shell, but there was something different about her. She shrugged off the remaining shell bits to reveal golden wings. Everyone gasped at the dragonet. She carefully stood up and started walking towards me and I knelt down to pick her up all the while staring into her eyes.
I didn’t look away until I was seated in a room with the other chosen girls. I tore my eyes away to look around the room. The girls looked scared and happy at the same time. I tried to focus on the headwoman, who was speaking to us. “Congratulations girls. You have been chosen to be Dragonmistresses. It is a great honor that we wish everyone could enjoy. But there are not enough eggs being laid. Maybe now, with our new pearl,” she looked at me and smiled, “there will be more. Your status on this planet is now Dragonmistress. You will be moving into Akasola and tomorrow you will start your dragon training. Tonight there will be a Naming Ceremony where each of you will be renamed to match your companion. Appropriate clothing will be provided according to the color of your dragon. You are all to wait here for your parents and then you will be escorted to the dressing rooms. Again, congratulations.”
She came over to me and took me aside. “You have a big responsibility. A pearl is a high honor, but with golden wings is much higher. You must be very special to make her want you. You will still live at Akasola with the other pearls from this sector that are your age and you will report to the Queen for your training.” And with that, she left the room.
After what seemed like hours, although it was probably less than one, parents started arriving. I spied mine shoving their way through the door. They looked so proud as they hurried towards me. I ran my hand over Arena’s smooth scales. It felt wonderful to have a lifelong friend.
“What an honor,” my father said smiling at the young one in my lap.
“We’re so proud of you, Selya!” my mother exclaimed. I could only smile at their excitement.
'Arena. What a beautiful name for such a beautiful creature,' I thought. The headwoman came back and broke my train of thought by saying, “All of the parents are here? Good! On to the dressing rooms.” She led us out a door and down a dark hall that I never knew existed. There were only a few torches that cast shadows on our faces. We came to the end of the hall and a door seemed to materialize out of the darkness. The headwoman opened the door and light flooded the hall. We all shielded our eyes as we tried to adjust to the brightness of the room.
There were couches and chairs along the walls and two doors lay on either side of the room. The fathers were seated in the chairs while the mothers and us girls were led through the left door and up the stairs through a trap door in the ceiling. The room was big a single door on the far wall. The headwoman clapped her hands once and the door opened. A group of women came out of the door and smiled at us.
The headwoman spoke again. “This is a very slow process. These women will take you and your mother into the room one by one. Yellow will go first, then blue, and so on until our pearl. After you are fitted in a dress, you will be led back to your fathers and you will wait there until the Naming Ceremony. Food will be provided for you and your dragons. Let’s begin.” She clapped her hands again and the women ushered the first yellow through the door and shut it.
Since I was last and had a long time to wait, I sat next to my mother and watched the other girls disappear into the door one by one. After about a half an hour, the trapdoor in the floor opened and women came in bearing trays of food. Arena left my lap and settled in on the bowl provided for her.
I thought a lot during that period of waiting. I thought about moving into the Mountain, getting training from the Queen, and changing my name. But most of all I thought about Arena. As if she knew my thoughts, she looked up at me and seemed to smile. All other thoughts melted away as I stared into her beautiful eyes.
I could almost see myself in her shimmering scales. It was so beautiful how they seemed to change colors in the light. I replayed the moment she hatched over and over in my mind. I don’t know what I would have done if she hadn’t been mine.
I love you.” I couldn’t believe my ears. I looked around to see if anyone else was paying attention, but no one was.
'Can you hear my thoughts?' I asked her in my head.
Of course I can hear your thoughts.” The voice in my head surprised me again. No one ever said anything about being able to talk to your dragon and have it talk back. I figured that was something I’d have to ask the Queen.

* * * * *

The last dragonet before us finally finished and it was our turn. I picked up Arena and followed the women through the door. Everything looked like it had just been cleaned and there was a faint scent of roses in the air.
I reluctantly set Arena on a couch with my mother and took off my clothes so I could be fitted into a dress. The closet at the other end of the room was empty save one garment off to the side. The women whispered to one another, but I couldn’t make out what they were saying. One woman took the lone garment out of the closet and gingerly carried it to a washbasin. She washed it so carefully, it didn’t seem like it was getting clean. The woman finished washing and drying the garment and held it up for the other women’s approval. “We are lucky to have one pearl outfit in storage,” the woman said with a smile. “A dress fit for a Pearl Dragonmistress.” It was a glistening white gown, the most beautiful I had ever seen. I was scared to put it on in case it ripped.
The woman went back to the closet and felt around on the high shelf. She found what she was looking for and carefully pulled a box off the shelf. She took off the lid and pulled out a gold ribbon. She gave it to one of the others and then pulled out a hatbox. She carefully lifted off the lid and pulled out a circlet made of dried white roses.
I was so busy trying not to move while they did my hair, that I almost didn’t notice the tear running down my mother’s cheek. She looked so happy sitting there looking at me. She had always told me how she wished she had gotten a dragon. She told me stories of how the only one in her family to have a dragon was her great aunt. I felt so honored. They finished doing my hair and placed the circlet on my head. I looked at Arena’s tiny figure with the golden bow around her neck that perfectly matched the gold of her wings. She was so pretty.
We left the room and went down to where our fathers were. It had been two hours since we had left them and we still had to wait for the male hatchings to finish. I sat stroking Arena while the chosen boys came in and went through the door on the right. More food was brought and set on a large table along one wall. I was afraid to eat thinking that I might get something on my gown. I wasn’t very hungry anyway.
I was still having trouble believing Arena was mine. I kept pinching myself wondering if this was all a dream and I’d wake up and be nobody again. “Don’t worry. You will always be someone to me.” I looked down at sweet little Arena.
'I know. It’s just hard to believe you’re mine.'
'This all seems like a dream.'
At that moment, the dragonets flew to the vaulted ceiling stretching their fresh, glistening wings. Arena joined them in flight after she had eaten her fill. They danced in the air before us as we waited for the Naming Ceremony to arrive. Arena stood out like a white rose in a colorful field. She danced to her own music loving the feeling of floating on air. I couldn’t wait for the day I too would float with her.
What seemed like minutes later, it was time for the Naming Ceremony. We filed out of the room, down the dark hallway, and through the now empty Hatching Room. We stood by the door to the outside and looked through the windows. A long path led to a highly decorated platform. In the middle of the platform was a podium. The mayor of the city sat behind the podium next to the master of the school.
Music started playing and the master of the school stood and walked to the podium. “Welcome ladies and gentlemen to this cycle’s Naming Ceremony.” A round of applause cut him off. “We have a wonderful bunch of students this cycle who have been chosen to be Dragoncompanions. We also had two wonderful surprises this cycle. We will start with the males and after the ceremony I invite you to join us at the feast. I will now present you with the head of Jos, Ruler Lanard.”
More applause as Mayor Lanard approached the podium. “Thank you everyone. It is my great honor to be presenting you with the young Dragonmistresses and Dragonmen who have been chosen. I will call their names, they will come up here, and then I will give them their new name according to their dragon’s name.” Each boy went up, received his name and sat down on the male side of the platform. After the last one was called, there was still one empty seat.
The mayor grinned at his people. “I am happy to announce our first surprise. Our first black dragon in 50 cycles!” We hadn’t noticed the quiet young man with the black dragon. Everyone watched as he opened the door and walked into the gleaming sunshine. He carried what looked like a black puppy, but it lifted its head and was indeed a dragon. The townspeople murmured to one another as the boy walked up to the platform. He received his name, Titan, and sat down in his seat.
Next was our turn. Everyone got into groups according to their color. I was alone, but I was glad. Arena and I were unique. The room slowly emptied as one by one the girls were called out. Soon I was the only one left. I listened to the mayor’s speech about the second surprise. “This cycle is a very special cycle. Not only do we have our first black in 50 cycles, but we also are proud to announce our first pearl in over 100 cycles! And not only that, but a gold winged pearl as well!”
The door opened and I stepped outside. There were people cheering and people dead silent in awe. I walked up the path that seemed to be miles long. My family cheered for me as I went by them. I walked up the steps to the platform and to a new life. My heart raced with excitement and fear. What if I wasn’t good enough? What if this was a mistake? “This is no mistake. I chose you.” Arena’s reassurance gave me confidence and I held my head higher.
I sat down and looked out at the crowd. I suddenly realized how tired I was. I had hardly slept the night before and now that I was sitting down, I felt myself wanting to nod off. All I wanted to do was go home, but the night was still young and there was still the feast to attend to. I thought about the boy with the black dragon. I had noticed Titan before at school, but only on rare occasions. I only vaguely remember seeing those dark eyes in the hall, lonely eyes.
“Sarena, that’s the perfect name for you!” my mother exclaimed running to the stage. I looked around and realized I was the only one sitting there. Everyone else had gone to their families and the refreshment tables. I felt awkward suddenly, almost embarrassed, that I had daydreamed through the rest of the mayor’s speech and the dismissal. My family didn’t seem to notice though. They all looked so proud.

* * * * *

We got home that night and I went quietly to my room. I looked out my window and thought about Akasola. The Mountain was so high, I felt lightheaded just sitting on my bed. I looked down at Arena and saw her eyes closed. My eyes felt heavy and I didn’t care about anything else at that moment except sleeping. I slipped away listening to Arena’s even breaths and Mother and Father’s quiet voices down the hall.
I woke up to the smell of bacon and eggs wafting in from the kitchen. I didn’t notice how hungry I was. Yesterday I was too active to eat and couldn’t think of anything but Arena, but today I was starving. I quietly got out of bed so as not to disturb Arena and went into the kitchen. I knew Sarena would be hungry when she awoke and I need to feed her so I needed to eat quickly. I wondered what it would be like, what the rest of my life would be like, with a dragon to take care of. I’d have to feed her twice a day and bathe her every week. My life all of the sudden seemed so full, so busy.
I heard Arena awake and I quickly finished my breakfast. I had a long day ahead of me. Mom set out a bowl of meat scraps and Arena quickly emptied it. It felt different not being in school while all of the people I knew were. This would definitely take some getting used to. I carefully followed what I had been taught for Arena’s bath. I wanted my dragon to be perfect as any other Dragonmistress or sir would. I remembered the stories Mother told me about her great aunt. She told about how there was no other being more close to her than her dragon. I always loved those stories. I used to have dreams of having a dragon and soaring over the world. Now my dream would come true.
I hurried home and packed the things I would need at Akasola. A noise outside and a gasp from Mother meant that someone was here to take me to Akasola. I looked out the window and saw a red dragon and his companion in the courtyard. There was a knock on the door and I heard voices downstairs. “Sarena,” my mother said opening my door. “It’s time to go.” Her eyes glistened with proud tears. I put my bag down and hugged her until Father called. Arena hovered above me as I climbed onto the red dragon.
The Dragonman vaulted onto the red effortlessly and secured the riding belt around us. “Hold on to my waist if you need to,” he said. The dragon sprung into the air and I gasped. I tightened my grip a little and the Dragonman patted my hand reassuringly.
Don’t worry. He won’t let you fall.” I smiled at Arena and got the nerve to look down. The ground seemed to be moving instead of us. It was as if we were floating and I loved the sensation.

Chapter 2

Akasola was bigger than I expected. The mountain was tall compared to the little house I was used to living in. The top level of caves looked so high that it made me dizzy looking up to it. Luckily, I would be in the Lower Level until I could fly with Arena.
I was still nervous when I was shown where I was to stay. I set my bag near a bed and sat down. There were four other beds as well as the one I would sleep in, but there was no one else in the room. 'Well, here we are.'
Don’t be nervous.
I heard footsteps outside and pretty soon three girls were escorted into the room. They looked as nervous as I felt, all huddled in the center while Arena met the other pearls. She was the only pearl with golden wings and I felt proud of her. “She has golden wings!” one of the girls exclaimed.
I looked at the girl who had spoken. She seemed to be the least scared of the three. “Her name is Arena and I’m Sarena,” I said. They broke their huddle as they became more comfortable.
The girl who had spoken first said, “I’m Nelra and the pearl closest to Arena is Elra.” The other three introduced themselves as Sarmina, Pakleen, and Bestrasha.
I got to know my surroundings and talked with the girls for a while. I was just get comfortable with my new home when a woman came into the room. “I’m here to see that you girls get settled and take you to see Queen Rashola.” She smiled at us and we followed her out of the room with our pearls flying above us. When we got outside, there were four dragons waiting to take us to the High Level. “The green is Arilla and I’m Narilla, Queen Rashola’s sister and assistant.”
I climbed on Arilla for the second ride on a dragon in my life. The ride seemed too short, but it was still exciting to be on a creature so powerful. We got off on the ledge of the High Level. It was the perfect width for two full-grown dragons. We nervously entered the large room and saw the pearl Ashola lying on one side. “Come in girls. She won’t bite,” a voice said. We look around and then followed Narilla through a doorway on the wall opposite Ashola’s bed.
We entered and were in another vast chamber. “Good afternoon girls. I am Rashola.” I looked around and saw a kind woman seated at a great table. “Have a seat.” She gestured to the chairs around the table and we sat.
I looked around for Arena, but didn’t see any of the pearls. “We are with Ashola. Don’t’ worry. I will always be close.” Those words comforted me and I settled into my chair and listened to Rashola. “I am Rashola, not Queen Rashola or Your Majesty, just Rashola. We are all of the same rank here and that is why you are here and not with the other new dragonets. You were specially chosen to be leaders of this world. Tomorrow, instead of reporting to the courtyard with the other dragonets, you will report to the building that is farthest to the north.”
She talked about our responsibilities to Isle and Septill and told us how to get around Akasola then dismissed us. “Sarena, will you stay behind please?” I waited for the other girls to exit and then sat back down at the table. Rashola sat for a minute and then spoke. “I am told your pearl has golden wings. You have a much bigger responsibility than the other girls. High King Vontey and High Queen Merine will be stepping down in the next ten cycles and with you being the only one with a pearl and gold, it will be you who will take the position as High Queen.
I flushed. “Me?”
“Aye. I felt the same you did when I was elected Queen of Isle. You never expected to take a high position, much less be chosen at all.”
I nodded. “I was hoping, but-”
“But no one believes they are worthy to be chosen as a Dragoncompanion. Well you were chosen and you will be High Queen when Merine steps down. Pearls are only born when they are needed. The other three girls will be voted on and one of them will take my place when I step down. For now you will be my apprentice until Merine takes you under her wing. You will be spending more time training with me than the other girls because you have more to learn. Do you have any questions?”
“When will I meet Merine?”
“She is very busy now with preparations for the mid-cycle concession so it will be after that meeting that you meet her.”
'Should I ask about why you can talk to me?' I asked Arena.
I think it’s because we’re smarter, but go ahead.” I smiled to myself at Arena’s comment.
“How is Arena able to talk to me and hear my thoughts?” I still felt childish asking such a question, but Rashola just smiled.
“All dragons are capable of speaking to each other, but pearls and blacks are the most intelligent of the species and are capable of speaking to their companions as well. All dragons tell their companions their names, but after that the other colors can’t say anymore. This isn’t taught to the other colors to keep it sacred between dragon and companion.” She stood and walked away from the table. “Now, if that is all, you shall accompany me to the Dining Hall.”
We entered the first chamber and I saw Arena waiting for me. “I told you we were smarter.” I smiled at her as we walked onto the ledge. Rashola mounted her pearl and beckoned for me to follow. I felt honored to be riding a queen even if it was just down to the ground.
The Dining Hall was an immense cave in the heart of the mountain. It had many long tables running its length that were slowly filling. The room was becoming more crowded with people and I hurried to sit with Nelra and the other girls. I looked around saw Titan sitting with three other boys. Two of which, I guessed were older. Titan looked somehow different from before. He seemed happier and brighter. He was no longer the dark boy who kept to himself.
The food was the most amazing I had ever seen and I wasn’t sure where to start. But before I was able to take one bite, Rashola’s mate, Dorille, stood and spoke. “I’d like to welcome the new Dragoncompanions to Akasola. We are fortunate to have hatched three strong blacks and four pearls, including one golden wing. After dinner you will be led to the Feeding Grounds to feed your dragons. Tomorrow will be a long day for you because you will begin your training as soon as your dragon awakes. You will feed them and then report to the courtyard. With that done, enjoy your first meal at the mount of Akasola.”
People began filling their plates before he sat down and I hurried to fill mine before the food was passed on down the line. My eyes were bigger than my stomach and I wasn’t able to finish everything on my plate. I wished I had left room for dessert when I saw the berry pies that were brought out, but I was only able to bring myself to take one bite. I wrapping up the rest, I left quickly to put the piece of pie in my room before feeding Arena.
When I had packed away my pie and left the room, I saw a familiar black dragon near the entrance to the boys’ dorms as Ian and saw Titan exiting the Dining Hall. He looked my way and waved. “You’re Sarena aren’t you? And your dragon has the golden wings? That’s amazing. I’ve seen you at school before. You never seemed like a person who would be chosen by a pearl. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean that,” he said looking at the ground.
“It’s okay,” I replied trying to comfort him.
He sighed with relief. “Would you like to join me at the feeding grounds? It’s hard to feed a dragon by yourself and we could help each other.” I said that I would and called to Arena. “Oh, this is Itan. He says that it’s a pleasure to have met you.” I smiled and thanked Itan and walked with them to the Feeding Ground.

Chapter 3

Oh the joy of flying! It was such a wonderful sensation I don’t know how I ever lived without it. But I knew I couldn’t stay in the air forever so I told Arena to land on the ledge of our newly acquired upper cave. We still had an hour before we had to meet Rashola in the Mating Wing. Arena was almost full grown and Rashola said it was about time I learned to what I was to do when I became High Queen. I had yet to meet High Queen Merine, but I knew she was very busy and had little time.
I stood on the ledge overlooking the Grounds. I could see everything from my ledge including the new Dragoncompanions training in the Courtyard and the adult dragons in the Feeding Grounds. It was wonderful to be up so high and see so many things going on all at once.
I looked at the sun and saw that it was time to meet Rashola. I called Arena out of the cave and vaulted to her back. But before we could leave the ledge, a small group of dragons came from the west and caused a great stir on the Grounds. I saw a hint of gold in the pack and then saw Rashola flying down to meet them. Queen Merine had arrived.
We landed and the crowd broke. I quickly dismounted as Rashola and Queen Merine came into the clearing. “Ah, here she is,” Rashola said. “Merine, this is Sarena and Pearl Arena.” Merine smiled and the aging lines in her face creased. Her cycles of experience made her look noble.
“Ah, so this is our soon to be High Queen of Liwde. You are lovely my child and will make a splendid Queen when the time comes,” Merine said, her voice as kind as she looked.
“Shall we retire to the Mating Wing?” Rashola said gesturing to the mountain. The crowd parted enough to let us through to a small building nearest the mountain. The room was almost empty save for a bed and a door to the bathing area.
“In one cycle, Arena will be reaching her full adult size. This also means that she will be ready to mate with one of the blacks in this vicinity. From today on, the blacks and pearls will be dining together in hopes that you will pair up next cycle.”
After a few hours, it was time for the mid-day meal and then on to the Records Annex. The Records Annex was a small room lined with bookshelves. Everywhere you looked were documents upon documents. It was cramped with three people in such a small space. Rashola had been showing me the different sections of the room and the scattered order they were in. I, during my own time, would start in one section and studying everything in it before moving on to the next. In the past four years I had been at Akasola, I was only halfway through the room.
I often felt like I was ignoring Arena, but she assured me I took care of her well. Her and Itan were getting along nicely. I knew that as High Queen I would have to choose a mate to be king and I was grateful that I had Arena to help me choose. I don’t know how I would have made the choice myself. There were a few gentlemen that would make wonderful mates, but how would I choose?
Rashola and Merine entered the room. “If you are ready to begin,” Merine said. “I’d like to see what you have learned before continuing on.” Merine asked me questions and I answered most of them. I hadn’t realized how much I learned just by reading.
Well done. You taught her well, Rashola.”
“Only everything I know,” Rashola replied with a smile.
“Which is why I am here. It is now time to teach you everything I know.”
Merine was so full of information, I didn’t know if I would be able to remember it all. We stayed on through dinner, eating while we talked and never stopping. Rashola listened quietly and stayed out of the way of Merine’s teaching.
I went to bed trying to recite what I had learned and thinking about what it would be like to be High Queen or any queen at all.
I woke the next morning disoriented. I had had the strangest dream, but I couldn’t remember what it was. I lay there trying to remember what I had dreamt, but it wouldn’t come to me. “People are going to breakfast.” I looked up and saw Arena’s head in my doorway and I smiled at the amusing sight.
'Thank you for telling me. I’ll be right out.' She withdrew her head and I quickly dressed and mounted Arena. Even after three years I still loved the sensation of flying. I don’t think I will ever tire of it.
“There she is.” Merine smiled as I entered the Recording Annex. I sat down ready for work, but noticed I was the only one sitting. “In three weeks is Mid-cycle Concession. As High Queen, it is my duty, soon to be yours, to ride to each Mountain and have a short counsel with the King and Queen. Since I will be stepping down soon, this year I am taking you with me to meet the others. Today is the first counsel and since we are already here, this is where we will start.” I followed them out of the room to our dragons and then up to the High Level.
We got to the Counsel Room and Dorille and Vontey rose to greet us. The meeting was rather interesting, but 14 might be too much. It was over rather quickly, but Merine told me they wouldn’t all be like that. This one was short because Vontey and Merine had been meeting with Rashola and Dorille since Merine and Vontey got here.
That night when we were getting ready to leave, I realized I would be away from my home for three weeks. I was almost an adult, but I was starting to feel homesick. I was going to be away from my friends and Titan, who I had come to know well.
The pearl and black companions had been spending a lot of time together in hopes that we’d find someone to pair with. I had especially enjoyed Titan’s company more than the other guys’. “I’m going to miss Itan as well.” Her and Itan were getting along nicely together.
“Are you all packed, dear?” Merine appeared at the door. Seeing my bag, she replied, “Good. We will be leaving at dawn so get some rest.” I looked outside and saw that it was dark. Our meeting had gone through dinner and now it was time to sleep.

* * * * *

I fell into bed, exhausted by two and a half weeks of meetings. It was wonderful to sleep in my own bed again. I had enjoyed meeting with all of the other leaders and I hoped I’d made a good impression on them.
When I woke, there was food and drink on the table in the corner. It was starting to cool so I took them down to the kitchen. Titan was in the dining hall and I joined him after getting warmer food. He grinned as I sat down. “How was your trip?” I told him all about the new places I had seen and the people and dragons I had met. We had a wonderful talk and didn’t notice the other people until the dinner call went out. That night I was too tired to change and fell asleep as soon as my head it the pillow.
I could hear someone far away calling. I walked out onto the ledge and saw a terrible sight. It was a dragon attacking a human and everyone was just watching it happen. I tried to move, but was rooted to my place. Arena was nowhere to be found. I called to her with my mind, but I couldn’t hear her reply.
“Sarena.” I woke with a start and looked around the room. It was dark, but I could make out Rashola and Merine as well as a few other bodies. “What’s wrong? Arena was bugling so loud, half the mountain is awake.” Merine massaged my hand and I realized I as holding my blanker so tight, my knuckles were going numb.
“My dream. A dragon was attacking a human and no one would stop her.”
“How do you know it was a her?”
“I just know. There was nothing that would make me think she was female, but I could tell.” I told them all I could remember from the buildings, which weren’t in Akasola, to the color of the dragon. After my story, I was given a drink and told to get some rest. That wasn’t hard considering it was laced with some sort of sleep drug.
In the morning, I could still feel the dream. I tried to push it out of my mind so as not to upset Arena, but it wouldn’t leave. There seemed to be an odd importance to it. I couldn’t recall to which mountain the buildings belonged, but they were familiar.
I went through the rest of the day with the dream running through my mind. It was hard to pay attention and a few times I didn’t hear what was said to me.

Chapter 4

I woke up in a cold sweat and the dream flooded back to me.
© Copyright 2005 standingontheedge (gtseternity at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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