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Rated: XGC · Draft · Adult · #929089
Vicki isn’t your typical girl next door.
You would never understand unless it happened to you. He touched me in a way that melted my heart.” Vicki, you’re not making any sense,” Reggie replied. “Never mind,” she frowned. No one would understand what she was talking about. If only he could experience the touch and the passion I felt. Vicky had no way of describing the ecstasy she had encountered.
Vicki drove home in mere confusion trying to find the way to describe what she had experienced. That night she entered her lonely home and attempted to boil water for tea. She quickly decided to ready for bed then sit a spell to read. As she entered the bathroom, her blue pin striped dress slid to the floor and she started her shower.
I wish I knew what he looked like and why don’t I know his name? He must come back have to see him again. Vicki stood in the steamy hot shower as the water slid down her face on to her plump breast. Her hand slowly explored her body as she washed.
After her shower she settled on the black crush velvet couch in her living room.
As she sipped on her chamomile tea her phone rang. “Hello-Vicki I am sorry I acted like such an ass.”
Would you like to go to lunch tomorrow.” Sure,” she yawned. “Ok so I pick you up around noon?” Reggie questioned.
Vicki finished her tea and shut off the lights. She wearily walked to her bedroom and undressed. As she lay in bed staring at the ceiling she tried to decide what to wear to lunch tomorrow. Finally she drifted to sleep. She tossed and turned till she saw an unfamiliar face. The same person she tried to tell Reggie about.
Vicki looked around seeing the red and black satin sheets and the beautiful candelabras glistening from the lit candles. She feels a hand tracing her shoulders down to her breast. Then she feels the moistness of a tongue sensually sliding from her earlobes to her shoulders and down to her erect nipples. Who is this man that makes me weak I want to know more. She turns around , “who ar---shhhhhh” the unfamiliar voice exclaimed. He gently lowered her to the bed exploring her every curve, tasting her body as she moaned with delight for this person she knows not.
She excitedly rocked her body as the mystery man suckled her breast. He inched his way to her swollen mound. His tongue danced in various ways as his finger entered her slit. She squealed in excitement as his fingers moved in and out causing her juice to flow. She
Still could not figure out who this mystery man was but she didn’t want it to end. As he moved his way back to her mouth, his erect cock brushed her wet cunt she gasped,” Oh my God!” He slowly entered her moving his erection in and out. “Mmmm I like that,” she moaned. He kissed her so softly and at the point of climax her hands clenched the pillow. She rocked her hips harder. His sweaty muscular arms reached around her waist his head lowered to her neck and his kiss was the kind that would send you into ecstasy. Her body tensed and her eyes closed they both released in sheer passion. He was gone.

Morning dawned and Vicki awoke .Oh my, that was---she looked and noticed she was in her own bed. I know he was here, I didn’t dream that. It felt so good. She sank back into her bed.” Was I dreaming?” Sigh. She made her way to the kitchen to make her morning coffee. Her phone rang. “Hello-I will be there at noon.” ” Ok I will be ready” replied Vicki. She proceeded to the bathroom to take her morning shower. She noticed what looked like blood on her neck. She couldn’t understand where she could’ve gotten it. What the hell is this? It looks like a bite. I must not let anyone see this or they will think I am some kind of lunatic. She panicked . She stepped into the shower to wash and scrubbed thinking it was just a mark. She was wrong. She found a purple chenille turtleneck to cover her wound. She headed toward the kitchen feeling queasy and a bit feverish. Maybe I should lie down for a bit to feel better before I go out. She started for the bedroom and collapsed on the floor.

The Transition

“Vicki, are you alright?“ Reggie panicked. “Huh” she said shaken. “I found you on the floor,” he replied. “I don’t know what happened,” she whimpered. “I felt dizzy and thought I should lie down that is all I remember.” Reggie decided he would stay with Vicki for the evening. She tried to convince him that she was fine but he stayed anyway. “ I will stay in the spare bedroom Vicki, you need someone to watch over you.” He demanded.
Vicki lay in bed shivering and delirious. Her dreams were remarkably vivid. She found herself walking the streets at night as the wind blew through her bluish black long silky hair. She couldn’t understand why everything seemed more beautiful, more colorful than before. Her gown was made of satin and lace ,blood red in color. Her nails were so sharp they could cut through anything. They were even dark burgundy in color. Her body was of a creamy pale white and felt cold. Her breast overflowed her gown exposing lustrous cleavage which she never had .Her eyes were the color of an ocean. Why is this magic happening? Why do I feel as if I am in another town or land?
Lying in bed Vicki woke up feeling as if she were having her last breath. Her dream felt so real it scared her. Suddenly she felt the blankets more as if someone was entering her bed. She trembled in fear because she could see no one. There is no one here, why do I feel as if I smell the sweet scent of his body. This time he spoke to her just relax my love you will soon feel young forever and experience what true romance really is
This voice she heard before but still unfamiliar. He grazed his nails up and down her pale skin.” Why are you here?”” What has happened to me.” she cried.” You have become my wife.” he smiled. He gleefully parted her lips with his tongue and edged his way between her thighs stroking her mound with his fingers you and I shall be one and live eternity. He breathed against her wet slit. His tongue teased her moist cunt as he flicked and suckled her swollen clit. Her body trembled as she relaxed. The feelings she had hoped would return did. She could not resist her temptation to make love to him. He gently entered her while stroking her clit. She moaned and pleaded for more. Her nails tore into the flesh of his back as they released and she squealed in ecstasy. “Vicki, are you alright?” Reggie exclaimed. “Yeah” she gasped. She looked the room over and her stranger was gone again. “I don’t know Reggie,” she cried. Reggie held her close as she fell limp in his arms. I don’t get it. Why is she so cold and just so beautiful all of a sudden. I wish I could help her figure out what is wrong but I can’t because I have not the slightest clue. The next morning she noticed she looked different oh my god I look like I did in the dream . Vicki shivered in fear. She had noticed her hair was longer than usual and her body shaped more as a model. “Reggie!” “What is it Vicki.” “Look at me, what is going on with me?” “I think you look astounding.” She still couldn’t realize what was going on . “I made you coffee” Reggie replied.” Oh yes me and coffees at a time like this!” she said sarcastically. “Wow it does seem that you have changed just over night.” he replied. “I feel different I don’t feel right.” “Come on Vicki lets not discuss that now it is obvious you are not well.” He was perturbed . She sank into her chair and sipped her coffee. “I have to get to work Vicki if you need me call me ok?” he demanded.
She couldn’t understand why she had changed and why Reggie didn’t notice right away. She questioned why he didn’t see her bite mark.” Damn!” She exclaimed I am losing my mind . She urged herself to ready for work. Opening the door she noticed a change.

A Different World

“Damn you scared me. “She gasped.” I am sorry ma’am I am looking for Miss Christens.” the driver asked. “I am her” she replied.” I came to take you to your destination.” said the driver.” What do you mean?” she questioned “Your date is waiting for you.” he said. The gentleman was dressed in a chauffeurs suit and hat. She looked outside and noticed a black stretch limo waiting for her.” Very well” she said. The gentleman escorted Vicki to the limo . “oh my” she grinned” this is intriguing” the chauffer opened the door and see peeked inside, there were bottles of champagne and two crystal wine glasses along with velvety long stemmed red roses. Along with that a note that read-
My love I shall see you tonight. Wear your best gown which will be provided at your destination. There you will find eternity. Vicki couldn’t understand why and where she was going. All she knew was that she was nervous as hell. The roses are so beautiful and why would someone go through all this trouble and not tell me who they are? She sat back in her seat and realized she should’ve been to work by now.” What is the time anyway” she asked.” It is about 10 pm madam”” oh no I should’ve been to work earlier I have missed a whole day.”” No madam where you are going day is night.” Vicki still couldn’t understand where the time went nor could she figure out what was happening to her . The driver arrived at their destination and opened her door. Here you go madam we are here. He reached for her hand as she stepped out of the limo she couldn’t see much through the darkness but her hearing was much sharper than usual. The driver escorted her to the room .
Vicky entered the room in awe. She closed the door and locked it behind her. She looked over the room her eyes widened at the scenery. There were crystal chandeliers and candles lit. Everything was made fine crystal crush velvet and lace. The fire place was lit and the scent of jasmine or what it lavender filled the air. She couldn’t decide. She walked around exploring every little detail of the room . She didn’t want to touch anything of fear she would break it. Her heart pounded in disbelief as she walked toward the bedroom . She saw a heart shaped bed covered with black and red satin sheets the same candelabra she saw before. Rose pedals trailed from the bed to the bathroom. As she followed the trail of petals she stopped in bewilderment. The bathroom was outlined in candles roses and a large antique oval tub filled with bubbles and rose petals. She heard music start playing , a sound that she never heard before . The melody was so sensual that it made her aroused. “Hello my love “the voice enchanted.” It is time for you to discover my world”. She turned around and her stranger whisked her to the bathroom gently kissing her and running his fingers through her long silky hair. She ran her hands up and down his rock hard body feeling his hard rod. She still couldn’t imagine how wonderful it felt to be in his arms. She realized how handsome this man was with his long golden hair. His hazel eyes glowed with contentment. He teased her with his tongue running it across her parted lips. She moaned and reached for his ass to pull him closer. She wanted to have him inside her.” No not yet my love”. His hands reached down to her aching slit. She begged him to enter her.” Please make love to me” she cried.” I need to feel your warmth “”.there is plenty time for that my sweet Vicki.” His fingers entered her felling every part of her womanhood. She rocked against him moaning with passion. As his fingers moved inside her breathing became erratic. Her hands clenched his ass tightly as her back arched. His arm embraced her back as his lips slid down to her milky white cleavage. His tongue tactfully trailed to her erect nipples as he nibbled lightly. He withdrew his finger and slowly penetrated her. Moving back and forth , she moaned for more. The water rippled across them splashing on the floor. Dripping in sweat and rose petals he lifted her out of the tub and proceeded to the bed where he lay her down while still inside her. He grabbed an ice cube and trailed it down her silhouetted body as she moaned cheerful . This was a sensation of desire she had never before experienced. She parted her lips and traced them with her tongue. Her eyes wide open looking into his. They climaxed together and faded into one.

Dream Come True

The next morning they lay in each others arms . He is still here and so am I . I found my one true love. Oh please tell me he won’t leave again. Her heart skipped in disbelief the morning light silhouetted his masculine body . Her hand touched his face as tears welled in her eyes. His long golden hair was misplaced and full of rose petals. This is the man that made me feel the unforgettable ecstasy . She desired him so much . She listened as his shallow breath inhaled and exhale peacefully. Who is this man that brings me such joy and compassion. What have I done to deserve such royalty. She got up out of bed and stumbled to the bathroom . She didn’t have a reflex ion . ‘Oh my god what has happened. She screamed horridly. Her stranger approached her.” My love you are now forever young.”” You never have to worry about losing your beauty or worry that you will expire. You are in my world. “” How did this happen to me.”” Come with me my love I will make you some coffee and explain. “
“Who are you anyway as she sipped her coffee shaking.”” My name is Enrique.” I have been a vampire for hundreds of years. “You know me very well in other terms.” Vicki started to cry “. If I knew you then how come you only come to me at night.”” That is when you call me.”” You don’t realize you do it but you summon me in your sleep. “Vicki couldn’t understand why she loved this man so much and why he was so important to her. Enrique knelt beside her.” Listen, my sweet Victoria I have loved you for as long as I have known you.”” I watched you sleep and I have helped you through all the difficult times.” Vicki got dressed and headed for the door.” I can’t stay here not knowing who you truly are.”” I have been making love to a stranger.”” Damn it she exclaimed.” I—I have to go.” She started toward the door and Enrique gently grabbed her arm . “Victoria please hear me out.”
“You have about 3 minutes to start talking or I am going to walk out this door.” By then she was uncontrollable crying. Enrique wrapped his arms around her and kissed her gently.” I am who you think I am.”” I was once your best friend and now I am your lover.” He ran his fingers through her long silky black hair and smiled he nudged his face into her hair and breathed” I am your best friend Reggie. I love you . “
Vicki couldn’t believe what she was hearing. “What? “”You’re who?” She almost fell to the floor. “Why didn’t you tell me this.”?” I was afraid you wouldn’t want me if you knew the real me.” She cried harder.” Oh my god Reggie I can’t believe you.” “Vicki still felt skeptical about the whole situation. She couldn’t understand how she had become a vampire.” So tell me what you mean I am a vampire.”” When you and I made love and it transformed you into who you are now.” he informed. “Will I ever go back to the old Vicki? She asked . No you will remain as you are now. Vicki finally calmed down enough to listen to Reggie. But she still had the remaining thought of how he could be two different people. He sat with her and explained details of what was going on . Finally she understood that because of his love for her he couldn’t let her know the truth about him. “I love you Enrique you are my dream.”” You are my fantasy I am forever yours and you are forever mine”. I love you too.” Victoria, never doubt my love for I am the stranger you knew.”
© Copyright 2005 kashmiergirl (dianecheek at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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