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Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Action/Adventure · #928425
These are the kids of the mass murderurs and they join the army.
Mass Murderers

The mass murderers were dead now but their children weren’t. The children of the mass murderers were very mad at their parents for being such idiots and getting their self’s killed. But they did not want to go on a crazy rampage like their parents so they thought and thought for a very long time until Billy the youngest and stupidest son said I be bored lets watch TV when he turned it on he oh I hate the news (TV) war breaks out in Iraq today. That’s it said the older son and smarter we can join the army. The two oldest kids one daughter and one son David and charlotte went to signed up to enter the army to get reed of their anger. The two younger kids Jeff and Kate were only 2 years away from joining the army. So David and charlotte went to go sign up on there way there they thought about it and talked about they were scared and ready to fight. When they got there they signed up they said welcome to an army of one. That night they had to sleep in bunk beds with other men and women. The next day training started 6 weeks of intense training. That day they learned how to march and all the basics at the end of the day tired and drenched in sweat they took a shower and collapsed on their cots. They woke up to a trumpet playing the classic wake up call trumpet song. They got up put on their new set of work out clothes and went outside were they did warm ups they new today was going to be a big day because yesterday they didn’t have to do warm ups. Then the drill instructor came out and said today we are doing the obstacle course mones and groans filled the crowd. Suck it up you big sissy’s he said. So we did the obstacle course one by one it was brutal and hard physically and mentally. We had climb up and down ramps rock walls and we also had to crawl under barbwire. With cutes and bruises at the end of the day we felt satisfied and felt a little like soldiers. Today we started shooting at targets with machine guns and other sorts of rifles. Today I was assigned with an m16 with a scope. Tomorrow we start with sniper rifles. Today I will get to shoot m20 sniper rifle my life long dream. I am very accurate with this weapon this will be my second hand weapon. Today is very tough and hard again because we are doing war tactics today I will be assigned with a 6 man squad I have a m16 with a scope and the others have snipers rifles and machine guns. We are 4 weeks into the training and today tactics again. I was moving in with my squad (I am the squad leader) sweat running down my face very tensely I peaked over a rock and I saw a enemy/target I fired and my squad gave some covering fire when I ran around the rock and shot many other targets. Today we learn how to drive all the different cars, tanks and assault vehicles. Today is our second to last day of training and my sister and me are very excited we heard that my sister and me are some of the best soldiers they have ever had. Today we wake up to that classic cheery trumpet tune again. We put on our work out clothes as we go to breakfast the smell of bacon and eggs fills the air. We get there and eat a little to eat so when we work out we don’t throw up much but just enough so we’re not starving. Today we’re fighting against targets with the whole team and the best leader will be the leader of our entire training group. The instructor looks at a list to decide my name is called David Foily “yes sir” I replied you will lead your training group today “yes sir” I said once again. As we run towards the tactics zone we talk about what we are going to do. Jeff “yes sir” you take your platoon over there Charley “yes sir” you take your men over there I’ll take my men down the middle. As I went down the middle a dribble of sweat drizzled down my face and went into my eye I squeezed my eye tightly shut from the pain ignored it and moved on. We stopped behind a rock and we said we would branch out from behind the rock. It turns out that was a good move because there were targets/enemy’s all around that rock. We took them out with ease then we went around a tree and saw Charley’s squad and I whistled and he looked over I yelled “cover us we’re movin in” he replied with a nod. We slowly moved and I slowly peaked around a rock and I fired a couple of rounds of my m16 and the targets were down. We kept on moving and we took out all the targets until we came to the end were there was about 100 targets my plain worked magnificently we all met up at that point and we all knocked out all the targets together. At the end of that the instructor told us to run back to camp so we did and we ran very fast as I heard the jingling and clanking of our equipment trying to talk to someone next to you was impossible unless you yelled so I just kept quiet and ran. When we got back to base the instructor said it is time for you lousy maggots to go to war now move out. He then told us to get on the plain to Iraq we parachuted out and landed in perfect possion and our lieutenant told us strictly to go straight to our base witch was just one mile away. We ran both very hard and very cautious because we were in actual war now and very fast to get right to base so we did. When we got to the base it was hell there were men dieing everywhere gunfire was heard for miles. We franticly listened to the lieutenant who was giving out commands. So we followed our orders and moved in to push back the Iraqis. Whenever one Iraqi would pop soon in a matter of seconds he would go back down dead shot by me or one of my team members. Now running threw smoke and sand to a under ground Iraqi tunnel hide out I threw in a flash bang grenade as another member of my squad threw in a smoke grenade. After we heard the flash bang grenade blow and the sound of smoke seeping out of the smoke grenade we moved in. we saw many Iraqi’s in the hide out if we did they were shot down unless the didn’t have a weapon if they didn’t have a weapon the were handcuffed and questioned about their leaders later. At the end of the tunnel we stopped and went back and placed a timed charge and it was set for two minutes. We ran fast and hard out of the tunnel dragging the Iraqi prisoners along. We ran hard hearing the tick tock then we heard a beep beep beep witch means it s blow time then we heard a ground shaking bang and then the hide out bursted opened and we cheered for a job well done. But before we could cheer one of our squad members was shot by an Iraqi sniper he died before our medic could even touch him. We stuck his gun in the ground put his helmet on top of the gun and we left him sadly. Tougher than ever because mad of our lose we mowed threw fifteen Iraqi’s and got to an American prison camp and dropped off the Iraqi prisoners and we took a break to catch our breath eat and get a drink but before we new it we were back out in war and fighting again. We were just walking along and stumbled apon a huge mass gorilla’s and we hid behind one of their hummer’s and I chucked a grenade over the hummer and took out most of the gorilla’s but I didn’t take out all of them. So what I said now was when I say three flank em. So when I said three with a couple precise shots me and the squad took out the rest of em. Then I checked to see if all our enemies were dead they were but then I heard a deep hard breathing like a vacuum cleaner but more silent and moany. Then I checked out the noise it was an American solider he was left there wounded by his platoon they didn’t no were he was. So we took him to the nearest medic witch it actually turned out to be only over the hill in front of us were his platoon was they had just left him a couple of minutes ago. We brought him to the medic he took him and treated him he said ok just bring him to a hospital I gotta get up to my platoon fighting up there with some gorilla’s. Then I said what is your troup number 314 he said I checked the wounded soldiers patch it said 314 on it. I then said no need he belongs in this platoon see his patch, oh yah your right I guess it does the I guess I’ll take em ok the thanks for your help bye. O ah we were actually wondering if we could just stay with your platoon I lost a couple of men and anyways I only have five guys so it won’t hurt, your right come on go up there and start fighting they wont they’d like the extra help. We then run up to the platoon ignoring all the bullets, dust and bugs in our faces. When we got up to the platoon we admittedly started firing our weapons. With gunpowder in our faces we tried not to miss fire or get distracted. After about an hour there was one gorilla left he started running and I placed a nice persistent shot to hit him right in the head while he was running. Then the platoon leader said hey nice shot I of course said thanks. He said whats your squad number I said 43. He said the 43, yep I said, I’ve heard there the best of the best and that the leader is unbelievable, yep that’s me I said , no way I’m actually meeting the David of the mass murdering parents I said yep you are. Wow nice to meet your acquaintance, same here ahhhh , Ben interlande , thanks nice to meet you too. As we were walking threw the dirt that was blowing up in our faces we were talking. I asked him how many more missions he had left he said… The scout that we had ahead of us ran back as fast as he could and told us he heard Iraqi’s talking and saw there feet threw the dirt. As we got ready our positions we saw feet start appearing threw the dirt that was blowing very quickly now. We watched as two feet appeared and then five feet were there then fifteen feet were in sight so we opened fire and killed them all with only a couple of precisely shot rounds. Then we went up to the dead Iraqi’s just to make sure they were dead and they were so we moved on. I went back up to Ben to see how many missions that were left and he said NO more and I said what how. He said the last mission was to kill the rest of the gondwalla Iraqi gorilla group and those Iraqi’s back there were them. I said how are you sure and he said because of the patches on there arms and they said that that was them. All we had to do was to kill of the rest of them because one of our platoons didn’t quite finish them off so that was our job. Cool I said with gleed and joyment. Now we get to go home no right he said yep now we just have to get to the nearest pick up station that bring people home. We got to that pick up station in an hour and we all jump and yelled so haply that we didn’t even remember that there could be snipers around. We went inside the tiny little base with a pad with a helicopter on it and inside that base we turned in our weapons and cloths ammo and excreta. We all got on the hewy and before I new it I was asleep and then was awoken just like that. With wind blowing my hair because the hewy was landing I saw that it was my sister that woke me up and we hugged so happy to see each other and got off the hewy. We hitched a ride with another solider that was going home and he brought us home. When we got there we looked outside at the house and said that’s enough revenge. We both walked in and hugged Jeff, Kate and Billy we were happy to see that Jeff and Kate didn’t join the army and we were just happy to see all of us together again.
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