Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/927882-Returning-to-Chaos
Rated: 13+ · Script/Play · Emotional · #927882
The short story of the epic tales of Pat Dwyer begins once again...
Returning to Chaos

Finding a place to call home can be something so difficult at times, almost something that can be impossible depending on the person. The description of a home to someone is much more then just a place you stay. It's somewhere that you treasure, will always be welcome to, and always feel comfortable of the surroundings and people that are tied to it.

When you look for a place like this, it can't be rushed as to making the decision that is perfect for you, because everyone needs something different. Each and every individual has their own sets of wants and needs, making the symbol of a home different for everyone. Some people consider a home to them as their house, a comfortable atmosphere full of people you know and can always trust.

But to Pat Dwyer, his idea of a home isn't exactly a place full of people you know and trust. His search for a new location has been strenuous on him, his girlfriend Kristen, and his agent/close friend Chris. Dwyer and the two others have spent months trying to find a place for him to call home, and now finally after months of searching, this place has been found. Core Wrestling.

The search was now over and the new journey was about to begin, as at the still young age of 24, Pat Dwyer was to be pursing his burning desire, which was to wrestle. After having a dark match to introduce his skills to Core, he was ready to go with the on screen action! Getting the ring rust off is no longer a problem, and the want for competition continues to burn inside him.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

The warmth inside the large condo based in Toronto made the bitter cold outside seem even worse when he'd stepped in the door. His coat covered with snow, faces red, being irritated from the blistering cold winds that were breezing outside. Dropping the duffel bag that hung over his shoulder, the man slides his shoes off, bits of snow hitting the carpet. The room was dark and gloomy, but the warm air had overcome him, and he'd felt very comfortable nonetheless, the moods unable to kill the comforting heat that was rejuvenating his body.

"Don't you be making a mess!" A light female voice exclaimed. Her bleach blonde hair and bright blue eyes complimented with her lightly toned skin were impossible to miss, even in the dark room.

A chuckle is heard from the man, as he walks into visibility, turning the light switch on, instantly emitting light throughout the small entrance to the condo. Revealing the new owner of the condominium, Pat Dwyer, his face still slightly red from the cold Canadian weather he had faced moments ago.

"I'm trying my best!" He replies back, wrapping his arms around Kristen. "Finally I'm home for a little eh? Got a couple day break!"

"A couple days isn't enough for me!" She complains, placing her head on the shoulder of Dwyer, who is visibly much wider and taller then her. He's huge physique having her buried in his chest, her head gently leaning on him.

"That's the hassle of being on the road," He puts it simply, loosening his grasp on his beloved girlfriend. Dwyer enters in his cozy condo, the warmth still a comforting factor to him, but also being in the place he could call home would do that for him.

"Yeah well it's good to see you," she remarked, sarcasm evident in her tone of voice. "How longs it been since I last got to see you in person, a week or two?"

"I know I know, you're having a tough time coping with me being on the road, but as I've said many times, that's the hassle of being in the business. It may be a stressful thing sometimes, but that's what I have to do to fulfill my desires in life. You know that, I know that, we've made it clear many times before." He responds, trying not to get on the nerves of his girlfriend. The last thing he'd come home from wrestling for was to get in a fight with someone he loves.

"But did I ever agree to you going back?" She replies, walking into the living room of their condominium estate. "Why don't I get any say on what's going on with your career choices?"

Dwyer follows her into the living room; everything looking exactly like it had before, when they first moved in just months ago. The place was as clean as could be, everything in it's respecting place, looking almost perfect, too good to be true. Kristen's nerves are already coming to their splitting ends from this conversation, and she's trying to relax.

"Why do you always want to be involved with all my life decisions?" Dwyer questions her, trying to approach her as closely as possible without being rejected quickly. "When was the last time I told you to do something? Or tell you I wasn't satisfied with what you're doing with your life?"

"Don't even start with me," she exclaims, getting very annoyed with him, the fact that he's testing her on this outbreak wasn't exactly what she had planned ahead.

Kristen wasn't trying to start a huge argument, though she was trying to give him the input on this situation that he'd never listened to. It was frustrating for her, and she'd decided this would be the last time she'd ever attempt arguing with him. It'd been months since he'd decided to return to the ring, and ever since he was dead set on the idea, she hasn't been able to touch the subject without him turning the idea away immediately. And now, when the conversation actually breaks out, nothing but words of anger that'd sooner or later be regretted are being said.

"What do you mean don't start with you? You wanted to talk about involvement in each others lives, where is it that I was ever telling you I didn't like what you've been doing?" Dwyer fired at her. This type of behavior uncharacteristic for him, but in times of being opposed for what he loved he was one to be defensive.

"You never have…" She openly admits.

"…Exactly!" Dwyer loudly interrupts her. "I wasn't holding you back when you went back to college two years ago! I let you go do what you want because you wanted to contribute financially too, and look at you now, that's what you're doing. Not once have I ever stepped in front of you when you reached for your desires, so I don't expect you to do it either. I respected your wishes of what you strive for, so now you need to respect mine."

The words powerfully taking their toll on Kristen, she's nothing but silent. She stares at Dwyer, both standing just a few feet away from each other, no movement coming from her, the gazing just continuing on. It's almost as if she's in disbelief, never seeing him so defensive and protective about a certain subject. But never had she tried making any remarks or complaints about the lifestyle that he'd been leading.

"I know you didn't do any of that to me," She replies, trying her best to find words to reply with the best response, hoping not for the argument to get into more of a mess then it already is. "But…I didn't leave you for weeks at a time, I was still here everyday by your side, just like I've always promised you. Never have I not been there for you, and I always will be. In this case however, I can't stand not having you there."

"When we met before Kristen, I told you from day one it'd be tough. You agreed, we never had any problems. And now that I return to the ring, after a 6-month break, it's suddenly bothering you. The problem is you've gotten too used to me being around all the time, which was something I didn't want to happen. My intentions were never to have you get used to having me around, cause now that I'm not around all the time, your no longer used to me being on the road. We all knew I was going to return sometime, being in a relationship of an elite athlete it's just something you'll have to face." Dwyer says gently, trying to relinquish the anger out of the conversation, and bring some understanding to it.

"Maybe I never wanted to cope with the way you live, maybe I've never been able to!" She shouts, frustrated now not with the way he'd been angry, but with how gently put he was trying to make everything sound. "And the thing is, I never will be able to handle it! It tears me apart, and I can't stand it!"

"Alright, here you go, no longer will you have to cope with it!" Dwyer states in an easy voice, turning his back to Kristen, and starting to walk towards the front door.

Nothing is said between the two as Dwyer starts bundling his jacket up, and placing his feet back in his snow covered boots. Pulling the toque over his head to protect him from the blistering cold, he turns back to see Kristen still standing in the same position as he'd left her just seconds ago. But now, her eyes have turned red and are full of tears, some already lightly dripping against her soft cheeks. Never had she the nerve to have Pat leaving his own him and her behind. Neither had ever been much for getting into arguments, but once they'd occurred, over reaction was a key role being played, and as usual, that was what was happening at this moment.

But nonetheless, Dwyer took one last look at her, not taking a second guess on what he was about to do. He turned and grabbed hold of the doorknob, twisting it and escaping into the hallway. More or less with the things on his mind right now, he couldn't handle what was going on, too many problems getting a hold of him at once. Where was he going? For now it was unknown, but in a matter of time, it will surely be revealed.
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