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by Dara
Rated: · Other · Other · #927862
this is part three with more to come
It had been 50 years since I’d taken her hand. I’d never aged since that day. Aura had become my mentor and taught me to use not only my powers as a human servant but also my powers as a witch that I had suppressed. I now live in a small town in Alaska. I loved the human life, it was a relief compared to what I’d been through years ago.
I don’t know why I was thinking about my past tonight. I’d been emailing Aura and I was now about to go to sleep. I’d never slept well since I had left, I never feel safe. Slowly I drifted into a restless sleep.
Jeremy lay on the canopy bed that had been my own when I was at the kingdom. He appeared to be completely nude but he had the blue silk of the sheet draped over his waste. I was wearing the same dress I have worn when Macon had kidnapped me. It was white silk with white flowers embroidered on the collar and around the waste.
“Where are you Dara? We’ve found Aura and have questioned her but all she will give away is that your in Alaska, it’s only a matter of time before we break her and she tells us everything,” he said.
“Are you hurting her?” I asked
“Yes she is being tortured.” I hated the answer to that but kept going.
“What will you do if you fine me?” I asked, anticipating the answer.
“There will be a punishment but if you give me your location it might be less severe.” He said; his look was completely cold, giving nothing away.
“And what if I don’t tell you and you can’t find me?” I asked smugly.
“I can enter your dreams and make them the worst of nightmares; I could even cause you physical pain through these dreams. Eventually you won’t sleep; you will come to me or grow insane. I could also call for you which might make you come to me depending on how strong your willpower is. Just give up and come to me now. Your punishment won’t be severe; you only ran away, you were afraid and I understand it.
“Why are you trying to get me back now?”
“I figured you needed time to adjust, so I gave you your space but there is only so long I can wait before I must force you to my side.”
“I will not come to you willingly.”
“Then come to me now. Here there is no reason why you can’t, I can’t hurt you here.” I hesitated, what if he could do something to me, after all he had said that he could physically hurt me in a dream. Why does he even want me to come to him?
“There is nothing I can do to you at this moment that will change your waking life. Please come here.” I walked toward him and I hadn’t meant to. I sat down on the edge of the bed. He pulled me on top of him suddenly. I was about to scream when I was sucked away into a flashback.
I was viewing the town I lived in for the first time. It was snowing and I saw the trees beyond the village and thinking how beautiful it looked. Then I was walking toward my house. It was a big house only one story high but still huge. It was brick and had very few windows due to the fact that a heater can only do so much.
Then I was back in my body pressed against Jeremy. He pushed me gently off him. “Seems I’ve found your hiding place my love.”
I shot up in bed to find Jeremy leaning in the corner. His arms crossed over his chest. He unfolded his arms, pushed off the wall and began walking toward me. At that moment I was glad he had chosen the corner farthest from the door. I flung the covers off and ran for the door. Jeremy laughed as I tore out of the bedroom and race down the hall.
Suddenly pain laced through my head. It was enough to make me fall to my knees. Come here, Jeremy’s voice came into my head. I wanted to go to him and that’s why I resisted the urge. When I resisted the pain pulsed harder through my head and now my chest.
“You know if you wouldn’t resist me this wouldn’t hurt; if you hadn’t developed your powers it wouldn’t hurt.” He said from behind me. He walked around so he could see my face. I looked up at him.
I barely got my words out through the pain and my clenched teeth, “Since when do you have this much power?”
He laughed but it wasn’t happy, “When I’m around my human servant I am stronger. I also have a lot of power over you but I built up to this little trick over the 50 years you’ve been away.”
Tears were streaming down my face from the pain now, “Please, make it stop.”
He kneeled in front of me and I flinched. He hesitated at that. Then he realized he was hesitating at making the pain go away and he gently stroked my cheek. My eyes rolled back in my head and I fell forward onto Jeremy. He caught me easily and sat back on the floor stroking my hair.
“It’s time to go home now,” Jeremy whispered in my ear.
“Your kingdom isn’t my home, this is my home,” I protested weakly. Even though Jeremy had taken away the extreme pain in my head away it didn’t mean I didn’t have the worst headache I’ve ever had. I wanted to pass out. I hadn’t passed out in 50 years and this was a bad time to rekindle old habits.
“I don’t care if this is your home you are coming back to the vampire kingdom.”
“He said it would be like this,” I said, sad instead of scared now.
“Macon. He said you would command me to do something and when I didn’t you would force me.”
Jeremy sighed and tightened his grip on me, “Sometimes it will be like this, most of the time it won’t though. I won’t force you to do most things but there are some things that I must make you do.”
I tried to push away from Jeremy but he wouldn’t let me up. “Let go of me, now.”
He laughed, “No, if I let you up you will go for the rifle in the closet which won’t kill me but it will hurt like hell.”
“How did you know that?”
I can read your thoughts, came Jeremy’s voice in my mind.
“Stay out of my head.”
“It’s so much easier if I just read your thoughts, I can keep you from doing crazy things that would make me kill you.” I put a solid barrier to separate my mind from his. His eyes grew wide.
“Well, it seems I’m not the only one who has gained power.” I started concentrating on breaking his grip. It was much harder to break his grip than to break humans. His hands loosened slightly and I pushed against Jeremy’s chest while concentrating on keeping him still. He moved like he was moving threw water but he was still moving.
I didn’t even go for the rifle I just ran out into the snow. My concentration was gone and Jeremy was running after me. With my shields up he couldn’t hurt me, well not as easily. I felt the beginnings of pain in my chest but I don’t think it was from him but only from the cold. It was freezing, I was already shivering and my cloths were soaked threw. I was in nothing but a silk nightgown that barely covered to mid-thigh. I know most people don’t wear those things in the winter in Alaska but my heating in the house was very good.
I fell in the snow and couldn’t find the strength to get back up. I was shivering and couldn’t get enough air in my lungs. A shadow loomed above me. I glanced up at Jeremy. I tried to get up but couldn’t. It probably didn’t matter now, he had me whether I could move or not. He bent over me and gently picked me up. He was warm which meant he had fed before he came here.
He carried me to the house and step inside shutting the door behind him. He walked into my room and set me down by the fire, which I had had going even with the heater on. He then went into the bathroom and grabbed two towels. He pulled me nightgown over my head and wrapped the towel securely around me; he enveloped my hair in the other. He went to my closet and pulled out my thick cotton robe; he pulled the towel off and replaced it with the robe. He then grabbed the comforter from the bed and infolded both him and me in it leaving me closest to the fire with his arms wrapped around me, his body spooning mine to warm me up. I was eased into sleep simply by exhaustion and comfort.
I woke up in my bed instead of on the floor. Jeremy’s arms were still around me. Frankly I was surprised I was still here, I expected him to take me to the castle as soon as I was asleep. I was probably too ill to take home last night and he would probably do it today unless I could-.
Don’t you even think it, I’m already awake and today you are too weak to use your magic on me.
I sighed, “Damnit.”
Jeremy laughed at that, “I figured you would say as much.” He started to clear the hair away from my throat.
“What do you think you’re doing?” I demanded angrily.
“I’m going to feed,” he stated as if it was no big deal. I tensed and he felt it, “It won’t hurt if you don’t struggle, I’m going to use my mind. Come on I won’t hurt you I swear.” He said stroking my hair. “Relax,” he whispered into my ear. He sunk his fangs into my neck. I gasped but before the sound even escaped the pain was gone. It wasn’t as pleasurable as Macon’s bite (though I knew he could make it so) it was just relaxing. He seemed to do it like that just so as not to throw me into panic. As soon as I started to get dizzy he drew back.
“See, not terrible.”
I sighed, “No not terrible, but I still don’t like it.”
“Now that I’ve fed and you feel slightly better we are leaving for my kingdom.” Before I could protest we were lying on the bed in the chamber I had once slept in.
“How did you do that so fast and not make me throw up?” I asked.
“I’ve had a chance to prefect the technique so I don’t make my passengers sick. I need you to meet with
Macon, he said he wished to speak with you when I brought you back.” The fact that he didn’t say “If I brought you back” bothered me. It meant he could have gotten me back all along no matter how hard I fought him.
He pulled me out of bed and then looked at me,”Clothes first, I don’t think you want to walk around in that nightgown all day; you also might want to wash up. I’ll leave you to pick out an outfit you like and to shower.” He turned and walked off down the little hall that leads from my room to his.
I walked to the wardrobe and opened it. All the dresses were extremely fancy decorated with jewels and lace, the cloth was mainly made of silk but some were made of velvet. They all had many petticoats. I pick a dark blue strapless dress; it had diamonds all around the waste and a plunging neckline that showed almost too much. Unfortunately it still had many petticoats but it was the plainest one I could find.
After that I went to take a shower. All the soap was heavily perfumed and gave me a headache. I got out of the shower and dried off in a towel that was taller than me and wider than my arms length. I dressed in the dress, which was very difficult with the buttons in the back. After I managed to get the dress on I walked down the hall Jeremy left through; I didn’t take a light this time because I knew it didn’t turn.
I emerged into a vast room bigger than mine. It was all black and there was one candle flickering near the bed. Jeremy lay on the bed reading by the candlelight. He looked up as I step forward into the room.
“Wow you look great Dara,” he said giving me a once over. “Come one we will go meet with Macon now.”
“I don’t know about this, won’t he be pissed that I left.”
“Hell yeah he will be pissed, he might even hit you but I don’t really care unless he kills you, you deserve what ever you get.” He said coldly.

He took me roughly by the arm and pulled me toward the double doors in his room. He trudged down the hall with my in his bruising grip.
“You’re hurting me.”
“I don’t care.”
“Why are you being an ass now?” I asked pulling out of his grip; he let me go.
“I’m just in a bad mood is that’s all.”
“Right.” We had stopped at a huge oak door (all the doors in this place seemed so big and they are all made of oak).
“Well, why don’t you open it?” Jeremy asked me. I looked up at the big door. How the hell was I supposed to pull that open? I stepped forward anyway and pulled at the door; it didn’t budge a centimeter. I kept pulling and couldn’t get it open for the life of me.
“I can’t get it open.”
Jeremy gave me a smile that chilled me to the bone, “I guess you’re only human.” Then he pulled the door open like he was pulling on a feather. His words and look had been a threat I was sure of it; if he could pull open that door that I couldn’t move just think what he could do to me. It was subtle but I understood.
I stepped into the room and the only light that was in there was coming from the hallway. Jeremy slammed the door shut and left me in darkness. Something brushed my throat and I nearly jumped out of me skin. Laughter spread through the darkness.
“Don’t worry princess, since when would I ever hurt you.” Macon’s voice slithered through the darkness.
“You know Jeremy really hated it when you left, but he figured he should give you time and that you would come back to him. Unfortunately for you the war conditions got desperate, with your people thinking you were dead they got even more vicious than before. Now that your home we need to prove to your people that you are alive and well.”
“And how do we do that?”
“Follow me and you’ll see,” he took my hand and led me back to the door. We walked down the hall. We emerged into what had to be a throne room. There was a huge thrown at the wall to our left. It was solid gold with velvet cushions and there was a huge silk tapestry draped over the back of it. There were silk pillows that sat surrounding the thrown. Steps led down from the dais on which the thrown sat.
He dragged me to the thrown. “Sit,” he said to me and then yelled, “Bring in the prisoner!” That’s when the screaming started.
“Let me go damn you, let me go!” Screamed a female voice. Two guards had to drag her in; one had her feet while the other had her arms. They dropped her onto the ground so she landed on her butt. I finally got a good look at her face.
“No, no little Dara, this is Celica, Caia’s daughter. Bring in the man as well!” Macon shouted. A minute later a young man was being led in by chains around his wrists and ankles. He was pulled roughly to the ground.
“God Macon let them go!” I screeched.
“No not yet first they have to take a message back to your kingdom for me first.” He said with and irritating smile curling his lips.
“We won’t do anything for you!” Yells the young man. Macon moved to strike him.
“Wait! I remember that woman’s face, my mother used to keep a picture of her”, an alarmed Celica explains,” She said she was her best friend.”
“What happened to your parents?” I asked, unable to help myself.
“They died of a disease that has hit the kingdom, it’s very contagious.” She said looking down.
“This is not a reunion! You are to go back to your kingdom and tell your king that Princess Dara is alive and plans to take the thrown with her husband at her side. Take them away and dump them outside their kingdom.” With that said the vampires holding them disappear with the two.
“M-my husband?” I ask.
“Yes, Jeremy will be your husband. Listen Dara,” Macon said, “you belong to Jeremy as far as I am concerned. Don’t interrupt me yet,” he said holding up his hand. “Your court would never accept the fact that you belong to him, but if you were married you are his and he is yours. That being the case I’ve come to the conclusion that you are going to have to marry Jeremy.
I opened my mouth to protest when I was interrupted but you heavy, wooden door flying wide open with enough force that when it knocked into the wall the room quaked from the force. Jeremy stepped in from the hallway.
“I won’t force her to marry me; she doesn’t know what she’s getting into, being with a vampire!”
“We will discuss this later Jeremy.”
“No we will discuss it now!”
“Well then Jeremy, you have one month to win her heart or I shall kill you both!” I yelled his face completely red with rage. I started to tremble; I knew he would do it. I took a brief moment to glance at Jeremy and then did a double take when I discovered he didn’t look remotely worried. But the again why would he; he was Macon’s little brother after all so he wouldn’t be killed. Me on the other hand, I knew very well that he wouldn’t hesitate to behead me.
“One month is hardly suitable time to--.”
“Shut up! One month is all you are getting. Get out! Now!”
Jeremy grabbed me roughly by the arm and hauled me to the door.
“We will speak later Jeremy,” Macon shouted as Jeremy shoved me into the hall. Jeremy turned around and walked back through the door.
“I will be back when the sun sets to speak with you my lord,” he spat out. He gave a low, sweeping bow and headed back threw the doors toward me. He slammed the door behind him and pulled me roughly to my feet. His grip was bone crushing. He began pulling me roughly down the hallway back toward my room.
“Well Dara, what do you have to say to that?” He said clearly still angry. But since no one had bothered to ask me what I thought I answered him. I yanked my arm from his grip and stopped walking.
“I hate you and I don’t trust you enough to fall in love with you in a month.”
“I thought that would be the case,” he sighed and gently took my hand to lead me down the hall, “I still have to try, he won’t kill me but he will kill you.”
“I know this.”
“Good perhaps that will give you the mind to at least attempt falling in love with me.” I nodded my head as I thought about it.
“I can try but I’m not guaranteeing anything,” I said. Jeremy smiled; it was a brilliant flash of perfect white teeth.
“Come on lets go outside, I’ll show you how pretty it is here,” he said taking my arm and pulling me down the hall. “We will go out through the garden door; it’s much like yours at home.”
“Wait how did you know about that door?” I asked, I didn’t remember telling him about it.
“Gabriel, remember after he saved you and walked you back to your garden? I’m the one who spoke to him.” He laughed, “I figured you would have guessed that already.”
“No, I suppose I tried to block it out, it was a little traumatic for me. I was fifteen after all and I’d never seen that much blood.”
“Yes I suppose. A few years in with vampires and you won’t notice the gore, you probably won’t even care.”
“Well I don’t really plan on staying in the vampire society long enough for that,” I said. I felt Jeremy tense beside me and I glanced at him. He looked very strained. “Jeremy what’s wrong?”
He sighed, “Dara, you will be staying in vampiric society long enough for that to happen. I doubt Macon would really kill you but even if he doesn’t you are still mine, and you can’t go back to your kingdom.”
“Why does everybody think I belong to you?” I practically screamed in his face.
He gave an irritated sigh, “Because you do, my blood lets you live so you are my responsibility and I control you, whether you like it or not.”
I pulled the arm he still had a hold of and stepped backwards. “I belong to no one! No one rules me! I rule my own kingdom damnit!”
“I thought fifty years would be enough to make you grow up a bit! I guess I was wrong but I will have to deal with it!”
He grabbed for my arm again but I dodged from his hands and ran around him down the corridor. I reached the end of the long hallway and was already down a flight of stairs before I realized that Jeremy wasn’t following me. I slowed down and started walking down another set of stairs. This dress was too heavy to run in.
I reached the bottom floor and saw a huge set of double doors. I walked toward them to pull them open and remembered Jeremy’s demonstration with the door when he took me to Macon. I automatically knew I couldn’t open the door.

“Need help escaping Jeremy’s grasp princess,” said a voice from behind me. I turned to see Gabriel standing there.
“What’s the point? He will just find me again won’t he?”
“True, but wouldn’t it be reward enough just to be alone outdoors for a while until he comes to find you?”
“I suppose it would be nice. Why do you care though?”

He shrugged, “I’ve taken and interest in you ever since I saved you that day. I’ve been watching you, making sure your safe and I would like to see you happy. You never smile anymore, not like you did when you were younger. I think Jeremy can make you happy princess.” He smiled and walked over to the door, pulling it open, “Come on, we will have a chat”. I stepped outside and Gabriel stepped out releasing the door. It creaked loudly as it slid shut.

He draped an arm around my shoulder; despite being forever sixteen he was still several inches taller than me. I looked up and my jaw dropped. We were on what I would call a hill and you could see woods for miles surrounding the castle and surrounding village. It looked so much like home it made me ache.
“Would you like a day spent in town princess?”
“I guess,” I said gloomily.
Gabriel smiled, “Don’t look so sad Dara, like I said I think Jeremy will make you happy, and you will see your village again don’t worry. Now shall we,” he said gesturing to the city below and offering me his arm as he removed it from around my shoulders.
“Sure, lets go,” I said as I looped my arm though his. “So why do you think Jeremy would make me happy?” I asked.
“You have a lot more in common than you think, and Jeremy, while course with everyone else can be quite gentle with the woman he loves. I remember him when he was human he was much feared but with his young wife he was always gentle.”
“You knew him when he was human? He always makes you sound younger than him.”
Gabriel made an annoyed noise, “No he’s younger than me, hell I turned Macon and that’s who turned Jeremy. No he only acts older because he has more power.”
“So who’s older when it comes to Macon and Jeremy?” I had to ask, Macon looked younger but Jeremy treated him as if he were older.
“Macon is older, I just turned him young while Macon only found his brother again when Jeremy was, well I guess your age. How old are you, twenty-five?”
“Twenty-four actually.”
“Ah, well I suppose Jeremy couldn’t be much older than you when Macon found him. Macon was very lonely and he missed his younger brother and decided he couldn’t live without him and he brought Jeremy over. He was severely punished for that because I told him not to but even by then he had more power than me. With his brother at his side Macon is invincible. He is already the most powerful of all vampires, except my father and possibly my half brother, Vahe. With you at Jeremy’s side you have influence over that power, you could do much good in that position not to mention stop this war.”
“I don’t love Jeremy though, and frankly all his power and his brothers power frightens me.”
“You can try though can’t you?” He asked, looking like an expectant sixteen year old wanting his parents to get back together.
“I have to ask again why you care so much, you hardly know me so why do you want my happiness?”
“Well I’m also worried about Jeremy. He’s been very depressed lately. I can tell he doesn’t really love you yet but I see he has taken a liking to you.” We were suddenly in the town, among the loud, bustling crowds. There were children playing in the streets while their parents bargained with merchants. Merchants bustled around trying to sell things to people. Several vicious looking men with whips leading a line of men and women chained together through the town.

“What are they doing?” I half yelled to Jeremy point at the line.

“It’s the human slave trade,” he shouted over the noise, “There maybe more than just humans there; were animals, shape shifters, faeries, witches, possibly even weak vampires that have been captured by the slavers.”
I shuddered, wondering if the vampires had just decided to topple my kingdom would I be in the slave trade now. Gabriel sighed beside me.
“Yes you probably would be part of the slave trade. Probably even Macon’s personal servant just so you would be tortured; Macon uses his personal servants for more than just what is normally asked of a servant. He normally executes his personal servant every year and gets a brand new one.”
Gabriel looped his arm through mine, “Just don’t think about it, that’s only what could have happened.”
“Yes but what has happened is much worse,” I said, gesturing back toward the castle.
“Perhaps in your eyes in seems that way but to me it seems several steps up. Jeremy isn’t going to kill you and probably won’t allow Macon to. Hell Jeremy might let you go.”
I thought back to this morning when Jeremy chose to demonstrate how weak and human I was. “No he won’t let me go I know that.” Gabriel didn’t questions it. He must have known that I obviously knew something he didn’t.
“What happened,” he asked. He looked a bit concerned.
“Nothing, Jeremy just showed me how powerful a vampire is. Also if he went through all the trouble of finding me why would he let me go again?”
“That idiot. You’ll have to forgive him; when he gets upset he likes to show everyone how powerful he truly is. Normally he is more powerful but normally he wouldn’t choose to frighten someone he was tied to in such a way.”

Thunder cracked in the distance and I looked up to see pitch-black thunderclouds rolling across the sky. “Perhaps we should go inside,” Gabriel said, turning us around. Lightening split a tree near by and thunder resonated around us. I jumped and issued a squeak of terror. Gabriel moved his arm to drape it around my shoulder.

“Sheesh girl it’s just a little storm,” he said grinning.
“Doesn’t look like it’s going to be a little storm with the color of those clouds,” I said, giving him a dirty look. “I’ve always been afraid of storms and I will be up all night with this one.”
“Awe, poor baby.”
I gave him a little shove, “Shut up.”

Gabriel opened the doors to the castle and began leading me up the stairs. “Well if you can’t sleep and you’re afraid just go sit in Jeremy’s room and keep him company.”

“And have him laugh in my face? I don’t think so.”

“He wouldn’t laugh.” I didn’t respond. Even if he didn’t laugh he would still see me as weak. I only noticed we were at my door when Gabriel release me. “Goodnight Dara, I’ll speak with you tomorrow.”
I stepped forward and gave him a hug and he stiffened as if he wasn’t used to hugging, “Goodnight Gabriel.” I released him and opened the door, stepped inside and shut it behind me.

Thunder sounded again and I jumped. Lightening flashed above the skylight. I went over to my closet and pulled out a dark blue nightgown with bell-bottom sleeves and a slit up to the middle of my thigh. The material was silk and flowed around me like water.
I could hear water hitting the roof and skylight as I made my way to the bed. I threw the open the curtains and jumped face down on the bed. I lay there listening to the rain hit the roof and the wind howl and I actually fell asleep.

I woke up to a loud crash and felt glass raining down on my back and arms shredding the nightgown and my skin along with it. I screamed and vaulted from the bed, getting my ankle twisted in the comforter. I landed in a bleeding heap on the floor and just lie there for a minute.

I was still lying there when Jeremy came skidding into the room. “God, are you alright,” he asked moving toward me, a concerned look on his face.
“I’m alright, something hit the sky light and I twisted my ankle in the blanket so I fell,” I said as Jeremy pulled me to my feet,
“Why don’t we fix these cuts in my room and call some one to clean this mess up.”
“Sounds like a good idea.”
We walked down the small, unlit hallway to Jeremy’s room. He sat me on the bed and disappeared presumably to the bathroom for bandages. He reappeared seconds later with tweezers, peroxide, and bandages.
He started to pull a sliver of glass from my hands when I yelped in pain and jerked my hand away. “Don’t do that,” he yelled, annoyed with me, “I’ll end up hurting you more if you jerk away! Now give me your hand.”
He must have seen the look on my hand when he yelled because seconds after he said, “Please give me your hand. I’m sorry if I upset you,” his voice was soft now. I extended my hand only to jump and pull it back when the thunder clapped outside. Jeremy smiled gently and pulled back my hand back. He started pulling out glass, bathing the cuts in peroxide and bandaging them.

“I’m going to see if your room is cleaned up yet.”
“But you didn’t call anyone to clean it up.” He just laughed and disappeared only to reappear a minute later.
“Well it’s not going to be fixed for a while because the glass will have to be replaced so you’ll have to stay in here.”
“Can I get you anything? Hungry? Thirsty?”
“Could you get me some water please?” He disappeared before I even got the whole question out.
I climbed into the king sized bed and relaxed on the pillows. Before Jeremy could get back with water I was fast asleep.

I woke the next morning unable to move, I was in too much pain, I didn’t even want to breathe it hurt so much. I rolled over onto my stomach to discover a pool of crimson beneath me; where I once had laid. I opened my mouth to scream but nothing came out, all that did was a cry of pain.

“Good morning” Jeremy said opening the oak doors to his room.
“What’s wrong” he said seeing the painful expression on my face.
“I’m bleeding ….. Lots” I yelled frantically.
“Oh” he said in amazement expecting me to be as perky as him.
“It hurts make it stop” I cried out feeling the blood trickle down my back as I sat up.
“I’ll be right back”Jeremy said running out of the room and returning with Macon who had a cloth a some ropes in hand. Macon saw the pool soaking into the bed.
“Jeremy go get Sasha and tells to come quick” Macon ordered Jeremy.
Jeremy ran out the oak doors, so it was just me and Macon in the room.
“What are you going to do with those” I asked in fear pointing to the ropes in his left hand.
“First i’m going to tie you to the bed and shove this cloth in your mouth” Macon said stepping closer to me.

I scurried off the bed to get away from him.

“Why what did I do” I cried running to the opposite side of the room.
“Do you remember when I broke your arm” Macon said slyly.
“Yes I do so don’t remind me please”
“Well I’m going to tie you to the bed and put a cloth in your mouth, so I can heal you, because you are loosing too much blood”
“What’s tying me up going to do?”
“To keep you from trying to escape so I can at least attempt to heal you properly and the cloth so you don’t scream and break my concentration”
Jeremy ran in the oak doors with Sasha following right behind him.
“Jeremy please tell him not to tie me up” I said running to him
“I’m sorry I have to agree with him you need to be healed” Jeremy said grabbing me by the arm and dragging me toward the bed.
“No let go of me!” I screamed trying to m arm out of his grasp
“Sasha tie her up while Jeremy and I hold her down!” Macon ordered
“Yes my brother, anything” Sasha said grabbing the ropes out of Macon’s hands, and running to tie my ankles to the bed post.
“FINE!”I screamed as loud as I could, “But i'm not having anything in my mouth”
“Come on Dara the more you cooperate the faster we can leave you alone” Sasha said pulling my hair backs so Macon could shove the cloth in my mouth and tape around my head so I wasn’t able to spit it out.

I laid my head down on the pillow, and Sasha sat on my left and Macon on my right; o closed my eyes and wondered where Jeremy was,but I hope he has left the room, I don’t want him to see me in pain.

“So you do care for me princess” jeremy said entering my thoughts
“No I don’t want to seem vunrable to you, then you or Macon will hurt me “ I said in fear
“Too late Princess”

I opened my eyes

“Ok here goes nothing” Macon said concentrating on my back

It was the most painful thing ever, I screamed out in pain but it wasn’t very loud thanks to the cloth and tape. (I bit down on the cloth) “oh god” I thought to my self clenching my hands around the ropes and attempting to pull at them.

“its ok Dara” Jeremy said in my head

I stopped clenching and pulling at the ropes; I blacked out
That was all I remember
© Copyright 2005 Dara (dara_zaccheus at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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