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by Dara
Rated: 13+ · Other · Other · #927860
this is part two of my story
A man came rushing up to me as I stepped out of the carriage, several men in fact, armed with cross bows. The man who approached me first had no hair and dark mahogany brown eyes. He was tall and his arm was as big around as the carriage wheel.

“Milady we must get you out of here, the rest of my forces have distracted the vampire by killing his companion but he won’t be gone long.” He took me by the upper arm and began to lead me away with his unit of men surrounding me. One handed me a fur lined white coat and I thanked him and asked:
“Who are you?”
“We are your bodyguards. We don’t actually follow you but we are here in case you get into any predicaments such as this one.” I put my free hand up to my chest just under my neck.
“Thank god some one came, he was beating the hell out of me, and he even threatened to kill me.” Only then did the man notice the cast on the arm he had a hold of, only then did he notice the bruises that lined the rest of my arm and the other plus my jaw. Then his eyes went up to the bite mark not far from were I had my hand. He quickly averted his eyes when he saw it and muttered something that sounded like “dear lord” and started to walk faster.

We finally arrived at a wagon train with men shouting hurry up, hurry up at us. I was quickly set in a carriage that was much less pretty than Macon’s. It started to move as soon as the door shut and soon was going full speed like we were trying to out run something, and we probably were. Despite the lack of fear I was starting to have toward Macon I wanted away from him. I was dead frightened, I wondered if Macon could catch up with something this fast. I bet he could and I would bet a million dollars he was going to catch us. But after what seemed like hours of worrying I started to drift into sleep.

I woke with a start when I heard screaming. The carriage was stopped. I opened the carriage door and stepped into chaos. Fires were raging from the other carriages; there was blood and bodies everywhere. The driver of the carriage had no head. I ran to the edge of the woods and threw up. I’d never seen something so terrible!

I felt hands on me, one holding my hair and one around my waste keeping me upright. “Shall we depart princess?” Macon’s voice whispered into my ear. His voice sounded to sweet for him not to mean me harm.

“You did this didn’t you? All by yourself?”
“Yes, now you know what I’m capable of. It didn’t have to turn out like this if you have stayed were I put you. Now they aren’t the only ones who will get punished for that mistake.”
“Macon I was forced to leave,” I lied trying to get out of punishment.
“Don’t lie to me I can sense when you do. Come with my quietly and your punishment might not be so severe, perhaps there will be no punishment if you do all I ask you of you.”
“Okay,” I whispered and I let him lead me into the forest. We came to the original carriage I was kept in. Macon pulled open the door to Jeremy lying on the seat of the carriage. He looked as if he had a fever. There was sweat, blood and vomit everywhere. He had stab wounds and cuts all over him.
“Dear gods what happened to him?”
“Your guards happened to him.”
“I can’t believe they would do this. How could anyone do this?”
“For the princess of killers you are terribly naive.”
“My people aren’t killers it’s our armies and the hunters that are at war.”
“Good point but your still naïve.”
“Do vampires get fevers?” I asked with a glance at poor Jeremy withering on the seat.
“No this comes from losing to much blood. It will take witches blood to cure him.” He looked at me,
”There weren’t any witches in your guard, just you princess. Were animals blood would work as well but there aren’t any weres around this area because of the war; they don’t want to get involved. You’re all he’s got Dara.”
“You want me to give him blood.” Macon was suddenly behind me just as I thought running was a good idea.
“Please Dara, he’s my brother, don’t let him die.” Wow I didn’t know he was Macon’s brother!
“Why don’t you just force me?”
“I will if you don’t give me permission and then you will be tortured for not complying. He won’t kill you, I will make sure of it; it will hurt though, I can’t stop that. He’s to far gone to use mind control to dull the pain.”
“Okay, I’ll do it.”
“Good girl. Go sit in the front I’ll bring him to you.” I went and sat down in the front of the carriage and watched as Macon brought Jeremy to me. He sat Jeremy down next to me, or tried to, Jeremy couldn’t sit up.
“How should I do this?” I asked unsure how to feed a vampire who was pretty much unconscious.
“Just put your back to him I’ll do the rest.”
“All right,” I said my nervousness clear in my voice. I put my back to him and Macon. Macon faced Jeremy toward my neck. It happened faster then the human eye could see. Jeremy’s hands shot, one around my waist while one tangled itself in my hair and pulled head back exposing my throat. Then his fangs sunk into my skin. It felt worse than anything I’d ever experienced, and I had been through a lot the past few days. From Macon’s bites to my arm being broken this was the worst. The pain was literally blinding, when he bit me everything went white and then faded in to darkness. I would say I was unconscious but I still felt every movement of Jeremy’s jaw as he drained the blood from my neck. I could feel Macon’s hand in my grip, which was so fierce it would have broken a human’s hand.

Oh shit I’m hurting you, came Jeremy’s voice in my head. At that I felt the first tendrils of magic curl into my mind and I relaxed. He drew his lips away from my throat and brought his hand out of my hair to stroke my face that’s when I felt safe enough to pass out.

“Fuck, Jeremy how much did you drink?” Macon asked.
“Not enough to kill her don’t worry.”
“I think I would be almost overjoyed if you had killed her, she causes a lot of shit for one tiny girl.”
“At least she isn’t ruthless like most of her people are, or arrogant. She’s actually not bad compared to her people.” I said.

Macon sighed, “No I guess she isn’t terrible, and she did save your life without me having to force her.”

“Yes, it surprised me too. Look could you hold onto her until we get to the carriage we abandoned, you made a mess of the back and she wouldn’t be happy if I set her back there.”
“I figured you didn’t care what she approved of.”
“I don’t but tonight I’ll be nice, like I said she saved your life.” I laughed at that. She probably knew Macon would force her anyway. I doubt a spoiled, little princess would stick her neck out for anyone.

I woke up in a beautiful room in an elaborate canopy bed. The cloth of the curtains around the bed was heavy cotton and the color was black as night. I look up to see a white nylon material that let you look up at the sky light in the room which at the moment if was night and I was looking up at the stars. The sheets were dark navy blue silk and the blanket was velvet and the same dark blue of the sheets. There were designs of roses and their vines curling around the bed frame.

I flung open the curtains to lovely room and stood up; I immediately felt dizzy and had to lean against the bedpost. There was a painting on the wall across from the bed of the Northern Lights over a forest. The painting was above a hearth with a fire blazing in it, there were two chairs sitting in front of the fire. The fire was the only light in the room aside from the two candles on either side of the king size bed. The room was as big as the ballroom at my castle. Okay so maybe I’m exaggerating a bit but the room was huge. There was a bookcase on the left side of the room; it was packed with books.

The walls were a slightly darker blue than the bed sheets. There were curtains of all different blues covering the doors from view. The curtains were layered and in strips so if the breeze blew they would flutter; the curtains were see threw. I walked over to the double doors only to find them locked. I walked to the other door to find that there was no door just a dark hallway that led to who knows where.

“Well I certainly don’t want to stay here and find out what happens when Macon arrives. If I can get out now why not try.” I said to myself. I snatched one the candles from the side of the bed and began to walk down the pitch-black hallway. I had to put a hand against the wall just so I didn’t fall over.

Even with the candle I couldn’t see but a foot in front of me. It already felt like I’d been walking for hours. I started watching the ground because that was where I could see were I was going the easiest, just so I didn’t hit a wall. Suddenly I struck something, it really didn’t feel like a wall, then I felt arms snake around my waist and my first thought was Macon. I looked up but the candle was already out and I couldn’t see.

“Don’t worry pretty, little princess it’s not Macon.” Came Jeremy’s voice from the darkness, “What are you doing out of your room. I come to check on you only to find you wondering the hall that leads to my room.”
“I was trying to escape.” I answered honestly; I didn’t feel that Jeremy would hurt me.

He laughed, “I figured as much, but my lady you shouldn’t be up; I took to much blood for you to be running around. Don’t you feel ill?”
“I’m a little dizzy but that’s all. Okay so maybe I’m so dizzy I can scarcely stand. Can I go back to my room now?”

He laughed that great laugh of his again; I just realized what a beautiful sound it was, “Yes, I’ll take you back to your room now.” That said he swept me up in his arms like I weighed absolutely nothing and started walking down the hall.

“Why do you not carry a candle?” I asked for it seemed strange that he was just walking down a black as night hallway without some source of light.
“Well for one, this hallway just connects the two rooms it goes perfectly strait and two I don’t need light to see, I mean sure I need a little bit but not much, sort of like a cat.”
“Oh ok,” I said as we emerged back into my room, guess I hadn’t been walking for hours, probably just felt like that because I had had no company, and because I was so dizzy I was surprised I was standing.
“Now why don’t you just lie down and sleep. I’m just down the hall if you need anything”
“But I’m not tired.” I said as he pushed me into bed and under the covers.
“Well just stay in here; you don’t need to be wondering the halls at night okay.”
“Fine I’ll stay here and be bored.”
“Read books if you get bored then but you are under no circumstances to leave this room or mine do you understand.”
“Fine, whatever.” After that he left and I got out of bed and browsed the shelf for a book. Now that Jeremy said no exploring and to stay in my room I really didn’t want to. Ha! I guess that’s the spoiled rotten princess in me coming out; he tells me not to do something and I do it anyway. What was up with me; if Jeremy gives me an order I should follow it just for fear of Macon killing me (or Jeremy himself for that matter).

I went over and opened the double doors that I assumed led out to the main halls. Sure enough they did but to my surprise they were lit; I wouldn’t need my candle then. I stepped out and looked down the hall and then, seeing that no one was there, I walked out. I was expecting alarms to go off alerting people to me setting foot out of my room but all was silent.

I turned on my heels and took off down the hall. I should be feeling sick but I didn’t anymore; I guess the dizziness just took some getting used to. I loved running, even when I was a child I loved to run, I could run forever, well except when I neared a battle zone, then I had to turn around and run home before I got hurt. The wars with the vampires are always terrible; I loved going to the battle spots though, well I didn’t love it but I figured if our kingdoms young men could go to war why couldn’t I at least go watch the battle. My guards never let me get to close though they would always catch me before I stumbled into the battlefield.

I turned a corner and smacked right into someone. This time my first thought was Jeremy, which would have been very bad; but again I was wrong on my guessing. I had slammed right into a completely different man, some one I didn’t know. He was tall, at least six feet. He had brown hair and dark brown eyes that reminded me of melted chocolate. He was dressed all in black and compared to most of the vampires I had met he wasn’t that pale; he must have been tan before he had become a vampire.

“Hello. Who are you?” I asked. He stepped back and offered me his hand; I thought it was to shake it but he just held my hand palm down in his.
“I am Braeden Aadi. What is your name miss?”
“I’m Dara Zaccheus,” I said. Braeden swept into a shallow bow and kissed my hand.
“I am quite please to meet you Queen Zaccheus of the royal line from the goddess Artemis.”
“Wow a greeting of the royal court, you surprise me. Though very few say the goddess that my line originated from; mainly because the goddess Artemis is a supposed virgin in the myths. Many like to keep her image clean.” He smiled, the smile looked good on him, and it lit up his face.
“Well I happen to know it’s the truth that the goddess created your line but she is still a virgin and I bet you could never imagine how that worked out.”
I laughed, “How is that possible?”
“I’m not going to tell you. You’ll know some day if you live long enough. I have a feeling you will live a very long time with; Macon normally only brings humans here when he plans to turn them you.”
“Yeah but that’s only normally; from what I hear you’re the key to stopping the war between vampires and the witches and letting the vampires back into the city so he might turn you he might now.”
“He just said he might kill me he said nothing about turn-”
“Braeden I’m going to kill you!” Came Macon’s voice as he walked down the hall. “I told you not to tell her the possibilities of her being here.”

Braeden whipped around to face Macon. “And I told her just to defy you Sire.”

“I know that damnit. So how much did you tell her?”
“Not much Sire, I simply got to the part that you might turn her. I didn’t even tell her-“Suddenly he cut off and clawed at his throat.
“Leave not or I will tear your head from your shoulders you understand.” He nodded though he wasn’t struggling for air anymore he was clawing at his throat like something was still on it. He turned away and walked down the hall in the opposite direction I came from.
“Why did he stop struggling for breath?”
“Because we are dead, we do not breathe so he just stopped. Also I thought you were supposed to be staying in your room, I gave Jeremy distinct orders to tell you.”
“He did.” I said hesitantly.
“And why didn’t you?”
“I didn’t feel like it.”
“Oh really? Sense when does how you feel matter.” He said sounding a bit irritated.
“I’ll just go back to my room then.” I said and I put my head down and started to walk away. I was praying to the gods that I got away.
“Wait, you think you can get away without punishment?”
“I was hoping,” I muttered turning back around. Macon had an actual smile on his face, not the sadistic one he gets when he wants to hurt me.
“You don’t look like your going to hurt me, you don’t even look angry.”

He laughed, “No I’m not angry, I expected you wouldn’t stay in your room. At the moment I’m only angry with Braeden. No I think I will leave it to Jeremy to punish you; he will probably be upset that you disobeyed him. Now I will introduce you to some of my people. Don’t look at me like that, they won’t hurt you.”

He offered me his arm and I took it and let him lead me down the halls. We staid silent until we arrived at the huge oak doors. He released my arm and pushed open the doors. There were several men and women standing around talking and drinking a thick red liquid that I really didn’t want to know what it was; though I could make an easy guess.

“This is my family; all of them have descended from me except Mia who is my sister Norda’s fledgling.” He didn’t look happy that Mia was there but he kept on talking. “Well also William and Gabriel aren’t my fledglings but I am theirs and Shade is my sister. The woman on William’s arm is Elizabeth named after his first wife Erzsebet who is Gabriel’s mother. The very first vampire slayer murdered Erzsebet. The hunter was 28 when she accomplished what had to be the peak of her career; William killed her shortly after.”
“The parents of Elizabeth are Torment and Darkness (which is obviously not their real names). It was Shandas, who renamed them so he wouldn’t be captured and killed, turned them. That is Flora and Jacob. Flora is the blood sister to Shandas and the fledgling, and lover, to Jacob. Xander is the lover and fledgling of Meredith and-“
“Macon dear she will never be able to keep everything strait; let her meet these people for herself. I’m Shade, darling, what is your name?”
“I’m Dara, and thank you for shutting him up; you’re right I would never remember everyone unless I meet them.”

She laughed, “Don’t worry, sometimes even I have trouble keeping track of Macon’s fledglings,” she said. She was a pretty woman. She had long dark brown hair and violet eyes. She was thin and very tall; she looked to be six feet maybe more.

“Do you have any fledglings?”
“No no, I imagine after a while I will turn some one simply because I am lonely-“
“You don’t have to be lonely,” Macon interjected. “I have offered for you to stay here and you constantly refuse.”
“I could not live here, you torture and kill people here and you know I do not kill let alone torture. I only feed from the willing.”
“No one said you had to change your ways just because you dwell here.”
“Still brother no thank you.”
Macon sighed, “Fine, as you wish you are older then me after all.”
“Yes boy, and you best keep that in mind. Anyway Dara dear what is you last name; I always find the last names interesting, we did not have them when I was young.”
“It’s Zaccheus, Dara Melody Zaccheus.” Shade’s eyes got wide and she turned to her brother.
“Excuse us miss, my brother and I have much at argue about.” Then she grabbed Macon’s arm and pulled him out of the doors behind us. They left me with a room full of vampires staring at me. The doors opened behind me and it was Braeden.
“Come now ladies and gentle men you might as well talk to the girl introduce yourselves have a little chat, you know,” Braeden said.
“I am Darius, Braeden’s fledgling. This man next to me,” he said patting the shoulder of a young man with light brown hair, that went down to his shoulders, with bright green eyes; they were almost like cat eyes, “Is Vahe Early; son of Elizabeth and William but sired by Gabriel. Darius looked to be 18. He had dark black hair and the eyes to match it. He wore all green; it was so dark it was almost black.

A young woman came up and stuck her hand out to me, “I am Sasha and this is Ashna my twin sister, we are blood sisters to Jeremy and Braeden.” I shook Sasha’s hand and then Ashna’s. They looked completely the same; I would never be able to tell them apart. They had black eyes and white hair that framed their faces perfectly.
“I am Gabriel,” a young man of about 16, in front of me, said. I recognized him instantly; One day, when I was about 15, I was running around outside I fell and rolled down a hill into a river. I didn’t know how to swim and was easily swept up in the current I would have drowned and died but I was pulled out and given CPR until I spit up all the water. I looked at him and he smiled flashing his fangs. I screamed and he quickly covered my mouth to stifle the sound.
“I won’t hurt you; I wouldn’t pull you out of the water and revive you just to kill you princess. I’ll let you go if you promise not to scream or run,” he’d said, so I nodded my head and he released me.
“Why did you pull me out of the water?” I asked.
“It’s not your time to die,” I started to say something but he held his hand up to stop me, “Don’t even ask me how I know because I’m not going to tell you.” After that he led me back up the hill I had fallen down and when I turned around he wasn’t there.

Bringing my mind back the present I took the hand he had offered me. “I’m assuming you remember my name Gabriel?”
“Oh yes princess I remember it,” he said.
“Well if you remember it then please don’t call me princess, I hate that you know. I’m a queen now anyway but please don’t call me that either.”

Gabriel laughed, “As you wish Dara.”

“Macon how could you kidnap that poor girl. Her people will be looking for her and they will kill you!”
“The way I’ve set it up if they kill me she dies, Jeremy will kill her,” I said.
“He will do it but he will die afterwards, he’s in love with her!”
“That’s impossible, he’s had no time to fall in love with her, she hasn’t even had time to fall in like with him!”
“That’s not true. Now he might not love her but he is attached to her and he has had time to grow attached. You know he’s had time, when he fed off her he knew her thoughts and feelings; he knows her fears and darkest desires. People here have built up immunity to vampires here; he wouldn’t know any thing about her if she were from this kingdom. Also all that time he spent taking care of her, if you don’t think he’s growing attached then you are blind!”
“But you forget that the girl does not love him yet, if she rejects him then he will not love her.”
“And what makes you think she will reject him, she gave her blood to save him, she feels the connection to him I know she does, or she will start to feel it after a while. The more time they spend together the more they will grow to love each other, perhaps that could be used as your weapon instead of your threat to kill her.” Shade suggested.
“What do you mean?”
She bit her bottom lip, an uncertain gesture I hadn’t seen from her in a long time. “If you could get them to fall in love and have them marry her court will have no choice but to except him and their queen’s word. If you could convince her to stop the war, which she would because of her husband, then you could convince her to allow vampires back into the kingdom, which she would of course do because of…”
“Her husband, but-“
Shade interrupted before I could finish, “Wait I’m not done yet. Jeremy could turn her after that. Her people would have no choice but to except her because she is the only heir, it’s a magical law that only the royal line can rule; without her the city will fall and everyone would die.”
“I understand Shade. Since when do you deal in politics; you deal in matters of the heart not schemes to get your way.” I asked.
“I am dealing in the heart; they will still fall in love.”
While Macon was gone I talked to Gabriel, Braeden, and Darius and well everyone else, except Vahe, he seemed to keep to himself. I walked over to were Vahe was sitting. He looked so sad I had to say something to him.
“Hello there.”
“Hello Miss Dara. May I ask why you came to spend time with me? Seems you were having quite a time with the other people.” Vahe asked.
“You looked so sad and lonely I had to come over and see you.” I said honestly.
“No need to worry about me miss I am fine on my own, I have always been on my own.” There was true pain in his voice.
“Well today you shouldn’t be lonely. You should be talking to all these people and just having fun.”
“It’s a nice idea miss, but I prefer to be alone.”
“No one likes to be alone all of the time,” I said, frowning at his comment.
“Your right but I don’t mind being alone. I’m destined to be alone, a psychic said to me once that I would not find love in this lifetime nor would I find true friendship.”
“But you’ve missed something Vahe.”
“And what is that miss?” He asked arching and eyebrow.
“Well Vahe when were you told that? Before you were turned?”
“Yes before I was turned.”
“Well for one before you were turned was a different life time and also you’re a vampire so you live for several lifetimes. You will find some one, a friend or a love I’m not sure, but someone; I’m certain of it.”
“You’re sweet women you know, your words would give any man hope.”
“Thank you,” I said.
“Perhaps I will talk to some people, old acquaintances and such.” He took my hand and kissed the back of it then left me on the couch. “Oh miss I forgot to ask, where is Jeremy I haven’t seen him yet?”

I opened my mouth to say something and suddenly hands clapped onto my shoulders and I jumped, “I’m right here, I’ve just been up in my room and haven’t gotten a chance to come down yet. It’s good to see your well Vahe.”
“It’s good to see you’re well too Jeremy. Take care of that girls, she’s a sweetheart.”
“I’ll be sure to”, he said and then quietly so only I could hear he said, “After I beat the shit out of her.”
“Jeremy… I’m sorry.”
“No your not.”

I am now that you’ve found me, I though. I heard him laugh in my head.

“Just for that wit of yours I might not hurt you to bad,” he said out loud. “Now milady shall we go?”
“Do we have to; I’m enjoying talking to these people.”
“Yes we need to go, I must speak with you. I overheard Macon and Shade talking in the hall and I must speak with you.” His voice sounded urgent, tense.
“Okay,” I said and began to walk toward the door. Jeremy grabbed my arm.
“No Dara we cannot go that way.” I laughed at that.
“Then which way do we go?”

He laughed, “Well there is something I could do but it would make you sick,” he laughed again, “No need to look at me like that its nothing gross just the motion would make you sick. Oh well there is no other way out.”
He grabbed my arm and pulled me off balance so I fell into him. He wrapped his arms around me so I couldn’t pull away. Then I felt like I was being pulled every which way at once. Everything swirled around me and then it stopped abruptly and I would have fallen forward if Jeremy’s arms hadn’t been around me. Everything was fine until my insides seemed to catch up with my body. I pushed away from Jeremy, fell to the floor, and threw up. I collapsed and luckily I didn’t fall right into the vomit.
When I could talk again I said, “Let’s not do that again.”
“I’m sorry, I knew it would make you sick but I didn’t think it would be that bad.”
“What did you do anyway?”
“Well there are several words for it, the vampires call it materializing or willing. You just might call it appearing. Basically it’s just how we go from one place to another. We just pop, but without a popping noise,” he seemed uneasy and just kept rambling about the popping.
“You said you had something to talk about?” I interrupted.
“Yes. I-“
“Jeremy, wait I must speak with you before you say anything to her, I must also speak with her,” yelled Macon as he came striding down the hall.
“Ok I suppose that’s reasonable,” Jeremy said but he sounded extremely angry about it.
“Come on we will talk little brother. Dara you go in your room and stay there, it you come out…” Suddenly I could breathe and it felt like my skull was shrinking and squeezing my brain.
“Macon damnit stop now!” The pain stopped as soon as the words were out of Jeremy’s mouth, and they walked off. I opened my door, rushed in and slammed it shut. I sat down on the bed and then lie back on the bed. All of the sudden there came a knock at the door. I stood up and went over to open it.
The woman Macon introduced at the party as Mia stood in front of me. She was the only person at the party who I hadn’t spoken to; she had stood in the corner giving me a look that made me tremble from head to foot. She was pretty. Her blonde hair fell down her in spiral curls, and she had pretty light green eyes. She looked like a child, short and thin, but she looked to be possibly in her teens simply by the way her body was still only half formed.
“Hello, is that something I could help you with?” I asked, unsure why she would come to see me.
“Yes in fact there is, I just wish to speak with you for a bit.”
“What ever about?”
“Well about you helping Macon if that is what you’re planning. You see my mistress Anna hated Macon and his line because we originate from his blood sister Norda and she always hated her brother. Unfortunately Norda’s fledgling Aura did not share her hate for Macon; we would have more people on our side if she had. Anyway Aura has only made two children so far and one shares her beliefs and one (my long dead mistress Anna) did not. There are now only three vampires that hate Macon, Meca the one who I come from directly, my blood sister Miranda and myself.” She laughed, “I’m quite sorry miss, this is all this history is beside the point.”
“No, no I’m enjoying the history of it.”
She smiled, “Well I’m glad you like the history miss. Will you help us though?
“Well what would I have to do?” I question, not sure whether I would be up for it.
“Well you would have to just do one thing?” Her voice had grown so silent I had to lean into listen.
“Become a vampire of our line,” she grabbed a fist full of my hair and pulled baring my throat and pulling my closer, “And I intend to make you one of my line with or without your consent.” She whispered in my ear.
“Jeremy! Macon! Anyone! Help!” I screamed and started to fight her.
“Hold still you damned girl!” I kept struggling.
“I’ve had enough of vampires and their bullshit and no way am I going to be turned into one. Especially by a stupid blonde brat who probably got anything she wanted in life! Help!” I laughed bitterly. I was a spoiled blonde brat who got everything she wanted. We fell into one of the small tables in my room and it broke, the legs splintered out from under it and it broken in half when we landed on it. Suddenly I remembered how they were said to kill vampires in the old days.
I picked up one of the legs of the table just as I was swung away from the remains of the table. She got a good enough grip on me to sink her fangs viciously into my throat. It only hurt for second then the pain dulled and I was in complete bliss. I had no clue why the piece of wood was in my hand and I almost put it down. Something didn’t seem right. Why was there a blonde vampire at my throat? She had such pretty spiral curls. Something sparked and I automatically swung my arm around behind her and stabbed her heart before I even knew what I was doing.
She screamed and pulled away from my neck trying to get the table leg out of her back. Her face began to thin out like she hadn’t been fed. Her hands turned into bone but she still kept her grip except her grip was now so tight and she was beginning to draw blood. I started screaming. Then suddenly her screaming stopped and she sagged completely; she was completely bone. I didn’t stop screaming. I didn’t even hear the door open. Mia was pulled off me and I was taken into some ones arms. I still didn’t stop screaming. I was being rocked back and forth and I heard talking, muttering. I finally stopped screaming just to hear the voice.

“Shih, its ok just calm down,” those were the words the person was saying. The voice was a great voice, comforting. Macon knelt down in front of me and the person who was holding me.
“Whose remains are these Dara I need to know now?” I couldn’t make sense of what he was saying. My vision was starting to blacken out and I couldn’t keep my thoughts strait. Finally I just passed out.

I woke up several times during the next few days. Every time I woke up Jeremy was with me his voice would always come into my head before I could say anything. Sleep, he would whisper in my head and I would easily give into him. This time when I woke Jeremy was not lying next to me. I started to sit up and some one gently, but firmly pushed me back down.
“Don’t sit up miss; you will probably pass out of throw up.” I recognized the voice; it was vaguely familiar. I looked toward the voice and smiled.
“Hello Vahe.”
“Hello Miss Dara.”
“Where is Jeremy?” I hoped he was all right.
“He’s been with you the whole time, whether you’ve been awake or asleep. He had some business to attend to this morning though. Miss I must tell you, the business is that Miranda has arrived.”
“Miranda?” I didn’t remember the name.
“Miranda is Mia’s blood sister. She is only two years older than Mia but is still very protective. She wants your blood miss.”
“Please don’t call me miss. Oh goddess what am I going to do.”
“Don’t worry Dara, you mustn’t tell Jeremy but I’ve called for Aura. She will protect you; I’ve told her the story and she is on our side. If Miranda does not back down Aura will kill her.”
“You’re sure?”
“Yes Dara.” Suddenly the door burst open.
“Miranda what are you doing in here?” Vahe asked, he didn’t sound happy at all.
“I’m here to kill her,” Miranda yelled, outraged.
“You are not to touch some ones blood bonded human you must kill her master before you harm her.”
“I don’t give a fuck about our laws; I will kill her for what she has done to Mia.”
“Then you will have to come through me Miranda. Now I don’t want to hurt you but if you attack this human woman I will be forced to kill you.”
“She’s not human she’s a witch, let her defend herself.”
“My line has grown weaker over the years and it’s not strong enough to defend against vampires and at my fathers wishes my mother and I do not practice magic. I am as defenseless as any human,” I stated.
“I do not care; I am going to kill you. Vahe you are younger than me you should fall at your feet and beg me not to kill you,” Miranda said.
Vahe laughed, a true laugh as if this was truly funny, “I am the son of the first vampire in history and I am the fledgling of the creator of all the vampire lines. No matter how much older you are then me you are not more powerful. There are few vampires who even have power to rival mine let alone top it.” For the first time since she had entered the room Miranda looked uncertain. “Get out Miranda, the Princess must rest.”
Miranda rushed forward pushing Vahe out of the way. I scrambled from my bed but Miranda grabbed my by the ankle and pulled me back. She drew a knife from her back and I threw my arm up to protect myself as she swung. Her knife struck my arm and sliced all the way to the bone. I screamed.
Suddenly she was pulled off me and tossed through the wall, and I mean through not into; she went strait through eight inches of stone wall. Vahe he drew a knife from his boot and walked toward Miranda.
“All that trouble Miranda, and you’re going to die,” Vahe said as he walked, “Was it worth it?” He never waited for an answer just stuck the knife in her heart. He walked back to me and I was a bit afraid, I hadn’t known him long but he didn’t seem the type to get angry like that. He didn’t look angry anymore, he was back to the same small smile I was used to seeing. He had left his dagger in Miranda so he didn’t look any bit menacing but he had thrown some one through a stone wall; he was stronger than I had expected.
“Please don’t look at me that way Dara, I would never hurt you and I really hate the look in your eyes that says you doubt that.”
“I believe you,” I said smiling now. I did believe him, he was a nice man and sweet as can be.
“Let me see your arm dear.” I quickly
surrendered my arm; it was the same one I had broken. I frowned suddenly, how did it heal so fast, it should still be in a cast? Wait it hadn’t even needed a cast, something wasn’t right.
“Hey, I broke my arm not to long ago; it shouldn’t be healed by now.”
“I assume Macon broke it.”
“Well you’ve seen Macon’s power. How he could kill just by thinking. Well like most things in life Macon’s power is balanced; meaning he can heal as well as kill. He’s probably been healing it for a very long time; he has to do it slow or it will hurt like hell. Why do you think you never have bruises when he hits you?”
“Damnit, Vahe why is there a body in the hall.” Macon’s voice came loudly into the room, “And why did you have to throw her through the wall. Now I’m going to have to have this completely rebuilt.”
Vahe laughed, “Sorry Macon but she was going to kill Dara. I didn’t mean to wreck the wall; sometimes I don’t remember how strong I am. I’ll pay for the damages if you like.”
“Yes I would like that,” Macon said, he sounded slightly irritated. A woman appeared behind Macon quite suddenly. She had black hair streaked with blue and blue cat like eyes. She had a blue rose in her hair her dress was light, white cotton and was purposely tattered around her bare feet.
“Macon I really wish you would stop killing my fledglings!” The woman said. Macon swung around to face her and then relaxed.
“Aura I have killed none of your fledglings. Anna was killed by her blood sister Sandra and Mia and Miranda were killed by these two.” He said pointing behind him.
Aura laughed, “I suppose your right”, she look around Macon at me, “Stop killing my fledglings little girl,” she said with a smile on her face.
I smiled back at her, “I think I can manage that unless another one tries to kill me.”

Aura’s smile faded, “I’m sorry about that. Well now you only have Meca to worry about Macon. She can’t over throw you by herself.”
“Well neither could the three of them together and they still tried.”
“Good point.”
“Macon where is Jeremy,” I asked, I was wondering were he was since Vahe had said he was with Macon.
I saw Macon hesitate before saying, “He’s in the garden.”
“Wow you have a garden here, I wish to see it; I simply love the garden back home.” I said.
“You won’t like this one miss, it is not a garden of plants,” Vahe said.
“What is it a garden of?” I questioned.
Everyone in the room hesitated looking at each other before Vahe said “Well Dara it’s a garden of souls. None of the vampires will go in there because we lack souls, it is easy to become possessed and once we are possessed it is not like humans, the soul cannot be cast out. Jeremy is special though, he was the keeper of the garden as a human and because of his… heritage he cannot be possessed. He takes care of the garden until the next keeper is born; the keepers tend to meet… unkind ends and they are born few and far between. The garden keeps souls of warriors who defend the keeper of the garden. It is the keeper’s job to make sure the souls are reborn and that new soul’s feel… welcome I guess you could say.”
“Can I see the garden?”
“We will have to ask Jeremy about that, he’s the only one that ever goes in there.”
“And you will have to wait for Jeremy to get out of the garden before you can ask. We can’t go in there for the reasons mentioned,” said Macon.
“Why do you want to see this place anyway Queen Zaccheus?”
“I don’t know it just seems intriguing to me.”
“Oh shit, Vahe wrap her arm up before she looses what’s left of her blood. She’s bleeding all over the fucking place.”
“Do you think Miranda got an artery?” Vahe asked.
“No I would be dead by now if she had,” I said.
“Well Macon she would still needs stitches. Can’t you just heal her?”
“It would hurt like hell if I healed her quickly.”
“Why would it hurt?” I asked

Macon gave me a look that said I was incredibly stupid, “Because your little witch body heals fast but it’s not meant to heal as fast as I can heal it. It causes pain just by healing it so quickly. Besides, you won’t need stitches, maybe before but not now.”
“What do you mean?”
Vahe looked uneasy at my question, “You’re not going to like it Dara. Macon don’t you tell her, let Jeremy tell her.”
Macon smiled that sadistic smile that I hadn’t seen since we’d gotten to the castle, “But I really would love to tell her. I would love to tell her just because it would scare the shit out of her.” His smile faded completely, like someone had erased it, “But it is Jeremy’s job now.”
“What do you mean?” I asked suspiciously. Aura began to explain but was cut off with a sharp look from Vahe.
“Just wait to hear it from Jeremy Dara. Macon may I speak with you.” Just from Vahe’s tone I could tell they were going to talk about me. They walked out and shut the door behind them. I rushed to the door to hear what they were saying and pressed my ear to it. I noticed my arm had just a tiny scratch on it.
I heard the voices very faintly threw the door. “You should have just let me tell her Vahe, she isn’t going to like it anymore coming from Jeremy; no one wants to hear they belong to some one.”
“Dara doesn’t belong to him! I think it would be better if he can take time to tell her and explain what he expects of her. As her… master,” He said it like he didn’t like the wording, “its Jeremy’s job to tell Dara she’s his human servant.” Vahe said.
“I know what Jeremy will expect from her and I could explain it to her just fine. He will want her to do everything he says and if she doesn’t the he will make her, that’s the way it works with a blood bonded human.”
I pushed myself, hard, away from the door. I could feel the look of horror on my face. I would have landed on my butt if aura hadn’t caught me.
“Now miss we can’t have you falling,” Aura said.
“I have to get out of here,” I said to myself rather than to her.
“I can take you out of here Dara; we could go away to my home in England.”
“You wouldn’t turn me or torture me?” I asked it was very apparent that I was suspicious of her motives.”
“No it is just a favor, to get you away from here. You will be free to leave when ever you please, all you have to do is take my hand,” she said, reaching out her hand for me to take it. I took it.
© Copyright 2005 Dara (dara_zaccheus at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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