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this is a story i have been writing for about 4 years and ive gotten this far |
The Vampire’s Kingdom Prologue Our world was much more magical than the world humans live in. As the story goes we used to live in a thriving society with all species of supernatural beings; even the vampire slayers only hunted the lawbreakers and those were seldom. We were all very powerful in that time, since then everyone’s powers is fading and with it all things supernatural will die; even the power that sustains the vampire’s live will disappear and will rot within a day, all the weaker. All the weaker ones who have no ties to powerful lines have died off. Seeing them rot is not a pretty sight for I have seen it once. One day in the year 1069, our lines creator did a terrible thing; Malaccan killed a vampire in order to earn the throne, she used to be human but gained her magic and joined us. Unfortunately she still had the human’s way of thinking; she was high in our court and wanted the throne; the only way to get it was through Arigon, a vampire and the king at the time. When she killed him it seemed that all the violence in the vampires was unleashed along with the curse that restricts our powers. There was a mage as old as sin. Who was Arigon’s right hand man, whom then cast a curse on to Malaccan and all the vampire slayers and witches and though that are of a different breed. Macon and Jeremy, a force not to be reckoned with, killed 41 witches, 19 fey, 46 of their own kind , and then 1103 of several different species(some of which are extinct now) in a matter of months. They could never be caught and only showed up to kill. Most of the others were trialed and executed. The only one who seemed to retain his non violent ways was Gabriel, who is said to have seen this whole catastrophe in a vision. He is still dangerous for he is said to have killed before though it could not be proved so he was never terminated. All the other species left the kingdom, except the witches who did not want to give up their homes. They could hardly fight the vampires because their magic was rapidly declining. They organized an army to fight like humans to engage the vampires. They still had superhuman strength so they could fight the vampires without being to badly out gunned. The witch’s power is continuing to fade and it is said that only the eighth woman of our line will stop the supernatural fade since our line started it I suppose we have to finish it. I’m writing this letter my daughter to tell you that you are the eighth of our line and you are destined to stop this fade of power. I don’t know how and I’m sorry for that. All My Love, You’re Mother, Anoka That was the millionth time I’d read the letter. My mother had written it seven days before she had faded away from the lack of magic. She just collapsed and died; she doesn’t even have a grave because her body faded away to nothing. That was in 1984, I was only a month old. You would think that the letter would shock me but my father had read it to me since before I could understand a word. I got out of my chair in the vast library and walked to the door. I often got to where I just couldn’t bare being inside, I would either go out into my garden or go playing by the river. Today had been a celebration of the new - year and my father always insisted I dress up as if we were in the 1600’s so I had on many skirts and a corset which was strangling me; I was sure I would have trouble breathing tomorrow from it being so tight all day. I began walking down the halls. I always found them so creepy; there were pictures everywhere of my ancestors all the way to the one who started this curse. Malaccan, she looked so innocent in the portrait. She had black hair and violet eyes; she wore a toga (because she was originally from Greece). Her dark, curly hair tumbled down her toga like black water and her violently purple eyes stood out in the pallor of her skin. I shuddered and turned away from the painting. My heels clicked noisily on the stone floors as I moved about the hallways. I was headed for my garden door on the main floor. My father would be sitting on his throne in the throne room while most of the castle servants fawned over him so that took care of them. I made it out of the door into my garden. I slipped off my shoes and dress because I had a pant suit on under it. I walked to the hidden door behind the ivy that climbed up to strangle the wall. I pushed the door open and stepped into the forest that surrounded the castle like water surrounding rocks. I liked to come out here as often as possible just to get away from all of them. I was tired of being a princess honestly. “Don’t do that Dara you will only hurt yourself,” they say, I’m surprised I’m allowed to get out of bed in the morning. Though I suppose I can’t blame my father, my mother died in the very woods I choose to run in. I walked to the shallow part of the river were it was safe for me to splash in. I couldn’t swim so anything in deep water was out of the question. I admired the scenery on the way over, as much as I hated the palace the village and surrounding land was quite beautiful. Three men, from a different village I imagine, came walking up from the other side of the river. “Why look what we have here boys. Little far from your home, aren’t you dear?” Asked the oldest of them. He looked to be about twenty-five; he had black hair and green eyes with a dragon tattooed on his face, I saw a remarkable resemblance between him and the dragon. “Actually the village is just through these woods, about 100 paces,” I said. The men exchanged looks and smiled stupidly. “Well boys should we have a bit of fun?” Suggested Dragon. “Yeah a little killing seems fun tonight,” said the one to his right and the one to his left just let out an insane giggle. The hairs started to prickle up on the back of me neck; this really wasn’t good. I turned around and ran the opposite direction from them. The river ran strait through the village and if I could make it that far I was safe. Suddenly something heavy and solid hit me around the waste pulling me to the ground with it. I turned over to see Dragon standing above me. It was only then I noticed the fangs as they flashed in the dimming sunlight as he reared back to strike. Before he could strike though something caught him around the waste much like he had caught me, and he went flying away from me. The man who had landed on Dragon pulled out a jagged sword and quickly decapitated him. Blood sprayed everywhere and all over the face of the young man as the blade severed Dragon’s head from his body. The head rolled down the bank and into the river. The one that had been to Dragon’s left came out of the darkness and landed right on top of my savior, giggling like a mad man the entire time. My savior tore Giggly from his back and tossed him into a tree as if he weighed nothing. A sharp tree limb was sticking from the tree and the Giggly was impaled by it. The branch broke and he fell to the ground, branch still lodged in him. He gasped for a breath he couldn’t seem to catch and blood trickled down the side of his mouth. He clawed at his chest trying to get the branch free. He finally managed it and pulled it free. The blood flowed over his clothing freely now as he collapsed on the ground, no longer breathing. I’d turned myself away from my savior to watch Giggly die. My savior was wrestling with the one that had been on Dragon’s left. He reared back and bit the vampire on the neck. My savior was another one of them. I watched horrified as he pulled back from the neck of my attacker and ripped his head off. The sound of ripping flesh filled my ears as blood gushed out onto the ground. I turned away shrieking and ran like hell. The branches beat at my face as I ran through the woods still screaming. “Wait damnit there are more out there”, the man who saved me yelled as he chased after me. “Your going to get hurt running from me like this come back here!” Just as he said that I tripped on a rock and rolled painfully down the hill toward the river. It seems like I hit every rock on the way down. I splashed into the water and hit yet another rock as the current swept me under water. The water held me under for what seemed like several minutes before I was tossed up for air. I gasped for it but was sucked under to soon and sucked in water instead of air. After that the water held me under until everything went black. I woke sputtering water out of my mouth looking up into my saviors face. I turned over and coughed up the rest of the water while he rubbed my back in slow circles. I collapsed on the ground still coughing up water while trying to breathe through the pain in my chest. “Stupid child, I wouldn’t save you from them just to kill you but no you had to run.” He gave a heavy sigh as he hauled me to my feet. “I’m Gabriel princess Dara. You should really be more careful of the vampires.” “Why did you think I ran,” I gasped out. He considered that for a minute then nodded once, “I suppose your right”. “Why did you save me?” I asked He shrugged, “It wasn’t your time to die”. I started to ask how he knew that but he interrupted me putting his hand up. “Don’t ask how I know because I’m not going to tell you.” “Why did those people want me dead?” “Surely you know they weren’t people. Anyway they wanted you dead because they think that will end the war and they were probably hungry.” “Why did you kill them?” “Because no matter what they think killing you will solve nothing only make it worse. Especially if your kingdom found out it was a vampire killing.” He said guiding me back toward the garden’s hidden door. A voice came from the darkness so frightening that I jumped, “Gabriel, Macon will not be happy with you for speaking to the little princess.” Gabriel sighed, “I know this Jeremy but I had to save her, it simply wasn’t her time.” “Macon really hates you psychic bullshit and frankly so do I.” Gabriel sighed again but this time it was agitated. We had arrived at the door by now and Gabriel had released me. “Goodnight princess, and might I suggested no more walks alone in these woods, there are many who want you dead and few who would do what I did tonight.” “I defiantly won’t go for anymore walks,” I said, walking to the door. I turned around to say my goodbyes to Gabriel but he was gone. 1 I looked out across the land tears streaming down my face as King Macon's army advanced killing everyone in its path. They were coming from the forests; the forests stretched for miles around the city. The city had a wall around the main town but some built houses outside the city. Those houses were up in smoke and flames and people were lying dead on top of each other in a pile like fired wood. “Princess Dara! Princess Dara! Come away from that window," said my servant Caia. "Milady we should really get moving, you must be saved you are the only one who can save your people." Caia was beautiful; she had long dark brown hair, brown eyes and pretty features. I am opposite of her, I have blonde hair and blue eyes, classic Aryan of the royal line. “I'm not doing very well so far am I?" I yelled making Caia flinch. "I'm sorry Caia I didn't mean to yell, I'm just angry and frustrated, my people are dying out there and I can’t stop it." "Don't feel bad, I would be angry to if I was going through what you are. Now we really must go, there’s a carriage waiting out back for you and I have some of your clothing-" "No! I can't leave I must stay. If this kingdom falls I fall with it." "Bu-" "Don't bother arguing, you know how stubborn I am." I became quiet and began staring out of the window and Caia left me to my thoughts. Why are they attacking here? Just yesterday they were in Baran. That is over 400 miles from here and they are all on foot. It’s impossible that they know I'm here. No one outside of the castle knows I'm here. The vampires shouldn’t know already, they shouldn’t be here yet; we were supposed to have time. Slowly day turned into night and the sunset on my beautiful city. I watched as the vampiric army torched the houses of my people as they advanced closer to the city. I walk down stairs I desperately needed company. Normally my parents would be there to talk to but with them dead I only had Caia. My parents were in Baran when it was attacked; my men found their bodies among the many. I knew why the vampires were attacking, we kill their people they kill ours. We have been at war for thousands of years, simply because most of us are vampire hunters and that’s only because our people have been betrayed by them so many times. "Caia." "Yes Milady." "Don't call me Milady, you’re my best friend there’s no need for it, and don't add princess in front of my name when you say it." "Okay Dara." "What will happen if I die who will rule then?" Caia looked worried at my question but answered it any way. "Your head of council, my husband." "Hmm, I suppose having Magnar leading would be good. He's a good guy." "Yes, yes he is." "Who is what?" Asked Magnar as he walked in. "Oh we were talking about you." I stated easily. "Oh. Something good I hope." He said raising his eyebrow. "Yeah it was Dara, she was just saying what a nice guy you were and that she supposed it would be alright if you ruled." "I'm praying I don't get the chance. Anyway I just came in to see when you were coming to bed Caia, its late my love," Caia gave me a look as if to ask if she could go with her husband to bed, who had walked out of the room and went down the hall to their room. "Hey I've got no control over that part of your life. Go head and go I need time to think some more." "Okay, goodnight Dara." "Goodnight, and have fun." "Dara!" She yelled her mouth dropping open. "Hey I'm as old as you and I can know these things." "I certainly hope you haven't... you know. Your mother and father would kill you, being a princess and with no wedding band on your finger." "Not that it’s any of your business but I haven't. Now go to bed would you." After I said this she looked satisfied and stalked towards the door. "Oh and Dara.” She said turning around. "I will have fun." She winked and left the room. In spite of myself I laughed. We lived in the 2003 but in an alternate reality, a parallel universe you could say. It was much more magical then the world humans lived in; we even live different than humans. We can slip into the human world whenever we want which is the only reason our cities have evolved. We don’t have cars because they pollute; we don’t have many human things for that reason. I stood up; I needed fresh air. I walked toward my private garden's door. I pushed open that heavy wooden doors that had ornate symbols carved in them and stepped out, shutting the door behind me. The smell of lavender filled my nose mixed with roses and jasmine. Oh how I loved that smell. Mother said that as a baby the smell of this garden was the only thing that would get me to sleep at night. I shivered, but I wasn't from the cold it was more like some one is watching you shiver. "Hello? Is anyone there?" "Yes Milady, some one is very near." A male voice said into my ear. I gasped spinning around, to meet a dark haired man with eyes as black as the night. "You startled me. What are you doing in here?” He wrapped his arm around my waist and my arms. With his other he put his hand over my mouth tightened his grip while viciously forcing my head to the left. "I'm kidnapping you Dara." He sunk razor sharp teeth into my neck. I tired to scream but it only came out a muffled cry with his hand over my mouth. A white-hot pain spread through my entire body. Then it stopped and everything went black. When I awoke I was in a carriage with a man who I had not seen before. He had strawberry blonde hair and a feminine face, he still looked masculine though just more pretty than handsome. He wasn’t too young, maybe 24, 25. He was asleep. Then all panic hit me as I remembered I had been kidnapped. I jerked at the ropes holding me to the floor of the carriage. Moaning in an upset and panicked sort of way, I continued to pull at the ropes. Tears started to fall when I couldn't get them to come off. I still pulled for about 5 minutes then my wrists started to bleed. Whimpering I still pulled at the ropes. I had to get out of here. The carriage had red velvet seats and black walls; there was a long skinny window in the back. There was a dark blue cloak rapped around me, which was good because I was so cold, I think it was the blood loss or something. "Hey stop that lady." Said the man who was watching me; I was quite surprised that he had not woken up before this. He reached toward me and I screamed. "Don't touch me!" I bellowed continuing to pull and slipping to the floor, looking into beautiful grass green eyes. ”Look, just calm down,” he put his hands on my arms to get me to stop pulling and immediately I felt better. “That a girl,” he muttered as he looked at my wrists, there was blood everywhere. “Hey stop this carriage!” He commanded the driver and as soon as the words were out the carriage jerked to a stop Jeremy opened a door and jumped out, leaving the door open. I looked through the back window to see there was another carriage behind us. I started to pull at the ropes again and then stopped so I could hear what was being said. He had stopped the other carriage as well and went to the back where the people were. A man I couldn't quite see got out and they were talking. "Jeremy just get in this carriage. I'll deal with her." "Yes sir." Jeremy stepped into the carriage and the man that had stepped out walked toward the driver. "Go ahead of us, it might take me a while to deal with this girl. We will probably camp here for the night when I'm done with her." The driver drove off and the man came just close enough for me to see his face. To my horror I saw it was the man who had kidnapped me and bitten me. I started to scream and yank franticly. I didn't want to face him alone again. He came over to my door and swung it open so hard that it clanged against the side of the carriage. "Stop moving god damnit I'm cutting you loose." He yelled enraged. I stopped moving. He cut the ropes then grabbed me by the hair and my upper arm and tossed me out. I groaned in pain, and got to my feet. He grabbed one of my wrists and twisted, making me cry out in pain when I heard the bone snap. He gave a sadistic smile. He enjoyed my screaming. He kicked my shin and the pain was so bad me knees buckled and I hit the dirt. His boots were steel toed and I could see he just tapped me with his foot, if he had really kicked me my whole leg would have split in half. "Bow to your new master," He whispered in my ear. Then in one swift movement he kicked me in the stomach. I fell over on the dirt unable to move. He yanked me up from the ground by the hair, bearing my throat and sunk his fangs in; it hurt so badly when he did this. I cried out in pain and he dropped me to the ground and kicked me again. "Next time you want to bleed or cause yourself pain come to me. I can do much better than these silly ropes." "I wasn't trying to hurt myself I was trying to escape." He laughed at that "Yes I know, and don't try it again." He picked me up and carried me back the carriage, and surprisingly gently set me in it. Then he climbed in after me. He reached for the arm he had broken and I quickly pulled away not sure what he would do. For the nasty amount of temper he had just taken out on me he seemed calm now, even gentle and caring, if I didn’t know any better I’d have said he had a split personality. "Give it, now." He commanded. I reluctantly stretched out my arm. "Hmm not a terribly bad break." He looked up at me and gave me that sadistic smile again. "I've done worse." Suddenly he stood and popped open the sunroof so quickly I jumped. "Yes sir?" Came the voice of the driver. "Stop at the next river, the girl needs to wash up." "Right." "In the mean time pass me the extra med kit." I heard the driver dig for something and then pass it to the man. He shut the sunroof and sat back down. "What’s your name?" I questioned him hesitantly hoping he wouldn't become anger and lash out at me. "Macon." He said shortly. "Oh my god." I said reaching the peak of fright but still keeping myself in check so I didn't cause myself harm. "King Macon?" I ask, my voice shaking. "I prefer Lord Macon, but sure, king works just as well." I was trembling now. I was captive of the man my people and I were at war with. He gave a sigh and held my arms still. "Stop shaking or I'll never be able to put these bandages on." I pulled away from him, scooted into the corner, and went into fetal position shaking like mad. "Look at me." He commanded and I knew that if I did not comply he would hurt me so I looked up into his beautiful black eyes. Sleep. The word went through my head like a poisonous gas and sure enough I slept. 2 Sometime while I had slept we had stopped and set up camp. I'm not sure whether I had pulled myself together or not. I wouldn't know until Macon approached me. Wait; maybe he wouldn't even get the chance to approach me. The carriage doors were open and I could see out into the whole campsite and there was no Macon or driver in site. I took my chance and made a dash for the woods. When no one came yelling from anywhere, I took off through the woods. Oh the pain in my arm was unbearable. As a princess I have been very over protected. I think the last cut I had was over 4 years ago. I'd never had a broken bone or even sprang an ankle. Some times I had wondered what it felt like and now I wish I had never asked. I stopped running and leaned against a tree. I have to be far enough away from the campsite that I don't have to run; I thought to myself, I started to get very happy, I had escaped. Some one laughed from behind me and I whipped around to see who it was. “You haven’t escaped quite yet sweetheart," said Macon stepping out of the shadows. "Now come back with me willingly and I won't have to harm you." He was hoping I would bolt, I could see it in his eyes, he wanted to terrify me and cause me the pain of a lifetime. Throwing caution to the wind I turned around to run. He was in front of me in a second. "Oh come on your not even trying." He said with a laugh. "What is the little princess afraid of getting hurt?" That’s what set me off. I walked right up to him and punched him in the stomach he doubled over partly in pain but mostly in laughter. I ran as fast as I could and came to a cliff. "Fuck!" I screamed anger and fear rising in me. I leaned over the side to see that the cliff lead to an ocean. The waters were violent and crashing hard against the rocks and cliff below. "What Dara can't you fly?" And before I could even turn to face him Macon pushed me off. I was screaming bloody murder by then. Then part of my body passed threw arms and the arms closed catching me just under my breasts. "I've got you your ok. Or Maybe I don't have you." Said Macon threatening to drop me. "Don't!" "Beg me, go 'please Macon don't drop me' and say it like you mean it. Go on." "Please Macon don't drop me." I begged, he could hear the terror in my voice and it made him laugh. Then as quickly as I had dashed out of camp I was back in it. I sunk to the ground, trembling, waiting for Macon to strike. He pulled me off the ground by my hair, dragging me to the river by the camp. "Wash up," he said, sitting down on the bank of the river. I began to scoop water into my hands and scrub my face and arms. "No, remove your cloths and wash up." "With you sitting there watching me like that. Hell no." "Just do it and save yourself the pain you stupid girl." "Fuck you." "Is that an offer?" He was by my side in a second and took my arm in a tight grip. "If it is, I would like that, I need the stimulation." I jerked my arm back from his bruising grip but he just tightened his grip on my arm. "Let me go," I said, getting very angry. "Do as I say, bathe." He said shoving my body down in the water and he started to walk back to the bank of the river. "Not with you watching me I won't." "Fine. How about I punish you and leave? What would you think of a punishment Dara?" He advanced toward me and I started to tremble crawling away. I tried to stand but between the water, backing up, and trembling I couldn't. He stood right above me now. He reach his hands around my throat and held my under. I hadn't been expecting this and got my lungs full of water. He pulled me back up. "Are you going to listen now Dara?" He didn't even give me time to answer. He dunked me back under before I could get a chance to breath. This time he held me there while I kicked and tour my nails into his hands. Relax and I'll let you up, came a voice in my head, Macon's voice. I stopped kicking and clawing at him. He pulled me up. I began coughing up water and trying to breathe at the same time. He began hitting me on the back. I pushed him back, stood, stumbled to the bank and clasped coughing up more water. He laughed. "Maybe you will listen to me from now on. Come on get up, I'll get the cloths I bought for you." He said pulling me up by the arm gently. He seemed to be gentle once I had made him loose his temper. Maybe I should try not to make him angry in the first place, I thought. "Here is the dress. Women wear dresses with many skirts in my kingdom instead of these one layered skirts your kingdom does." It was a beautiful dress. It was dark navy blue and made of silk. I gasped when I saw it and my eyes grew wide. "I love it. I've never seen such a beautiful piece of clothing." "Glad you like it. Here put it on. Oh and take a towel your soaked." "Duh I'm soaked you held me under water." "Shut up and go get changed." "Were do I change?" "The woods, unless you wish to change in front of me." I stalked off toward the woods and began to get undressed. But before I even got the zipper on my dress all the way down I spotted something in the bushes and walked over to see what it was. I parted the bushed slightly to see the driver dead with two tiny holes in his neck. He was pale; all the blood was drained from him so of course he was pale. I screamed and kept screaming as I turned around and ran farther into the woods. "Dara. Dara, come back here." Macon's voice floated distantly around me. I kept running, I was falling apart now and I couldn't stop. "Dara, wait. Da- oh fuck it." Right after he said that I smacked right into him and his arms clamped around me. "Let go, let go of me please," I wailed, scrambling to get myself free of his grip. "Calm down damnit." I continued to try and twist out of his grip and he tightened it. Relax, you’re going to have to get used to me feeding, Macon said into my head. Get used to him feeding! How long was he going to keep me with him? I struggled harder at this thought. Suddenly it felt like a blanket had been place over my mind, keeping the thoughts deep inside along with the panic. "You okay now?" Asked Macon. "Yeah, I just feel weird, detached." I whispered. "Good." "Are you doing it?" "Yes." "Okay." I would have protested but it was impossible, I couldn’t even remember were my hands were located. Walk back to camp came Macon's voice. I began moving back toward camp only to realize I had no clue where we were. "I don't know where we are. Which direction is camp?" He didn't answer right away. "Macon I'm tired, which way is camp?" Suddenly he swept me off my feet and scooped me up in his arms like I weighed nothing. "Sleep, I'll find camp." I was asleep before he even said that. 3 I woke up to the carriage moving. I was tied by one of my ankles the steel loop my hands had been attached to. Who's driving, I wondered as I remembered what happened to the driver, and where is Macon. I wanted Macon far far away from me. I glanced up at the sunroof and popped it up. Standing up I saw that Macon was driving, I frowned, and he wasn't as far away as I had hoped. It was almost sunrise. Macon glanced behind him sensing I was watching him. He stopped the carriage. Frightened I'd done something I wasn't supposed to I ducked back in the sunroof and shut it behind me. I heard him stand, climb on top of the carriage and slide toward the sunroof. He unlatched it and smiled at me, it wasn't a sadistic smile like he gave right before he caused pain but I still flinched. His smile faltered just a bit. "I'm not going to hurt you." He took out his knife and I flattened myself against the wall wishing I could fall through it. He laughed, "I'm not going to hurt you." He said again only slower. I relaxed a bit and he reached down to cut the rope binding my ankle. He then climbed out of the carriage and, holding the door open, offered me his hand. I hesitated only until I saw aggravation in his eyes, I took his hand and he helped me out of the carriage. Only then did I notice I was completely clean with the faint smell of soap, I had on new clean clothes including the beautiful blue dress. A million terrible thoughts passed through my head. Good lord he dressed me. I tried to brush it off when I saw him becoming angry with me for not following him to the front of the carriage. I followed him and he got off of the roof sliding into his seat. He then turned back, and picked me up around the waste placed me gently in the front of the carriage with him. He started to move the carriage again. "No ropes?" I asked. "No, no ropes I could catch you before you could try anything, plus I don't think you will." He said giving me a threatening look. "No, no of course I wouldn't." I said in a rush. He laughed. "I didn't think so." We didn’t speak for a long time and I began to fall asleep from boredom leaning against Macon’s shoulder and then jerking awake and sitting up. Suddenly we stopped and I jerked out of my half sleep. "What? Why did we stop?" When he spoke it wasn't to me. "Jeremy I thought I told you to go on without us." "You did but you took so long I couldn't just leave you out here in case you were injured." Macon laughed. "And what would hurt me? This child?" "I'm not a child." I protested. "I have rule over an entire kingdom." “That certainly doesn't make you an adult, and I'm sorry honey but you haven't had the roll of queen that long and you defiantly act like a child,” said Jeremy. I opened my mouth to protest. "Hush Dara, its time for you to shut up." said Macon. I fell silent; I didn't want Macon to loose his temper with me. "I see she's already learning to respect your wishes Macon," again Macon laughed. "No she will never learn she's just being good right now." He said placing a hand on my shoulder. I shrugged his hand off. "See she will never learn." He pulled my hair so my head was in his lap. I tried to sit up but he gave my arm a hard punch. "Be good child." He laughed this out. I got angry and pushed myself violently up. I got out of the front of the carriage preparing to run, and then I remembered what would happen if I ran so I stomped over to the carriage door, got in and slammed it shut. "See Jeremy if she had learned anything she would have stayed where I put her." There was a hint in his voice that I should come out and go back to him before he hurt me. "Go fuck yourself Macon!" I yelled before I could stop myself. I could feel his fury even though I couldn't see him. "Oops," I whispered a bit scared now. Jeremy laughed when I said oops and then shouted. "Hell yeah that was bad. That deserves more than an oops." He said this as Macon jumped off the front of the carriage. I quickly got out of the other side unfortunately Macon was expecting this and was on the other side. He caught me as I stumbled out of the door. It must have been Jeremy I sensed coming up to the door I had thought Macon was coming through. Macon had the most wicked look in his eyes that I had ever seen. "Please, Macon it slipped out. I didn't mean to say it." "Awe Macon the little thing is begging you." "Shut up." I shouted. Macon turned me around and punched me hard in the jaw. I would have fallen back but he had his other hand tightly gripping my upper arm. "I wouldn't start with Jeremy he's not quite as bad as me but he is good with torture." Jeremy laughed. “That’s alright man, you don’t need to stick up for me, I can handle her myself,” said Jeremy. “Then handle her Jeremy,” Macon said shoving me toward Jeremy with an evil smile on his face. He turned away laughing, “Have fun Jeremy.” I glared at his retreating back. “Jerk,” I muttered under my breath. “Awe he’s not really, he’s just hard core that’s all.” “What does he want from me anyway?” During everything I’d never bothered to ask. “You really have no clue do you. Back in the early days of the Anlaufstelle Empire vampires were originally included in the cities there were a few incidents and people were killed and blood was taken. That was before the fighting regulations. Vampire’s were involved in these incidents and normally were the cause so they were kicked out of the Empire and told never to set foot in any of its cities. At first we didn’t care but with all the fighting in the human world and the prosecution of our kind by the slayers, hunters, and mercenaries we need a place of refuge. That’s what Anlaufstelle means you know. Your city is also full of hunters and your city is at war with ours” “Of course I know I do speak German you know, I go out to Berlin quite often.” “Right I forgot.” “So all the vampires’ want is to be able to come into Anlaufstelle cities and for the wars to stop? Why didn’t Macon just ask or compromise, that’s what the humans always do?” He laughed, “Macon doesn’t ask, the only way he ever got his way was fighting. Macon thinks that if he asked for entry to the city and asked to negotiate a peace treaty he would be turned down so he never even considered that. He’s not a rational man most of the time, smart but not rational. Now I expect you won’t run if I leave you?” “No, no I won’t.” Jeremy left me and I thought of how I could fix this without ending up dead. Maybe I could convince my court to let the vampires back into Anlaufstelle but I’d have to be in the courts to do that or at least have some way to contact them. “Dara get in the carriage we’re leaving,” came Macon’s voice from somewhere in the distance. I stood, opened the carriage doors and climbed in. The carriage shook a bit up front and then began to move. I could hear Jeremy and Macon talking; I couldn’t hear what they were saying unfortunately. I was beginning to drift back to sleep when the carriage stopped and Macon’s voice came floating toward me. “Come here Dara,” he yelled. “Why?” “Just get out here now.” Reluctantly I opened the door and stepped out of the carriage. I walked toward the front. No one was at the front when I got there. “Hello, Macon, were did you go? Jeremy?” “Right here Dara,” came Macon’s voice from behind me. I jumped and spun around. “Why the heck did you sneak up on me like that for? Where is Jeremy?” “He’s off hunting, there are few humans in the woods but they’re there if you care to look.” “Hunting? Is he going to do what you did to the driver?” “Yes,” there was something in his voice I didn’t like; it frightened the hell out of me. “And you, you’re hunting to aren’t you?” This caused him to laugh. “Yes, but I won’t be killing my prey.” I started to back away from him. “Don’t run Dara, I won’t hurt you.” I laugh; it was a frightening laugh almost bordering on hysterical, “Yeah right you won’t hurt me, you’ve been torturing me for a few days but no you won’t hurt me.” Macon disappeared from in front of me, and a second later, hands slid around my waste encircling my arms with my waist so I couldn’t move. “Please don’t,” I said, terror audible in my voice. “I won’t hurt you,” he whispered against my ear. “I don’t trust you.” “It doesn’t matter I have you and you have no choice,” he whispered and sunk his teeth into my neck. I gasped and tried to calm down. It didn’t hurt, it felt great, orgasm worthy in fact but the panic blocked any pleasure I was feeling. I didn’t trust him not to kill me, not to hurt me. I started to sink to my knees from blood loss but Macon caught me and held me up. He finally took his mouth from my neck, lifted me up and carried me to the carriage. “See not so bad,” he said setting me down and climbing in after me. He picked me back up and sat me in his lap. “I-I think I can help you. Jeremy was telling me h-how you wanted vampires to be aloud back in the city and to stop this war, to stop the bloodshed. I-I think I could arrange it. I could convince my council…” “Its not that easy, your council won’t be easily convince, most of them were around when the vampires were kicked out,” he laughed, “I think you’re the only one in the royal court who didn’t witness it. Some of them were even victims of vampiric attacks.” “Well if they disagree then I will do what I’m supposed to do, I will rule them.” He laughed when I said this. “It won’t be that easy, there hasn’t been a proper ruler in about fifty years in Anlaufstelle. It’s all been democracy for a very long time. And you, your still a child, they won’t listen.” “I can make them listen!” “No you can’t, this is the only way.” I fell quiet, if I couldn’t convince him then I couldn’t convince him, the only question I had now that I couldn’t convince him was what he planned to do with me. So I asked. “What are you going to do with me, or to me?” “I’m going to ransom you for my vampires’ stay in Anlaufstelle and then I’m going to stay in the castle near you so if your people decide to go back on their word I can kill you.” “Oh goodness.” I didn’t feel so great, gods what if he had to kill me. “Don’t look so sick, I probably won’t have to kill you your kingdom wouldn’t risk its precious princess.” I looked at him. “You really think so?” “Yeah though most of the time I’m tempted to kill you I don’t want to have to, who will rule your people?” “Magnar.” “Oh but you forget that if I got in to come after you maybe my men got in.” “So there aren’t even people left for me to rule?” “No, no I didn’t let my men in they were simply a distraction. I’m not going to kill you; I could just take you away from your people and ransom you again then if they don’t comply kill you.” “Or you could let me go back and try to convince my people…” “No, now go to sleep, I’m sure Jeremy will be back soon and we will be leaving so just sleep.” “Okay,” I said and slid off of him, putting my head in his lap. I tried to sleep but it was no use I kept turning over. “Ugh, girl stop moving,” he said laying a hand on my shoulder to keep me from turning over yet again. I sighed and sat up. “I can’t sleep now, I’m too troubled,” I said leaning my head against the velvet upholstery trying to think. I sighed, stretched my arms above my head and slid out of me seat and onto the floor, my head still in the seat. I watched Macon for my spot on the floor; he smiled crookedly as he leaned over me looking at me. “Why did you do that?” He asked still leaning above me slightly. “It’s a nice stretch it felt good, I was tired of sitting,” I stated. Macon shook his head and his smile widened. “You are a strange one,” he said and, his smile faded and he looked toward the front of the carriage clearly not happy. He got out of the carriage doors and marched off. “Hey what’s wrong?” He didn’t answer and he wasn’t in sight anymore. “Macon where did you go?” I got up and stepped out of the carriage to look around. |