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this is an unfinish piece its about a girl who is accused of being a witch feedback wanted |
I felt the cold dirt against my knees, the sun beating down on my back filling me with warmth from my hard winter. A soft breeze stroked my cheek, the wind almost carrying the quiet hum of something unseen. I struggled to listen, as if it was just out of my hearing. I got up from where my knees pressed against the earth and made my way through my garden half expecting to see my mum sitting still on the wooden bench under the lilac tree. My heart dropped to below my stomach seeing the small wooden bench empty and forlorn. I sat in my mum’s favorite spot. My eyes could not form tears, I had cried all winter but until now I have never felt so alone since the three months of her passing. I stared, not looking at anything, still of emotion, empty of every thought, a void in knowledge of being alone. The breeze through my garden stirred once again, leaves brushing against leaves, the slight comfort against the sun slowly awoke me from the numbness. Feeling the heaviness of my body and the stinking needle pricks, I moved slowly to work the stiffness from my legs. I looked at my small garden tangled in the winter’s chill and how little I had gotten done since the sun came to warm the dirt. I then got on my knees again and began to tend my beloved haven of herbs. Falling into the soothing rhythm of weeding and trimming, I didn’t notice him enter my garden. I looked upon him through my eyelashes so perhaps he wouldn’t see, “He has lost so much weight,” I thought to myself, “He misses her so.” My thoughts whispered, “Has Da eaten anything today?” I do not know if my lips ever moved are not but his head turned from the palms it rested on. His cornflower blue eyes came to look into my deep brown. Then I realized he didn’t seem to be looking at me but past me his lips seem to move, cracked and dried. No voice rung out and yet he seemed to speak. I felt the sweet breeze again cuddle my body. I’m not sure if he spoke to the breeze or something more. His hands reached out to me but not at me. Then his body slumped over, his head down and his arm dropped completely. I ran to him but it was too quick his weight shifted and he fell off the wooden bench. I put my hand up to his mouth and felt no breath; I cradled his body in my arms lifting up his head. His eyes stared, not blinking, as his skin became cold to my touch. “Aislin, Aislin!” something was shaking me calling me back from the dark slumber. I opened my eyes unsure of where I was at. I felt the coldness in my lap where my da laid. My hand clutching my da’s as if it was my only life line back to the world I once knew. My dearthàir gently prided my stiff fingers apart from the lifeless hand that brought comfort to tears and bread to the table. He pulled me out from under the dead weight, trying to prop me up on my legs. The moon shown brightly while I tried to stand shaking heavy and numb limbs to find the warmth of movement once more. I watched Ethan pick up Da and carry him to his bed. He then brushed his hand over Da’s eyes shutting them from the eternal stare. I watched Ethan move about the room, soon a hard piece of bread was in my hand. I was still very numb, not in body but in mind and I couldn’t keep my hand steady as I pretended to eat what my stomach did not want. My dearthàir in all his calm was just a mask as he gently spoke I could hear his voice tremble, “Aislin, what happen?” he asked. I wet my lips and tried to find my voice, “Da, saw Mum and went with her, he spoke to her as if this pass winter had never taken place as if she was right there standing by her bench.” My words seem to hang in the air I whispered, “Ethan, I felt her, I know she was there.” I watched his hand become a fist and he lashed out at the table. I stood still waiting for the waters to run smooth and calm from the stone I had cast. He spoke so gently it was almost ghostly when the words slipped from his lips, “I know, I believe you, please Aislin,” his eyes seemed to beg, “please take care of how you tell these words, they believe us to be changelings already, you’re all I have left.” His mask slipped, I understood his words too well and crawled into my little bed to leave him with his thoughts. I woke to the muttering and the clang of shoves against the dirt. I looked out the window to watch Ethan and his friend, John Hunter, dig next to the stones of Mum’s grave. John was the same age as Ethan about seven years older than I. John’s Pa had been friends with Da and Ethan and John were matched in personality. John’s Pa had died a few years back and Da had taken care of everything until John could take care of his father’s land on his own, since his Mum passed away at his birth. I watched John, his blond locks seemed dull in the sun, and I knew he looked up to my Da. My thoughts traced back to watching the grave being made, and then confusion crossed my face as I did not see John’s faithful shadow, a wolf hound that never left his side. I ran outside and didn’t hear familiar paws coming run to jump on me in greeting. I look at John but he couldn’t look at me. Ethan shoved his shovel in the dirt and put his arms around me, my heart jerked in my throat. “Wolf, is gone, they killed her saying the poor dog was a witch,” he said quietly. I looked up at him tearing away from his hold, “How could they? How could they?” I started to cry and ran, just ran barefoot in the tall grass. I tried to run from all the hurt I felt my world falling into crumbs. I had only lived fourteen years how can my world change so much. I spoke to the sky, broken with tears, “Why do you take them all and leave me? Who is next?” I started to pick flowers thinking of Wolf, she was no more than two years maybe three, I couldn’t quite remember. I used to run in this field with her when John came over. She was the best hunting dog the Hunter’s family ever bred and would of had lovely pups given the chance. Everything weighed so deeply on me, I just thought I was starting to heal from Mum leaving, and then Da goes, now Wolf. I felt dizzy as I picked wild flowers, but the task kept my mind from chasing too many thoughts I wish not to think upon. My hands created three bundles of flowers that I slowly took back to the two freshly made graves. I watched them place Wolf in the ground at the foot of Mum and Da always to guard their bodies. Ethan and John carried my da out of the house and placed him in the hole; I watched and just stood there as they placed dirt over both graves. I put a bundle of buttercups, clovers, violets, and dandelions on mum’s grave, and then slowly I knelt and placed a handful on the place Da’s heart. I turned and looked at John; I saw his tears as I placed the last group of flowers on Wolf’s grave. We walked inside, the air was so thick with loss as if breathing made the ribs feel tight and the heat choked the lungs. I watched John and Ethan sit down at the table; I brought them a little loaf of bread I had made the day before from the cupboard. I put it on the small table, the table my da had made for my mum. I took three cups from the shelf placing them in front of John, and then I left them carrying a small bucket to the well. Walking to the well I followed two golden butterflies playing tag, as if someone forgot to tell them of the sadness of this day. I put my small bucket on the side of the stone well, tying the rough rope onto the handle. Something caught my eye is was so soft looking like the cheek of a baby but was the color of the bark of a tree, the new comer mingled with the other two butterflies, it brown speckled body blending in with the landscape. In the back of my mind the site reminded me of something but with everything that weighed deeply on me I could not place what meaning this portrait of a perfect landscape held deep in my heart. My hands knew the familiar chore and took over my body as my mind wandered. I stared whether the butterflies or the sky I do not know, the focus of my eyes blurred and my vision didn’t seem so important, I whispered, “Why?” over and over again it repeated in the air and in my head. I still didn’t understand why they left me here to face this life alone. My hands felt the cold water splash out of the side of the bucket; I rubbed my wet hands on my face trying to scrub out all the tears and all my memories. The water ran out of my eyes, there sat the three butterflies on the rim of the bucket flexing there wings proudly. I watched them in the silent awe I had as a small child, silent giggles filled my head as I heard my Màtheir’s voice, “Flutterbyes are the fairies of the day time…” “But Mum,” I heard myself say, “Where are their bodies?” She smiles so sweetly and her voice was as soft as a breeze, “As soon as the moonlight touches them you can see there bodies all flutter and glow with sparkling clothes made out of spider webs. They have there bodies there now, but we can’t seem them without the moonlight. Remember my sweet Aislin, the moonlight is more mysterious than perhaps we will ever know, for it is the lantern of God to seek the lost souls. Anything may happen in the moonlight for it is magic, but good magic.” The memory echoed in my head a slight smile crossing my face as I took the bucket and the butterflies took flight, we parted our separate ways to what we each called home. The door was in my sight when I heard the thunder of hooves beating the ground stirring balls of dust. I looked behind me wondering who was in such a hurry, who would have heard of Da’s death so soon? Who would care enough to mourn his death? Thoughts raced through my mind. I saw the flash of red and black cloth. My hands dropped the bucket as if a reflex splashing water all over my dress, I picked up my now wet dress that my màtheir had made from light cotton that was now heavy with water and ran. I opened the door about falling through the threshold; my hands were on the door trying to bar anybody from entering after me. Ethan stared at me; I looked at him with such fear as my heart pounded, my breath raced in my lungs and my skin turned gray. Horses screeched right outside the door, a fist cracked the wood of the door as it met echoing the pounding. Ethan moved towards the door, John was by his side pushing me behind him. Before Ethan couldn’t even open the door, it was forced open as the hinges shrieked in protest. A brown stallion stood in our doorway his nostrils flaring as he pawed the ground. A husky man sat in the saddle, his hands pulling on the reigns too tight forcing the great beast to rear up in our home. How the man stayed in the saddle I wasn’t sure. I didn’t need a second look to know who this man was, though I had never seen him in the flesh, his reputation burned into the spirit of the town. His eyes moved past Ethan and John to stare at me, I held my head up in defiance, as his too pale blue eyes tried to rape my soul. He wore an oily smile, looking at me but talking to Ethan, “Where is your father, boy?” I watched his smile grow into a grin that made my stomach turn. Ethan answered in almost a deadly whisper, “He is not here your grace.” His hold on the horse relaxed but his spine stayed straight, I believe if he thought he could get away with a cackle of delight me might but he suppressed it, letting it pass. He held out his hand, a guard dropping a rolled sheet of parchment into his gloved hand, as he unrolled it he read, “Aislin Carpenter, daughter of William the Carpenter is under arrest for witchcraft and the murder of her mother, Brighid Carpenter. Everything belonging to the accused shall be burned if found guilt in the court of God.” The horse stepped back as soon as he heard the word “God” as if trained on cue. The guard made a lunged to grab me, Ethan tried to push me back but the guard was too quick. His hand was pinching my collar bone; I could feel his thumb digging into my wind pipe. Another guard took rope from his saddle bag and tied the rough cord around my wrists, I did not fight them but I felt there hands scrapping my skin and feeling the wet stickiness of blood and the swelling that would soon become black bruises. I swallowed trying not to get dizzy, and then I looked back at my brother once to see John holding him back feverishly. I whispered, “I will be back soon, Ethan. Do not worry.” I’m not sure if he heard me or not. I was like a mule being yanked along the back of horses, one guard holding tugging my leash. I stumbled as I ran to keep up, the guards laughing at me. The gravel pressed into my bare feet and my dress was torn mixing with blood and dirt. I did not cry or make a sound, I was in too much fear and shock as if I was no longer in my body. I watched the girl whose soft dress was being made rags as she was being dragged behind the horse bullied as her feet lost balance dragging along. I felt the weight of my body as the ropes cut into my wrist, the throbbing in my head as it crashed into the ground, my body scuffing the ground leaving marks in the dirt and on my body, my arms screaming in pain as they burned with heat, then everything was nothing but a numb void. My mind woke in a fog, I felt the itch of hay and the smell caused my tummy to clench as I heaved the little food I had eaten the last few days. I wiped my mouth glad I had missed throwing-up on myself. I slowly opened my eyes, all I saw was darkness, my eyes were heavily swollen, like I had been hit or I had hit something. I slowly sat up and moved my arms bending them. Timidly I ran my fingers along my flesh trying to feel what damage had been done. I slowly tried to move my legs out from being curled up under my body. I gasped for breath feeling the sharp pain of needles as feeling slowly came back to my legs. I swayed almost wishing I had not moved. I bit my lip hard as I felt the sharp pulsing pain from my right ankle. My fingers moved softly over the pain, I felt how swollen it was, though I was relieved to find the bone didn’t appear out of place. I took what little I could spare of my dress, ripped carefully so that it covered my privates. I took at deep breath but then choked on the filth in the air; my hands tightly wrapped the strips of rag around my ankle as I had done for so many creatures in the past. My hands had nothing more they could care for. My mind began to race as it reflected, as the heat of the pain screamed through my flesh crying out what my dried cracked lips could not. Ethan’s face of terror and worry lingered in my mind, how he watched me being taken, hearing his words “you’re all I have left.” “Da’s death, Wolf’s murder, Mum’s death; what has happened? What did I do to deserve this?” My thoughts became too much, I felt the hot tears burning my eyes and the open wounds on my face. I closed my eyes overwhelmed too tired to fight against the swelling, my body slumped in exhausted sleep. I awoke the sound of scolding as wood creaked and the light flooded the ceil chasing the shadows, making my eyes water burning. I looked up seeing eyes through a slot in the wooden door, flames burning around making the eyes dance. I blinked rubbing my eyes careful not to add pressure to the swollen bruises, trying to make the black dots go away. The jingle of keys rang in my ears, and then I was staring at dainty feet that a full dress brushed the shoes of. I timidly looked up at her squinting as the light still hurt my eyes, I traced the interlocking lace of the dress with my eyes seeing it cover her wrist and how high the neckline came. I slowly looked at her face seeing a stubborn chin, but under the mask deeper there were little wrinkles that showed a light heart and laughter. She might have smiled right then but the guard’s grumbles and protest kept her mouth pulled tight. I watched her shoulders pull back shrugging him off as her chin went up saying, “I am the mistress of this house and until my husband and lord returns to say otherwise, I will not allow any child in my towers!” I had slowly scooped myself back to the corner, curious of the passion in her voice, but untrusting for all that had happen; I couldn’t understand what intent she had. I didn’t want anymore bruises, I wasn’t sure how many more could be placed on my body or if my will would break. From the woman’s pocket she pulled a lace handkerchief and held it over her nose. “Come child, it’s okay please don’t make me go back there. Come now we will clean you up,” she beckoned like I was a dog. I scooted on my bottom forward trying to miss most of the gooey unknown on the floor. I managed to brace myself against the wall to slowly stand adding pressure to my right foot feeling the numbness awaking into hot jolts of piercing pain. My balance lost I almost fell into the lady, I could smell the scent of flowers upon her, my mind drifted to my little garden my màtheir gave me, how I let the wild flowers run rampant for the joy of their scent. I heard a distant voice gasp exclaiming, “How dare they treat a child this way! No wonder your so scared child, I will not hurt you, can you walk dear? Wait until Lord Darren hears of this, this was uncalled for!” her head was shaking in disbelief. My mind clearing, I realized it was the lady standing above me talking, though her voice became muddled with my pain. “Alex, help the poor thing to the waiting room,” she rattled on more calmingly but still very frustrated. With that she walked out of the room with long strides, her dress whispering a swish, as if she was used to walking next to somebody much taller than she. The boy, she called Alex looked at me and in one ungraceful swoop I was being carried as if I was a sack of grain. I winced as my bruises rubbed against the lanky youth. I didn’t look at his face, I already felt undignified with my clothes barely covering me and being carried as if I was actually somebody, instead a lump of bruises and open wounds. I closed my eyes so I would not get dizzy from the moving and swaying of the walk. Alex put me down and before I could get a chance to look at him he disappeared. My eyes caught a tub full of water and soon I heard the lady that I saw before, though her elegant dress was replaced with what looked to be older clothes that had stubborn stains. She rolled her sleeves up as she talked to me, “Child, I’m afraid we will have to dunk you into my cold used bathwater just to get an inch of grim off of you. But after you can soak in the hot bath water, I’m just afraid if you go into the hot first you will be sitting in a bath of filthy mud.” I blinked watching her, my attention was caught as other women came into the room helping me into the cool used water. I flinched at their touch but did the best I could to obey, relieved to get the lice off and soon bandage my gashes. A woman carefully stripped me of what was left of my rags, another took the bandage I had tried to make off my ankle. I limped to the water, I was plucked from the ground by the one that took my bandage, I heard her mumble, “Nothing but bones.” I was put slowly in the cold water. The two women scrubbed me as fast as they could, the lady helping has she rinsed my hair, none of them wanting the fate of sitting in the cold water. I watched the arms and hands, feeling the cold suds as the water lapped around my body. The pool of liquid stained brown, I slide down under the surface of the water hoping to drown anything that crawled. My lungs ached for breath but I ignored it, the longing to be clean urging strongly. Shadows crept into my mind how peaceful the world of water was, I never have to face that man again, never feel another break in my flesh. To become a imp of the water, free to swim where I pleased. Something began to wrap around my body, I thrashed wanting it to leave me be to my thoughts, my peace. I felt the cold air on my face, much colder than the water my body laid in numb. I was picked up like a rag doll, I felt my body react as my teeth chattered and I shivered. The hands cradled me into the hot water, that burned my skin turning it scarlet, then the easy and the tingles as my body relaxed. I scolded my mind for thinking being an imp was my place, I had promised my brother I would see him soon, we need each other. The warm water made me sleepy as my mind forgot the pain of the marks on my body. I was stirred with gentle soap being rubbed into my skin, and the tangles of my hair being lathered. I felt like a princess as they washed me, the idea making me blush, cause I didn’t have any right to think such a thought, for I had no place in that world. My mind struggled though why the lady cared so much what happened to me, if I was clean or not. Why clean me herself? It confused me so, but I didn’t linger too long for all the events made my head swim, I was not ready to sort them out yet. I heard the birds sing as I awoke to something soft and warm cradling my body. I found myself dressed in a night shift that was to big on me. I studied my bruises and gashes finding them slick with ointment as a proper bandage was tied around my ankle. Two women entered the room talking to one another, I heard one say, “…the poor thing just bones and fell asleep in the bath, didn’t even awake when we dressed her.” As she paused I was noticed, “Oh, your awake, if you like we’ll take you to the kitchen and find you something to eat.” I shook my head no, I knew I needed to eat but my mind was too full. The other woman, the one who I hadn’t seen before said, “You need to eat, child, the mistress will be worried about you.” I shook my head again in refusal; they gave up and walked back out the door they came in. I looked around the huge room, I felt dwarfed in the bed, that wasn’t even slightly crowed with all the pillows and blankets that were piled on top of one in another. I saw two huge windows that the sun was streaming through giving the room a slight glow as the shadows swayed as fluffy clouds swam in front of the sun. The dresser was taller than I, with twelve draws, I almost smiled at the thought that perhaps I happened upon a giant’s room. A huge tapestry hung on the wall with a unicorn dipping its horn into a lake creating the water to be pure. The room was decorated in the coats of arms of both the Lord and the Lady. The Lord’s arms had roaring lions painted in gold and red, while the Lady’s arms had a single pure white unicorn lying calmly with a lily in its mouth. I tried to recall what I knew of the Lord and Lady. They were a young couple, I remember the day they were wed, and the bells rang and echoed for days. It was said they were bringing new ideas and the Lord was implementing many changes. Even on our secluded little hill we heard of the young Lord’s ideas of changing the location of the crops from what they have been the season before. This seemed so silly at first to the farmers but after a few years they realized there crops were growing more plentiful and richer. Many were one over by his judgments in civil arguments and how he settled them. The Lady was known to go out during the winter taking herbs to the sick and making sure everyone had plenty of firewood. Perhaps what was known the most about them both is the love they had for each other. It was said the first time the Lord set eyes on her he couldn’t leave her side. But the king beckoned him to the court and she had to stay and attend their own people since it was the dead of winter. The Lord was heartbroken to leave her but returned as soon as he could with a pure white lily for his lady. The fairies created it from his frozen tears. Now when ever they are parted upon reunion the Lord always presents his Lady with a lily. I jumped, startled by the knock on the door. “You need food child, come get dress, “ she appeared by my bedside with a pink dress in her hands, it looked of home spun wool, “I won’t take no for an answer.” I slowly got up, testing my limbs to see if they would hold my weight. I totted over to her relived I wasn’t going to have to be carried as long as I moved slowly. I put on the dress, it was a little big but it was soft cotton. I walked behind her and soon strong smells of warm food filled my nose. The Lady was humming; I heard the chatter of the kitchen staff. I was directed towards a table and bench, an older solider sat opposite of me. A round woman smelling of rosemary gave me some cheese and bread, “Stew will be here in a few minutes.” I picked at the soft bread. A cup of cold water was pressed in my hand, “Drink.” I gladly took it and swallowed it all, I saw her smile with approval as she refilled my cup then sat beside me. As the round woman gave the Lady and I both a bowl of thick stew. As I ate my mind became more and more confused, I remember stories my mum told me of the Lady’s mother and how mum had seen her in a carriage with white ponies and the she was dressed in a fine embroidered dress of bright green with lilies entangled all over it. Every time they had a feast you could smell it miles away and it was said the rolls melted in your mouth. Though why wasn’t the Lady in the banquet hall with the three fire places? Mum said the day the Lady was born people from all over threw flowers in the streets, her family was well loved. Though why is she sitting next to me? My face must of shown more than I wish to tell for the old solider said kindly, “What’s wrong lass?” I looked into is old green eyes, wanting to bust out a million things, “What’s wrong?!?! What’s wrong?!?! My Mum is dead, my Da is dead, Wolf’s dead, I’m accused of being a witch, I hurt all over from bruises, my ankle is in bandages, and I don’t know why the lady cares!” my mind screamed but my lips never moved. Did he see the pain in my eyes? Did he care? I whispered my first words in days, “Why aren’t you in the banquet hall?” The lady almost spilled out a laugh, the solider smiled and replied, “When the young Lord is away the Lady enjoys company and a warm hearth so we all come to the kitchen.” The Lady smiled and nodded almost slightly embarrassed. She recovered and took the moment of speech and asked, “What’s your name little one?” I looked at her and lowered my eyes as if she was too bright to directly look at, “Aislin, my Lady.” “Well Aislin, none of that my Lady stuff, just Lily.” I nodded and she smiled as I finished the stew before me. I walked behind the Lady like a duckling still learning to walk, tottering and limping because of my ankle. I was led to the same room as before and the Lady told me, “You are my guest Aislin, thus you will be treated like a guest,” she grew quiet as if it hurt to speak, “Until your trial.” I nodded understanding. I climbed up in the huge bed after slipping the night shirt once more. The Lady tucked me into the bed, brushing the hair from my eyes, so motherly, for a moment I thought I saw Mum. I closed my eyes and drifted into sleep. I woke suddenly not knowing where I was, I blinked my eyes getting used to the darkness, there was no moon to stream into the window. A flutter of movement caught my eye; there he was frowning as he stared at me. “Do you think you have escaped me little witch?” he slurred. I watched him stumble about the room, carefully watching him but looking for a path to the door incase I needed to bolt. “You will be tried and you will be burned at the stake, this little spell you cast over Lady Lily will not protect you. If anything it proves even more you are a witch.” I watched his every step in silence, I knew I shook him but I didn’t know why, I never understood why everyone thought me and Ethan were changelings, What made us different? He rattled on, I wrinkled my nose as the strong sent of ale swept a crossed my senses, “I couldn’t get your mother but I will have you, you will not trap anybody with your brown eyes, like your mother did.” He almost sounded jealous, “You won’t entangled anybody in your silk black hair or weave spells and cast stories of the devil, no one will be enchanted by you little witch. How many men have you slept with so far whore? Did your mother trade you about like her people do? Ungodly bunch; have you had a real man like me little witch?” he leaned over and grabbed my hair, I pulled away hard leaving hair in his hand, as I ran towards the door. He grabbed for my ankle, I screamed as pain shot through my injury and I crashed to the floor. Almost like an angel of mercy the Lady stood in the doorway. He stood up and brushed himself off, “I’m so glad you came this minute milady, the little witch, had me under her spell wanting me to... pardon milady I do not wish to fill your mind with filth, but if it wasn’t for your radiant presences she might of gotten away with her evil deeds.” The Lady just starred at him, “You shouldn’t have been in the child’s chambers in the middle of the night,” she scolded. She took my hand and helped me up; I could feel her shaking as if this took out more strength from her than she let on. He stood there dumb-founded as we left. The Lady led me to a grand room. “You will sleep here with me the rest of the night, in the morning we will find away to keep his grace away from you.” The Lady’s bed was grander than the guest bed, I curled up on my side and stared at the wall, and as much as I was shaken I was scared to sleep. Scared I would awake to see him again and scared of what the night mare might bring me. I must have dozed off for I found myself waking up with the morning sun warm on my face. I looked around the room and felt dwarfed in the room in the daylight even more than I had in the dark shadows. My eyes fell on the Lady she was already dressed up and about tiding the room. “Aislin, there is a dress over there,” she pointed, “It should fit you.” I put the soft green dress on and the Lady smiled in approval, “It fits you better than that pink one. That was my dress when I was your age, “she smiled, “You look lovely in it.” I didn’t know what to think as I stood before a full length mirror and starred at the girl a crossed from me. Shadows tore at the girl’s clothes stripping her of the green dress as the night terrors begin to cloud her eyes. If ever I felt as if I wanted to run and never stop until the winds left me clean and the rain washed me until I recovered my innocence, it would be now as the girl on the other side of the mirror looked back at me. All I wanted was to take the weaving out and start again replacing the strains so everything could be normal once more. “Oh to be in my garden with Mum, listing to the sound of Da and Ethan recreating life out of wood,” the sounds whispers under my breath, the Lady watched me, her eyes held sadness as she watched me. I know my eyes must have filled with tears, for what seemed like a past life I cried for, I cried for death and life and stained the Lady’s dress with salt. Time echoed and a soft pat on the back I looked up to a warm smile, “I know what will cheer you up.” She went to the draw and tossed a crumpled pair of pants and a shirt. She was holding the same and started to take off layer upon layer of the dress she wore. I pulled the dress, I had just dawned, over my head and pulled the shirt over my head, it was big and swallowed me whole. The pants I pulled up and they fell back down again. The Lady let out a soft giggle and came to my rescue with rope. We fashioned the rope into a belt and I followed her not knowing where we would go next. We passed the kennel and my heart lurched. I stopped and looked, there were puppies rolling and tumbling over each other, and back in the corner by itself was a puppy that looked so much like Wolf it could have been apart of the same litter. The Lady looked back, I blushed being caught goggling at the puppies. She smiled brightly and opened the gate to the kennel picking up the rollie pollie puppy that I had been starring at. “Was this the one you were looking at?” I nodded feeling stupid. “Well it looks to me this little run needs a little bit extra loving, would you mine taking care of her?” I whisper as my heart thudded, “I would love too.” “She needs a name.” I thought for a bit, I thought of Wolf, “I will name her Cuànna.” The Lady smiled even more, “What a perfect name, for a little wolf.” I starred at the Lady as she handed me the puppy, thoughts raced through my head, how did she know that language, the language only Mum, Ethan, and I knew. Mum had made it a game when we were growing up saying it was our own little language. The confusion must have shown on my face, the Lady watched me. I smiled leaving the thoughts for later, “I used to know of a great dog named Wolf, Cuànna just looks so much like her.” “Well you will need this,” she said as she handed me a long piece of cloth. She tied it around my arm and neck like a sling, and I rested the puppy in it. Then we walked on. The Lady led us too the stables, where she asked the stable boy to mount two horses. The puppy up until now who was quiet gave a little yelp of her approval. |