Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/926169-The-Story-of-Sonya-Barclay
by Amanda
Rated: 13+ · Other · Death · #926169
The youngest, but the deadliest of the group. Meet, Sonya Barclay.
Sonya Barclay: Born 1972 Died 2000. The youngest out of all whom have returned from the dead, but the most feared. In life Sonya had been feared by many, especially those that she had personally put behind bars and those she would soon catch up with.

Sonya had been a well respected detetive in New Orleans, but the respect earned had been mostly through fear. She held a nic-name in her precent, it had been, "Wolverine." She had the same sarcastic, tough, and rough attitude the, "Wolverine" from the, "X-Men" had. She loved her nic-name and stood by it both day and night.

Everyone whom had been born and raised in New Orleans had pretty much grown to know Sonya. The one's whom had given Sonya any trouble at all, had been those that hadn't known her. Such as, those that had either been passing by or those whom had just moved into town. Now, New Orleans, is by no means a small, itty bitty town, but with a reputation like Sonya's. Always having car chases with suspects, then beating the holy hell out of them during questioning. It had been the kind of word known to get around quite fast, especially by media. Sonya not being on the news or being mentioned atleast once a week in the news paper, ment one of two things. She had either been off work, sick, or she had been on vacation. Very seldom did she ever do either of these things. She loved her work, justice was something Sonya had made sure she would get before the day had come to a close, because if it didn't she had stayed working until justice had been served.

"Obssesive." That had been another title she had heared often, but she never let it bother her. The only people that could really drive Sonya over the edge had been the people she had arrested. Her suspects had pist her off quite frequently. A month before her own death, she ended up taking the life of one of her suspects, not on pourpose, but she ended up killing the suspect none the less.

A call had been placed in by a woman, whom had been beaten by her boyfriend. It had been a call placed in for the police, not a detective, but it's something that Sonya had walked in on, as if by fate. After overhearing the call, she had gone to the address being repeated by the operator taking the call. A woman beater had been seriously asking for trouble, especially if Sonya had been invloved. In this case, she shouldn't have been, but she decided she would take care of it instead. She didn't trust anyone else to handle this particular problem, so she would take care of it herself, and didn't care about the consequences. As soon as she had arrived to the residence, she had quickly stepped out of her car, running up to the front door. She had knocked on the door, saying her name, and asked to be let in, but once a scream had been heared, she had quickly taken out the gun strapped to her hip, then had kicked the door down, quickly stepping inside.

Once inside, she had seen the women, whom had called in on the floor and her boyfriend had stood in front of her with a gun pointed to her head. Sonya had her gun pointed right at his head. Her blue eyes held nothing but pure anger behind them, fire looked as if they could erupt from them. She would not hesitate to shoot this worthless bastard if she had no other choice. She only gave him one warning, as far as she had been concerned, he didn't even deserve that, it had been far too generous for him, she should have just shot him on the spot instead. After she had given him his warning, the man had pointed his gun at her, as soon as this gesture had been made, she had quickly fired, she wasn't going to take any chances. An hour after she had gunned down the suspect, forensics had cheaked the gun finding no bulletts in it. He had used it as a scare tactic against his girlfriend, it hadn't been ment for anything more then that.

Though Sonya had been bitched out about what she had done, she hadn't really lost any sleep over it and saw it as, one less worthless pig to worry about. She had no remourse for this man's death. The one and probably the only person that had shown any remourse for this man's death had been the brother. As soon as he had found out how and whom had killed his brother, he had nothing but total revenge on his mind. He would never see Sonya face to face, but he would keep close watch on her. For a whole month, he had followed Sonya all over New Orleans while she had been on and off duty. While on duty, he had watched her take in all suspects she had gotten a hold of in her own, personal way. One woman that she ended up catching had gone to take a swing at her. One quick headbut had put her lights out for a little while. Another man she had gotten a hold of after chasing him all over the town, she ended up hitting this man with her car as soon as he had jummped out of his.

It had been amazing what Sonya had been able to get away with which is why she had been anle to get away with his brother's death, she could get away with what ever she had wanted...aleast that's how he had seen it, he didn't know she had ended up being suspended for hitting her last suspect with her car. It had been during her suspesion that she had ended up getting killed. This man knew the perfect way to kill her. Car problems happen all the time, especially if your breaks aren't any good on your car.

The first week of the new month and her final week for life had quickly come and gone. It had been on a Friday. Friday the 13th none the less, it had just been a day just open for bad luck to come her way and it had. The night before, as she had slept, her breaks had been cut, and they had been a clean cut to. Sine she wouldn't be able to go back to work for another two months, she had decided to take a trip up to Salem, Massacusetts to stay with her mohter for a little while, that's when she had died. Before she had even made it out of town, the suspects brother had followed close behind her, he had evn rammed his car into her's. She had quickly slammed her foot down on the breaks, but had come to realize very soon that her breaks had been gone. After causing major damage in town by hitting other cars, she had finally ended up rolling off of the road into a ditch. She had rolled down the steppest hill she had ever come across and she had continued to roll until her car had smacked head on into a tree, her neck had quickly snapped as soon as she had hit the tree.

She had been given an honorary funral. Everyone from her precent, along with her friends and family had attended. Even the press had shown up. She had been the only detective in New Orleans to ever have over 800 people attend her funral. The man she had killed had only one person attend, and that had been her murderer.
Now with a vengence she returns. Not only will the man whom had killed her pay, but every criminal now found on the streets will as well. New Orleans best detective has returned to finish her job. A job she had never, not even in life quit, until justice had been served.
© Copyright 2005 Amanda (roxula1985 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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