Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/925120-The-Ghost-Of-Malcolm-Forbes
Rated: E · Chapter · Fantasy · #925120
A male ghost returns to help women in being who they are.

Malcolm stepped out the door, and found that he was in a village, it was a fine day in this quaint little village, the village, whose name is Kayserville, which was situated on a medium sized island, from which you could see the mainland, to get there you had to cross not by ferry but rather gondola boats, hung suspended over the water by huge concrete towers. There were five towers two for the smaller gondola, two for the larger gondola, with the fifth being in the middle with ledges and platforms attached. A smaller one took you halfway, and then you would be transferred to another bigger one, which then took you all the way to the mainland.
In this quiet little village where normally nothing much happens, it was people doing people things, living, loving, playing and enjoying the fruits of a laboring life. The streets were quiet, as they where most times. Nothing appeared out of the ordinary. But it was at 100 Pavilion Terrace where things were stirring. Here lived an elderly woman called Sylvia; she was of short medium build and her hair had changed from dark brown to white. Normally she got on well with Malcolm, who lives with her in the same house, especially since Sylvia’s husband had passed away, at almost seven years earlier, of a heart attack. But something he recently had said had upset her. So instead of asking Malcolm to take her to where she had to go, she had asked someone else to take her, Andy, the driver, at this time. Even though Malcolm has always taken care of her, and accompanied her on most of her excursions into the wide world, he was like a shadow, permanently attached to her, never letting her out of his sight. He did this because of a promise to the dead husband, that in every thing he would look after her, and guide her. He almost saw it as a divine duty. Malcolm is in his middle forty’s he is a heavy built man and has a heart of gold. He would do anything for anyone especially Sylvia, he secretly admires her.
Malcolm woke to find the house seemingly empty, so after making some breakfast and quietly reading the daily newspaper, he went looking though the house but there was no sign of her. Although he wasn't overly concerned it niggled at him. He was the one who normally did those little chores that make a house a home, he cooked for her, and he cleaned, her butler, all neatly rolled into one economic package. Having looked around the house with no sign of Sylvia, he went outside, he saw the couple who lived next door, and he asked them if they had seen her. They said that they had seen her going off with Andy. This made Malcolm relax a little, he knew Andy reasonably well, and would trust the man implicitly. Now Mr. and Mrs. Jarvis were an elderly couple and they liked to get out into the sunshine, particularly early morning, sitting on the front porch, watching the people go past and chatting to them one and all. Malcolm knew that not much slipped past them without them knowing about it.
He was afraid of what he had told her, that he had to go away for a few weeks, and that it may have upset her as she depended on him for almost everything. But what he had not told her is that he would be going into hospital to have some tests done, and maybe a operation if it was needed. Somehow he couldn’t bring himself to tell her that. He didn’t want her worrying about him, Malcolm tried to think where she might have gone, his mind wandered back to when they first met.
It was Silvia's husband, Tim's birthday, Malcolm and Sylvia wanted to give him a party, something he had never had due to a heavy work load or simply the lack of time. Neither Sylvia nor Tim had many friends, and that was a big contributing factor as to why he had never had a party, that was why Sylvia wanted it to be a party that he would never forget. They needed a place that was private and had plenty of room, also a place where Tim could not be contacted, over his business, which of course was where he and Malcolm had first met.
Sylvia still had control over the business, but someone did the day to day running of it, and Malcolm would put his head in every month or so to keep up with the place and make sure that everything was going to plan.
Sylvia knew the perfect place, it was where she went to do her thinking, it was peaceful and it was a special place in the woods where the grass was as green as she has ever seen it, the beautiful trees towering above them, the scent of flowers assailing the senses, some small rocks that formed little seats. When Malcolm saw it, he breathed in awe, he seemed genuinely taken back by the bounty of it all; he said it was the perfect place to get Tim away from it all, and to celebrate a birthday party.
Malcolm had gone back to the car to get the table, on their way to the spot; he had stopped to get ice, food and drinks. There was a beautiful and extremely colorful table-cloth, that Sylvia had had stored away for just such an occasion. Sylvia wanted it to be perfect, she set up the table, laid the food and the wine upon it, and she looked at it, and every so often she would adjust little things, the placement of knives and forks, the setting of the serviettes. During all this, Malcolm went to fetch Tim, who by now would be home from work.
Malcolm on the way had stopped off at a store to get Tim a present, he got him a pocket watch, and he then asked them if they could wrap it up as it was a present. He left the store, and continued on his way to pick up Tim. He had arrived at Tim's to find Tim in the bath. Malcolm yelled out to tell him to put some good clothes on as he was taking him out, he told Tim that he had left Sylvia there so I could come and pick you up. Tim finished in the bath, dried himself, and got dressed; they soon left to join Sylvia.
To Tim's shock it was like he had just seen Sylvia for the first time, she is so beautiful, he had been too busy to notice, quietly he spoke to Malcolm and said she sure is beautiful, what a vision, I had forgotten how beautiful, how precious she was in his eyes, he felt his heart do a flip, and there was that old sensation of passion flaring in the groin. Then he noticed the table was all laid out with champagne and everything he loved. The night went well, they supped and dined for quite a while, all the time Malcolm was there pouring glasses, clearing plates, tidying up here and there. Deep down Sylvia was hoping it would never end, but end it had to, it was getting late. They had all help pack up, on the drive back to the village, it was like a dream, Sylvia really felt good and was blissfully unaware of anything outside of Tim's touch, and his presence. Malcolm dropped Sylvia and Tim off at their home, than Malcolm went on his way to his own little house, it was not much but it was home, he walked inside and made himself a cup of tea, then sitting down on a little easy chair he had thought of what Tim had talked to him about, he had not been sure why. Tim had asked him if he could take good care of Sylvia, if anything happens to him.
Where could she have gotten to, Malcolm thought to himself, she might have gone to her special place, the same place where the birthday party was, but he than dismissed it, as she would never take anyone there, it was private and personal.
Sylvia was aware that Malcolm would worry about her, but she hadn't really gone far, just 100 meters up the road to a Mrs. Cooke's place she had promised to visit, many times but just never seemed to find the time, or really the inclination, Sylvia saw her as an interfering old busy body. Sylvia thought to herself, if anyone knows Malcolm, and what’s happening to him, it would be Mrs. Cooke, she seems to know something about everything and everyone she might tell me where Malcolm is going to.
Sylvia knocked on the door, and Mrs. Cooke shuffled slowly to see who it was at the front door, she was surprised, but also happy to see Sylvia standing there as she had promised to visit long ago.
Sylvia said.
“Hello Edna, how are you? “
Edna smiled and said happily,
“Very well thank you, please come in”.
Edna asked quietly.
“How is Malcolm?”
Sylvia just grumbled and mumbled that he was okay. She continued to say that she thought that Malcolm doesn't care for me any more, for if he did he wouldn't be going away and leaving me with strangers. Edna led Sylvia down the little hallway, to a small cozy lounge.
Edna said clearly.
“I know for a fact that he cares more than you think”.
As Edna said this she turned to go out the door, heading for the kitchen, as she was making the tea, and taking a couple of slices of fruit cake from the fridge and putting them on a small plate, she continued.
“I actually think the time apart will do both of you good, the poor fellow has not had a day off since he moved in with you, to take care of you, seven years ago”.
“Sylvia would you like a cup of tea?”
“Yes please”
Edna returned to the lounge with a small tray carrying on it two small cups of tea, two small plates with the fruit cake on them. Edna handed her a cup of tea and a plate, they both settled into the lounge. Sylvia looks around and sees some photos of Edna’s family hanging on the walls; Silvia thought they are good looking kids
Sylvia asked Edna.
“What did you do before you retired?”
“I used to be a school teacher, I miss it, sometimes it gets quite lonely here, you are lucky you have Malcolm”
Edna spoke as she turned the cup in her hands, her eyes were just starting to mist over, and she choked a little on the memory of it all.
Edna calmed herself down, and spoke quietly and clearly.
“Let’s get back to Malcolm. Why do you think he doesn't care for you?
Sylvia looked at the cup in her hand; she was shaking, as if some hidden tremors moved through her body. Her voice was breaking; cracks were starting to appear in the normally calm and unflappable manner of Sylvia.
“He’s going away and didn't bother asking me if I wanted to go? We always go places together, so why should it change now?”
Edna looked a little closer at Sylvia, and as if seeing her for the first time, was starting to get just a little angry with this stupid woman, who couldn't see the gift she had in sharing her home and life with Malcolm. It was of course unknown to Sylvia, but Edna and Malcolm had known each other for a long time. Edna again spoke.
“Don't you think he deserves time alone?”
Sylvia put down the cup, and almost burst out, yelled out, but then quickly settled down.
“If he’s not here, who is going to take care of me?”
Edna turned her eyes up a little, and then looked Sylvia squarely in the eye, spoke clearly.
“You’re a big girl now, I am sure you can cope for a few weeks. I am sure Malcolm would not leave without making sure you were okay. Sylvia please don't take this the wrong way, but I think all you think about is yourself your not thinking what Malcolm wants or needs. And I think we should get off this subject before we say something we might regret.”
With that they just chatted about local things happening in the community. Edna then asked Sylvia if she might like some lunch, Sylvia said she would be honored to have lunch with her. After about twenty minutes of quiet chatter, during which time Edna had disappeared into the kitchen. She returned and served up a salad which she and Sylvia enjoyed very much.
Sylvia said she must go soon, so she thanked Edna for her hospitality and promised to think about what they had talked about. Just than Andy, the driver who had dropped her of there earlier, turned up to take Sylvia where she had to go. They drove off heading west, into the centre of the village, where Sylvia was going to have her hair done. It was so arranged that she would be at the hairdressers for about two and a half hours, at which time Andy would pick her up again. While she was in the hairdressers, she saw a promotion for the festival that was being held that night, she thought she might go, it would give her a chance to get out and meet some new people as well as meet some old friends.
After Sylvia had left Edna's, Edna rang Malcolm and told him what Sylvia had to say about him not caring for her. Malcolm quietly smiled to himself and said you know that's not right. The smile must have traveled through the phone because Edna started to give a little laugh, and actually smiled for the first time in a while, she replied. I know Malcolm, I told her that, I even gave her lunch, I think she seemed to really enjoy it. Malcolm looked at the pocket watch he always carried, and said, look Edna do you mind if I come over and talk about this I don’t like talking about it on the phone, so Malcolm left for Edna's, and turned up there about five minutes later, being old friends they drank cups of tea, ate lots of fruit cake, and just chatted about anything and everything.
Sylvia returned from the hairdressers, about mid afternoon, she walked into the house, and the first thing she noticed was the smell of fresh flowers that Malcolm had put on the dresser just inside the hall, where he put it nearly everyday. She stood there quietly for a minute taking it all in, than as she walked down the hall she could smell curry chicken, her favorite food, she couldn’t resist she had to have a bowl. After she had finished, she washed her dish and put it away than headed for a bath, a good soak, letting the aromas of the soaps and scents full her, she was luxuriating in the whole feeling of being a woman. She dried herself and than got dressed, put on some perfume, she always like good perfume, it made her smell and feel lovely she was happy with who she saw looking back at her in the mirror. Silvia phoned Andy to pick her up.
Andy turned up and they headed to the festival
Malcolm was still at Edna's, he felt that he had let Sylvia down, Edna said. “Don't be silly you did the only thing you could have done, your right if she knew you were going to hospital she would worry and probably would not know what to do? I don't think she could cope, after losing her husband; she may have problems if another male figure were to be taken away from her. I think the both of you need to sit down and talk before you drift apart, and it would be a shame.”
Malcolm stood up, he said with a smile in his voice.
“I better get going, as I left supper on the table, I want to thank you for your support”.
Edna looked at Malcolm with a pleased look in her face, she lit up, saying.
“Malcolm, are you going to go to the festival tonight?”
“I am not sure”.
Edna said at the doorway, as Malcolm was leaving.
“I am very sure Sylvia will be there”.
Malcolm went home to find Sylvia had been home and gone, he had noticed that she had had some of the curried chicken for supper, he was happy she had eaten. Malcolm made him self a cup of tea and sat down and watched the news. He saw a promotion for the festival and decided to have a bath, freshen up and go to the festival as he would normally just sit at home and do some reading, most of the time with Sylvia.
Malcolm arrived at the festival; he looked around to see if Sylvia was anywhere to be seen. As he was walking around, he saw Ken, from Sylvia's business, and decided to get an update. Malcolm after a while excused himself, saying.
“Look I need to find and talk to Sylvia, can I get back to you Ken, but I appreciate the update”.
While he was walking around the festival, he took in the sights, the sounds, and the smells, he continued to run and bump into a lot of people who knew him. Most of them seemingly wanted to stop, and to chat about Sylvia, and about his impending trip to the mainland, for the doctors’ diagnosis and the possibility of surgery. It was all playing on his mind, filling his thoughts, and all these people bringing it up, was making him partly feel like a real bastard. He didn't want to be seen as rude, so he stayed and talked to most of them, chatting over seemingly trivial details. He really needed to talk to Sylvia.
He saw the Ferris wheel, its seats swinging in the night light, the sounds of children running, the soft backdrop of the moon dancing lightly on a wispy cloud. Mary an old friend from the mainland was visiting, and she was tugging at Malcolm’s sleeve, to get him to go on the Ferris wheel, at first he was a little reluctant, but then caved in thinking it might give him the chance of seeing Sylvia. They paid the man at the booth, and climbed into the chair, then they gently swung into the air, Malcolm was looking left and right, behind and ahead, searching the crowd below for signs of Sylvia. On the second time around, he spotted her, the unmistakable head of white hair, and the quality of her bearing. He memorized the spot where he had seen her, by the small arts and crafts pavilion, on the way down he thanked Mary for being there, and after getting off they parted. Malcolm walked at a reasonably fast pace to the spot where he had earlier seen Sylvia.
Sylvia was talking with and chatting animatedly with all the people who knew her. She bumped into an old friend from the mainland, who was chatting and talking about nothing at all. Kate, the name of the friend, was astonished at what Sylvia was saying about Malcolm, Kate knew Malcolm quite well, and was amazed at the unfolding events. Sylvia looked at Kate, smiled, and then started to walk away, Kate spoke quietly.
“You do know, don't you, Sylvia that you are welcome to stay with me for a couple of days while Malcolm gets himself sorted out”.
The aura of sadness fell from Sylvia's face, she smiled.
“Why thank you Kate, I just may take you up on that, can we do it now?”
“I’m sorry Sylvia but no, I have some important personal business to do first”.
Kate noticed Sylvia's reaction.
“You can come over on the gondola, tomorrow, and I will be there at the docking bay to meet you.”
Sylvia thought about for a while, and nodded in agreement.
“Yes I will do that, bye my friend, I will see you tomorrow.”
Sylvia continued walking around, poking her nose into the various stalls, chatting with both friends and neighbors alike, she was glad she had taken the time out to go, it made her feel good.
Malcolm finally got to the spot where he had seen Sylvia, but of course in the meantime she had moved on. Malcolm like Sylvia had a fondness for the festivals and fairs that happened on the island, it was seen as an opportunity to meet and chat, and generally make contact with both friends and business associates. As he was looking, it appeared that Sylvia had all but disappeared, he could not see her hair, and he could not sense her anywhere in the vicinity. His purpose of course in seeing her, and talking to her was that he would be coming back, he would be returning, maybe minus an organ or two, but healthy and alert, ready to help her in anything she wanted. He was hoping that after telling her this, she might calm down a bit, and understand what he was going through.
After another ten minutes of fruitless looking, he decided it was really getting late, and that the warmth and comfort of his bed was calling. He excused himself from the small group of friends and associates that had come to be around him. As he walked towards the entrance and left the festival grounds, snatches of what they where saying drifted on the evening air.
“There goes a man with a heavy burden”
“So much pain”
“What can the man do?”
“Sylvia doesn't know how well she has it.”
Malcolm thought about tomorrow on the gondola, going to the mainland, to the doctors, then possible surgery. He walked home, he heard the sounds of the festival dying, he saw the lights of the festival dim, and seemingly go out as he went down a little hill. He found himself standing in one of the intersections of Pavilion Terrace; he looked up and down the street, thinking of some of the occupants, how their lives had come to be interacting with his own. Some where obviously still at the festival, some houses where already dark with people sleeping, some even had lights on, waiting for stray members to return, knowing that the light was like a beacon, guiding them. He walked slowly and deliberately towards 100 Pavilion Terrace, he paused at the front gate, saw the garden, he had no idea why but a small tear came to his eye. He opened the gate; it gave just the slightest of creaks. His eyes went to the flower garden, the various flowers, gently waving in the air. He continued up the path to the door, slipped in the key, and opened it. Here was familiarity; here was the home that he had been looking for. Oh it seemed a very long time. He moved absently towards the kitchen, almost on automatic pilot, he put the little kettle on the stove, and waited until it had boiled, then he poured for himself a long hot brew. He would normally sit at the large wooden table and have the cup of tea, but tonight he took it to his room.
Sylvia was having a great time, she couldn't remember when she had last had a good laugh, had a good time being out and enjoying life, she used to do a lot in her younger days, and by many old friends was fondly recalled to be a bit of a tear away, and a party animal. But at her age now, around sixty, she was reluctant to do anything, or enjoy anything, until now. Since Tim had passed away and Malcolm came on the scene, she was very happy and even a little contented to stay at home, talking, chatting, playing games. But tonight, tonight had somehow rekindled the flame of passion, she wanted to break free but was a little unsure of how and when to do it. Sylvia looked at some of her friends, they could all sense a little difference in her nature, see smiled, then the smile broadened into a wide beaming light, she threw back her head and laughed, she looked at them all, saying with booming pride and genuine feeling.
“Thank you, thank you all, tonight I feel different, I feel so alive, so alert, ready to take on the world.”
One of the women spoke with a genuine admiration.
“You know Sylvia, you look absolutely divine, and I sense a great change in you.”
“Yeah it’s like I know how I feel?” Sylvia replied with a knowing smile and lilt of joy in her voice. “I know why something’s are happening; I think I’m beginning to feel the old freedom again.”
The group of women slowly make their way out of the festival grounds, Sylvia looks around and she can see Andy waiting by the car, she looks at him, then at the car, she blithely, and clearly tells him to take the car home, as she intends to walk, and to come and see her tomorrow about what to do. Andy looked at Sylvia, then shook his head, as if to imply she has lost her mind, but then he sensed the same change, and reluctantly got into the car and drove off, he could see her standing in the rear vision mirror, he went around a hill and she disappeared. Sylvia stood for a short time, watching Andy drive the car away, she truly felt alive, she walked down the little lane that led onto the festival grounds, as she was walking, friends, neighbors, and others, where driving past her, honking horns, and shouting and generally being people having a good time. She went up and down the hill, and stood at the same intersection as Malcolm had, and also looked up and down. She slowly walked to 100 Pavilion Terrace, she could see the light on in Malcolm's room, she stood at the gate and watched it for a while, lifted the latch and opened it, she noticed that some of the flowers where drooping, almost touching the ground, she bent down to straighten one up, but it gave a slight snap and broke off in her hand, as she held it in her palm, it became dry and brittle, and eventually became a pile of dust. She swept her hand, and the small pile of dust fell onto the ground, she stood momentarily in shock. She was shaking as she went to the front door and opened it, she was still shaking a little as she made her way to the kitchen, the same kettle, that Malcolm had used was still on the counter top. It only needed just a little reheating, and she poured herself a cup of steaming hot delicious tea. She walked to her room, and in having to go past Malcolm’s room, she noticed the light was still on. She was tempted to knock and talk with him, but something told her it can wait. She went to her room, she hadn't realized how tired she was, as soon as her head hit the pillow she was asleep.
The next morning, Sylvia was awake, first and almost danced to the kitchen, she had packed her bags for the mainland and had them sitting by the foot of the kitchen table. She made herself a breakfast, and then on the spur of the moment, she made Malcolm some as well. After finishing her own, she placed Malcolm's meal in the oven and put a note to the effect on the table. She went to the door, after having called Andy to take her to the gondola port, they left.
Malcolm awoke with a slight chill, but put it down to the slightly chilly morning air. He went to the toilet, had a bath, felt really clean and made his way to the kitchen. He looked at the table, saw the small note that Sylvia had left for him, and he smiled. It was normally him that did all the cooking, and here it was that Sylvia had not only cooked but had left some for him.
He thought to himself it was nice to have a meal cooked for him, so he removed it from the oven, and set down to a hearty meal, the bacon and eggs with all the trimmings, going down a treat. He finished the meal, and went with his little bag to walk to the gondola port, he took his time, and he really enjoyed the walk.
Sylvia was dropped of by Andy at the port, she had told Andy, that she was wanting to take driving lessons and would he be okay in teaching her, he then said that he would, but what about his job, Sylvia replied that its okay, I will have other things for you to do.
The gondola port was not quite as busy as it was on some days, the group of people waiting to board the gondola where anxiously holding their tickets, as the gondola approached and docked there was a slight delay while it was cleaned, and made ready for the passengers. The gondolas where designed with small cabins for the use of passengers, it was on a first come first serve basis. There was an open area for everyone, seats and tables, with a little dining area where small serves of food could be purchased. After a fifteen minute wait, it was ready for passengers, Sylvia boarded, and went straight to a cabin, and settled herself in, and she lay on the small couch, letting the events of the last two days run through her head. She thought more on what Edna had told her, and it made her reflect deeper on both herself and Malcolm. The Gondola was underway, when she stirred, and went out onto the main deck; she was seen and accosted by one of the village gossips, who cornered her after seeing Malcolm on board as well. Judy the name of the gossip saw Sylvia and went straight to her, almost blurting out.
“I saw Malcolm getting on board earlier, he’s a real looker, very hot, you better watch out Sylvia or he will be snapped up. But I’m sure he will be a lot better after the hospital visit, where he was going to be for a week or two, particularly if the doctors tell him that he needs to.”
Sylvia's mouth dropped.
“What did you say there?”
“You heard me; I don't need to repeat it.”
Judy smiled the smile of confidence, she looked at Sylvia defiantly.
“What, you mean to say, you didn't know?”
Sylvia almost fell over; she steadied herself by hanging onto the back of a chair, then quietly sat down, taking a few deep breaths. She recovered and was more than a little angry at Malcolm; she thought how could he do that? Why would he do that? She breathed heavily for a while longer, and then calmed down even more, all the while thinking about it, and finally saw that Malcolm had done so much for her, had made her feel good, and that he wouldn't do anything without her concerns being taken into account. Judy spoke after seeing the little outburst.
“Maybe he really did it so he didn't want to hurt you, or get you angry, or even to worry about him.”
Sylvia sat with her head on her arms, her arms resting on the back of the chair; she took a deep breath, and almost choked on a tear.
“Maybe I have been selfish, oh dear, I hope that Malcolm can forgive me, I have to talk to him, thank you Judy, you've opened my eyes”.
Malcolm was quietly wandering around the deck, wondering what would be going to happen, at the doctors firstly, then at the hospital if needed. There was that little area of unease, and uncertainty, he went to one of the windows, and looked at the water gliding slowly underneath, they where almost approaching half way. The captain’s voice came over the loudspeaker.
“All those people wishing to transfer to the main gondola, and carry on to the mainland, should prepare for boarding”.
Sylvia had her small amount of baggage with her, and was standing on the deck alongside a small crowd of other people, she tried to see if she could see Malcolm, but she couldn't, she thought for a minute she caught a glimpse of him, but it turned out not to be. As the gangway between the main gondola and the smaller one, was swung and latched onto the decking, and the small rope gateway opened, the people started surging across. There was a gap of about four meters where the gangway joined both gondolas, and the drop was about four to five meters deep. The water swirled around in small waves, and eddies. With the people surging forward, Sylvia got herself caught up in the push and pull of the crowd, she was jostled, and she slipped and hit the gangway, then slipped into the water. She screamed, and the other people all realized that someone had fallen overboard. Malcolm was on the gangway, and saw Sylvia fall into the water, he dived in, and he was going to rescue her, whatever the cost. Malcolm went under the water, grabbed hold of Sylvia, who was already very tired, even though it had only been a split second. He held her by the waist, got her to the surface, then slipped underneath her, placing both hands on the heels of her feet, he pushed, with all his strength, he shoved up, Sylvia shot up out of the water. The captain was anxiously waiting for Sylvia to appear, when he saw her shoot out of the water, he and some of the other crew and passengers grabbed hold of her, and dragged her onto the deck. She was shivering; someone had a blanket handy and went to wrap it around Sylvia, when Sylvia burst out.
“Where’s Malcolm? Where is he?”
Sylvia continued wailing, sobbing uncontrollably.
The captain looked around, saw the faces, took hold of Sylvia's hand, and said.
“I believe he died, saving you, there was no hope, and he just managed to get you out but couldn't be rescued himself”.
Sylvia was still screaming and howling, distraught over the loss. The captain radioed for the coast guard, when they arrived, they took Sylvia, to the hospital on the mainland, and she was placed under observation. The passengers and the captain still on the gondolas were shaking when both of them reached their respective shores. The main one on the mainland side, had family and friends all waiting, all were shaking and talking about the incident, and the loss of a very brave man. Kate was waiting at the gondola dock for Sylvia, when she didn't see Sylvia get off, she went to the captain who told her that she had slipped and fallen into the water, but was rescued by Malcolm, who had then perished in the rescue, he just couldn't be saved.
Kate stood for a moment in shock; she turned almost a ghostly white. She thanked the captain, and went straight to the hospital.
Sylvia was tucked up in the hospital bed, her face was dull and appeared like a white sheet, she was still in shock, the doctor had just left her, he had told her she would need to be in hospital for about a week, just mainly for observation and such. She breathed a little sigh of relief, and then she was sure she could feel something or someone in the room with her, she tried to look, but nothing out of the ordinary appeared. She felt a stirring in the air, there was the ever faint smell of men’s aftershave, and it seemed to be the same as Malcolm’s. She breathed deeply, and thought she could see a faint shadow at the side of her line of sight. She was thinking almost out loud.
“What had happened here? Malcolm was a godsend, helping me when I needed it the most. I am getting better at being myself, more so in the last day or two. There is a growing sense of confidence from within, and Malcolm has to be the one responsible for that. I thank you, where ever you are Malcolm, you've opened my eyes, and I thank you for your selfless rescue, your daring shall not go unrewarded. I just want you to know that I really believe I can take care of myself, your sacrifice has given me confidence to do things I never thought I would again”.
Malcolm's ghost stood at the end of the bed, watching Sylvia, listening to her diatribe, he was moved by the little speech, he bent down and gave her a kiss on her forehead.
Sylvia felt the slightest touch of something grace her forehead, she breathed deeply again and let the feeling sink into her being. She could feel the very subtle shift in her energy, and she loudly declared.
“Thank you Malcolm, I want to do the law degree that I’ve wanted to do, and I have asked Andy to teach me how to drive, and he wants to”.
Sylvia knew she had been given a new chance at starting a new life, and for Malcolm's sake she was going to grab it with both hands. She was more confident then she had been for a long while, who knows where it would all end up.
© Copyright 2005 janrosebud (janrosebud at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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