Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/924905-The-Story-of-Darla-Jennings
by Amanda
Rated: 13+ · Other · Horror/Scary · #924905
Meet Darla, at once a lively and loving woman, she now remains cold and hollow.
Darla Jennings:Born 1925 Died 1955 at the age of 30. In life Darla had been a very lively and loving woman, but having everyone of her dreams of stardom distroyed, she had died a very angry and very bitter woman.

Back in New Orleans, her home town. Darla had been seen by many as a very lovely and beautiful red-headed woman, highly educated. Darla had gone to many diffrent acting schools eversince she had graduated from highschool. Many men back in New Orleans, had longed to have Darla's hand in Marriage, but it had been her dreams of stardom that had kept them silent, they knew she didn't want to be tied down by any man before her dreams had come true.

Darla had believed that with her education and talent, it wouldn't be hard for her to find work as soon as hse had arrived in L.A.,but she had been very wrong about that. It hadn't even been a full week before she had realized just how cruel Hollywood had actually been. Back in the 50's, the only way any woman could actually find work is if she had been tall, skinny, and blonde. Now, Darla hadn't been fat, but accourding to Hollywood,if you weigh more then 100 pounds, you're over weight.

No director or agent she had spoken with had really given her the time of day, and even if they did, they hadn't any kind words to say to her. Many had told her she needed to lose atleast a good 20 pounds and dye her hair before she could even consider getting any work in the acting business.
For two months straight, Darla had done nothing but starve herself, she had eaten nothing but fruit's and vegetables then would drink nothing but water. She had even tried dying her hair, but because of her hair being such a dark red, the dye had never taken. After losing the 20+ pounds, she had gone in for more interviews, but now everyone that had told her to lose weight, had now told her she had looked far too sick for hire.

On the verdge of having a nervous breakdown, Darla had quickly left L.A. going to the only place she had left to go, she had gone back to New Orleans to stay with her parents until she could find a place of her own, but that would, first require her having a job, which she could not get in the mental state she had now been in.

Her parents, along with her younger sister had barley even reconized Darla when she had first arrived home. She had left a care-free and happy beautiful woman, but had returned as nothing more then a hollowed out shell of broken dream. Darla had been extremely thin and deathly pale. Talk of what had taken place had soon gotten out, every man that had ever fallen head over heals for her had now ignored her, they couldn't bare to see what had happened to her, it had litterly broken their hearts. Children, being as cruel as they possibly could be began to make up stories of her, telling younger kids that she had needed to feed of the blood of children in order to survive.

After a month, Darla had began to shut the outside world off completly, becoming more and more depressed. Finally, after her parents had been out and her younger sister had been in school, she had put an end to her own misery. Her life had ended in a hot bath with her wrists slided open. The only time anyone had really showed remourse for her sistuation had been at her funeral.

Darla now returns from the dead along with Damien to bring pain to all of those whom had made her life a living Hell to live.
© Copyright 2005 Amanda (roxula1985 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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