Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/922261-The-Girl-in-the-White-Room
by Amim
Rated: E · Short Story · Supernatural · #922261
The Girl in the White Room is a surreal story.
The story of the girl in the white room...

The tea bell rang , the girl in the white room didn’t look up nor move, not one muscle of her tiny little body. Maybe she didn’t want to or maybe her ability to react was far gone. When you’ve been stuck in a little white room for so long, the possibility that you’re one of the unfortunate people who have actually seen all their sanity explode against a white background is quite big.
The idea of anyone coming to fetch her is rather hilarious. Who would dare go down to the dark basement; isn’t it a fowl place, a place where all the once thought up evil of the mansion slept?
Mister Jonathan Alexander Whitby, the rightful owner of the mansion, went down to the basement once. , Poppycock’ is what he called the childish ghost stories. The only thing the place needed was light. Mister Whitby took a ladder and a light bulb and went down to the dark basement.
That would be the last time he had been seen alive; electrocuted. There was some sort of problem with the electricity wires and that is the whole story. But people’s minds run free and where ever they please to run. , That basement is haunted!’ is what they all said.

She didn’t believe them.

Like her great uncle, Lily wasn’t afraid of any deep dark buried secrets. They weren’t called secrets for nothing. Secrets are meant to be discovered, but never exploited. , Electrocuted’ it said on his death certificate, so electrocution is what happened. Let them talk, people are just looking for sensation and that’s how it has always been.
The very next time her mother took her for tea, tea with delicious scones… never ever forget about the scones, she snuck in to the kitchen and took one white candle out of the chandelier. She hid it under her wool vest and waited anxiously for night fall.

When all had gone to bed, it was too far of a drive to return home that same day, Lily waited until the last sound had died down. She tip-toed down the long wooden stairs, being as quiet as a mouse.
She entered the kitchen and the floor brought an icy feeling to her feet. She saw a candle flickering on the large wooden table, it was almost out, and so she held up her white candle and walked over to light it. She reached out, but then she had the strangest feeling… it came to her out of the blue.
There was someone standing in the kitchen doorway! She spun around only to see that there was no one there. But she could still feel it, there had to be someone there, she could hear the person breathing; presuming it was a person of course.
She started walking over to the doorway slowly, her eyes fixated on the air, trying to catch a glimpse of movement. There was nothing. But then a breath of air went straight through her hair and turned Lily around. With big eyes full of amazement and fear, she stumbled back in the direction of the stairway. She was paying so much attention to what was happening around her that she did not use her eyes for the obvious. She stumbled over her own two bare feet, tried to grab something that would stop her from falling and accidentally hit over a rack of dirty dish-wash. As she fell on the floor the dishes, cups, forks and knives fell down around her in a beautiful slow movement. She could see the cups floating in the air, the dishes spinning around and the forks and knives dancing together before they hit the floor with a terrible bang. Before she had time to think about what had just happened, she saw something shimmering in the dark. She looked up and a knife was still spiraling down. From her previous experiences she knew the knife would break this moment of peace and come down… for her. With horror she watched it come closer; she tried to grab it before it could attack, but when she tried to reach it, it moved in another direction so quickly and left her with a cut on her hand. Red… the last time she would see that color. The next thing she knew Lily couldn’t move, she was paralyzed. The knife did as expected; it shimmered brightly once more and came down with an amazing speed and stabbed the floor board’s right between Lily’s legs. She had her eyes closed but when she heard the knife come down and did not feel any aching anywhere in her body, she opened her eyes one by one to see if she had passed away peacefully or if she had actually lived to see the knife kill the floor board’s.
Breathing heavily but trying to hold it in she didn’t dare move. But she knew she had to go somewhere else, anywhere but where she was at that moment. She was afraid to go back through the kitchen doorway, something had passed her from that doorway and she didn’t know where this something had disappeared to. Or if it had even appeared for that matter. But it struck her as fairly odd; why would this something try to scare her and at the same time hold the dishes, cups, forks and knives in the air when she fell? If it even did do that…Was she being protected or was this something playing a sadistic game? After all the knive cut her… but it didn’t kill her.
She wasn’t ready to take any chances, she wasn’t going back through the kitchen doorway. She looked around and realized there were few options. The back door, the one that led to the garden, was locked. She knew it was locked for it was always locked. The only one who carried the key was nana Betty.
No one was allowed in the gardens, apparently they were hard to handle.
Her next and final option was the cellar door, the one she intended to go through in the first place. She knew the key to that door was right in her pocket. She had heard of its hiding place when Jean the drunken stable master had told her all about her great uncle’s unfortunate death.
It wasn’t easy retrieving it from nana Betty’s cupboard, but impossible is a different word.
Lily didn’t think for a second longer, she got up and ran for the cellar door! She fished the key out of her night gown pocket and with trembling hands unlocked it.
She saw nothing but darkness, she forgot to light her candle, but due to circumstances that hadn’t been the first thing on her mind.

With her right foot she set a first step on the stairway down. When she put her foot out for the next step, a burning feeling took over her whole foot. She had hit her foot against the stairway; how could this be? The stairway went up, not down. But it’s the cellar door or isn’t it? She was pretty sure that it was; she was confused but a feeling of relief came over her as well. If this wasn’t the cellar door she wouldn’t have to go in to the darkness of the basement. Without further thinking she started running up the stairs even though she couldn’t see a thing. Just before she reached the upper level, or so she thought, a strange feeling came over her yet again, it was a nostalgic feeling. But for what? She had never been here before. Still she felt some form oh happiness take over her mind. She started humming, it was a beautiful song; the humming soon turned in to words, words she had never heard before in her life, but they just kept coming out of her mouth…

Once your mind knows its tasks
Once your head knows its place
Once your legs take you to the right place
Only then will your voice sing

Once your arms stop grasping
Once your eyes stop seeing
Once your toes have lost their tips
Only then will you know silence

Hum Hum Hum…

Lily couldn’t close her mouth, she couldn’t control her vocal outburst. The feeling of happiness was burning away the inside of her head. She felt like jumping down the stairs, on one side to get out and on the other side to make this pain in her head stop… for good. She couldn’t care if she would never see the light of day, she had to stop this pain. Her arms searched for a door, and there was a door, how could she miss the door? It was big and white, it didn’t look like just a door, it looked ancient, and it looked like it could be the way to heaven. She had never believed in heaven and she didn’t now, but it hurt too much to think about anything. The door looked like it was sent by angels, like a safe haven.
As she sang ‘once your arms stop grasping’, she grasped for the door knob. She turned it around and she burst in to the room… It only took about one second for her to see the color… white. White, white, everything is white once your eyes stop seeing. ..

And you know, Lily did see the color for some time, she looked at it for a while. But when it’s the only thing your eyes see, day in and day out, it soon becomes exactly the same as closing your eyes for good.
What vile creature has locked up poor Lily no one knows. No one cares.

Too much curiosity is never rewarded.
© Copyright 2004 Amim (girlie_brief at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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