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Part two of my short story (in progress). |
Her feet were lead. Mind racing, Alex's body eventually followed, and she reached the car breathless from the adrenaline more than the distance. Throwing open the door, she stooped to grab the purse out from between the seats. I can't believe this is happening. She unzipped the purse as she ran back to Paul, dropping change, lip gloss and gum in her grapple for the phone. It was, of course, at the bottom. Finally successful, she pulled it out and dialed 9-1-1. She hit send and put it to her ear, listening to the ring on the other end, once, twice, three times. Don't they have to answer? Two more rings. "9-1-1 emergency." Thank God. "Um, yes, there's been an accident." Suddenly Alex realized she had no idea what a person was supposed to say to a 9-1-1 operator. "And what is your location?" Oh good. They help you out. "We're on, uh, highway 7, near Ridgefield....going, north." "Alright, the police are on their way. Is anyone injured?" "I--I think so--there was a lady--um--" Paul saved her from delaying any more information by running up and taking the phone. "Yes, hello? There's a woman here--she was in the road--I think she was clipped by the car--yeah..." As Alex moved towards the spot Paul had been standing over, she felt his hand on her shoulder. Turning to face him, she was taken aback by the seriousness on his face. He shook his head and mouthed, "Don't go." Then the operator grabbed his attention again. "Yes, I think she fell and hit her head...she's kind of out of it..." Alex shook her head back at him and took the opportunity to keep going. She had to see. She had to know what she'd done. A rock she couldn't see made her fall to her knees. Bracing herself with her palms, she ended up looking down at a bright yellow hat. Scanning the area, she saw a form lying about ten feet away. She crawled over to it, and then couldn't see through the tears that welled up in her eyes. The woman looked up at her and moaned. Alex saw the blood on Paul sweatshirt beneath her head, but couldn't take her eyes off something else. The woman was pregnant. |