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Just a little rough draft, not finished yet. |
There is this one scene in the original Godzilla movie-you know the one made in the 1950s-where Raymond Burr is staring at the havoc that Godzilla is wreaking on downtown Tokyo, and you just know from the expression on his face that he’s thinking “What the hell has happened to my career?” Oh sure things turned around for him a few years later after he landed the Perry Mason gig that he became famous for, but for a while there, for a brief period of time good old Ray must have been kinda worried about the outlook of his future. Sure he was no stranger to the world of “B” motion pictures, he had acted in more than his fair share of them throughout his career, but to have top billing in a film where the title character is some guy in a rubber lizard suit, that stomps the hell out of cardboard buildings and toy army tanks? Go watch the movie, look at Raymond’s face, and get back to me and tell me if you think I’m wrong. I only mention the Raymond Burr thing because if you take a still of his expression from that scene in the movie, and a photograph of my expression when my sometime employer Allen Maxwell outlined my new assignment you’d have something close to a dead on match...minus Raymond’s fleshy jowls of course. You see I’m a collector and dealer of rare books...extremely rare books. If you’re looking for a profitable profession then I suggest you look elsewhere. In an age where the printed word is quickly being replaced by television, computers, ebooks, and whatever else you can imagine, it isn’t particularly easy to etch out a living in the book trade, especially books that are written in dead forgotten languages. So if you’re considering getting into this line of work...don’t. Serious clients are few and far between, and I don’t need the competition. Take for example Mr. Allen Maxwell...yes that Allen Maxwell. A multibillionaire who might not top Bill Gates on Forbes annual more money than God list, but is still close enough to tap Bill on the shoulder and ask him if he has any Gray Poupon that he might borrow. A man who owns any number of casinos, hotels, corporations, and from time to time me...well my services at any rate. So when Mr. Maxwell’s personal secretary calls at 2:30 AM and asks if I could report to Mr. Maxwell’s downtown office building within the hour for a meeting with the man himself do I complain about the ungodly hour, curse all capitalists, slam the phone back onto it’s receiver, and try to go back to my dream about myself, Angelina Jolie, and a hot tub filled with Jello chocolate pudding? No Sir. I jump out of bed, comb my hands through my hair, and put on a crisp white shirt in an attempt to offset my rumpled navy blue suit, and I get my tall, lanky, ass, downtown PDQ. Wealth buys privileges they say. It also buys my services around the clock. And so 28 minutes later when I’m standing in Maxwell’s Cathedral sized office I don’t so much as blink an eye when he asks me if I’ve ever heard of the Rembaldi Codex, although I may have chuckled a little. “Of course I’ve heard of it, every self-respecting book collector worth his salt has heard of it. It’s our own Holy Grail, although if you believe the legends-and I don’t by the way- it’s a good deal older than the Grail would have been if it actually existed.” I replied as I made my way over to the wet bar. Like my father always said “If you’re going for a swim, you might as well get wet.” I’ve never really understood what the hell he meant by that, but I generally take it as an excuse to get drunk. Besides everyone knew Maxwell never touched the stuff, and I was pretty sure it’s a sin for 30 year old single malt scotch to go unappreciated. The way that Maxwell swiveled his chair away from the windows and back towards his desk was just a tad too theatrical for my taste, but hey it was his office and his dime. Of course I had to admit that when he stood up he did make something of an impression. Allen Maxwell stood about 6 feet, 10 inches tall, but I was 6’5 myself so that wasn’t what I found so impressive, no what struck me was the fact that he was almost as wide as he was tall. Now I’ll veg out in the morning sometimes and catch the occasional Jerry Springer show, so I’ve seen the poor 800 pound slobs crying because they can’t fit through their kitchen doors and reach their refrigerators anymore. But not our Mr. Maxwell...uh-uh. This was the fourth time that I had met Mr. Maxwell in person, so when he stood and walked around his massive antique cherry wood desk with all the ease of a man who weighed no more than 170 pounds I wasn’t caught off guard...but it still freaked me out a little. There was no labored breathing, no reinforced cane to help support his ponderous weight, no awkward gait, none of the usual encumberments that you would associate with someone of such gigantic proportions. In fact I began to wonder if what lurked beneath that black, seven thousand dollar, Saville Row suit-believe me I should know, my father was a tailor-was actually fat after all. He picked up a single folder from his desk and held it out towards me, the diamond in his pinkie ring caught the overhead lighting and flashed brilliantly. I wondered idly what cost more, the diamond or having the platinum band sized to fit that rotund finger. “I would like to hear your professional opinion on the authenticity of these three pages Mr. King.” Maxwell asked in his deep, rolling, baritone voice. That was Mr. Maxwell for you, all business, and very formal. His personal secretary had told me after my last visit that after almost 11 years of working together that there had never been an informal moment between them, he always addressed her as Mrs. Billingsly, and she suspected that he always would throughout their working relationship. Fun guy. I poured myself a modest shot of scotch (modest for me at any rate) and began the long trek over to his desk. I wondered-since it was a very long walk, and I had plenty of time-why on earth would anyone need an office so obscenely vast? Was our Mr. Maxwell attempting to compensate for short comings in other areas perhaps? Of course I ignored the little voice inside my head that was telling me to stop being such a bloody hypocrite, that I knew very well if I had anything close to Maxwell’s resources at my disposal I would do the very same thing. Bigger is better. Cars, homes, bank accounts, penises, breasts, whatever...bigger is always better. I might have been born and raised in London, but I was fast on my way to becoming a true red-blooded American. I reluctantly sat the heavy-crystal glass on the desk, taking care to use the coaster. (yes there was a coaster) and plucked the folder from Maxie’s fat fingers...and no before you ask I had never and would never refer to him as Maxie out-loud. The man could break me six ways to Sunday professionally-and I suspected physically- without so much as breaking a sweat, and while I might be a snide, sarcastic, git inside my head, I know which side my croissant is buttered on, so I simply raised an eyebrow, opened the folder and examined the pages within. There was nothing particularly unusual about the first two pages-they were photo copies of course-I had seen any number of similar pages in Delcotta’s 1411 version of the codex which was extremely valuable needless to say, but still not Rembaldi’s work, but the third page...ah yes the third page. It was written in an early form of Sumerian as were the others, yet I couldn’t remember ever seeing it before, and the structure was different from the other examples I had seen, also there were several symbols that I couldn’t readily identify. I sighed somewhat sadly as I closed the folder, my worst fear had been realized. My curiosity had been piqued. I hate when that happens. I pursed my lips as I fingered the edge of the folder thinking, not my favorite activity at nearly three o’clock in the morning. I glanced up at Maxwell who was looking at me as if I were a doctor who had news about his terminally ill wife. “May I ask where did you get this?” Maxwell removed the folder from my hands and walked back around behind his desk and sat down once again, maybe standing for over ten minutes had taxed his system? “How these documents came into my possession need not concern you, what I want to know is do you think that there is the remotest possibility that they might be authentic?” I shrugged slightly and picked up my drink. “It’s impossible to tell from a photo copy, you know that. Is there a chance that I might examine the original item?” Maxwell tossed the folder onto his desk, and leaned back in his chair as he steepled his fingers. I knew that it had to be a very expensive chair because it didn’t make so much as a creak from the additional stress he put on it. “There is a very excellent chance of that Mr. King...you see I want you to verify that the codex is indeed the original article, and if it is...I want you to destroy it.” There aren’t very many times when I’m actually speechless. When I came home early one afternoon and caught my wife-now my ex-wife-Donna bent over the kitchen sink getting nailed by my business partner-now my ex-business partner- from behind. Another time was when my mother told my father and my brothers that she was leaving home to live in the Caribbean with her Rastafarian lover Claude...none of us had seen that one coming I can tell you. So yeah I have to admit I was caught a bit off guard by Maxwell. “Um...excuse me? I...I’m not sure I quite understand.” I said as I tried to backtrack over the last few minutes, like I said before I’m not really my best at this time of night, perhaps I was missing something? “I believe that Mr. Maxwell made his wishes quite clear.” A soft feminine voice said from directly behind me, and all I can say is thank God I wasn’t actually drinking at the moment...doing a Danny Thomas spit-take over your client tends to ruin your credibility. I spun quickly on my heel taking great care not to spill my drink-waste not, want not-and came face-to-face with one of the most gorgeous creatures I had ever seen. She stood about 5’10, and had an olive complexion the likes I had never seen before. It wasn’t exactly Indian, in fact I really couldn’t tell you what it was...besides amazingly soft of course, or at least it seemed that way to me. Her eyes appeared to have an almost Asian quality to them, although I was fairly certain that she wasn’t Asian, at least not entirely. And her lips were full and pouty like those of an African. It was almost as if someone had selected the finest qualities of every woman, from every nationality and poured them all into a tight black Chanel suit. No I couldn’t tell you what her nationality was, but I can tell you this...when I said she was the most gorgeous creature I had ever seen I meant she was exactly that...a creature. She wasn’t human...or at least she wasn’t human anymore. She was a vampire. Oh she was good, I had to give her that. She mimicked breathing, her complexion looked lush and vibrant, she even remembered to blink occasionally...some of the fledglings forgot to do that sometimes. But she was a vampire, I had absolutely no doubt in my mind about that. How did I know? I’m a mage, a sorcerer, a witch doctor, whatever you want to call it, I’m not as particular about labels as the majority of my peers seem to be on the subject, suffice to say I possess certain abilities that the average citizen simply doesn’t have. The ability to manipulate the unseen forces that surrounds everything and everyone since the very dawn of creation. Big deal. It’s never gotten me a break on my income taxes, or the right to park in handicap parking zones, or invited to the occasional dinner party...or at least the kind of dinner party I would actually like to attend. So we both stood there awkwardly for a moment, like two people that had shared an embarrassingly bad one-night stand long ago, who had just bumped into each other at a Barnes & Nobel and was desperately attempting to recall the others name...not that sort of thing has ever actually happened to me of course. I was surprised that a vampire-an extremely old vampire judging from her skill at mimicking the living-had suddenly appeared behind me without warning, virtually out of thin air. She was surprised that I was looking directly into her eyes-deep, rich, espresso brown eyes- without being mesmerized. Oh yes, the little minx had tried to ensnare me as soon as we made eye contact, and she was good too. Low whispers inside your mind in your own voice, someone could very easily be fooled into thinking that they were acting under their own will, and not have a clue that they were under her control. But if you are mage-born...especially mages that are born and raised in London where vampires are as common as mullets are at NASCAR racing events you learn to defend yourself against that sort of thing. Now the ripping out of ones throat and draining of blood...that’s a tougher nut to crack. The moment of awkward silence continued on for at least another heartbeat (my heartbeat of course, not hers...she didn’t have one) finally she glanced over my shoulder in Maxwell’s direction. She didn’t utter a word or shake her head, but I was fairly certain that she was letting his magnitude know that her attempt to put the whammy on me was a bust. Maxwell choose to disperse the air of tension that huge between us all by ignoring it completely. “Mr. King allow me to introduce Ms. Leah Neilson, Ms. Neilson this is Solomon King...the young man I was discussing with you earlier. Young? Well I was standing within whispering distance of forty, from the Bio in Forbes Maxwell was pushing sixty although he may have been older or younger than that, he simply had one of those kind of faces, and I was fairly sure that Ms. Neilson wasn’t a day under a hundred, so yeah I guess I was the youngest shmuck in the room, and right now I was hoping I would live to get older. She raised a perfectly groomed eyebrow, I suspect she was slightly amused by my name, I get that occasionally, it’s something I’ve learned to deal with over the years, but I still curse my parents odd sense of humor from time-to-time. She dropped her eyebrow back down into it’s default position and held out her right hand towards me. She had french nail tips...very nice. “I’m very pleased to finally meet you Mr. King, Mr. Maxwell has told me some very interesting things about you.” She had a low, raspy, voice. The kind of voice you’d imagine a lounge singer would have. I stared at her hand a bit longer than what could be considered polite. If this moment was unfolding on a movie screen, this would be the part when someone in the theater would yell “No fool don’t shake her hand!” but alas this wasn’t a movie, I didn’t have a crucifix, or a vial of holy water, or a crossbow that fired wooden bolts...I didn’t even have so much as a sharpened No.2 pencil. So I did the only thing that I could do at a moment like this...I put my tray into it’s upright position, fastened my seat belt, and flashed my best David Niven smile. “The pleasure is all mine Ms. Neilson is it?” I took her hand and shook it firmly, surprisingly it was quite warm, she must have fed very recently. The smile she gave me in return was just as wide and phony as my own...well at least we all were on the same page here. |