Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/919545-BAD-GENE-POOL
by Cat
Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Emotional · #919545
This is a story you can't afford not to read!
Bad Gene Pool!

There is a high demand for stem cell and genetics research. You’ve heard a lot lately about stem cells. I never thought it would become so important to me, until I began to do my own investigation. I have to struggle everyday with several health issues. Once you read this, and look at the research touched on so far, hopefully you’ll have possibly laughed and cried and may understand why I am so adamant about this. Stem cells and genetic predisposition is involved. I affectionately refer to it as my “bad gene pool”. People need to understand how vital any information on how to approach these complex and surprisingly small creatures would be to millions of Americans. It’s not just one or two illness’s that is affected by stem cells and genetics it’s much bigger than that.

It’s going to be very difficult and emotional for me to tell anyone what I’ve gone through. I’ve actually had people tell me, “You should write a story”. I’m not really sure why unless they think I need therapy via journalism! What would be great is if I can affect someone’s life in a positive manner. There have been traumatic events in my life, just like the other 90% of the population. You might hear things like, “Well that’s probably what’s caused you’re illness’s”. I’m sure there must be a contributing factor, but wouldn’t there be more millions of Americans ill than there is.?

I wouldn't know until several years later, when I was diagnosed, I suffered from Panic Disorder. This would be the first of many health concerns. I'll never forget where I was the first time it happened. I was at the local mall and suddenly felt people were starring at me and my heart rate picked up, my throat literally felt as if it were closing, and I thought I was going to pass out. I was cold and clammy, I panicked. Shortly after, I ended up in the emergency room which was thankfully, right across the street. It’s kind of funny now that I look back at it, but at the time I was terrified. I spent two weeks in that hospital and had every test known to man, I think. I did take a medication called Vistaril, which seemed to help some. Now I know that it was a mild muscle relaxant. This helped to keep me calm. I also learned the importance of relaxation techniques, but I was too young to understand it then, I was 17.

This went on and off for the next several years, I struggled with it. What made things almost too difficult for me to bear was the night I got a phone call from my brother-in-law. This call would change my life forever, in more ways than I realized at the time. He would tell me the horrible news about my uncle. My Uncle Scott was a very religious person. He went to church on Sunday and was involved in events there. Photography was his passion, and his son. He was named after Scott’s father, which passed years before. Unfortunately we weren’t very close so I didn’t know the demons he was living with. I was aware he suffered from Panic Disorder and depression, but he was under a doctor’s care. On the other end of the phone that night I heard the words, "he killed himself". I fell to the floor, and couldn't speak; my husband had to take the phone for me. My very young uncle at only age thirty two, took his own life. He left behind a wife and young son. I was devastated, and felt the hope slipping away for me now. I'm changed forever from this. I think about how much excruciating pain he must have been in to do such a thing. It makes my stomach sink. He was cremated, because there was no choice, I guess. Shortly after, I drummed up the courage to speak with a doctor. I was very concerned about my emotional state, and did not want to end up like Scott. It was painful to talk to a doctor about it being basically a total stranger. I'm probably alive today because I did. It was a bumpy ride with meds that didn't work, and having to try different ones. You've got to keep trying. There is a medication that will work. Paxil is what seems to work for me, and it’s gotten a little bad media, but for me...it works. Also if you can, Biofeedback is an excellent way to learn relaxation and breathing techniques. If you’re up for the challenge, Yoga is another. If you don't have the resources to do these things, here’s what worked for me; hot baths with a special Sea Salt made by Yardley, and called Brilliant crystals, I found it at CVS Drugstore. A scented candle of your choice, a CD player with Ocean Wave Sounds, or whatever your soothing choice may be for relaxation and de-stressing. In the event you feel an attack coming on, immediately remove yourself from the situation your in at that moment. It doesn’t matter what other people think, they don’t live you’re life. This jogs your mind to something else and you can use relaxation and breathing techniques to calm yourself. I know it sounds crazy but having a paper bag in you’re purse can’t hurt. The trick is, don’t let it control you, you control it. A brisk wall or even a jog sometimes helps too. Now these things worked for me, they may not work for another person, but you don't know until you try. Pamper yourself whenever possible, without feeling guilty. It’s more healthy to get away with a hot bath getaway, or time at a spa or weekend cabin in the winter with a cozy warm fireplace and snow on the ground. Sounds really great doesn’t it?! This is not a guilt trip for yourself either, people must believe in emotional and spiritual healing. Also the drug, Xanax in light doses helped to get me through more stressful times or if you feel an attack coming on. There are approximately 2.4 million people that suffer from this terrible disorder in the US. My mother has it, my uncle has it, I have cousins that suffer from Panic/and or Depression. I cannot stress the importance of genetics and cell research. I wish there was something I could do to help, other than writing this story and hope someone reads it. There absolutely has to be a connection somewhere in there. There has to be. One of the most disturbing elements involved, is the high rate of suicide.

When I was about 22, 23 years of age, I started having a lot of lower uninary tract pain. I would go to the doctor and he would give me different meds, and creams to use. I got a lot worse and was sent to another doctor! An Urologist. After catherizing me (if you haven't heard of it, you don't want to!), and giving me an exam, he left the room and said he'd be back when I got dressed. He came in and told me I had Urethral Syndrome and there was no none cause or, a cure. He told me this was not uncommon in young women, I wasn't alone. Urethral Syndrome or (Chronic Urethritis) is an inflammation (irritation with swelling and presence of extra immune cells) of the Urethra (the tube that carries urine from the body) that continues for weeks or months. It is said to be caused by either a bacterial infection or anatomical problem (narrowing of the Urethra). It may also be associated with a variety of systematic diseases. It’s sometimes believed to be a psychosomatic illness, which are physical disorders in which both emotional and thought pattern play a role. Usually they develop when a person’s disease fighting is weakened due to stress. For one of these illness’s to occur, a person must first be vulnerable in a particular body system. These are all theories. It is however triggered by spicy foods, fruit juices, and probably your menstrual cycle the only treatment this doctor suggested was to stretch my urethra and hope that would help. This was done in the office with no anesthesia. Some sort of gauge was inserted into my urethra to stretch it out. This procedure was so terribly painful; I will never forget the pain. After a few weeks, I was not getting any better and this particular doctor told me that was just about all he knew to do, and to contact my regular doctor. This went on for years, dealing with awful burning pain, and urgency. Uristat is an excellent product for this pain; it’s over the counter at most drug stores. It allowed me to somewhat function. I kept getting Urinary Tract Infections, which are just so incredibly painful. I would sit and rock back and forth, and cry. sometimes uncontrollably. It would get so bad very quickly, and it would take an hour or two for the Uristat to work. It would take 2 or 3 days for the antibiotics to help, sometimes they wouldn't and I'd have to take more or a different kind. Finally my doctor referred me to another Urologist, but I was not sure about going thru what I'd been thru before with another specialist. It had been years, so I thought well maybe there has been a breakthrough in treatments. I went to see this new doctor. Thankfully this doctor is a very good one. He has helped me so much; I really don't know where I'd be today if it wasn't for him and his compassionate soul. He knew I was in a great deal of pain both physically and emotionally because I had struggled with this for years. He suggested DMSO treatments, and explained what this would be. Dimethylsulfoxide is a very powerful antioxidant. During the treatments the doctor will insert a tube up thru the urethra into the bladder and installs the DMSO. After this is done you must hold the solution in for about 15 minutes. Now the first time or two the medication will cause burning and is quite uncomfortable to say the least, but after that it gets better. I believe it did the best of anything. I've had done so far. I went for several months without an infection unfortunately I also have an anatomical problem that has worsened and caused Stress Incontinence, and I will have surgery now. That’s the good thing here, surgery can fix the problem. I am better now than I was before I started seeing my Urologist. I still continue to deal with chronic lower urinary tract pain, probably always will. If you’re in pain, there’s a reason and you have to keep pushing. When you take a bath, which is actually not recommended to do often, don’t use bubble bath, or soaps. These I have found, are very irritating to the urethra. The sea salt I mentioned earlier doesn't bother me and it is wonderful, I love this product. Or you can just use Epsom Salt, it doesn't bother me. But don't take them often; it’s not good if you suffer from yeast infections or urinary tract infections, or related problems. The female Urethra is very short and is a prime candidate for problems. Also always make sure you stay dry. For instance, after swimming...always get the wet suit off as soon as possible and dry off. Always wear cotton lined underwear, limit wearing hose and tight jeans. This helps to avoid any further pain or discomfort starting. Again, my sister is showing signs of problems, and my daughter. This is why I believe genetic research is so important. Drink more water and less soda, this is very helpful. If it’s difficult for you to drink water like it is me, try Propel fitness water, or a flavored water of your choice . Uristat is a product over the counter to help with burning and urgency, it helps a great deal. You must drink plenty of fluids after taking them, preferably water. It’s also referred to as an Autoimmune disease, which involves cells. There are many people in the US suffering from this. Again predominantly women. Genetics and cell research is vital.

A few years ago I developed red scaly patches on my elbows and knees. I went to my doctor thinking maybe it was an allergic reaction or something. He said" I need to send you to a Dermatologist; I think you may have Psoriasis". My heart sank. No none cause or cure. I had never even heard of it. It took a long while to get in to see a Dermatologist that would take my insurance. I went in to see the doctor and after the exam, he came in and said" You have Plaque Psoriasis, unfortunately there’s no cure". I could not believe I was hearing those words again. Since then I have had a really tough time. Nothing works; I've tried all the creams and ointments, sunlight, tar solutions. Time after time I was let down. It’s been an emotional roller coaster. My doctor suggested a research study that was being done at a local hospital on a new drug for the treatment of Psoriasis. Of course without thought I jumped in. It was hard because I had to give myself injections, 2 of them, twice a week. But I would try anything at this point. After about 1 month I noticed a change in my skin, it was slight but noticeable. The Psoriasis was going away. Only problem is this drug, Enbrel, suppresses the immune system. Leaving you wide open for infection. After a few more weeks of the medication, I was in excruciating pain. This drug I hope and pray, works for you. I would like you to give it a lot of thought first. So many Psoriasis patients would do almost anything to tackle this disfiguring disease. Do the research, ask questions, maybe talk to some other patients that have tried the drug. The Federal Drug Administration is letting entirely too many unsafe and possibly fatal drugs pass through some how. We are all anxious for treatment, but I must urge you to refrain if you have any history at all of infections, of any type. This wonder drug could be very dangerous. I got Urinary Tract Infection, and the antibiotics weren't working...then I knew for sure I had the real deal. See when you sign up you don't know whether you’re getting sugar water or the actual medication, they won't tell you. It became very obvious to my Urologist and I that I had to make an extremely difficult decision. This almost killed me. I couldn't stay on the Enbrel for 6 more months thru the study, I was on strong antibiotics and they weren't working. I cried and cried over this, but the physical pain was horrible. I came out of the study and off the injections, and the antibiotics started to work....thank god. I couldn't take it anymore. Since coming off the drug, the infections have been pretty much under control. But the other draw back is my Psoriasis is now severe...worse than before I started the study. This is a great breakthrough for some people, I hope it helps millions, I do. It’s just been released by the FDA this month. But I would really like for people to be extremely cautious. This is a dangerous drug, especially if your immune system is already malfunctioning. Psoriasis is known as an Autoimmune Disease, where the immune system sort of misfires, and attacks itself. So if your immune system isn't working properly to begin with...there’s got to be another way. This particular disease is so detrimental to your emotional wellness. People point and stare, move away from me in restaurants. It's a horrible thing to live with. It seems every time I try something, it doesn't work. It was even more difficult knowing the Enbrel was making it go away, but I had to stop. It was more traumatic than anyone could ever imagine.
There are a lot of different meds to try, hang in there you'll find something that will help. Also some people will tell you to use Avenue lotion, or Eucerin.which is very good but a little expensive. I prefer the Aveeno because of the oatmeal, but Suave also makes an excellent lotion that works and it's less expensive. It's Suave Advanced Therapy Enriched Lotion with multivitamins and glycerin. It does a really great job. Also getting soap that didn't irritate my skin was difficult. I finally found the best kind to use, (at least for me), it's Dove Nutrium, a fantastic soap. Dove makes several kinds of soap, but the Nutrium works beautifully. Also don't wash your hair everyday if you have Psoriasis on your scalp that will dry it out more. There are shampoos for Psoriasis you can get over the counter, but there not very kind to your hair, so use a good conditioner like Dove Intense Therapy, this is my particular favorite that works very well or Pantene for dry hair. These are two good ones I have found. Also if you take a bath put a few drops of bath oil in the water, don't use soaps, or bubble bath. Always moisturize. Another interesting factor is I started taking a medication called Tricor because my Triglycerides were in the 500's. Normal is in between 0 and 149. It may or may not have a connection, but my skin is clearing a little. Also I have been trying to eat more tuna, salmon, and fish in general; I believe the fish oil is helping a little. Sunshine seems to help some, but be careful, try not to get too much sun, which could make things much worse. A had a couple incidents where I got a little too much sun and my patches began to itch with force. This lead to my legs bleeding. Shaving is another difficult task. Its’ extremely hard to shave your legs when they are mostly covered in patches. And of course the hair grows through the patches too. There is a high demand in my opinion, for something the women sufferers’ can use to shave with. I would like to see Dove come up with a lotion or cream to use. It would be great if it was a product like Nair foam. Until then, be patient and have a well lighted area to shave in. Unfortunately, the suicide rate is severely high here also.

In June of 2000, my faith was once again tested. I was diagnosed with a disorder called, Fibromyalgia. Again, no known cause or cure. It was very traumatic the way it reared its ugly head. This disease can come on slow or traumatically. Basically, one night I went to bed fine, but when I woke, my life had changed. I first noticed the paralysis on my right side. When I went to try and rise up, I couldn't. It felt as if my lower back was locked and I couldn't bend without literally feeling I would break or snap something, it was very painful. I thought maybe if I can rock from side to side, I can get out of the bed. Finally I was able to get out of the bed only to realize something was terribly wrong with my right hand and arm. I couldn't move my fingers at all or you would hear awful popping noises and the pain was truly nothing I'd ever experienced. My right arm, mostly the top, was felt as if it had been shot with Novocain. After many tests and x-rays, I was diagnosed. This disease affects your muscles, bones, and nervous system. Causing a lot of chronic pain. This was a real blow with everything I was already dealing with. Since then I've dealt with the fatigue it causes, and the muscle aches. Sometimes I'll have a problem with my right leg with pain from my hip area all the way down my leg especially if I turn it a certain way. I have to take a bath in Epsom or Sea Salt to gain any relief. The ever popular "Fibro Fog", meaning sometimes I can't remember things or just can't think crystal clear. I don't have the terrible pain in my finger joints at the moment and some of the numbness in my right arm has lifted. The lower back pain seems to cause the most pain, for me. This disease is also referred to as Autoimmune. Coincidence? My sister suffers from MyoFascial Pain Syndrome, which is a sister to Fibromyalgia. Some people even say it’s one in the same. These conditions are very real and so is the chronic pain that comes along with them. I know this with absolute certainty because it’s my life. You have to be careful with exercise. Don't overdo it, take it slow and start out a little less than someone else would . There are several days I would have paid someone to work out my back muscles because they were so sore, but you could hardly touch me. There are approximately 5 million people in the US suffering from this. Mostly women. I have to stress again the fact that we need more financing for cell research. If we could somehow find the genes that make such a toxic mix, I think we could find answers. Also, the suicide rate among chronic pain patients is dangerously high.

One evening I was fixing supper for my children, and I started feeling a little dizzy. Another scare. I had experienced things like that before when I was pregnant, and the doctors mainly felt it was hormonal. I decided to go into the living room and relax for a moment. Problem was, I couldn't get there. As I started to walk straight to the room, my body kept going to the right. I tried hard to walk forward but my body was fighting and continued to go to the right. I panicked because this had never happened before. I thought I was going to pass out. A few days later I went in to see my doctor, I was still a little dizzy. He used the diagnosis of Menieres Disease. No cure, only treatment. Otherwise known as Vertigo. In most cases you feel as if you or your environment is spinning. Or being pulled, a state of imbalance occurs. It’s frightening. This is believed to be effected by the information sent to the brainstem. Which is another reason why stem cell research is desperately needed? I was put on a medication called "Meclizine” but Bonine or Dramamine works too, which is over the counter motion sickness medication. Staying still and relaxation technique again is very useful here. This comes and goes, it isn't constant which a good thing is, and in most cases the symptoms can be calmed. My mother also suffers from this, and probably other family members I'm not aware of. This can cause severe injuries to occur. Get somewhere and get still, steady your breathing and try to get any one of the meds I mentioned. Usually after about 30 minutes to an hour, your world will be fairly stable again. These types of spells can often cause a day after of fatigue. I humorously refer to the abundance of issues I deal with as "the bad gene pool". If I know I'm going to be doing a lot of riding or anything that might be problematic, I will go ahead and take something to avoid things getting out of control. There are also millions of people suffering from this. Again, treatment but no cure.

I also suffer from Dry Eye Syndrome. This was diagnosed after one eye doctor thought I had some sort of infection and put me on antibiotic drops. At the time I was working and using a computer a great deal. Things escalated and I went to another eye doctor for help. After a regimen of tests, that was his diagnosis. Dry Eye Syndrome is the decline of the quality or quantity of tears bathing the eye. Sometimes I have constant pain from eye irritation, or feel a sandy or gritty sensation when I blink or close my eyes. And the burning is very unpleasant. Again, no cure. If left untreated it can lead to cornea scaring or even loss of vision. There are several believed causes like, normal aging of tear glands, as well as specific diseases or disorders. The drops I'm supposed to use are over the counter and very expensive. So I just try and get something that says for treatment of dry eyes, or Dry Eye Syndrome. The highest quality if you can afford it, are the ones that come in the individual sterile vials. Cool compresses may help, and enough sleep of course. If you wear eye makeup I recommend you use something hypoallergenic, like Almay for instance, or Maybelline. This will help not add insult to injury. Here again this affects mostly women in the US. Another problem to deal with that can also be quite painful at times.

Headaches....there’s a problem. Over probably the last 6 or 7 years, I have suffered from many migraines. I've had the brain scan and the whole nine yards. Nothing obvious of course. I have times where I will get a migraine and keep it for a week solid. Wake up with it, go to bed with it. Taking all sorts of meds and even warm baths and cold compress's with no help. The doctors don't know why I go through these spells. It’s very upsetting to not be able to get rid of the vise that’s squeezing your head into. Day after day can become almost too difficult to bear. Sometimes I'll go a week or even two without a headache, which is wonderful. Interestingly enough my sister suffers from migraines. She is at times bed ridden with them. There are so many different kinds of migraines, just like there causes, and triggers. This makes it harder to treat of course! Imitrex is a good drug for migraines, sometimes it helps. For me not all the time, but a lot of people seem to like it. There are 28 million people in the US suffering from migraines. Predominantly women. I find that quiet, low light environments are best until they pass or ease up. Relaxation techniques are again very useful here. Also try taking Ibuprofen. An herb called Feverfew is another good option to try as a preventative, sometimes it works.

Thru my suffering, and tears, I'm hoping something within this story will touch someone in a positive way.
Either the things I've discovered that helps with my Psoriasis or any of the health concerns I've spoken about, or just to know you’re not alone in your pain. I know your pain is real. You must have a doctor that believes in you first and foremost. And one that you believe you can trust. If you’re having issues or concerns that aren't being addressed, please find another doctor. After all, "you" can't be replaced. I know changing doctors is a major job, and can be quite stressful, but no one should have to settle and live with pain. There are many avenues to explore. A person’s quality of life is so precious. Don't take it for granted. You have to keep fighting for yourself, and your physical and emotional well being. Don't ever give up. There are all sorts of medications coming out quite often. In this day and time though, unfortunately are there not always healthy either. If ever you feel overwhelmed, ask for help, not asking could be more dangerous. There is no shame, only mistakes made. Realize these are diseases and that can be treated. I remember the movie “28 days” where Sandra Bullock wore a sign around her neck that said “ I will ask for help” That was perfect. I do truly believe we have to support genetics and cell research. I can't stress that enough. There may lay the key to a better way of life.
I want everyone to know that the medications I’ve mentioned may not work for everyone. Sometimes prolonged use of medications can present complications. It’s always best to talk with your doctor, and do your own research, before you decide to take them. Or there are plenty of natural or herbal factors to consider also. Genetics, Stem Cell research, and cell communication are involved in some way. We have to find treatments that don’t take down your immune system, or cause other health problems. There out there. I also need to say you must first consult a physician, because any drug can be dangerous if no taken properly. This is another reason I wish we could lean more toward herbal remedies that are less harmful. Much more research needs to be done but no one will fund it. It's a shame when money is such a huge issue, especially when it could involve a possible cure or prevention. We must make changes.




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