Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/918550-The-end-of-the-Pier
Rated: · Other · Drama · #918550
Friends turn petty jealousies into a tragic ending.
         Billy, Jeff and I were inseparable most summers. We would head up to Billy's cottage and waste day after day drinking beer, fishing and skiing. We were there for each other no matter how bad things got and no one could come between us. Except her.
         Her name was Collette. She was the be all and end all of our teenage dreams. Shimmering blonde here, bright toothy smile, and dimples that made you want to kiss her all night.

          Whenever the three of us would wind up in her vicinity, we forgot about our friendship and went crazy. Attacking each others wardrobe, breath, and anything else we thought could shake each other's confidence.
          On September 3, 1999 we made the mistake of attending the Twin Lake Fireman's Fundraiser and you no who was in the grandest of form. Her gently flowing curves filled a bold yellow dress, highlighting her long tan legs. Jeff went straight to her while Billy and I went looking for beer. Let the games begin.

          The smoke filled room was packed with young and old as the entire lack crowd was supporting the event. I was growing anxious as I waited my turn in the seemingly endless beer line from hell. I couldn't help but think Jeff would be getting an edge as he tried to smooze Collette with his superficial crap he calls charm. I prayed Jeff wouldn't ask her out before I could take my shot at the prize. Being the second guy to ask a girl out in the same night generally earned one the nickname "Goober."

          Having finally secured my beers I angled back toward them carefully guarding my precious cargo. One drunk after another banged into my arms allowing the beer to slosh out of the cup onto my shirt. "Great," I thought. "Now I'll look like a lush and I haven't even had a sip yet." As I stepped out of the masses and up to Jeff and Collette, Jeff had the gall to reach out for the beers I carried.
         "Sorry, Dude. I could only carry one for myself and Collette," I said. I loved watching his smirk turn to a pout.
          "Dude, you might want to slow down already," Jeff said pointing at my soaked shirt. "You're looking kinda sloppy."

          "Dude, where you been?" said Billy slapping me on the back as I tried to sip my beer. Again the contents sloshed out of the cup this time causing foam to go up my nose. "Oh hey, Collette, you are looking amazing tonight."

          Jesus, I can't get a word in with these pests around. "Billy, there was some toothless girl at the kissing booth that wanted to see you. Said you guys went out when you were in the fourth grade."

(indent} "Yeah, well I'd just asoon hang out here with Collette. Here's a quarter. You go kiss her. I know it's been a while since you kissed anything but your pillow."

          Damn Billy. He always was a quick witted little prick. I can't trade insults with him. Must think outside the box.

          "Collette," I said, "it's kinda smokey in here. You want to step outside to get some air?"

         "Step outside for air?" said Billy laughing. "That's the best you can do? That's pitiful."

          Just as I felt my insides churning with embarassment, Collette took my arm and lead me to the front door. "This smoke is killing my contacts," she said.

          "Yeah, they bother mine too," said Billy but he realized he was in a time out. Collette and I were moving away from him quickly. He had lost round one.

          What would I say once we got outside? I wasn't sure. I was so obsessed with beating the other two to this point I hadn't thought of how to handle the aftermath. There was only a few more steps to be taken and we would be out of the hall and into the night. In the silence, she would here my nervousness bubble up in my throat.

         "Whoa," shouted Jeff as he came jogging over to us spilling his beer all the way. "Where are you two going?

         "We're going out for some air," I said to Jeff and then winked to make the words burn even more.

(To be continued)
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