Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/918150-Chapter-2
Rated: XGC · Other · Erotica · #918150
It's safer in dreams

When I rate an article "XGC", I really do mean it has Extremely Graphic Content. XGC stories may contain references to non-consensual sex, mind-control, sexual enslavement, incest, homosexual sex, and just about anything else.

If any of this is likely to offend you, please do not read any further.

Ellie's parents ran a restaurant, which occupied most of the ground floor of their home. She went in the back way, through the kitchen. Her mother almost knocked her over as she hurried through the doorway.

"Oh! Sorry Ellie! Thank goodness you're back - Kelly called in sick on short notice! I've been running around all afternoon."

Oh no, thought Ellie. "I have homework to do.." she started.

"It'll have to wait," said her mother firmly. "We need you in the front."

Ellie sighed, but went and got her waitress uniform on. The knowledge that she could have spent the time having nonstop sex with anyone she wanted made the hours drag by at a snail's pace as she took orders for food.

Eventually, they closed for the day. Too hungry to think about going straight to her room, Ellie collapsed on the sofa with a ready-meal. Her father switched on the television, and she watched the news halfheartedly as she tried to finish her meal quickly.

She nearly choked herself when the face of her reluctant lover from the Dreamworld appeared on the screen. After spluttering and coughing, she listened avidly to what was being said.

"...was found unconscious in her dressing room, and all attempts to awaken her failed. The cause of the coma is still a mystery, although the use of drugs has not been ruled out at this time," said the newsreader. Ellie leaned back into the sofa, her mind whirling.

It proved beyond any doubt that she hadn't just fucked a dream image, but the real dreamer. But why hadn't she woken up? Surely the Dreamstone didn't hurt the people it came across? After all, the first woman had...

Relief flooded through her. She recalled her hysterical commands to the Dreamstone when she'd summoned her reluctant lover. "Don't let her leave the dream," she'd said. And the Dreamstone hadn't. Not even when Ellie herself had woken up.

She excused herself from the room and went to her bedroom. Because the restaurant occupied so much of the house, they'd had the attic converted to provide Ellie with a room of her own. She locked the door behind her, then laid on the bed. She looked into the Dreamstone, and the flash of light came again.

She was in the palace. Her palace, she reminder herself. Nobody else was present. She told the Dreamstone, "Take me to the woman I trapped here earlier."

She was in the bedroom. The woman was laying on the bed, curled up and crying softly. Ellie frowned slightly. Surely being made to eat a girl out in a dream wasn't THAT bad?

"Hello," she said. The woman saw her and pulled away to the far side of the bed. "I'm not going to hurt you," said Ellie reassuringly. The woman didn't reply, just stared at her in fear.

"Why are you so scared?" she asked. More sobs were her only answer.

Oh, for Heaven's sake, Ellie thought. She addressed the Dreamstone. "Make her tell me why she's scared."

Between sobs, the woman said "I've been raped."

"Oh, come on," said Ellie, "eating my pussy is hardly being raped!"

"No," she sobbed, "raped repeatedly!"

"Repeated..? I only did it once!" protested Ellie.

"By others," cried the woman. "Lots of others!"

That took Ellie by surprise. What others? She looked around quickly, but the room was still empty, apart from the two of them.

"I'm sorry about all this," Ellie told the woman. "I'll sort it all out." The woman just cried.

Ellie spoke to the Dreamstone. "Make it so when she wakes up, she doesn't remember any of this dream. And let her wake up now."

The woman vanished from the bed. Ellie hoped she'd be fine when she woke up. "Take me back to my palace."

Back in her throne room, she ordered the Dreamstone to bring the yellow penguin she'd met earlier to her. It arrived as grumpy as before.

"What do you want now?"

Ellie told it, "I trapped someone in a dream last time I was here. By accident, I mean. And when I came back, she said she'd been attacked while I was gone."

"Doesn't surprise me," said the penguin.

"Why? What attacked her?"

The penguin waddled around the room as it spoke. "When humans dream, they create things. Places and people. When they dream of intelligent creatures, they create life.

"With all the billions of humans around, that'd make for a lot of inhabitants of the Dreamland in no time at all. Except that most don't last long. Humans have bad dreams too, and the creatures that live in the Nightmare level prey on the rest of us.

"When you've been around a bit, you learn how to avoid them. But humans usually rely on being in nice dreams for short enough times that they can't get hunted down by nightmares. If you trapped your human in one dream, she'd have been found by them no problem."

Ellie gasped. "She was attacked by nightmares just because she stayed in one place too long?"

The penguin nodded. "Yup. They'd stay away from you, of course, you've got the stone. But anyone else is in trouble. Unless you make the stone protect the dream, that is."

"I'll do better than that," Ellie said determinedly. "I'll get rid of the nasty creatures forever!" And she told the Dreamstone, "Kill all the nightmares!"

The penguin just shook its head. "Might as well try to soak up the oceans with a sponge," it told her. "The dreamers'll just make more. Humans are GOOD at thinking up nightmares."

"Could I tell the Dreamstone to stop nightmares happening?" asked Ellie.

"Wouldn't work. One man's dream is another's nightmare. Besides, the Dreamworld'll get overcrowded if there aren't nightmares eating the dreams."

Ellie sighed in defeat. "So much for omnipotence."

"Is that all you wanted?" asked the penguin, shuffling slightly towards the door.

"No," she snapped. "What can I do here that will affect the waking world?"

"Not much," said the penguin. "The Dreamstone only controls dreams."

"But I kept her from waking up earlier," Ellie insisted. "So I obviously can do some things here that affect people when they're awake."

"Oh, PEOPLE," said the penguin. "You can do all sorts to people! It's the world you can't change."

Excitement ran through her again. "Could I make somebody fall in love with me?"

"No," said the penguin, to her disappointment, "not when they're awake."

She sighed. "What CAN I do then?"

"Hard to say," said the penguin. "It's like asking what you can imagine. It's a very big subject. What do you WANT to do?"

"Well..." Ellie said uncertainly. She wondered what she WOULD like to do. One thought struck her, something she'd often regretted. "I'm very small in the waking world. Could I make myself bigger?"

She was surprised when the penguin nodded. "Dreams control the mind, and the mind controls the body. Just go to your control room."

"My what?"

"Control room," the penguin repeated. It waved a flipper at the wall. "Imagine a door there, marked 'control room'."

Ellie did as instructed. The door shimmered into view. "Hey," she remarked happily, "I didn't have to ask the stone to do it for me!"

"Of course not," said the penguin as it shuffled to the door. "You don't have to tell it things - just will what you want to happen, and it will."

Ellie followed the penguin to the door. "I tried that, but when I told a dreamer to do something, she only did it when I told the stone to make her."

"Saying it isn't willing it," said the penguin. "Next time, wish for it instead of talking about it."

They reached the door. Ellie opened it and went through. Inside it was a computer.

"What do I do now?" she asked.

"Sit at the desk."

She sat down and looked at the screen. A picture of her naked body was showing. She blushed. "Make it stop that!"

"It's showing you as you are," said the penguin. "Just click on what you want to change."

Ellie noticed a mouse beside the computer. She used it to select her breasts.

Immediately, the screen zoomed in on them, and little menus appeared all around it. She looked at them in wonder, then started experimenting.

She found she could change just about anything imaginable - breast size, nipple size, nipple colour, sensitivity, even the exact position of her nipples on her breasts.

She programmed it to replace her rather flat chest with what she thought was the perfect size. Then she said, "I've got to go and check this out." She willed herself to wake up.

She was laying on her bed. She sat up and looked at her chest in excitement.

No difference. They were as small as ever.

"Damn!" she swore. Then she lay back down and wished herself back in her control room.

"It didn't work," she told the penguin. "There's no difference."

"Of course not," the penguin told her condescendingly. "This doesn't change your body. It changes your mind. Your mind now thinks that your breasts should be that size, so they'll start growing. Give it a week or so."

"I see," said Ellie. "Oh well, I can wait. Let's see what else I can change."

Over the next few minutes, she made herself slightly taller by giving herself longer, nicer legs. She also stopped her body hair growing, so she'd never have to shave her legs or armpits (or pussy) again. Then she clicked on her picture's head, and a whole world of options opened up.

"What are all these?" she gasped.

"They control your mind," said the penguin, who was getting rather bored by now. "All your personality traits.

"Wow," breathed Ellie softly. She noticed an 'I.Q.' option, and clicked on it, thinking it would be nice to get smarter. But this just opened up dozens of options about all the different things to be smart about. She decided to leave it alone for now, and returned to the main menu.

Then she saw the "Sex drive" option, and couldn't resist clicking it.

More options, but this time, more understandable. Her main sex drive was fairly high, which didn't surprise her. But it was the "fetishes" section she found most interesting.

Her heterosexual drive was tiny, whilst her homosexual was almost in the red. She was quite fond of being dominant, according to another menu. Bestiality, she wasn't surprised to see, was so low as to be non-existent. The options went on and on.

She stared at the first two menus. "Does this mean," she asked tremblingly, "that if I decreased the homo and increased the hetero drives, I'd wake up straight?"

"Yes," the penguin said simply.

She stared at the screen. She was an outcast in the waking world, because of her lesbian tendencies. With two clicks of an imaginary mouse, she could end that forever. Thoughts of sucking on a guys dick would excite instead of disgust her. Boys would become objects of desire instead of enemies. She could change her life with just two clicks.

Her hand moved towards the mouse. Then she hesitated as something occurred to her.

What about the girl next door?

Well, woman next door, really. Abby. She was a single mother, with a daughter not much younger than Ellie. Ellie had had a crush on her ever since she'd seen her run out into the back garden in her underwear as a sudden rainstorm threatened to soak the washing she'd hung out.

By the time she'd gathered up all the clothes, her underwear had been so wet as to be almost transparent. Ellie had had a major crush on her ever since. And on her daughter, Helen, as well, who was fond of sunbathing in a skimpy bikini in the garden.

If she made herself straight, her favorite fantasies would be gone forever. What was more...

She turned to the penguin. "Can I enter other people's control rooms?" she asked eagerly.

"Of course," said the penguin. "You have the Dreamstone."

"And I could change all these things in their rooms as well? I could make a straight woman become a lesbian?" she demanded.

"Yes," the penguin confirmed.

Ellie willed him away. She didn't want anybody to watch this.

She willed herself to Abby's control room. Then accessed her sex drive. She moved her overall sex drive setting right up into the red. Then she did the same to the homosexual drive. Just like that, she thought, and I have a nymphomaniac lesbian living next door. One further click, on the pedophilia drive, just in case she had scruples about fucking younger girls, and Ellie was almost ready to finish.

Then she hesitated. In spite of the actress-in-a-coma episode, she still wasn't totally convinced of the reality of the Dreamstone's power. Certainly not confident enough to go knock on the door and expect Abby to want to fuck her. An idea occurred to her that would prove the matter once and for all, and also satisfy another fantasy of hers.

She set the 'incest' drive onto maximum as well. Then she made all the same changes to Abby's daughter, Helen.

She woke up. I have GOT to go and watch this, she thought eagerly.

There was no need for her to skulk in bushes or wait for darkness to fall to spy on her neighbor. Ellie's bedroom had once been the attic, and the attics of the houses in Ellie's street had no walls. A small door in a wall let her through into the attic, and then it was a simple matter of walking across to her neighbor's house.

She had done this many times. In fact, she'd used a hobby drill to put tiny holes in the ceilings of the bedrooms and bathroom. She'd spent many happy times watching her naked neighbors in the shower. She'd watched Helen give her first blow job. And most Friday evenings, she'd masturbated as she listened to Abby's moans as her latest boyfriend fucked her. If the truth were known, Abby was a bit of a slut.

She checked Abby's bedroom first. Nobody there. Same with Helen's.

Surely they aren't going to fuck on the sofa downstairs? Ellie thought. What are they doing?

She waited for some time. After a while, she heard footsteps. Helen, Ellie thought, and eagerly pressed her eye to the spy hole in Helen's ceiling.

Helen ran into her room, picked up a sweater, then ran out again.

That's IT? Ellie thought. I guess the stone doesn't work after all. She willed herself to the Dreamworld.

"Welcome back," said the penguin.

"It doesn't work," said Ellie.


"The control room. I adjusted my neighbor's settings, and they aren't any different." said Ellie.

"Of course not," said the penguin. "It's a Dreamstone. The changes won't take effect until they've fallen asleep."

Ellie stared at him, dumbfounded. Then she woke herself up.

She checked her watch. Not even seven o'clock yet.

She nearly screamed in frustration. How could she bear to wait hours? There had to be another way!

After a moment's thought, she realized there probably was. She returned to her bedroom, laid on the bed, and said to the Dreamstone "I want to go to sleep, no dreams, and wake up as soon as Abby and Helen are both asleep and dreaming. Do it."

She woke up, in a dark room. She groped blindly for the lamp, and switched it on. 11pm.

She scrabbled through to her neighbor's house quickly. Then she went to the dreamworld. She'd realized a possible problem with her idea. A quick change to the controls, and she was sure the flaw was fixed - she wanted to make sure they turned the light on, so she could watch. Then she told the Dreamstone "Wake Helen, and then wake me."

She looked through the hole in the ceiling of Abby's bedroom, and waited.


Abby woke up. Something was not right. Sleepily, she wondered what it was. She certainly didn't feel bad. Quite the opposite, she felt horny as Hell. Her nipples were tingling like crazy.

There was a slight movement, and she realized what was wrong - somebody was in her bed, sucking on her nipples! She sat up quickly, and turned on the light. Blinking against the sudden dazzle, she saw... Helen?

Helen looked horrified. "I'm sorry," she whispered. "I woke up, and I was just so horny. I couldn't help it."

Abby stared at her in amazement. "You.. were horny for me?"

Helen nodded silently. Even though she was clearly scared, she was still also visibly aroused. Her tits were clearly visible pressing against her flimsy PJs. Abby felt a lifetime of maternal feelings dissolve away as a surge of desire flooded her. She leaned forward, and kissed Helen on the lips.

Helen was momentarily stunned, but then responded enthusiastically. And that was the end of restraint for the night. Abby ripped at her daughter's clothing, tearing it off her, with Helen's willing assistance. The instant they were both naked, Abby fell on top of Helen, hugging her tight. Her fingers sought her daughter's pussy, and her daughter reached for her own. Moments later, they were both moaning in pleasure. It only took moments for their first orgasm to make them shudder against each other. A few moments of rest, and then Abby felt her daughter start again.

"Wait," Abby whispered. "I have toys." She quickly slid to the side of the bed, and pulled out the two largest - one dildo, and one vibrator. "Can you cope?" she asked.

"Sure, mom," Helen assured her, "I'm not a virgin."

That was news to Abby. But she didn't care any more. She handed her daughter the vibrator, then pushed the dildo slowly into her.

Helen moaned in a mixture of pleasure and pain. She had had sex a few times, but this was much bigger than any of her boyfriends' cocks. She felt it start to pump in and out, and just laid back and enjoyed it.

That wasn't good for Abby tho. She couldn't restrain herself to wait until she'd fucked her daughter until she got any more action. She took hold of Helen's wrist, and guided it to her own pussy. Used to the vibe, she made only a slight sigh as it went in. Then she moved her daughter's hand to match the rhythm of her own. Once again, they moaned and gasped in unison as they fucked each other.

Several orgasms later, Abby pulled the vibrator out. "Eat your mommy out," she whispered to Helen.

"You do me first," Helen whispered back.

"I can't, I'm too horny," Abby told her.

"So am I."

Abby fought to think against the flood of horny thoughts. They were both clearly too desperate for sex to stop getting it, even for a few minutes. Then she realized the solution. She pulled the dildo out of Helen, who moaned in disappointment. Then she replaced it with the vibrator, and switched it on.

"Mmmm," sighed Helen. "That's nice."

"Now go down," said Abby. Helen obeyed, and soon Abby was shuddering and gasping as her daughter's tongue delved deep into her pussy. All too soon, she came, and Helen demanded they swap places


All of this was being watched by a delighted Ellie. There were no longer any doubts about the power of the Dreamstone. She'd been masturbating furiously whilst watching the whole thing.

Was it time to go and join in, she wondered? Get them both fucking her? Something nagged at her mind, though. What was it?

Of course! She'd set them to be horny-as-hell lesbians, fine. But she'd also made them heavily incestuous - she would be of no interest to them.

Seething with frustration, she continued to watch and masturbate.


Helen was laying on the bed with the vibrator buzzing away. Her mother was sitting on her face, her daughter's tongue working away at her pussy again. Only she wasn't working very hard.

"C'mon, baby, you can do better than that," she whispered. Helen's eyes were drifting closed. She was clearly tired enough that she was finding it hard to stay awake.

Well, that wasn't good enough for Abby. She pinched Helen's nostrils together. That woke her right up - she could only breathe through her mouth, and her mother's pussy was making that very difficult. In her frantic struggle to get air, she generated more than enough stimulation to get Abby off once more.

She slid off her daughter, who gulped in air like a vacuum. "That was much more like it," she whispered.

"Bitch," whispered Helen bitterly.

"What you going to do about it?" Abby taunted her. "Leave me?"

Helen hesitated a moment, then reluctantly admitted, "No." She laid back down. "You owe me a damn good fuck tho."

Abby took the vibrator back yet again, and buried her face between Helen's legs.

A few minutes later, she looked up, wondering why Helen was so unresponsive.

She was asleep. Exhausted from too little sleep and too much fucking, Abby thought. Well, tough. I'm not that tired yet.

She moved up the bed, and started sucking at her daughters nipples while the vibrator continued to work away in her pussy. A few moments later, and she had joined her daughter in the land of dreams.


Yes! thought Ellie. Both asleep! She went instantly to their control rooms. She decreased their incest drives substantially, then turned up their submissiveness to maximum. That should do it, Ellie thought.


"Wake up!"

Abby woke up, wondering sleepily what had woken her. She could still feel her daughter's nipple in her mouth. She opened her eyes, and saw the other one right in front of her. Somehow, it didn't seem so irresistible any more.

Then she looked past it, and her eyes widened in horror. Ellie was standing there!

She leapt up in guilty horror. Helen, disturbed by the sudden movement, woke up too, and saw the situation. She went pale.

"Too late for that," said Ellie smugly. "I've been watching you."

Abby looked at her in horror. What was she going to do, she wondered. Report her for abusing her daughter? Blackmail her?

She was utterly astonished when Ellie said, "Now it's my turn. Fuck me. Both of you."

A huge desire to obey joined forces with her huge desire for sex. She nodded happily.

Ellie came to the bed and laid down. She opened her legs wide, and motioned at Helen. "Get busy."

Helen looked appealingly at her mother. Abby was puzzled for a moment, then she realized that Helen would need the vibrator to make it through the not-getting-fucked time. She slid it out of her pussy and handed it to her daughter, who gratefully accepted it, then went to work on Ellie, who started moaning immediately.

Abby still felt horny, and still felt obliged to get involved as Ellie had ordered. She whispered to her, "Wanna eat me while she eats you?"

"Yes," moaned Ellie happily.

Abby eagerly climbed up on top, and Ellie's tongue instantly slid into her pussy.


For a time, Ellie was in Heaven. Some of her most cherished fantasies were being recognized in this room tonight, and she was happily licking away at Abby while Helen did the same to her.

It all went wrong for her when Helen's mouth became tired and aching from so much pussy-eating. She believed that it was her tiredness that was stopping Ellie from having an orgasm. In reality, Ellie had had several. Helen just hadn't realized, as Ellie came silently, and Helen, to the gratification of her boyfriends, was incapable of having an orgasm without lots of noise.

Because her mouth ached, and she thought she was doing a lousy job, Helen tried to think of an alternative.

Then she remembered the dildo - it had been cast aside earlier in favor of one vibrator and one busy mouth, but it would surely fulfill Ellie's "Fuck me" order better than Helen's tired mouth was able to.

She raised her head, and rubbed Ellie's clit with her fingers while she reached for the dildo. Then she sat astride Ellie's stomach, her back against her mother's, and slid the dildo right the way in to Ellie's pussy.

Her tight, virgin pussy.

The dildo was way more than Ellie was able to take, and she screamed in pain. But with Abby enthusiastically covering her mouth, her agonized cries sounded to Helen just like an enthusiastic orgasm. And the quivering body beneath her was surely shaking in pleasure.

It didn't occur to her that Ellie's petite body was pinned too tightly under her and her mother to move any further. She pumped the dildo in and out of Ellie's protesting body, confident that she was doing what she'd been ordered to do. She rubbed her clit with her other hand, her eyes closing in a mix of pleasure and sleepiness. She thought vaguely to herself that Ellie must be a real slut - she doubted she'd be able to take this kind of pounding, but Ellie just squealed more in pleasure as she fucked her harder and harder.

Abby was also enjoying herself. Ellie had suddenly become a lot more enthusiastic down there, and the squeals vibrating through her groin felt VERY good. An orgasm hit her out of nowhere, and her whole body shook with the force of it. If Helen hadn't been behind her, she'd have fallen.

Feeling slightly light-headed after the orgasms died away, she rolled off Ellie and lay on her back, gasping.

Finally free, Ellie screamed "Get AWAY from me!" and struck out at Helen. Taken by surprise, Helen was knocked right off the bed.

Ellie pulled the still-painful dildo out of her pussy and threw it at Helen. Then she curled up and cried on the bed.

Abby looked at the dildo, then at Ellie. She put two and two together, and looked at her daughter. "You stupid girl."

Helen looked at her helplessly. "I thought she liked it."

Ellie's sobs died suddenly. She glared at Helen furiously. "Kneel down," she snapped.

Helen obeyed, and sank to her knees.

"No, on all fours!"

She sank obediently down to a crouch. Ellie came up behind her. She jerked slightly as the vibrator was pulled out of her pussy. Then there was a moment of pressure on her ass, then she screamed as Ellie rammed the vibrator up her asshole in one movement.

"Shut up!" Ellie slapped her. Helen stuffed her arm in her mouth to silence herself.

"Now fuck off," Ellie told her. "And DON'T take that thing OUT!"

Helen crawled away, whimpering. Ellie turned to Abby next.

Abby recoiled from her glare. "Hey, I didn't do it!" she protested weakly.

"Knees." Ellie said menacingly.

Abby reluctantly assumed the same pose as her daughter had. Ellie came up behind her.

"I almost suffocated while your little bitch was raping me," Ellie told her furiously. "You were so busy getting yourself off I nearly died." And she rammed the dildo up Abby's ass.

Abby buried her face in a pillow to muffle the scream. Ellie walked to the door.

"You're not allowed to take it out either," she said to Abby. "And don't think you'll find any relief in your sleep. You're going to have some fucking NASTY dreams tonight."


Back in her palace, Ellie felt slightly less hostile. Injuries didn't come with her, so she was pain-free. And she could kind of see why it had happened. They hadn't done it deliberately.

So while she didn't rescind her orders to the Dreamstone to make them suffer nightmares all night, she did decide to do a little tidying-up.

First, she went to her own control room. To her delighted surprise, she was able to set her body's healing to work extremely fast, thus ensuring that the damage Helen had done would be gone by morning.

Then she went to Abby's room, where she tampered with her memory. She would recall all the events of the night as a vague dream. She would also have a dream that she woke up, fucked herself furiously with the dildo, then decided to sleep with it up her ass, just for the hell of it.

Lacking any other explanation for the night's events, she would believe her dream to be reality.

She did much the same to Helen. She also reset both of their sexual behaviors back to normal. There would be no more mother-daughter sex in that house. Unless, Ellie thought, I decide to give them another chance.

She did briefly toy with the idea of editing her own memories to erase the unpleasant part. After all, it WAS her first time, and it HAD been good for a while.

But no. She didn't want to tamper with her own mind.

She spent the rest of her night's dreams re-living the better part of her first lez fuck, and in her dream version, nothing went wrong.

Continued in:
 Chapter 3  (XGC)
Never insult the Dreamstone's owner
#918151 by tatty_oldbitt
© Copyright 2004 tatty_oldbitt (tatty_oldbitt at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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