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Rated: 18+ · Fiction · Action/Adventure · #917751
Lone Wolf is the last of his immortal clan. This is his stories
Lone Wolf

Lone Wolf is to be knowned as the last of the Wolf Clan. His clan is down to about a handfull, due to the battles against the Fox Hunt.(The Fox Hunt is assasin clan which use to be friends with the Wolf Clan but centuries ago, nobody knows how it started but there was a dispute between the clans and a lot of blood was spilled and they are still enemies ever since) His father Night Wolf the leader of the clan has disappeared. With that Lone Wolf never knew that Night Wolf was his father until the day he left the Wolf Clan. Since then Lone Wolf has become the new leader of the clan, with the surving members of the clan ( Timber Wolf, and Lone Eye an original member of the clan when it first started), seeks out to recurit new members, immortal or not and to find his father. During his quest he has become friends with The Wallstin Boys (all of them) He has gain new powers from the Wolf Spirit and has a guardian a shadow wolf, his name is Wolfgang together they make a pretty deadly force. Years later he becomes a nomad but continues his search for his father.


Lone Wolf
The Night The Wolf Cried
Story by Wolf "98"

It starts out with Lone Wolf entering a graveyard, he looks around to see a familiar face but those not see one. he brushes his long dark hair (enough to make Trent Reznor jealous) out of his face. He quickly checks his weapons brushing his hand down on the leather strap which holds his sword to his back, he thinks to himself about how many foes he has killed with that blade. He now
checks his semi‑auto shotgun it is loaded. he looks around again, but still no one. All of a sudden a hand reaches out of a grave grabbing his foot soon more hands follow.

Lone Wolf: Wha‑‑!?!
The dead start grabbing him trying t o drag him to the underworld.

Lone Wolf: What type of crap is this.
He tries reaching for his sword but can't get it because it is not there he then tries for his gun it ain't there either.

Lone Wolf: What the hell is going on?
He struggles trying to break free of their grip but no luck, he is starting to get pissed.

Lone Wolf: FUCK OFF!!!!
He charges up his energy and releases it destroying the dead.

???: So you have broke through my minions.
A pair of dark blood red eyes looks at Lone Wolf

Lone Wolf: YOU!!! [His energy crackles] The Dark Warlock!!! You set me up giving me false info about my father being here, I don't really need you right now. I should kill you from where you stand, you have giving my Clan enough trouble.

Dark Warlock: You see Lone Wolf you are in my world now your powers are minimum, Welcome To Hells Realm, My Hells Realm!!! HA HA HA HA
[With that he swirls around Lone Wolf] And there is no escape.

Lone Wolf: You think your pathetic attacks can hurt me.

Dark Warlock: No Immortal (Still swirling around) It's not you that I will hurt..........but the ones you love................

And with that Lone Wolf wakes up in cold sweat, he quickly looks over to see his wife is sleeping peacefully. He smiles gives her a quick kiss on her head
(He thinks) I won't let anything happen to Madelynn, or you Lilith (Her rubs her belly) (He gets up), Damn that Dark Warlock, he killed half of my clan , now were down to barely a handful, he will pay for their deaths. (He notices his powers are rising, he quickly powers down, he looks over to see if Madelynn noticed. No she still sleeps peacefully.) I can't believe I'm losing control, it must be what he said about hurting the ones I love. And I won't let that happen! I have to get out of here and to think. Maybe a little workout should clear my mind. (He grabs his sword and heads out not to far away from the house. He finds a clearing and starts exercising first with a physical workout, next starts to practice his attacks, after that he practices with his sword the Wolf Blade, to finish it off he powers up and practices like that. A strange feeling comes over him, he feels like he is doing the exercises but he is not really there. He finishes up, it's late at night he returns home to find, his wife setting up for dinner.

Madelynn: About time I thought you were going to be out there all night.

(Odd [he thinks], it's 11:17 it's kind of late for dinner, she knows if I miss dinner I'll will always make a snack, why change the routine now?)

Madelynn: I'm sorry dear I didn't mean to be so harsh. Good Night, how was your day?
she kisses him on the cheek.

Good night, how was your day? Strange she didn't ask me what was the problem, I only work out this late if I had a problem.Then it hits him, The Wolf Spirit inside, tells him that this is not his wife.

Lone Wolf: Fine dear, how is li'l' Jimmy today?

Madelynn: He is fine, not as kicking as much as this morning.

Lone Wolf (grabs his sword and yells): Who are you and where is my wife!

Madelynn: What are you talking about honey? Put that sword away it's not funny.
Lone Wolf: Bullshit, I know you are not her because our child is a girl and her name is Lilith!

Madelynn (voice becomes deeper):DAMN!(He transforms into a li'l' fat man named Mimic, Dark Warlock's favorite minion)To late Wolfy, your wife and child are gone as so am I!

He transforms into raven and starts to fly off.

Lone Wolf: Not so fast Mimic....RUSH FIST!!!
(He punches forward and the force of the punch knocks him back to his ugly fat state)

Lone Wolf (now grabs him): Take me to them Now!

Mimic: Why didn't you say so (Spits out some blood) all you had to do was ask.(His energy crackles)

Lone Wolf: Don't try anything stupid, because that last attack was one of my petty ones.

Mimic: Oh I wouldn't dream of challenging you....
With that they get transport to Dark Warlock castle in the dark realm.

Dark Warlock: Mimic you have done your job well.

Lone Wolf sees Madelynn chain against the wall.

Lone Wolf: Let her go, this is between you and me!

Dark Warlock: Lone Wolf, Lone Wolf, Lone Wolf, didn't you hear me? I told you I'm going to make you suffer by hurting the ones you love.

The ground starts to break away under Lone Wolf's feet and which then consumes his feet and his arms get chained against the wall

Lone Wolf: Fuck! You touch her I swear by the Wolf Spirit you will see Satan himself!

He struggles to break free charging his powers to the fullest but it's no use.
Dark Warlock(smiles): You can't escape my powers are at the fullest!

Madelynn: Eric help me!

Lone Wolf: Dammit!

Dark Warlock: Oh yeah and another thing Lone Wolf, (You see his nails grow longer and sharper, he runs it along Madelynn's face cutting her, he yells) I AM SATAN!!!!!!! (With that he shoves his hand into her abdomen and pulls it out)

Lone Wolf (Screams): NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(You see her intestines and her child pour out onto the floor)

Dark Warlock: HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA, Just like a gutted seal! HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA

Lone Wolf eyes are starting to change from grey to pure white, his body crackles with energy his hair becomes black and long, he grows fangs, his chest and muscles expand. Dark Warlock stops laughing.

(Grits his teeth lets out a blood curdling scream) RRRRRRRRRRRRAAAAAGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHH!!!!!!!
He loses complete control and blasts free from the wall destroying that whole section of the castle. Lone Wolf's power surrounds his body, in a blink of an eye he rushes over to Dark Warlock who is surprised by Lone Wolf's new form. Lone Wolf grabs Dark Warlock by his throat lifting him off the ground.

Mimic (runs forward): Leave my master alone!
Lone Wolf doesn't even look at him, his eyes are staring straight into Dark Warlock, he stretches out his arm and grabs Mimic's head with his hand and crushes it, Mimic's headless body falls to the ground, blood splatters every where. Lone Wolf his arm still out stretch blood dripping from his hand not once blinked, he tightens his grip on Dark Warlock. Dark Warlock grabs his arm tries to break free. He ups his power to full, the walls start to crack, Lone Wolf still hasn't let up.

Dark Warlock: How can this be? I am more powerful then you will ever be!

Lone Wolf: You were........but you just push me too far!
Energy starts to emit from his hand

Dark Warlock: No you can't destroy me!

Lone Wolf (smirks): I CAN!
The light is so bright from the power that he unleashes surrounds the entire castle. Lone Wolf finally unleashes his power. It destroys the entire castle engulfing everything in a 250 mile radius in flames. In the flames you see alone figure walking.

Lone Wolf returns home you see him standing he has return back to normal but has a look of sorrow on his face. He is seen holding a picture of his wife with her 7 month old child showing under her shirt, Lone Wolf is standing next to her.

Lone Wolf: Madelynn, Lilith I said that I would protect you, I have failed.
He sheds a single tear it drops onto the picture, with that Lone Wolf leaves.

The End


Lone Wolf #2 Dark Battle
by WOLF "98"

This story takes place years later after his wife died, Lone Wolf now the last of his clan is alone. The scene is set in the 90's Lone Wolf get's blasted into a building by Demos Lord of the Underground. Demos with a sinister look in his eyes, "I will have your soul Lone Wolf, like the many souls of your clan that I possessed." Lone Wolf coughs up some blood says "You will never get my soul, not when I'm alive." (I have to defeat him it's the only way to free my friends) After blasting Lone Wolf into the subway Demos decides to finish it off he enters the subway some people look at him strangely but this is New York you see a lot of strange people. Demos jumps on the tracks, searches for Lone Wolf. A person notices, "Eh uh sir I don't believe you belong down there. Sir?" Demos flies up and punches his head off, "Anyone else wanna tell me what to do." (Damn mortals) Further down the station a father and his son are waiting for a train "Look dad our train is coming!" You see two lights emit from the tunnel. "Good it's about time this city is getting too strange....." WOOOOOSSSSSSSSSSSHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Lone Wolf emerges from the tunnel charging up two power balls one on each hand. He yells "Demos! Suck on this!!!!!" with that Lone Wolf fuses the balls together and fires it at Demos. Demos gets blasted into the tunnel and ends up in the next station smashing the train that was in it. "Hmmmm wasn't expecting you to last this long, (Wipes the blood off of his lip, he gets up) NOW IT'S TIME TO FINISH IT!!!!! he picks up the train car still filled with people and hurls it at Lone Wolf. Lone Wolf's powers eradicates around him tearing the car apart before it even reaches within 15ft from him, killing the people inside instantly.(You hear screams) Demos "Don't you care for these mortals?" "I did (a brief pause) once, but there gonna die sometime." Lone Wolf says "You know if I didn't have to kill you, we could have been partners." says Demos. Lone Wolf replies, "What makes you think I would want to be your partner?" (His power still eradicating around him) "We could have taken over this realm......." he starts to answers, but doesn't gets to finish his sentence. "That's nice." Lone Wolf leaps forward and punches Demos, ripping his chin off. "You know I just had about enough of your talk! All you guys are the same, (He starts punching at Demos's face) you want to rule this (he hits him with a
left), you want to rule that!(A right) I'm just sick of hearing it! And why do I have to get caught up in it? (He still punching Demos) I can't even live an honest life. My family, my friends, my clan all have been taking away from me! That's IT! I'm sick of being push around it....ENDS NOW!!!!!!"he leaps back He fully charges up destroying the subway station, "WOLFCLAN BLAST!!!!!!!!!" he fires at Demos who doesn't even get a chance to get up. The light from the blast can be seen from space. "It's over......" Lone Wolf drops to floor exhausted. In the rubble the souls that Demos have stolen, break free and are returning back to there respectful places. Lone Wolf hears someone approach him, he looks up he sees a familiar face, "Rose?" and slips back unconscious.
Lone Wolf wakes up in a bed, he tries to get up but falls back down in the bed. He starts to feel pain all over his body. He checks himself he has on a bandage around his rib cage, "Damn that Demos, he hit me pretty good, it will take a week for it to heal." He looks to see what time is, he sees a clock by the bed it says 1:37am. He looks around the room this isn't his apartment. "What the Hell?" As soon as he said that someone enters the room. "Lone Wolf I thought you never wake up." (She turns on the light) (That face it looks familiar, she was in the subway.) Lone Wolf "Aren't you Rose, the one that once help the Wolf Clan, defeated the FoxHunt." Yes (a little shocked), that was me. I'm surprise you know that since you were missing around that time. But I've got my revenge for the death of my brother with the help of your clan (She looks dark for a moment, remembering her brother's death by the FoxHunt, by the one called ToniK. ToniK easily broke her brother's back, she snaps back to reality) "You have been out for two days you must be hungry, I'll get you something." she says "But how did you find me?" he questions her. "Lone Wolf this is New York, you know the Media Central of the world? You were all over the news. When I saw that long black trenchcoat, and that sword. I knew it had to be you, your a living legend." "Thanks" Lone Wolf blushes a little. He recovers, he gets up and looks out the window. "Look I don't want to over stay my welcome." "Lone Wolf, don't leave. You still need to rest..." "No, I'm fine. I have been in worse conditions." Lone Wolf grabs his coat and sword off of the chair and puts it on. "I really appreciate what you have done for me, but I have to leave." He starts to walk out of the room. "Come on Lone Wolf at least eat something before you leave." "No thanks." Lone Wolf stomach then rumbles. "Well that's not what your stomach said." she smiles. "Uhhhh" he breathes out, "OK you got me I'll eat something." He turns around and faces her, but he then gets distracted by a glimmer from outside of the window. "What is it?' Before she even got the words out, he grabs her and crashes out the window seconds later the apartment blows up from a powerful energy attack. Lone Wolf crashes down on the ground demolishes a Lexus in the parking lot he also creates a huge crater, which four other cars fall into it. "Are you all right, Rose?" Lone Wolf still holding her in his arms. "Yeah I'm just fine thanks." She looks up at her 87th floor apartment, "Damn I just got that place, lucky I didn't bring all my stuff from storage over here yet!" Lone Wolf, "Look Rose, you can stay at my place, you like the wilderness?" "WHAT!?!" "You can stay up at my home, my apartment isn't safe so go to my home in Canada it's kind of cold but it's out of the city." "Lone Wolf , I can't do that..." "Listen, just go! I feel partially responsible for your place getting destroyed. Now get out of here!" A lone figure appears,"I'm sorry but you just can't leave, not when the second round is just about to begin!" Lone Wolf looks across the lot, it is Demos, he has returned. "Look Demos this is between you and me, let her leave and we can
finish what you have started."Rose argues,"But Lone Wolf, I don't know where
your place is." "Don't worry let the Spirit of the Wolf guide you, Now GO!"
"HUMPH!"Demos looks at her lifts his hand and blasts her against the wall. She falls down unconscious. "Damn it Demos! You didn't have to do that!" "Well, it seems like you actually care for her. Isn't that sweet." Lone Wolf starts to attack Demos blasts him away, but Lone Wolf just merely slows down. Demos flies forward grabs Lone Wolf and slams into the ground creating another crater. He flips Lone Wolf up and slams him again into the ground. Demos picks him up starts to swing Lone Wolf around and flings him he smashes into eight cars and ends up crashing and exploding into an oil tanker outside of the parking lot. "What is the matter Lone Wolf haven't recovered in time?" he laughs. Lone Wolf emerges from the fire, he is badly hurt, his trench is torn up, his arm bleeding he starts coughing up blood again. Apparently Lone Wolf's psi‑shield is also suffering from his injuries, so it's reaction time is slower, but not gone otherwise he would have burned to a crisp. (Damn him, Lone Wolf thinks, He broke my ribs and they're cutting into my lungs. I have to get Rose out of here, she had nothing to do with this. Damn my powers are starting to fade. The only way out of this is to do transport. It seems risky, I never did a transport with two people, well now is not the time to think about that.) "What's the matter Lone Wolf did I knock all the fight out of you?" Demos taunts. Lone Wolf starts to walk forward. "So now you want to fight." Lone Wolf walks past him he is walking over to Rose. Lone Wolf doesn't even gets a chance to get over there Demos grabs his head and slams his face into the ground then he flings Lone Wolf body into a wall of a building which then collapses on top of Lone Wolf. "That was just to easy..."Demos says. Lone Wolf breaks free from the rubble, he again walks over to Rose passing Demos again. "You just want to die don't you?" he reaches out and prepares to grab Lone Wolf's head But Lone Wolf turns around and looks at him with a brief flash. Demos looks at him and says "So you finally going to fight?". Lone Wolf turns away and starts walking over to Rose. Demos enraged, "You think you can get away from me!" He prepares to blasts Lone Wolf on his wrist a thin line of blood starts to squirt out it goes all away around his hand, his hand then falls off, blood starts gushing out everywhere. "You son of a ‑‑‑‑‑ AAAAHHHHHH!" He grips his stump for a hand in pain. Lone Wolf picks up Rose he starts to mediate reaching in and contacting the Wolf Spirit, he prepares to transport. "You can't escape Lone Wolf!" Enraged he blasts Lone Wolf with his other hand. Lone Wolf opens his eyes, energy surrounds him and Rose. He unleashes a bright light which consumes Demos's attack, Demos then gets blinded by Lone Wolf transport. Lone Wolf then vanishes. Demos recovers he says. "You may run Lone Wolf, but you can't hide from Lord Demos! I'll will find you. No matter where you are! You will never be safe......" He leaves in dark flash. The last thing you see, is the burning of buildings and the destruction of what just happen.

The end for now.....
© Copyright 2004 Wolf2K4Ever (wolf2k4ever at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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