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Dark Seed is a teen vampire character I created back in '98 |
DARK SEED: The Beginning Well my life is hell. My life truly sucks (No pun intended) Well for starters, I'm a vampire. Yes a blood sucker, well it's all not that bad if you look at it, you know being immortal and all. One thing for sure is that sunlight, garlic, stakes and crap doesn't work. We don't really care for the sun that much, we like the night much better, and Holy Water can be such a bitch. Well my life is maybe not that bad, it is kind of cool, to be able to transform into a wolf being, a horde of bats and the ability to travel thru shadows. It all started at a party I went to with my friends, well since I was single at the time I met this girl at the party her name was Amy. We hit it off right away, she was into everything that I was into. She was perfect, well.....too perfect apparently I had a little too much to drink. So I don't really remember what happen much, from what I understand is that we went into my friend's room at 11:00 pm and she left the room about 2:00 am. Well the next day I woke up and found I had 2 small puncture wounds at the back of neck, I didn't think nothing about it, they went away a day later. Next week, I was becoming agitated,tired, pale, and hungry. I mean it was like I ate , but it just didn't seem to satisfy me. Well later on that week, I gotten into a fight with one of the hot shot seniors. He called me some name, I reply something back in return, which is unlike me to do, I just don't go around and start fights. And well he laid the first blow, punching me in my stomach I drop my books and bend down on the floor in agony. I quickly recovered and toss one of my textbooks at his face smashing his nose. Blood squirted out everywhere. Right then and there the smell of blood filled my lungs and I lunge at him pulling his arms out of his sockets, I don't know what else I might have done if my friends didn't pull me off of him. My friends knew that something was not normal about me, they said that once the blood hit the floor you transform your whole attitude and form. That's when I knew that I was vampire and my friends knew that too, that's when my life changed forever. I wanted revenge, I mean why me? Why now? I decide that I don't want to let this happen to anyone else so I vowed to fight every vampire that is a threat to mankind as long as I live. You are probably wondering how I survive without blood, well I do drink blood to survive. I have been going to a meat packaging plant and stealing their stock. I have a rodent now and then to stop those cravings, it's not a pretty sight. My friends are helping me cope with my new turn in life, Anna, Jake, David, and Jenny. Anna has been my friend since junior high. Jake has been my friend since elementary school thru high school, he is my closest friend. David is Anna's boyfriend, we hang now and then. Jenny is my ex, now stuck in a abusive relationship with her boyfriend. I really wish she would leave him, I try to help but she always keeps going back to him. She has been there for me even thru thick and thin, despite her own problems. If you are wondering about the name it comes from this dark crystal that I wear around my neck it's in a shape of a seed. When I was born, someone put this necklace on me, and no one knows how it got there, I have never taking it off, I have bonded with it. My name is Darius Cobain but you can call me Dark Seed. This is my life, these are my friends and this is my story. Story Created by: Wolf2K ------------------------------------------------- DARK SEED: ENTER THE DARKNESS Chapter 1 The New Teacher It is a regular day in class since our teacher has been absent for over a month we have gotten a new teacher for our class. He let us talk for the period, since he doesn't have our lessons assigned yet. There seems to be an almost a silence in the class even when everyone was talking. Darius noticed it right away, ever since the teacher walk into the room. He sense something strange about him like he wasn't human something more powerful. He didn't think much about it, he turn back to listen to his friends discussing about the top ten music videos on MTV last night. " You know that new Mase song was at seven last night, it really is dropping down." Jenny says. Jake cuts her off,"Yeah that's nice...(says under his breath) since hip hop sucks. But I couldn't believe that Manson was in first place, that video rocks!!!" "Yeah I saw it." Darius replies. "But Metallica should have gotten first." Darius and Jake start singing some lyrics from Metallica's The Memory Remains. " You guys with that heavy metal, how can you listen to that crap?" "Jen you just don't understand, and first of all it's not crap it's......" Darius starts to say, but he turns and finds the new teacher standing right over him, Darius looks up. The teacher speaks only loud enough for Darius to hear."I know" he walks away. "That was creepy. I wonder what that was all about? You don't think he knows about you?" "No Jen, I don't think so. I never seen him before in my life." He looks at the teacher as he walks out of the classroom, the bell then rings. "Definitely creepy." says Jake as they leave the class. "Definitely." DARK SEED: ENTER THE DARKNESS Chapter 2 Enter Darkness It was lunch time, Jake and Jenny are sitting next to Anna and David, they fill them in on what happen in home room. "That is freaky," said David "Speaking of Darius, where is he?" Anna replies "Knowing him he probably is checking on the teacher. Wanna a fry?" before he got to answer, she shoves it in his mouth. "Mmmmppphhhh!?!" Jake looks at him "WHAT?" "Sorry Jake, but she's right, we don't have to worry about him he can take care of himself. Mmmmm give me another (He turns to Anna) Anna gives him sixteen more and shoves them in his mouth. Jake starts cracking up. Jenny smiles, but feels a little uneasy, and thinks . What if he can't, what if this guy is more powerful than him, I don't feel right, DAMN!!! My old feelings are coming up again. I just hope I'm wrong. Outside in the back of Greenwich High, Darius is following Mr. Zimmerman the new teacher, who quickly turns around a corner. "Hey Mr. Zimmerman wait I have a question for you. Mr. Zimmerman?" he calls out, Darius turns the corner and find him gone, he looks around. He then hears a noise and looks up to see the teacher on the second story ledge. Zimmerman smiles down at him a sick and twist smile, "I was sent to retrieve you, we like your style since you have been training yourself, Oh don't give me that face like you don't know what I'm talking about. You have been chosen, and many others have been chosen to become vampires. You have been chosen and your joining us by any means necessary. And your training in a matter of a year you have master techniques that would take a regular vampire about three years to learn. Someone with your standards, might even make it to the under lord's army." "And what makes you think that I'm going to come along quietly? Darius says as he transform to his vampire state. "Oh you will......" Zimmerman says as he transforms too. He leaps on top of him, his nails dig into Darius's arm. "Dammit! He is too fast. Apparently he knows what he is doing." thinks Darius. Zimmerman slashes, then kicks Darius in the chest sends him flying into a tree, he lands sprawled on the floor. "You need, more practice, wasn't expecting you to lose already." he walks over to Darius. Darius slips into the shadow of the tree he then emerges on the side of the building, "What!?!" he leaps forward and slams into Zimmerman breaking three ribs. Darius looks at him and yells "You think you can change me! I will never be like you." he walks over, Zimmerman clothes collapse, "What the hell?" Darius turns around and is face to face with Zimmerman. "You should always watch your back." he smiles and then says "You may have won this time, but we have ways of making you join us." "What are you fucking deaf!!! I said I'll never be like you or join you!!!" Darius starts to punch him but his clothes collapse again. "Remember the Darkness is around you, and we have ways of getting what we want." Zimmerman says but does not appear. Darius stands there for 5 minutes waiting to see if he appears again, but Zimmerman doesn't. He then hears the bell ring, "Damn time for class", he calms down, he looks at his arm, he takes off his shirt and rips the sleeve off and wraps it around his arm, he then puts on his jacket. He looks around, Zimmerman's clothes have disappeared. Darius takes one last look around and enters thru the emergency exit into the school. The last thing on his mind before he enter the school was Zimmerman's last words. DARK SEED: ENTER THE DARKNESS Chapter 3 Innocence Lost Darius is walking in the halls, he sees his friends on the staircase. "Damn Darius what happen?" David asks He tells him and the others what happen, he then fixes himself. The bell rings again. "Look guys but we got study hall, let's just keep a watch out for anything suspicious." "Anna, you know damn well that you are not going to be studying books, but lips!" Jake replies. David smiles, Anna blushes a bit. "That's not true......(She looks at Jake and smiles) and that's not all I study......" "Well let's go, we have class people." Jake smiles then he hurries to class. David and Anna kiss and walk over to study hall. Only Jenny and Darius are left. "I hope that they take this seriously, you should be careful too, all right." Jenny smiles and says "I will and that goes double for you." she points to his arm. "Oh." "Well I better catch up with Jake, so I'll see you later. Bye." she leaves. He watches her leave, he watches her move and thinks "Damn, she can still make the coldest of cold blood creatures hot." His arm starts to throb. "Damn you Zimmerman." He thinks about Jenny again. "Darius stop it!" Jenny screams, she starts to laugh. "What?, it's not my fault that I want to turn that 2 piece suit into a 1 piece." "DARIUS!!!" he laughs and starts chasing her on the beach. He catches her and she flips on his back and lands on top of him. He runs his hand in her dark black hair. "I told you not to chase me." They kiss. "Darius, Darius, Hello, Darius. DARIUS!!!!" "Huh?, Terry!" "Darius your fifteen minutes late for science. What are you doing daydreaming?" "Nah, it's nothing just thinking. Come on were late." "Sir may I use the bathroom?" "Yes you may Jenny." Whew, I thought I'll never get out of class, she thinks as she walks thru the hall, she enters the bathroom. She doesn't notice a shadow following her. She washes her hands, and looks in the mirror and sees Mr. Zimmerman and two younger guys with him. "Jenny your coming with us." he says as the two guys move in a blur and grab her arms, Zimmerman walks forward. She yells "You think I'm just helpless girl, think again!" She kicks Zimmerman where it truly hurts. She then slams the other two guys into each other. She breaks toward the door. "YOU BITCH!!! You didn't have to do that, for that you pay!" A shadow appears under her and she slips in. DARK SEED: ENTER THE DARKNESS Chapter 4 The Blood Is Spilled "Hey have you guys seen Jenny?" asks Darius at the end of the day. "I haven't seen her" says David "I did," says Jake "she had to go to the bathroom when we where in Mr. Coleman's class, she didn't return. I thought she broke out to see her boyfriend." "You don't think that...." Anna starts. "They did. They capture her to get me to join them." "Darius look let's not jump to conclusion, let's find her boyfriend Joey. And see if she's with him. He doesn't live to far away from my house." They start walking. Darius emits a low growl,"How can she put up with that jerk. I rather her being captured." "Darius, I know you don't like him but they're working their differences out." "Would you guys stop, we all know that Joey is not well...Mr.Wonderful to Jenny. He is a jerk, but as long as we know she is safe that what matters." Anna tells him. "Safe, huh?" "Darius...." They stop walking, they see Jenny walking toward them. "JENNY!" They yell. "What's up guys?" "That's what we want to know!" "Well I stop by Joey's and we uhhh.... "Well you don't have to explain." Darius points to her neck. Anna notices too "Nice hickey." Jenny blushes, "Well since we found Jenny, me and Anna are going to you know....oof!" Anna elbows him "Will catch up with you later." "Bye guys." Jenny turns toward Darius and asks him "Can you walk me home, if you and Jake or not doing something." "Nah, I have to go to the store for my mom and it's in the other direction, so I'll see you later Daruis. Bye Jenny." Jake leaves. They walk in silence, soon they get to her house. "Well I guess I'll see you later." "What, you aren't going to come inside?" "Something is wrong," he thinks "this is unlike her to just ask me in." They enter the house Darius turns to see Zimmerman sitting on the couch, drinking a wine glass filled with blood. "Zimmerman!" Darius yells, "Jenny get out of here! NOW!" Jenny stays put and says, "You should have trusted your instincts." "What are you talking about?" he turns around and sees Jenny smiling at him, her smile grows wider and you see a pair of sharp fangs. "Jen No! Your not a part of them are you?" "I serve only the Darkness." Zimmerman gets up approaches Jenny he smiles and embraces her. She drinks from the glass. Zimmerman then replies. "You see if you join us, we can turn her back to normal. If you don't, will just dispose of you and take her under our wing and train her. Your choice." Darius drops to his knees and buries his head into his hands. "No," he gets up "I won't join you, and your not taking her with you." "Fine you made a bad choice, Jenny get rid of him." He walks over to the side to watch. He thinks, "This should be fun." Jenny starts to advance toward him, she now leaps forward and kicks him in the midsection. He lands on the floor he rolls out of the way just as she slams a chair at the spot where he was just at. "Jenny no!" She looks at him with a dark evil look in her eye, she says "I'm sorry Darius, I have to kill you." She lunges at him, she starts to do a flurry of punches, he barely blocks most of them. "Uhhh (He takes a couple of hits), Jenny I don't want to fight you." "Good that makes my job more easier." She kicks him in the back of his knee he drops to the floor. She reaches over and picks up a leg of a chair. She walks over to Darius, standing over him she lifts the leg up aiming for his heart. Daruis starts to think of the wonderful times he had with her. He looks deep into her eyes, he looks hard and sees Jenny's soul fighting the Darkness. "Jenny you don't have to do this." He says. She raises the leg higher and smiles wickly and says. "Your right, I don't have to do this." She turns and tosses the leg into Zimmerman's chest which then nails him against the wall. He screams, "YOU BITCHHHH!!!!!!! You'll never be able to change back now!" He explodes into dust. "Well isn't death a bitch." she says. Darius is shocked but he slowly starts to smile, he realizes that she is back in control she fought the darkness and won. She turns and helps Darius up. "You know I'm starting to like being a vampire." "You know this is only the beginning, once they find out what happen to Zimmerman their going......" Darius starts "Hush" She kisses him on the lips and looks into his eyes and says "I know." The End For Now......... |