Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/916998-Jonathan
by Skye
Rated: XGC · Short Story · Erotica · #916998
My first attempt at erotica, on the request of a friend. Hope you enjoy!
         'How much longer do I have to stay here?' Jonathan wondered as he surveyed the banquet table. It was the wedding of his friend, so he felt that he should be happy, but he’d never had much patience for this sort of thing. His only consolation was to flirt with the bridesmaids, but most of them weren't his type...well, all but one, but she looked to be a bit too cautious, as if she would bolt from his presence at the first word.
         In frustration, Jonathan decided to find something to eat, to take his mind off of his boredom as well as satisfy his stomach till later. Following his stomach he got a plate full of appetizers, and a piece of cake, bringing them back to his seat where he promptly dug in, concentrating purely on the food in front of him and allowing the rest of the world fade away. After a while he felt a presence nearby, looking up to find himself looking right into the face of the bridesmaid he'd been ogling earlier. She was fairly good looking; brown hair that draped like silk over her shoulders and dark green eyes that held the slightest hint of mischief. Her body wasn't bad, either, curving in all the right places, the dark blue bridesmaid’s dress seeming to accentuate every inch of her body. There was just such an air of innocence around her that made him blush slightly, realizing she would likely turn tail and run if she knew where his mind was running.
         “Enjoying your meal?” she said quietly, a slight smile playing across her face, making him wonder how long she had been sitting there, making his face turn another shade of red.
         "Oh...yes, have you tried the cake yet?" he replied, making a quick mental check to try and recall how long she was sitting there as he wiped his face off, clearing the debris that had inevitably stuck there while he ate.
         "I don't usually go for sugar these days," she said with a light giggle at his reaction, "Bad for my girlish figure."
         Jonathan nodded lightly as she spoke, taking the time to finish cleaning his face, feeling the mood lighten as he folded the napkin and setting it aside as he replied, "By the way, I don't think I caught your name before."
         She giggled again, making him smile, the sound warming his heart as she offered her hand to him "Name's Jessie, nice to meet you."
         "Likewise." Jonathan took her hand, shaking it lightly "Though I don't remember seeing your name on the registry."
         "Oh," Jessie said with a smile. "I was invited at the last minute. They barely had enough time to order an extra plate for dinner"
         They both laughed, then settled into easy conversation, wandering to politics, the weather, then to the bride and groom as they took their first dance together, then slowly onward as the hours passed. Their conversation carried on right up until the newlyweds left and the rest started to disperse.
         “Excuse me,” said Jessie, her eyes going wide. She got up and ran for the door, returning shortly and looking to Jonathan sheepishly. “Do you mind giving me a ride home? My friends seem to have left me.” She blushed furiously, completely enchanting him.
         “Sure,” Jonathan said, not at all disappointed to be playing knight in shining armor for this particular damsel.
         She gave him directions to one of the nicer parts of town, and when they arrived at her apartment complex, he insisted on walking her to the door, feeling himself quite drawn to her, but unwilling to take it anywhere else. His mind wandered again, leaving him to fight off a growing erection.
“It’s been nice,” he said awkwardly. “Perhaps we can do it again sometime?”
         “Well, um,” she said uncertainly, “can you come in? I don’t really want to be alone right now." She blushed for the second time the entire night, making him wonder if maybe it was a good thing he had brought her home. Somewhere in the back of his head a little voice cheered at the thought of satisfying his previous fantasies, making it even harder to keep his mind away from such places.
She walked in without saying a word, leaving him to follow wordlessly behind her, up the flight of stairs and to her apartment door. She fidgeted with the lock for a moment then opened the door, leaving the door open behind her as she walked on in, leaving him to wonder if he should come in or go home.
         “You want something to drink?” she called as she headed straight into the kitchen, not even stopping to look back as he stepped inside, closing the door behind him as he took a seat on the couch in the middle of the room, looking around idly.
         “Yeah, thanks.” He replied as he was surveying his surroundings. There were little knick-knacks and mementos, all of the ordinary things he had come to expect in a woman’s apartment, except for a small table off to the side with incense and a few candles on top, appearing like a small shrine to some unknown god.
         “Here you go.” She said, bringing his attention back around to in front of him. She had changed out of the dress and into some casual clothes, a pair of shorts and a loose T-shirt. He wondered for a moment how long he'd been looking around as his eyes met the glass she was holding out to him. He nodded and took the glass, taking a sip of it as he continued to look around. The tea had an odd flavor he couldn't quite recognize, but he didn't think anything of it before the world started to slow down. The last thing he saw was her still standing in front of him, her still innocent smile beaming at him as he noticed she didn't have a drink for herself…..

         Jonathan woke up looking at a ceiling, one he recognized as not being his own. The world spun for a moment then cleared up as he slowly regained full awareness. He groaned as his thoughts ran over the last events he remembered. The wedding, the girl, her apartment.... the tea...
         “Jessie?” He questioned as he tried to get up, finding that his wrists, and likewise his ankles, were tied to each corner of a queen-sized bed. As the fog over his mind began to clear, he realized that he was also completely naked.
“Ah, so you’re awake, hmm?” a sultry voice called from the doorway. As he turned to look he found himself looking at the naked body of a woman whose entire essence screamed 'sex'.
         “Who are you? What did you do to Jessie?” Jonathan accused, a voice in the back of his head seeming to know the answer to that, but not ‘fessing up to it.
         She laughed, a deep, throaty sound that sent chills down Jonathan’s spine, smiling at him with a look that made him feel like a mouse that'd just been caught by the cat. “You mean, her?” she said as her face contorted instantly, reforming into the girl he recognized as Jessie.
         “What the…?!?”
         Again the laugh, as she changed again, becoming Jonathan’s last girlfriend, further boggling his overloaded mind as she leaned over to whisper in his ear. “I am a succubus, dear. A demoness, if you will. And I've happened to find me a delicious looking catch,” she said, her tongue snaking out over her lips, making Jonathan wonder if he would live to see another day. She took notice of the look on his face and moved close to him, pressing her body close to his, causing all sorts of naughty thoughts to run through his head as he tried to suppress them and focus on the situation as she whispered in his ear. "Honey, I'm not going to eat you....well, not in the way you’re thinking, anyway."
         She glanced down at his lap, his erection standing out full from her closeness, his body betraying his mind as he fought against it. "Mmm....it seems you like my affections... perhaps I could give you a hand with that," she said with a grin, something akin to the sound of a snake hiss leaving her lips as she moved around the bed and up between his legs, her hand caressing up the underside of his penis as she delicately wrapped her fingers around it.
         "You see, as a succubus I require sexual energy to survive," she said as she tightened her grip on his penis, causing him to strain against his bonds, "and you're going to provide me with all the energy I need."
         With that, she stood before him, running her hands across her body. “I’m going to give you a fantasy most men only dream of.” She said as she changed again, her body reforming into a generously proportioned, gloriously naked Angelina Jolie. Jonathan’s jaw dropped. She grinned at his reaction as she moved back up between his legs again. He watched her every move silently aghast as she moved her face right up next to his cock. She nuzzled it lightly, causing his breath to catch in his throat. "Does my little sex toy like the feeling of soft skin against his hard tool?" Jonathan could only nod as she began to trail kisses along the underside of his tool, causing his breathing to deepen.
         He nearly swallowed his tongue as she wrapped her lips around his dick and begin to suck on it vigorously. He couldn't remember another time in his life when he'd been so aroused, yet didn't care as long as she continued doing what she was doing. She sucked on the tip of his dick as if it were a straw, her cheeks pulling in as she continued to vacuum, pausing to release the pressure before bobbing her entire head down on his cock. The pressure was too much for Jon and he quickly let loose down her throat, his entire body tensing against the straps as he tried to buck at her face.
         She purred through the cum slammed into her mouth, smiling with glee as she slid his cock out of her mouth, licking up the spare drops that spurted from his tool. "Mmmm.....you taste delicious," she said as she licked across his tool, which somehow remained erect. "You're the best meal I've had in a long time."
         Jonathan watched silently as she continued to lick his cock, which, oddly to him, was still fully erect and ready to go. She looked up at him and grinned as she sat on the bed between his legs. "So, do you like my little powers?"
         He looked at her curiously, then realized that she was the one keeping him erect. "I...um....I....." he said as his mind rolled over, unable to think of what to say, his only thoughts being to satisfy the pulsing need that radiated from his genitals.
She grinned again at his reaction. "I'll take that as yes," she purred as she slid off the bed, moving around next to him again. "I'm sure you'll enjoy every minute of them as I suck you dry."
Jonathan watched raptly as she stepped up onto the bed, straddling his chest as she looked down at his cock again, giving him a wonderful view of her crotch as she smiled "Looks like you've still got quite a load in you, I'll just have to suck it all out again, would you mind if I took care of it?" she stated as she lowered her body to his, her crotch right in his face. Jonathan could only mumble as she slowly teased his cock "I'm sure you wouldn't mind, be a dear and take a taste of my juices while I'm at it, I'm sure you'll find them....pleasing."
         To be continued.......
© Copyright 2004 Skye (scotslass at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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