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first entry |
**WARNING - I can not spell. Please do not think me an idiot for this, and if there is a spell check option anywhere please let me know, so I do not need to go on humilliating myself. With that said: Let us just jump right in here. The other day at work (I am a waitress, actually not a real waitress, but that's a whole other story)there was a large party, some of whom required kosher meals. While the back of my neck prickled to hear the comments made by a few of the older ladies about "jews", I let it pass knowing that they were speaking out of ignorance and not malice. However, when the supervisor made a horrible joke I felt my blood boil. Still, I said nothing. In a rage I returned home and told the story. The next day found me still pissed off and retelling the story. Now, am I mad at myself for not saying anything, or am I angry that the comment was made in the first place. I feel my silence on the subject makes me no better than those who allowed the Hollacaust to happen in the first place and am disgusted with myself. Ingignation is only so much hot air if you aren't going to do anything about the things I think I am so far above. Yet, I know I will not say anything for fear of creating a "hostile work environment". I guess I don't know where I am going with this. I just am so angry at my own cowardice and envision each such encounter to be ethnocide on a personal basis. Whew! I know this to be completely incomprehensible in a you-had-to-be-there type of way, but it still felt good to get it off my chest. Maybe if one person reads this and says, "yeah, that was truly messed up" I can feel better about myself not saying anything. Well, now that it's out there, I need to go put on my uniform. |