Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/916180-For-Joey
Rated: E · Poetry · Romance/Love · #916180
Speaking to one's love and wanting the best for them.
I keep hoping that someday you’ll believe me
That I can prove it to you
I want to show you
Lead the way
Make you see
How dear you are to me
I think you deserve more than the eye could ever see
Why don’t you believe me?
Why can’t you see in your eyes the wonderful things I see?
I want to save you
Save you from yourself
Show you the best things about you
So you don’t settle for less
Show you what a real woman is
I want to take away all your weaknesses and make them your strengths
You make me feel like a queen
Never do your eyes stray or your heart
When I look into your eyes
I still see that small, scared child inside you
The one that thinks it’s ok to be hurt
To be used
The one that thinks he brought all of life’s pains on himself
The one searching for love
For strength
For someone to show him that he does deserve better
Someone to believe in him,
Because he cannot believe in himself.

Though he knows his strength, his pride
He knows that he will stand by any of his friends
Do anything for them
The one who knows he would willingly sacrifice everything
To see happiness in others
Who sees life so differently from others-
In technicolor
Everything that the average person takes for granted
All the details
He notices with precision
The one who never judges
But accepts
Doesn’t try to change
But knows
These are his strengths, his gifts.
But has he lost himself for the sake of others?
When will he start making himself happy?
Listening to his voice?
Letting it be heard?
Oh, but he does
In the most subtly ways
In his writing
In his eyes
In the way he chews his fingers
I see his voice
But, does he?
And how far will he go?
And for how long?
To keep the attention and happiness of others?
What happens when he is alone?
Will he be sane?
Will he carry on without me to see him?
I am such a narcissist
Thinking I have so much power
Am so important
But that is how he makes me feel-
Never has he asked me to change
To think differently
To see differently
To be differently
Yet he encourages me to grow
He sees my inner drive and admires it
He takes me shopping
Listens to my endless banter
Holds me close at night
Helps me to see people for who they are
And not necessarily who I want them to be
Even me.
Such is our love
Our bond
Nothing can take that from us-
Not time
Not space
Not a wedding ring.

© Copyright 2004 Bekah Rae (bekahrae at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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