Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/914308-Welcome-to-my-story
Rated: E · Other · Other · #914308
Short storying staring me..
Good Morning Sir...

Welcome, I say welcome! Come in and take your hat off, even your shoes if you like. Let me tell you a story. A story of mystery, suspense, and love. I did say love. No one can tell a good story without love.


Our story starts here. You may be wondering where is here but that is a different part of the story. If we look close we see her sitting at her desk typing. She is bored but has to work to earn money. She dreams like anyone else. She dreams more in black and white then in color but sometimes there are splashes that dance and dance around her dreams.

She knows that and it makes her burn with desire. Desire that is unfulfilled is bitter to the bones. She is different, but then everyone says they are different to escape the sameness that clings to them.

Black hair dyed red in some spots and at the ends. Large frame that is over weight, medium height and olive skin. Of course her eyes are brown but some (only those that look really close) notice that they are light in the middle. They like her eyes, when they look at them closely.

She is not ugly but she is different. Her teeth remind her of the gum called chiclets but they are not ugly, in all actuality they are beautifully straight and white. She has all her body parts that work perfectly.

Now you are wondering why you need to know all this information. It is to explain the complexity of her. She is complex yet simple. She is bold yet hidden. She is...

Men or boys, they don't see what is before their eyes. They are blinded. She is mentally stable, fun, frisky, and well rounded.

Some guys did see and where scared others saw and where enthralled by here. These men where few and far in between. One was a doctor that took her in. Nothing happened but towards the end it got weird.

A guy, Mexican, that at first just was flirting because she was female but then realized that she was special. He was torn between wanting her and protecting her. In one breath he would tell her to cherish her womanhood and keep her legs closed and then in the next breath tell her he wanted to ravage her.

She dealt with this but she knew, she knew that she was special, unique, lovely, and uncommonly good.

So here we are, as indicated in the very beginning of the story, she is alone because she is hidden. There is a blessing/curse to her uniqueness, hardly anyone can see her true beauty. She is hidden and usually those that do see it are married or taken.

This is her lot in life.

No point to that story but have a good day.
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