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Rated: E · Essay · Adult · #913741
Broken because of him, mended because of them, surviving because of faith.

Be strong; survive, because of them. As we grow we need to remember to thank our friends. This is my thank you to all of you who have stood by, let me make my own way, let me hurt, then picked me up, kicked me in the ass, and said “You can always do better!”

Broken because of him,
Mended because of them,
Surviving because of faith,
Alive because of strength.

When things go wrong on too many levels to count, you need to have a game plan in place. The first step in making your life right again is to find something constructive that you can get lost in. One major point to recovery is to stay active in a healthy fashion. Whatever you choose, you need to make it something that will take your mind and body with it. But most importantly it needs to be something that you enjoy. My one thing is writing, this is the one thing I can do that takes the whole of me to places I need to go to feel better. I can get completely wrapped up in my thoughts, and putting them to paper helps to get them out of my head, so I am not able to dwell on them. Your one thing can be anything you want it to be, just find something and take shear unselfish enjoyment of it.

The next step to turning your world around is to stay away from anything that is sad, or reminds you of what broke you to begin with. For women I always say to stay away from anything resembling a love story, whether it is movies, books or even soap operas, just stay away from it. These are things that are great, but can lead you into a world you are not mentally or emotionally ready to handle at this point in your life. Do not fret, you will get back to enjoying them, but it will only be in your own time.

I feel that the most important step you will take in mending your shattered world is to surround yourself with friends who love you for you, no exceptions. These are the people who will always tell you the truth, when it needs to be told, no matter how ugly it is. They are the ones that will let you cry, then throw you a tissue and say “do over”. They have stood by you, let you make your own way, held your hand, encouraged you, and yes even laughed at you and with you in your finer moments. They are not afraid to say, “I told you so”, but in the same respect will admit when they were wrong. A circle of friends is more than that when we are adults; they are more of a family. Without them life would not have the same meaning, especially when everything has gone up in smoke

At the moment you feel like things can not get worse, but believe me they do, a lot worse. The old saying that what does not kill us will only make us stronger is a motto you need to remember, because it is true. You will have to take this moment into the next, and before you know it you will be living life one day at a time.

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