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Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Adult · #912020
honesty has many different rewards
Edward was walking home from work one night. It had been an eventful day, he couldn't wait to get home and take a relaxing bath.

The streets were deserted, and an eerie silence enveloped the whole area. Not even a single car was to be seen driving along. But Edward didn't mind the silence, in fact he welcomed it. It was a different setting compared to the noisy background of his office.

He was nearing his apartment when something shiny caught his eye. Bending to pick it up on the floor, he was surprised to see a shiny white purse. Inside were a few crumpled cash, some make up and women accesories. Digging further, he found a picture.

The image was a beautiful girl in her late twenties. Edward's eyes was instantly drawn to her perfect carved face, the seeming innocent gaze of her emerald eyes was hypnotizing. Her long black hair fell gently on her breasts, she seemed to be teasing him to come over.

He quickly closed his mouth, as he found himself to be drooling.

Edward began to asses his situation. If he performed his duty as a good samaritan and returned the purse to it's owner, he would then be able to see the girl. The choice was a no brainer.

He searched the purse and found what he wanted, the girl's address. His heart leaped with joy at his discovery. Reading the address, he found that the place wasn't far from his current location. With purse in hand, he made his way to her home.

He didn't had trouble finding the place, it took him only minutes to get there. He was standing by her doorsteps when he realized he was breathing heavily.

Relax, you can do this. He said to himself.

He took a moment to compose himself, running his hand through his hair to give it a bit of flair. Feeling that he was ready, he rang the doorbell.

The bell echoed inside the house, and the seconds passed like hours to poor Edward.

Damn, what if she's married? Or if she's not home? I should had called first! Stupid stupid.

For what seemed like eternity, Edward decided she must not be home. He was about to leave when the door opened.

It was the girl!

He caught his breath at the sight of her. If it was possible, she seemed more beautiful in life than in the picture. Her skin was positively glowing, her green eyes sparkled as a sweet smile tugged at her lips.

"What can I do for you?" she asked simply. Even her voice was perfect!

"Ahh... Well... I saw this purse.. not far from here, and well, I thought I should return it." he said weakly.

Her smile widened, baring her pearly white teeth. Without warning she threw herself at him, enveloping him with a backbreaking hug. Her hair smelled strongly of exotic perfumes, Edward as instantly thrusted into a blissful euphoria.

I should do more good deeds these days. He thought to himself.

The girl gave him a small peck on the cheek and gave him another heart melting smile. Edward couldn't believe she just gave him a kiss!

"I'm so thankful you returned this. I thought it was gone forever."

"Oh, it's no trouble at all."

"Oh don't be modest." she teased. "I don't think anyone would had done the same thing as you."

Edward blushed at the remark. "Maybe you were lucky I found it instead of others."

"I guess I am." she smiled.

An awkward silence hung between them, and Edward didn't know what to do or say to break the moment. Should he say goodbye? But he didn't want to! Not yet anyway, he hadn't gotten her name yet. Was she married? Or seeing anyone? Oh the questions!

Fortunately she spoke first. "Oh where are my manners? Would like to come in and have tea? It's the least I could do."

Perfect! He thought excitedly. "Sure, if it's not too much trouble."

She beamed and led the way inside. She brought him in to her living room and urged him to sit down while she prepares the tea. Sitting down, he surveyed the room for any clues of her marital status.

From what he could gather, and much to his relief, she seemed to be living on her own.

She entered the room with a tray and he quickly took it from her.

"Oh what a perfect gentleman." she gushed.

Edward smiled in pleasure at the praise. Setting the tray down on the mahogany table, he waited for her to sit down before he do so. To his amazement, she sat beside him on the couch instead of the armchair opposite him.

What a lucky day it is.

"So tell me." she began. "Where did you find my purse?"

"Near my apartment actually. Magnolia st.?"

"Oh I did some shopping there a few days ago. Some jerk snatched it away. I tried to catch him but he got lost in the crowd."

"Really?" he said, clearly fascinated by her looks. "That's terrible."

"Yes it was, I tried looking for the police but there weren't any patroling the area. I just cried my eyes out there and went home."

Edward's eyes burrowed in concern. The thought of her crying seemed to pierce his heart.

Her eyes watered for a moment but she quickly regained her smile. "But when you came earlier with my purse, I was just so happy."

"Glad to be of service." he kidded her.

She laughed at his joke. "I just don't know how to repay you."

"I have a thought. You could give me something in return."

Her eyes never lost it's sparkle for a moment, much to his relief. He thought she'd kick him out for being greedy. "Like what?" she said curiously.

"Your name, for starters."

She laughed softly and extended her hand. "I'm Diana."

"Nice to meet you Diana, I'm Edward." Taking her hand in his. Her skin was so soft! Electricity seemed to generate through his veins, and Edward couldn't believe the effect she had on him.

God, am I falling in love? This is so freaky!


"Yeah?" he replied, startled from his thoughts.

"Can I have my hand back?" a mischevious smile on her lips.

Realizing he was still holding her precious hands, he quickly thought of a plan. "I'll give it back to you, in exchange for another thing."

"My, you do like to trade don't you?" she teased. "What is it this time?"

His heart pounding like crazy, he began to have second thoughts on what he was about to say. But knowing he wouldn't have another chance like this, he went on.

"Can I kiss you?" he said, his voice sounding more like a whisper.

She held his gaze, unblinking. She was sizing him up no doubt. His heart almost fell with joy when she showed him her biggest smile yet.

"I thought you'd never ask."

Both of the lunged at each other at the same time. Her kisses burned passionately with fire, and Edward was almost overtaken by surprise. He returned as much as he could, hoping to please her. Her breath was hot and arousing, and he couldn't get enough.

She slowly move her lips to his neck, sucking softly on his skin. He closed his eyes in pleasure, letting himself sink into the moment. Her hands was brushing past his hair into his back, cuddling him in a sweet embrace.

"Yes. yes." he moaned.

She tickled his neck with her tongue, eliciting goosebumps from his arms.

"Stop that." he chided her.

"Do you want it?" she asked him.

"Want what?"

"It." she said as she swarmed his neck with more kisses.

"Yes, give it to me." he sighed with pleasure.

A jolting pain suddenly shot him back to his senses. It was as if a pair of knives suddenly stabbed him deep in the neck. He tried to push her back but it only took seconds for her to render him helpless. Edward didn't even have the time to scream. His vision wavered and began to get blurry. As darkness began to overtake him, he had one last thought.

© Copyright 2004 Archaic (torso_boy at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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