Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/911660-St-Mary-Jones-Death-Day
Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Horror/Scary · #911660
What will a group of kids find out on a Halloween night at a camp?
St. Mary Jones Death Day

"Guys, Come on, I'm about to tell the story."
Zach yelled hoping to get everyone out of their tents while he was putting more wood in the fire to make it bigger with Bobby

Veronica soon came out putting a sweat shirt on

"Nobody out here yet?"

Zach called them again.

Soon Dave and Marissa come out of their tents, but there is no sign of Amanda.

"Bobby will you please go get Amanda." Zach said frustrated
"Yeah, knowing her shes probably writing." Bobby said as he went to get her

Bobby opened her tent to find her writing.

"Amanda come on the story is about to start."
"Ok Bobs." Amanda said as she put her notebook away and went out to the pit.

"Ok since every one's here, we can begin." Zach said in a smart way
"I didn't hear you call me."
"Amanda don't bother to start." Dave said

“One summer evening St Mary Jones lost her husband, Fred. Fred used to work to pay the bills and put food on the table. Mary couldn’t work because she was disabled. One autumn morning she was mourning the loss of her husband and had a terrible stroke. After her death, there was no family to own that house, so the camp took it over and called it ‘Hillside’. About three or four years ago the camp turned the house over to the Ycamp, they didn’t take care of it at all. St. Mary did not like the actions that they were taking. She decided to start to haunt the camp. Whoever upsets her or her husband will pay the price. Halloween is said to be the most horrifying night to be in Camp.”

Veronica and Marissa were frightened. Amanda looked kinda worried.

“Zach, tonight is mischief night, so in about a half hour it will be HALLOWEEN.” Amanda said
“Why are we here, if it is to be said the most terrifying night in camp?” Marissa asked nervously.
“To prove Jones wrong.” Zach said
“I’m hungry.” Bobby said
"You're always hungry!" Amanda said sarcastically
“Let’s go to Vandy.” Zach said
“Ok.” Bobby said happily

Everyone loaded into the two golf carts and headed down to Vandy. When they got down to the mess hall, Dave unlocked the door and turned off the security system.

“Amanda, go get some plates, cups, bowls, a few platters and some utensils.” Dave said hoping to take charge

When Amanda was getting the platters, one platter flew up and hit her in the head. Platters started to fly out of the cabinet hitting everyone in the head. They all head St. Mary Jones speak:

“HA HA HA- You come invade me- Now come to invade YOU!”

Everyone screamed in horror. Two seconds, later they all ran out of the mess hall, jumped in the two golf carts and headed back to the tents where they were staying. When they got to the tents, Amanda asked:

“Are we still going up there at three am like we planned to?” Veronica said nervously
“Yeah but we’ll have to walk.” Zach insisted

No one said a thing. Everyone went to their own tents until the time came.

At three am, Zach woke everyone up. They all got their flashlights and headed towards Hillside. They started to hear voices, similar the one in Vandy earlier that night.. When they got to the field where Hillside was, they saw Indians, St. Mary Jones, and her husband.

“Is everyone one seeing what I’m seeing?” Veronica asked in total shock
“Ghosts?” Marissa asked
“Yeah.” Veronica said
“Yeah.” they all said

They found out that St. Mary Jones Death Day was not anything in horror; it was what the land was 55-100 years ago; peaceful; and happy.

Zach took pictures hoping that their images could come out in the final images. They headed back to the tents. Bobby went up to Zach.

“That story that you told us was the total opposite what we just saw.” Bobby said
“Yeah.” said Zach

Zach, Bobby, Dave, Marissa, Veronica, and Amanda all realized that there was no harm to be around her on her death day (Halloween). The story got all mixed up through out the years. They all headed back to the campsite to enjoy their last night together.
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