Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/910325-England
Rated: E · Poetry · Personal · #910325
A great country in so many ways.

When I think of England what pictures come to my mind?
If I search among my memories what there might I find?
Hedgerows in April bordering Devon's winding lanes,
With primroses peeping, like sunshine through the rains.
English showers are common and often last for many days,
Without them English gardens wouldn't earn such high praise.
Derbyshire’s stone walls, that from a distance look like frills
Upon a green dress, and dales dimple between rolling hills.
The Lake District, so very beautiful, peaks with majestic rise;
Skylarks wing above meadows in clear and bright blue skies.

Swathes of bluebells carpeting beneath the woodland trees,
Daffodils proudly golden, snowdrops miraculously don’t freeze
When often they bloom amid the winter’s harshest weather,
England’s favourite topic when people meet or get together.
The English rose, red as blood that courses through our veins;
There’s many an English garden that from its presence gains,
Prestige and aroma; the fragrant smell of the stocks at night,
Country garden’s banks of blooms are a truly beauteous sight,
Of delphiniums and hollyhocks, lupins and the blue foxglove.
Memories stab from childhood of a garden, I did truly love.

Hedgehogs in the garden, snuffling at the put out plate.
Futile waits for badgers; English fields, cows at the gate,
Lambs gamboling in springtime seen from north to south,
In contrast England's tragedy, when struck by foot and mouth.
Rabbits ever running wild, occasional glimpses of a hare,
Breathtaking birds in flight, see the heron standing there,
Motionless; the sudden bright flash of a kingfisher’s dip
And the enchanting English wagtail with wiggle at the tip.
Kestrels and sparrow-hawks are well known birds of prey
Woodpeckers knocking; cockerels crowing to herald each day.

England and all the many sports with or without a ball,
Are represented internationally and the English enthrall.
Tennis at Wimbledon with its strawberries and cream,
An English champion is the English fan’s dearest dream.
In summer hear the sound of a ball striking willow bat,
White garbed humans jump up and shout 'how's that'.
Football crazy also, people play the game to get their kicks,
And how many older men don’t remember sixty six?
Horse racing is thought by many to be the sport of kings;
English pugilists are proud of skills they display in rings.

Many things mean England, the place I’m proud to say I was born.
George slew the dragon, beat evil, to save a maid forlorn?
England’s green and pleasant land, a phrase used in a famous hymn,
Land of hope and glory, brings lumps to throats, and tears eyes dim.
The red cross on white background, flag of the English nation,
Standing for freedom; waved for hope in despair; for victory in elation.
I vow to thee my country, sung fervently every term at school,
Many have died for England, they fought to stop tyranny’s rule,
A place forever England, an Englishman’s grave in foreign land.
Pride and passion felt for England, it's not hard to understand.

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