Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/909257-This-Life-You-Were-Given
Rated: 18+ · Poetry · Friendship · #909257
A poem I wrote to my high school class of 2004.
I wrote this to every student in my High School graduating class. These were my departing words of advice.


Childhood memories, though never gone
Will be locked away over night
Eighteen has come the diploma's been won
It's time for the "adult" life, do what society says is right

Get your college education
Business suit and fancy car
Earn your millions and your billions
Perfection is never too far

Be the typical American
Let materials rule your world
Desire money more then life itself
loose yourself in this swirl

This life you were given
Is yours to be livin'
Take it by the hand
Do all that you can

With your narrow mind and closed eyes
You go out into the world to win your so called prize
Your mediocre life style and your depressing routines
Your ranch style house and business degree

Your too ignorant to know the difference
So you settle for it, with no reresistance
You say to yourself,"Life was meant to be lived this way"
Like Johnny said,"All work and no play"

But remember what Johnny said after that quote?
The work Johnny did made him dull, lifeless and cold
Life wasn't meant to be lived in a cage
Don't try to convince your mind that everything's okay

This life you were given
Is yours to be livin
Take it by the hand
Do all that you can

It is YOUR life
So do with it as YOU please
Don't let the expectations of others
Ruin your life long dreams

Do what your heart desires
Don't play by the book
Don't sacrifice yourself
Don't follow the look

Not loving life would be your biggest mistake of all
You only live once so get up when you fall
Cherish everyday like it was your last
You never know when this thing called life will be in the past

This life you were givin
Is yours to be livin
Take it by the hand
Do all that you can

When life doesn't seem to be worth livin
Take a deep breathe, keep on forgivin
Forgetting, escaping and moving on
Focus on the positives, there will be a dawn

Protect yourself from this world of negativity
Your too precious to not be taken seriously
Allow yourself to be what's real
Know who you are and what you feel

Your time here on earth is yours to spend
Remember there's no wound that God cannot mend
Struggles may come and struggles may go
Keep your head on straight and go with the flow

This life you were given
Is yours to be livin
Take it by the hand
Do all that you can

My last words to you are few
Love with all that you are, and in all that you do
Have no regrets and no "I wish I were you's"
Live in the moment, and always stay true

© Copyright 2004 DeEpThOuGhTs (bre20 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/909257-This-Life-You-Were-Given