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You know, you never think something will happen until it does. Take me for instance I never thought I would have sex when I was 17, neither did I think when we did have sex that the condom would break let alone the fact that I would get pregnant. Here's my story... My friend Nikki and me always walk to school since the school is in the neighborhood. Instead of walking our normal route Nikki suggested that we go a different way. At first I was unsure but after I listened to enough of Nikki's pleas I gave in. Much to my surprise we arrived at school quite earlier than normal so we went through the breakfast line. No sooner had we sat down that Chris, my boyfriend, sat down right beside me. He placed a light kiss on my cheek than began eating away at his steak biscuit. "Hungry?" I asked with a smile. "Yeah, Mom didn't fix breakfast this morning." He said stuffing the last bite in his mouth. "And he was to lazy to fix his own." Nikki said glancing over at me both of us trying to hold back our laughter. "Exactly!" Chris said with his mouth still full. He took his milk and gulped it down. Then out of nowhere came a great roar of laughter. We looked at the other end of the cafeteria to see Travis, Chris's brother doing his impression of Michael Jackson. For quite a while now Chris and Travis have been fighting over me. Not physically but verbally they have had quite a few arguments that have got them suspended. Nikki laughs and says it's funny but I certainly don't won't them fighting over me. I turned my attention back to Nikki who was gazing over at Matt, the boy in our science class and whom Nikki has a huge crush on. "Nikki!" I shouted breaking her out of her daze but not completely. "What?" she asked still staring dreamily at Matt. "You know your drooling all over the table, right?" I asked grinning at Chris. "What?!" she asked, now completely out of her daze. Chris looked over at us and laughed. "Nikki, if you really want to go out with him I'll ask him, he and Travis are really good friends." Chris said with a grin still on his face. "Excuse me but I can do that myself." Nikki stated matter-of-factly. "Suit yourself." Chris said. "But I think I'll let you do it.” She said quickly. "No, I mean you just said you could do it." He stated. "NO, I mean no I would rather you do it." she said nervously. "Okay, but only because you want me to." He said grinning. Then the bell rang. "See you at lunch Claire." Chris said after kissing me gently on the lips. My first class went by unusually slow but things seemed to get better when I found out about the new student. Her name was Rachel; she had long brown hair with hazel eyes. "Rachel, you may have the seat next to Claire." Mr. Johnson said looking at me with a grim look on his face. Mr. Johnson doesn't like me very much because one time during a really boring movie I was reading one of my books I always carry with me and he saw me reading and threw my book in the garbage. Ever since he has always gave me those kinds of looks and he tends to stare at me a lot. I shot him back a look and he started fussing at me. "Claire, is there a problem?" He asked me obviously knowing what the problem is. "Yes, sir there is." I said harshly. Suddenly all of the class was staring at me. "Well, in that case you may go discuss your problem with Mr. Jones." he said trying not to show his amusement. "Gladly!" I said getting up from my seat and walking over to the door. The stares from the class followed me from my seat to the door. As I walked down the hall I thought about what I could say to not get into to much trouble. I knew if I wanted to go to Megan's party then I'd have to think of something but then I realized it didn’t really matter since my parents were out of town. Still I didn’t want to be in trouble so I began to brainstorm considering that Mr. Jones daughter is my friend I knew his weak spot. I walked into the office and saw the secretary sitting behind her desk typing away. When she finally looked up and noticed me she nodded for me to go in his office. Mr. Jones was seated at his desk with an irritated yet surprised look on his face. "I would have expected Travis or one of the other students in your class but I never anticipated this. I thought you were better than this but since this is your first time in my office for anything like this I will allow you to explain yourself." he said with a bothered look on his face. I had already ran through what I intended on saying so with that I began. "Sir, I'm sorry for my actions it's just I've been through a lot of tension this week. My parents are fighting and I just got my period today and wouldn't you know it I don't have any tampons with me." I said smiling to myself as his face began to turn a deep red from embarrassment. "Well, in that case I'll let you off with a warning and you might need to speak with the secretary for that kind of problem." he said attempting to speak in a calm voice. "Thank you sir I don't hope to be in here again." I said standing up and walking over to the door. "Good see to it that your not, next time I might not feel such sympathy." He said walking over to close the door. I didn’t need to bother the secretary since I wasn’t on my period. So I just continued on down the hall. As I was walking back to class I noticed Chris in the hallway at the water fountain just drinking away. I walked up behind him and put my arms around his waist and gave him a squeeze. He turned around looking surprised until he realized it was me. "What are you doing out here?" he asked. "I was a bad girl." I said in a playful tone. "What do you mean you were a bad girl?" he asked. "We had just got a new girl in class and he said for her to sit next to me. Well you know how he is toward me since that happened so he was looking at me and asked me if there was a problem and I said yes and he said well you can go discuss your problem with the principal. I walked over to the door and said gladly." I said changing my tone. "Well, I'd better get back to class before I get jumped on again." "Oh, by the way Chris pick me up at my house to go to the party." I said my tone once again playful." As I walked back to class the bell rang. I walked back into the classroom and picked up my books and as I was leaving the room I glanced over at Mr. Johnson’s desk and saw him sitting there. He looked up as I walked by and said," Over the weekend you might want to learn some manners." Still looking at him I said, "Over the weekend you might want to learn how to not be such an ass." and walked out of the room laughing as his mouth dropped. "Now, you come back here right this instance!" he said but I was already gone. I hurried over to my locker and saw Rachel in hers. "Hi." I said smiling. "Hi, weren't you in my class just a while ago?" "Yep, that was me. Mr. Johnson doesn't like me very much since I was reading my book during a movie that was a total snore. Anyways, he threw it away and he's disliked me ever since." I said closing my locker. I walked Rachel to her class and then headed over to Mr. Bass’s art room. Just as I walked in the door the tardy bell rang. I took my seat and went to work on the assignment with thoughts of Chris and me at my house later tonight. Chris had told me to tell him when I was ready to have sex and I thought tonight was the night. I could handle it, I'm seventeen and in eleventh grade. So I decided at that moment that I could handle all the consequences having sex offered. After all Chris was going to use a condom. My thoughts were startled by Mr. Bass snaching the paper out of my hand. "Claire, the bell has rung are you going to lunch?" he said with a questioning look on his face. "Huh, oh yes sir." I said standing up and pushing in my seat. By the time I was out of the room the hallway was cleared. I hurried over to my locker and threw my notebook in and was on my way to the stairwell when I saw Nikki walking slowly with her head hanging low. I had not seen her since breakfast and had no idea what was wrong. I walked over to her and she looked up at me. I could tell she had been crying since her eyes were swollen and puffy. "What's wrong, Nikki?" I asked calmly. After I said the words fresh tears began to pour from her eyes. The tears streamed down her face to her chin, where they dripped onto the floor. "Nikki, what is the matter?" I asked again this time putting forth more effort to calm her. This time I looked at her and her bottom lip began to quiver. "Nikki, seriously what's the matter?" "Claire..." She didn't finish. "What?" "Well, this morning in 1st period they got a call...a call...they got a call that said my mom committed suicide." After she had spoken the words I watched silently as she slowly slide to the floor. I hugged her and listened to her sobs echo in the hallway. After a while I gently pulled up her head. “Nikki, you should probably go to the office and call your dad.” I said. “Yeah, your probably right.” She said as she stood up. I stood up with her and we walked down the stairs to the cafeteria. I hugged her and she said, “You and Chris go on to the party and have a good time I just need to be with my dad right now.” “Are you sure?” I asked. She nodded in response then walked into the office while I went to find Chris. He was sitting alone at a table his back facing me. I walked up to the seat beside him and sat down. He looked over at me and smiled. “Have you heard what happened to Nikki’s mom?” I asked. “No what happened?” he asked a frown began to form on his face. “She killed herself.” I said slowly. As I said the words his mouth dropped. “She said for us to go on to the party but I can’t it wouldn’t be the same without her there; I guess I’ll stay home but since mom and dad went on that trip I’ll be alone.” I said. “Well, if you’re not going then neither am I.” He said looking at me. After Chris said the words the lunch bell rang. Chris kissed me on the cheek and walked away. I ran back up the stairs ignoring the grumbling in my stomach. I should have eaten but I hadn’t. I ran over to my locker and grabbed my health book and ran to class. I ran through the door just as the bell rang. I quickly took my seat as Mrs. Banks came through the door. “Today class we are going to talk about safe sex.” The class groaned in reply. She rattled on and on about condoms and birth control saying that abstinence was the only way to avoid an unwanted pregnancy or an STD. Finally after an hour of her lecture was over she handed out worksheets for homework. I opened my book and began the assignment. Thirty minutes later the bell rang and I walked over to my locker. Rachel was in her locker struggling to pull out her full book bag. “Hey, Claire can you help me?” she asked still pulling at it. “Yeah, but it would be a lot easier if you took all the stuff out of your book bag then pulled it out.” “Oh, where I used to go to school they had bigger lockers.” She said as she began to take all the books out of it. “Thanks, well see you later.” She said walking away. I opened my locker and then I felt strong arms wrap around me. I turned around and saw Travis holding me. “TRAVIS, what are you doing?!” I asked as I pulled his arms away from me. “You know you like it.” He said smiling. I looked at him in disbelief. “Have you forgotten that I’m still dating Chris because you sure as hell act like it?” I asked anger in my tone. “You bitch!” he said and smacked me across my face. “Hey, you leave my girlfriend the hell alone.” I heard and turned around to see Chris coming up the hall. He walked over and as he brung up his fist to punch Travis I ran over to stop him. “Move Claire stop protecting him!” Chris said pushing me away so he could punch Travis; he pushed me hard enough that I hit the wall’ I yelped in pain as I slammed against the wall. I got up quickly so I could stop them but they were already fighting. I jumped in between them to stop the fight and all of a sudden I felt a sharp pain hit my stomach and fell to the floor. “Travis, you idiot look what you did!” Chris said as he bent down to help me up. I pulled up my shirt a little bit to find there was a bruise it was turning blue. I got up holding my side and got my things out of my locker and started walking home. No sooner had I got down the parking lot it began to pour the rain. I watched as Travis’s car speeded by and then Chris’s car came after but he stopped the car. “Claire, let me drive you home.” Chris said. I continued walking and he drove up beside me again. “Claire, please let me drive you home, if I have to I’ll do this the whole way to your house.” I realized that Chris would keep his word so I walked over and got in the car. Chris looked over at me and just as he was about to speak I held up my hand. “Chris, I don’t want to hear it just drive me home.” “But-“ he began but I cut him off with a cold stare. “Please, listen Claire I’m really sorry about what happened please don’t be mad.” I turned away to look out the window but he stopped the car and gently pulled me to face him. “Please just take me home.” I said turning once again to face the window. He started up the car and ten minutes later we were at my house the rain still pouring. I grabbed my book bag out of the backseat and ran up to my door. Chris followed closely behind me. I tried to close the door before he could make it up the steps but it was too late he was fast. He pushed the door open and came in. As he inched closer and closer I backed farther and farther away. “Claire, listen I can’t begin to explain how sorry I am for what happened back there; but I’ll do whatever it takes to make you feel better its just I couldn’t stand there and let him hurt you.” He said and placed his arms around me. After a minute or two he pulled away and just gazed into my eyes. “Do you have any idea how beautiful you are?” He asked. I picked up my book bag and walked through the kitchen and up the stairs to my room; Chris was following right behind me. When I finally made it up the stairs I threw my book bag in the floor and continued standing there when Chris came over and placed his arms around me. He began to kiss my cheek then he lowered and nuzzled my neck. He went down further and began to unbutton my pants then pulled my pants off and tossed them aside. I began to kiss Chris everywhere. I pulled his shirt over his head and threw it in the floor then began to undo his pants. “Claire, are you sure you want to do this?” Chris asked. I nodded and continued with his pants while he pulled my shirt over my head. He wrapped his arms around me and unhooked my bra. As my bra fell to the floor so did Chris’s pants and boxers; he stood naked before me. My gaze traveled up and down his tan, well-built body. I pulled his body against mine. He pulled down my panties and we stood there for a moment until he picked me up and carried me over to the bed. He gently lay me down and walked over and pulled a condom out of his wallet. I watched as he carefully rolled the condom over his erection. He walked back over to me and began to tease my nipples with his tongue. I moaned in pleasure, as he placed gentle kisses down my stomach. His mouth came back to my mouth and our tongues danced in a breathtaking rhythm. He lifted up and looked at me, his eyes caressing my body. He lowered his body down and I felt him enter me. I closed my eyes as pleasure engulfed my body but when I opened my eyes Chris was still thrusting in me; my body erupted in another wave of pleasure and Chris collapsed atop my chest panting for air. He rolled over and hugged me close to him and I fell asleep in his arms. I woke up and looked over at the clock to see it was only 8:50. As quietly as possible I eased out of the bed and walked into my bathroom thinking about what Chris and I had just shared. I turned on the shower as hot as I could stand and got in and just stood under the water. After moments of standing there thinking I washed my hair and turned off the water. I stood there and listened to the water drip. |