Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/902801-A-Policemans-Son
by DBjork
Rated: E · Documentary · Personal · #902801
A Policeman's Son
I hope everyone enjoys this as much as I did writing this.

A Policeman's son

The son of a policeman is a very gratifing experience. There are a lot of things that a young person will go though. The life alone is an experience its self, but there will be times when it is not so great.
I was a child of a police officer and I had many things happen to me while I was with my father. I remember a time when I was riding with him. We got a call where a white male was beating on his wife. When we arrived at the scene we found this lady outside bleeding badly. I pulled her to the car while my father was talking to the suspect. Things were going fair, when all of the sudden, I hear my father calling for back up. I notice that the other officers were having trouble finding us. By then, my father had his gun pulled and pointing it at the white male. I could just barely see the knife. The suspect had a knife and was threatening his life. There still was no sign of back up. That was when I pulled the shotgun from the car and pointed it at the suspect. At this point in time I started yelling for him to put the knife down. This went on for a while.
Finally the back up showed up. I was scared as hell. My father came over to where I was. He then asked me if I was all right. I told him that I was a little scared, but I would be all right. Tommy, the officer that arrived on the scene, was also a very good friend of mine. He also asked how I was.
When we got back to the station, they asked why did I pull the gun. I had to tell them I was in fear for my life as well as for the lady, and my fathers. I felt that if the suspect would of have stabbed my father there would not have been time for him to react. The suspect could have killed my father.
There have been many things that have happened to me. I have only talked about one thing at this time, but I will cover another one in a moment. This one will cover a time when I was in school. If I ever had to do it over, I would.
When I was in high school I had many friends that would do a lot of illegal things. They would keep things from me because my dad was a police officer. They would think I would tell him. The fact is, I would not have to tell him, he would have known. This always amazed me, how he would know before me.
There was a time when I went undercover for the police department. I loved it, but there were times, when it was not so great. I had to do some of the things they were doing so I could get them to trust me. This went on for a while, before they would trust me.
I had a couple of guys that I was working a case on. It turned out that they were good friends. This was the hardest thing that I had to ever do. We would go out late at night to break into cars. I did not like this because I would have to be with them. I knew it was not right, but there was a big theft ring going on that had to be stopped.
After we broke into the cars I would sell the stuff back to the police. This was the only way we could build a big case on them. I had to have a way to keep the guys trust. It started to be very easy to lie to them. I could tell them anything. This was a good thing to have. I worked on this for about all of the school year. Every one that was involved started selling me all of the stuffed they had stolen.
Well, the day had to come when we would have to bust them all. After going over files on people who we had a case on, I was to meet four of the guys about 12:30am. We were to break into some cars. The police knew, who and when, we were going to hit. This was one of the scariest nights of my life.
The take down took place about 1:00 am Monday morning. We were around the 1500 block Stonewall Drive. It was a cold, wet morning. Here we go, I thought, as the police car pulled up behind us. There were police officers all over the place. They had their guns pulled. I was scared because one of the suspects had a gun on him. My father would be the officer that took me down. He pushed me face first in the mud. When we arrived back at the station everything went as planed. I was supposed to be booked with the others. There was a moment when I was smiling and had to get one of the officers to slap me so, I would not be smiling when I was being booked.
If I ever had to do it over again, I would. We stopped one of the biggest theft rings in the city. I am very glad that my father was a police officer. I enjoyed being able to help the police out on this case. I am very appreciative of my father, the police officer.

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