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Rated: E · Short Story · Action/Adventure · #902712
Knights fighting for love and honor .New type of armor that weapons can't pierce.
The castle was of {Sir Drake Of Dragon Claw},it was dark massive stronghold to keep the raiders from attacking the fortifcation.It had been a long time since the last attack.{Sir Drake's} army was immence,to strong to be beaten in battle.Like all thing over time we get lack in being on guard for trouble.
This was a time for games of skill that {Sir Drake} held each year to improve the skills of his army.All outsiders were welcome to compete in the games for fame and fortune.
I had traveled a long way to compete in the games I had won all the games with the local talent .
But this was a great gathering of men and animals from around the world.{Sir Drake's} fame of competition was known far and wide.The prize was a small fortune in jewels and gold but the fame for winning at his games was the golden ring he gave to the winner of the games was set with emeralds and diamonds with the title of {Knight Of The Realm}.To win at these games was to set your feet upon the path of fame and fortune.
The greatest prize was the hand of the marrage of the fair {Lady Vickie} the daughter of {Sir Drake} to the best knight of the games.Her fame of being a thing of beauty and grace had spread far and wide she was beyond compareson to others.
I first saw her as she came out on the balcony in the early morning sun behind her with the strikes of golden sunlight making a golden halo around her long brown hair.This was a sight that could not be decribed in words, I fell instantly in love.
{Lady Vickie} was my inspiration to win the games at all cost that alone would would be enough to spur me on to victory in the days to come.
The games were set for a fortnight it gave me only fourteen days to prepare and practice to win at these games and win her hand.
I had to see the black smith my armor needed repair after my last combat,I had brought a new metal from the north,I had purchased it from a sorcerer of the realm.He told me the way it had to be prepaired to withstand the blows of sword and lance.
The sorcerer told me it had fallen from the shy with fire and great strength.He called it nickle because it resested nick's from blades of all kinds harder than any metal known to man up to this time.Even of the men of black smithing order.
It had to be heated with charcoal the fires from only wood could not produce enough heat to melt it unless you produced heat with immense force.
I went to the black smith and instructed him in the ways of making my new armor .He said it would take a week to finish it I told him to polish it till it looked like a mirror to reflect the sun.
The castle was busy getting ready for the contest of skill to come a fortnight away.
I had a sorrel a smaller brown horse that was faster turning that the big draft horses the other knight had choosen to ride they were enormous things but slow to turn.I had the advantage with my horse and my new armor this should be the right combination to win.
This I believed it to be true I could only wait and see for myself.Slowly the days of compation approched I was ready I had time to daydream about my lady vickie of her beauty and long flowing brown hair.
The future held many thing for us the future looked bright for us.I heard some disturbing news the [The Black Knight } would be competing in the games.
His fame of never being defeated in battle went before him like a shrod of death.He was ruthless in battle he could lope off a arm with one blow of his great sword and battle axes of death .I was commited to the end this would be his first defeat in battle by my hand.
That day of the battle was at hand .I arose early to be prepared.
The black smith had out done himself on my armor he had enough to make a new sword for me in addition to the armor .He had put my crest of my family on my armor and my shield plus the hilt of my sword.My crest was a golden eagle holding a crossed sword of gold on a field of blue and gold,of my sword.
I tried the armor on and was surprised how light it was and the fit was perfect.
My squire had commission a flag to be flown above my encampment it was blue trimmed in gold with a golden eagle holding crossed golden swords with the motto {We will over come all odds}.
I awaited my call to battle it had been two hours I still had not been called to the battles the games were ferous and deadly.Then I heard my name called to prepare for battle {Sir James Of the Golden Towers} I was ready for battle with lance and axe with my sword in my scabbard.
I rode out to the stageing area ready to do battle my first oppontent was {Erik The Red} a very good night.
As we rode toward each other just before I meet him I lowered my lance a little bit catching him off guard knocking him to the ground.This would advance me to the next round were the winners would be.
As I advanced they became more skilled and harder to beat.
Round two was upon me very soon this time I would meet {Sir Brin Of The Moories} a ferous fighter of many battles and campaign.
I rode to meet him in battle as I lowered my lance this time {Sir Brin} had been watching my battle with {Sir Erik} he was ready for my lance it glanced off his shield breaking as it did.
We rode back to our squires to be refitted with another lance. This time I would have to do something different I remember seeing a another fight with lances then I decided this would be my plan.
This time we rode toward each other I held my lance fast and firm in place till the last possible moment then went to the left piercing him through the left side, a chancy play.But it had worked catching him off guard never thinking I would try this move against him.
He went down hard and had to be carried off the field of battle in pain.
My next battle would be announced later today,there were many things to do the rest of the morning the knight advanced to the next round.
the list was called out my name was called I was in the final round and I was wondering who my oppontent would be. I didn't have to wait long the {Black Knight Of Gotham} was my foe in battle.
The final battle would be different from the rest of them. This one would be fought with lance then the battle axe then with the sword to the death or surrender.
I meet him on the field of battle I saw his banner flying in the breeze.It was a black vulture on a field of red with blood dripping from it's claws.
We rode toward each other I tried to lower my lance but it was useless we both broke our first lances. The squire had a second ready.
We rode for the second time I held it fast till the last moment lower it to the right still no good we broke our second lance .We rode to get our third and last lance.
We charged again this time we hit at the same time almost knocking us both from our saddles and off the horse but we both recovered before we hit the ground.
Now I knew why they called him {The Bloody Black Knight} but he had tasted my lance and had a healthy respect for my fighting skills. My armor had saved me, the blow I had taken from the third lance would have killed me but my armor had held the impact of his might blow and I lived to fight him again.
It was time for battle axes and swords on horse back now I had the advantage on him. I could turn quicker and faster than him on his horse.
We rode to battle each expecting to be winning the day and the hand of {Lady Vickie}.
We meet in the middle of the field of honor fighting in close quarters with the battle axes.
I finally knocked the axe from his hand after a hard battle .Then he had to use his sword. I had both of my weapons left but as we fought he broke my axe then we were fighting with our swords .
We fought till we were unhorsed we clashed on the ground.as we fought I thought he would never tire my arm was hurting badly from all the fighting of the day but I was not going to give up.
You could hear the clash and the ring of our swords meeting blow for blow until I made one final stroke it sliced his sword in half with a ear shattering sound.
He could not believe his eyes on what had just transpired here he had never saw a blade cut through another one what was this sword made of what kind of unbelievable metal could this thing be.He yielded to my advances surrendering his broken sword to me I was victorious I had won the day and the hand of my lady. I was taken to the place of honor to be rewarded for my efforts of prevailing the day.
{Sir Drake}announced to the crowd from this time forth {Sir James Of The Golden Towers} was first knight of the realm to the {Kingdom Of Dragon Claw} winner of the joisting matches today the rewards would be given to me at the banquet tonight.
I retired to my tent I was beat from the fighting of the day,I told my squire to get my things ready for the banquet and wake me in time to dress for the banquet.
I laid down the next thing I remembered was John my squire shakeing me to wake me up. So I arose washed and got dressed in a blue garment that was trimmed in gold with my coat of arms on the front.I put my cloak of gold that was trimmed in blue to contrast the garment for my banquet tonight in my honor.I put my best cologne on I had and went to the banquet I was shown my seat of honor by the right side of{Sir Drake}.
I heard the trumps hearld your entrance to the great hall of the castle, you were magnificent dress of blue with jewerly of gold to honor my coat of arms of my family.You were radiant with your beauty and grace this was my prize. This above all jewerly and gold I would be given.They paled in comparison of you for you out shone the bright gold and jewels you was the jewel of my heart.
The banquet was set with platters of pork,beef, fowl and sweet breads of every kinds.Wines flowed like water .
The minstrels played and sang of the great deeds of the day.Then the dancer danced to amuse us but my eyes were only on you my love my prize above all the rest .I was awarded my spoils of the day with great fanfare.
We had the priest to come up and marry us that night we retired to our quarters for our honeymoon.But that's a story for another time of our love and passion.
written by J.D.House

© Copyright 2004 j.d.house (j.d.house at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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