Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/901083-The-Prodigal-Son
Rated: E · Script/Play · Children's · #901083
not quite how you've heard it before
-or- Is This How to Honor Father & Mother?

*Smile* CHARACTERS *Smile*:
Greedy Son
Perfect Child
Rotten Friend
Nice Friend

Greedy Son & Rotten Friend come up to parents.

GREEDY SON: I’m tired of hanging around here. It's boring. There’s nothing to do. You guys never let me do anything. Gimme the money you’ve been saving for me. I’m outa here!

PERFECT CHILD & NICE FRIEND: Why don’t you grow up? You should be just like us!

ROTTEN FRIEND: Hurry up! We’re gonna be late for the party! You got the money? We’ll pick up that awesome video game, too- you know the one... “Slaughter. Maim & Kill”?

MOTHER: (weeping) Oh, please don’t go. My baby! My baby!

FATHER : (handing son the money) Here. Don’t spend it all in one place. [Greedy Son & Rotten Friend go off]

SERVANT: (Speaking to audience) After a lot of partying, they ran out of money. Serves ‘em right!

ROTTEN FRIEND: Come on! Gimme some more cash! I’m starving!

GREEDY SON: I’m broke. It's your turn to buy.

ROTTEN FRIEND: No way! What do you think I am- the bank? Bye! (Friend leaves)

SERVANT: Having no money and no friends, he ends up working on a farm shoveling... well, you know what they shovel.

PERFECT CHILD & NICE FRIEND: Serves him right. That’s all he was ever good for!

MOTHER: (weeping) Oh, my baby! My baby!

FATHER: That’s my boy!

GREEDY SON: (Speaking to audience) This is crazy! I’d rather be bored at home than be shoveling.., well, you know what they shovel! Besides, the food here stinks. I’m going home! (He goes toward his parents)

SERVANT:Look who’s back! Yuck! What smells?

MOTHER: (weeping) Oh, my baby! My baby!

FATHER: (hugging Greedy Son & kissing him) Welcome home, boy!

GREEDY SON: I was a jerk, Dad. Sorry!

FATHER: We’re just glad you’re back in one piece. Let’s have a party!

[Father, Mother, Servant & Greedy Son start dancing around, arm in arm. Perfect Child & Nice Friend walk up.]

PERFECT CHILD: What’s going on?

SERVANT: (Pointing at Greedy Son.) Yon greedy son hath returned, so we’re having a party.

PERFECT CHILD: What? Hey! I’m a perfect child and you never gave a party for me and my friends!

NICE FRIEND: Yeah! What about us?

FATHER: Look- don’t worry. Everything I have here is yours, too. Your brother lost the money I gave him, but he’s still alive. There’s hope for him. Shouldn’t we celebrate?

PERFECT CHILD: Oh, gee, Dad. I never thought of it like that. Thanks for explaining it to me. (They join arms with the rest and dance off into the sunset.)


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