Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/901082-The-Firey-Furnace
Rated: E · Script/Play · Children's · #901082
Shadrach, Meschach & Abednego

King Nebuchadnezzar
Golden Idol

roll of foil to wrap idol
kazoos for musicians
weapons for guards
cards with #1, 2, 3
red tissue paper hanging in doorway for fire

(Idol is standing on a chair, surrounded by everyone except Shadrach, Meshach & Abednego)

Narrator :God’s people turned away from God and disobeyed Him, so God let King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon conquer them. He took captive the wealthy, educated people, leaving the poor to work the land. Then he had a 90 foot golden idol built.

Nebuchadnezzar:Anytime you hear the sound of the horn and pipe (musicians play) you must fall down to worship the Golden Idol. Whoever does NOT fall down and worship the golden image at the sound of horn and pipe (musicians play, everyone bows down before the idol) will be thrown into a blazing furnace.

Guards:(marching in) Aargh! Oh, King! Live forever! Shadrach (hold up #1), Meshach (hold up #2) and Abednego (hold up #3) are refusing to worship your image of gold.

Crowd: Oooooh!

Nebuchadnezzar: What! Bring those scurvy varmints to me! (the guard drags them in) Is it true, Shadrach (1), Meshach (2) and Abednego (3), that you refuse to fall down and worship my golden image whenever the music plays? (musicians play) If you don’t, you will be thrown into the blazing furnace!

Shadrach, Meshach & Abednego: (together with arms crossed) We will not bow down to your gods. The God we serve will save us!

Nebuchadnezzar:Guards! Stoke up that fire even hotter! (the guards throw in some more fuel) Throw Shadrach, Meshach & Abednego in!

Guards:Aargh! Certainly, Oh King! (they throw Shadrach, Meshach & Abednego in the fire co/lapsing from the heat. Jesus sticks his head out of the flames & waves to the crowd.)

Nebuchadnezzar:Hey! Didn’t we just throw three guys in the fire? Now I see four, and one looks like a son of the gods! Shadrach (stick #1 out of fire), Meshach (2) and Abednego (3), servants of the Most High God! Come out of there!

Narrator:Shadrach (1), Meshach (2) and Abednego (3) came out totally unharmed. They didn’t even smell like smoke! (They all walk out, raising hands over heads in victory.)

Nebuchadnezzar:Praise the God of Shadrach (1), Meshach (2) and Abednego (3)! He rescued His servants. They trusted their God and were willing to die rather than worship another god. Let no one say anything bad about their God, because no other god can save this way!

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