Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/900001-Love-in-the-Park
Rated: E · Short Story · Romance/Love · #900001
A boy who a akater and girl who is into school bcome friends and fall in love

Love in the Park

Justin lived to skateboard. He has been doing it since he was seven. People knew he was the best in town. Justin blew off everything to skateboard. . He was smart but he didn’t’ care enough about school to do his work. You see him and friends before school and at lunch in the parking lot skating. They usually drew a crowd. After school, you can find him at the park near his house. Justin got the attention of most of the girls in school because he was cute. He was around six feet tall with short black hair that ran below his cheeks. It usually had the bed head look to it. Justin was also muscular even though he did not work out it was from all the skating he did. Girls wanted to date him but when they realize he spent, ninety percent of his free time skating and not with them. They ended breaking up with him. Therefore, he decided to lay off women for a while.
Kristi was the opposite of Justin. She was into school. She spent her waking moments in school or helping with school sponsor events. If she was not at school, she was studying. She was hoping to get into Harvard when she graduated. This year at school, she was on student council and homecoming committee. Kristi looked like she could have stepped out of a magazine. She has long black hair that she spends at least an hour a day on it. She had fare color skin it would probably be pale if she didn't use self tan formula and her make up was put on perfect there was never a flaw. Kristi had her choice of any guy in school but she hated all boys at her school all of them treated her as if she was a piece of meat. They stood in her way. She just wanted to focus on getting into to collage so she choose not to date until she was done with high school.

Justin was skateboarding at the park when he first met Kristi. A couple of his friends were trying out some new tricks. Justin was sitting on the side watching them. He was thinking about what new tricks he could attempt. He scanned the park to hoping to find some equipment that he could attempt do a trick on. That is when he spotted Kristi walking across the park towards the swings.
Kristi was walking across the park. She was heading towards the swings. The swings were her favorite place to study. The park was beautiful place to be. There was tree all around you. You could smell the pine trees. Kids were always playing in the park. She would sit and watch them play if she was not studying. When she was kid, she came here a lot. . As she walked over to the swings, she noticed two kids playing in the sand box. They looked like they were brother and sister. They were making a castle. She sat down on the swing that was facing the basketball court were she saw three guys skating. A few feet from the basketball court was a jungle gym. A couple of kids were swing from the bars. She smiled at the thought of being able to do that again. She opened her textbook and started to study her bio. Today wasn’t’ the best day to be studying home because her family was fighting again. After a few minutes of studying someone came and sat in the swing next to her. She did not look up at first but she could see them out of the corner of her eye. The person kept going back and forth. She trying to ignore them but then the person started singing a song she realized it was a male. She kept taking glances at him as he swung by. Every time he passed her, he would sing a little bit louder. He was singing “pretty women”. She started laughing at him. She finally looked at him. He was one of the guys that was skating he continued singing. When the song was over he started the song over. Finally she gave up and closed her book
“May I help you,” She acted as if she was irritated at him but she was quite flattered he was tying to get her attention. He stopped swinging and stopped beside her.
“I just wanted to say hi,” He smiled. Normally she wouldn’t’ give him the time of day. She wasn’t’ into high school boys, they were irritating.
“Hi,” She replied. She was going to open her book again
“I’m Justin Tyler,” He replied “Your Kristi Ryan,” He smiled. She was flattered that he knew who she was. She looked at him again. The more she looked at him the more he became attractive to her. It was not the typical attraction even though he was cute. The vibe he sent off that made him attractive.
“I see you here a lot,” She replied
“Everyday,” He smiled “It’s my home away from home,”
“Yeah, I use to come here all the time,”
“What bring here tonight?” He asked
“Family issue I had to get out,” She wanted to stop herself. She was giving away to much information about her home life. She could not have family problems. What would people think if they knew her family life was not as perfect as her school life? “Please don’t’ say anything,” She asked
“You secret safe with me,” He replied. Normally she would not trust men but for some reason she trusted him. She then realized she wanted to now more about him. They ended up talking until almost ten. They realized that the park was empty including his friends They stared walked to the parking lot She only lived a couple of blocks away. He walked over to his car. He told her that he was here ever day after school if she wanted to stop by.
The next day she found herself making her way to the park. She did not know what it was about him that drew her in. She told herself that she was not going to get involved that they were only going to be friends. She walked over to him. He was happy to see her. For the next two years, they meet pretty much everyday after school. They ended up being best friends. After awhile she didn’t’ care what her other friends thought she just wanted to be around him. He believed in her when her ‘friends’ did not. She could confide him. She told him about her dreams and he supported her. He told her what his dreams were and she supported him. Very few people believed that he could be a pro skater. Kristi encouraged him to follow him dreams.
One day in October, Kristi showed up at the park. There was a few kids playing soccer but for the most part, it was to chili to be outside. .Kristi loved the weather it was her favorite time of year. The leaves on the tree were just turning red and yellow some of them were falling. She looked above her and a few of them fell to her feet. The weather was chili but she did not mind. She swung herself little. She kept looking up at the tree to admire its color. Time passed and Justin still was not there. It was usual for to be running late The only time he wasn’t at he park after school is when he had detention for skateboarding in the halls. He usually let her now when it happened. She looked at her watch and he was over an hour late. It was unusual for him not to show. Even his friends were not there. She was alone in the park. The kids playing soccer were gone. She looked at her watch again another half an hour passed by. Her stomach started to ache. Then the worst of seniors went through her head. What if something major happened to him? It made her even more nauseous. Then she was thinking what if she never saw him again. She cuffed her hands over her face and started to cry. She never realized how much she loved him until that moment. She swore she would never give her heart to someone but without thinking about, she did.
“Hey what’s up,” A voice replied. She looked up. Justin was standing over her. Kristi stood up and through her arms around him. She hugged him harder then she ever did before.
Justin was shocked. What was going on with her?
“You ok,” He asked her. Kristi stepped back. She realized he was dressed nicely. He was wearing a pair of blue jeans with a black shirt. He looked very handsome. She looked back at the ground.
“What’s going on?” He asked. She was upset. He had never seen her like this.
“Nothing know,” She sniffled but she wouldn’t’ look at him. .
He put his hand on her chin and raised her face. Her make up that once was perfect was with tear marks. Her face was red and her eyes were blood shot from crying
“Why were you crying?”
“When you didn’t meet me I though something happened to you,” She looked him in the eyes.
“I’m ok. I had a job interview in a skate shop that ran late,” He smiled at her. He was happy that she cared about him that much. She was moving the sand around with her foot. She looked like an innocent girl it was so sweet. He took a step closer to her. She looked up at him. “Come here,” He hugged her again. She rest her head on his chest. He held her.
Kristi could feel his warm body next to her. She pulled him a little closer. She could here his heart beating. He was keeping her warm. She didn’t’ expect it to be this cold. She looked up at Justin. He looked at her and put his hand on her cheek. He leaned down and kissed her. It was a soft kiss on the lips. She put her hands on his waist. He kissed her again this time she opened her lips a little more. There tongues met. When that happed her body exploded with excitement. She never felt this way before. She was so happy.
Justin kissed her and his body stared to exploding with excitement. He never though he could feel this way about a girl. He was so focused on his skateboarding that he didn’t’ want anything to interfere. At this time, he realizes he was in love with her. She gave him everything he needed. She was the perfect person for him
Kristi stepped back to catch her breath. He had to do the same. She sat down on the swing because her legs were becoming weak. He stepped closer to her. He leaned down and gave her a kiss on the lips. He grabbed the chains that was holding the swing and pushed her up in the airs. She smiled at him. She leaned down a gave him a kiss. He let go and moved the way of the swing. He stepped in the back of he swing a pushed he again. From that day on, they were inseparable.

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