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Severa was being consumed by darkness and only 4 people were willing to opose it. |
In Severa there has been chaos for years and years. The reason the darkness has become so powerful is because no one wants to fight the powers of darkness. They all fear that the darkness would destroy them. There are only 4 people who had the courage to face the darkness in Severa. They know that if no one tries to defeat the darkness then Severa will become a world fully engulfed by darkness. These people’s names are Durgoth a barbarian, Ranzen a mage, Anza an elf, and Bordar a dwarf. They first meet in a tavern in the town of Teran when creatures of darkness attacked the tavern that they were all in and everyone else fled except for them. Durgoth said I’m glad to see that there are other people who are willing to fight against the darkness. Ranzen and Anza said likewise and Bordar said I don’t care about the dark forces I just don’t like it when people interrupt me when I'm drinking. Then they attacked Durgoth charged with his swords raised cutting down everything in his path. Bordar was crushing the creatures with his powerful war hammer; Anza stayed back shooting with her bow. Ranzen stayed back with Anza using his magic to cripple the attacking creatures. After the battle Durgoth said that the four of them made a pretty good team. Anza and Ranzen agreed with him while Bordar just muttered what sounded like a yes. Then Ranzen said why don’t we go and try to help the other townspeople around here because the tavern isn’t the only place the creatures would have attacked. Durgoth, Anza, and Bordar agreed and they left the tavern and started looking for anyone who needed help. When they reached the blacksmiths shop they could hear and see that it was overrun by creatures. They all m charged in Durgoth unsheathed his swords and beheaded the first creature while Anza was stabbing creatures with her daggers. Bordar ran through the crowd hitting anything that was foolish enough to get in his path. Ranzen conjured up a spell that gave Durgoth, Anza, and Bordar increased strength. This allowed them to crush the creatures more easily. When one of the creatures snuck up to attack Ranzen he shouted the words KadraLa. He summoned a ball of light appeared in his hand then without a moment to waste he threw the ball of light at the creature. The ball hit the creature in the head which incinerated it instantly. They fought the creatures until they retreated for some reason. Then Durgoth said lets regroup so they stood side by side. Then Anza asked if they knew why the creatures retreated. She didn’t have to wait long for her answer because right after her question a huge troll came up to them carrying a club in his right hand. The troll was furious swinging its club at anything that moved he even hit one of his own. Then the troll fixed his eyes on them and began to swing his club at Durgoth. Durgoth ducked under the club and tried to cut the trolls arm off. The troll’s skin wasn’t like other trolls skin for it’s skin was as hard as stone. This caused Durgoths attack to have on affect on the troll. The troll swung the club back and Durgoth wasn’t as lucky as the first time the club hit him in his arm shattering the bone. Durgoth dropped his sword and fell to the ground while the others were still trying to penetrate the troll’s skin. The troll fixed his eyes on the wounded Durgoth who was sitting on the floor unable to move. The troll swung his club at Durgoth which would have been the final blow if it hadn’t been for Ranzen. Who jumped in front of Durgoth at the last second and set up a shield which blocked the trolls attack. Ranzen then turned back and asked Durgoth if he was ok while he still had the shield up. Durgoth just smiled and said I owe you my life friend. Bordar yelled I’d hate to brake up this talk of yours but we need help. Ranzen looked at Durgoth and even before he could get the words out Durgoth told him to go help the others. Ranzen nodded and then raced into the battle to help the others. He shouted to Bordar and Anza to move then said so this troll has skin like stone. Lets see if stone can stand up to fire and Ranzen said Dar-Inferna and flames came from his hands. He used the flames to damage the troll which sent the troll into a blind rage. Then Ranzen told Bordar and Anza to make him fall so the two of them ran behind the troll and hit him in the crease of his legs. This caused the troll to topple over and almost crush Bordar and Anza. Anza shouted at Ranzen and said you didn’t tell us he would fall that fast Ranzen. He said sorry and that he had no idea the troll would have fallen that fast. Then Ranzen ran over to where the troll was trying to get up but before he was able to Ranzen summoned forth another spell. This spell chained the troll down while he was still on fire which caused the troll to burn to death. Bordar said well that was exciting, Durgoth got up clenching his arm and Ranzen ran over to Durgoth and told him to stay still. He summoned up a healing spell on the arm which healed it perfectly to where Durgoth couldn’t believe it was ever broken. Bordar and Anza ran over to be where Ranzen and Durgoth stood. Right when they got there and finally back in a group they heard something running at them Durgoth ran and picked up his sword. Then they all prepared for combat but to there surprise it was only the blacksmith of the shop who apparently had been hiding during the attack. The blacksmith ran up to the four of them and was shouting thank you thank you. Then Durgoth asked the Blacksmith who he was. The Blacksmith replied I am Kenvar one of the worlds greatest blacksmiths. Then Kenvar went on to say for saving me I will make you the greatest armor and weapons you have ever seen. Then the four of them looked at each other and Durgoth said to the blacksmith that would be good. Then Kenvar went to work. He allowed them to rest in his house while he worked on there equipment. Kenvar worked for hours into the night but when morning arose it was all worth it. In the morning Durgoth, Ranzen, Anza, and Bordar went down to where Kenvar was working. When they got down there Kenvar greeted them with a happy smile and told them that he finished working on all there equipment. He first walked over to Durgoth and handed him a suite of armor and two swords that had golden dragon handles which were very rare in Severa. Then he went to Anza and handed her armor, a dozen arrows tipped with diamonds and two daggers with diamond blades which were also rare in Severa. Then he gave Ranzen armor and a staff with a dragon claw which was holding an orb which was admired by many. Then finally he arrived at Bordar he handed him his armor and a war hammer that was made to perfection which would make ever other dwarf they owned the hammer. They all thanked Kenvar for the weapons and armor. The looked at each other and knew now there journey could begin. Kenvar told them about the town of Tenka and how it was overrun with creatures. The four of them decided that Tenka was the best place to start. They left the shop and started on there way to the North where Tenka was. They walked for a few hours before they came to what looked like a goblin tribe. That was probably in alliance with the other dark creatures. They waited a few moments so that they could decide on the best way to attack. That’s when Ranzen said he could use his powers to cloak everyone so they could sneak up on the goblins. Anza said that was a good plan except she would stay here and shoot the goblins with her bow while they snuck up on them. Durgoth said ok so does everyone know what there suppose to do everyone replied with a nod. Ranzen used his magic and concealed Bordar, Durgoth, and himself. While Anza climbed up in a tree so she could get a clean shot. Then there attack began Durgoth, Bordar, and Ranzen ran up behind the goblins while Anza shot them with her bow. Anzas first shot pierced through two goblins with ease. Then the goblins ran in the direction Anza had fired and that’s when Durgoths, Bordars, and Ranzens attack began. They were demolishing the goblins from behind. When they turned around to try and fight them Anza shoot them with her bow. They kept this up until there was only one goblin left and then they revealed them selves and surrounded the goblin who seemed to be the weakling of the tribe. The goblin was scared and dropped down to its knees and said please don’t kill me. But they didn’t care what the goblin said Durgoth raised his blade and was prepared to end the goblins life. He swung his sword but right before the blow hit the goblin shouted out if you don’t kill me I tell you who’s behind the darkness that has overrun Severa. Durgoth stopped his attack and told the goblin to tell them what he knew. The goblin said the one who commands all the dark creatures is Varan a powerful man who’s never been defeated. Durgoth asked the goblin how Varan became the leader of the dark creatures. The goblin said he has powerful dark magic and great strength. He used his dark magic to take control of creatures and also used the magic to create his own minions. Durgoth looked at the goblin and the goblin said I told you now you will let me go. Durgoth said yes I am a man of my word I will not kill you. Then the goblin turned around and was about to run when Bordar crushed him with his hammer. Durgoth looked at Bordar and asked why he killed the goblin he told us everything we wanted to know. Bordar said think about it if we let the goblin live he may have just run back to Varan and told him about us. Durgoth just replied with a grin but he knew Bordar was right. They now know who’s responsible for the darkness that has been consuming Severa. Killing Varan may not get rid of all the other dark creatures but if they can kill Varan then maybe other people will step forward to fight the darkness. The four of them kept walking towards the north to reach Tenka so that they could rid the creatures that plagued it. They reached the town about night fall but part of town was on fire. They rushed for they knew if they didn’t hurry then the rest of the town would be burned. They ran into the town and Ranzen said Wa-tra which summoned water which he used to but out some of the burning houses. Anza was confused because she couldn’t figure out how all the houses had caught fire. She told Durgoth what she thought and he told her that he was wondering the same thing. They found there answer further into the town it was lava giants which were known for burning towns to the ground. As they watched the lava giants burn more houses Durgoth said how the hell are we suppose to defeat those. Ranzen said that he could summon a spell that would turn there blades of steel to blades of water but only for a short time. They all agreed that was the best thing they could do. Ranzen summoned the spell which turned there steel to water. Once the spell was complete they all charged at the lava giants and Border was the first to connect with a blow and the lava giant roared in pain. The leg that Border had hit was turning to steam and evaporating. The lava giant lost its balance and fell to the ground where Durgoth finished it off by slicing it with his swords. Anza threw her daggers through one of the lava giants head evaporating it almost instantly. Then Anza ran and picked her daggers up. There was only one lava giant left but before they could attack the giant the spell wore off and they found themselves unable to attack. Durgoth yelled back to Ranzen and said can’t you cast another spell. Ranzen replied with a weary voice saying that he was too weak to cast another spell. I probably won’t be able to cast another spell until I’ve rested. Durgoth didn’t say anything and then he spotted a lake a little further into the town. He yelled to Anza and Bordar telling them to lure the lava giant towards the lake. They lured the lava giant by using themselves as live bait. They were successful in getting the lava giant to the lake but they couldn’t get it into the water. That’s when they heard Ranzen yell move and the three of them got out of the way. They saw Ranzen standing up and it looked like he was summoning another spell. They were right because a second after they moved they saw a ball of energy that came from Ranzen which was heading straight for the lava giant. The energy ball hit the lava giant in the back. The blast sent the giant flying into the water turning its body to steam. Durgoth, Anza, and Bordar ran back to where Ranzen was but when they got there Ranzen collapsed, Durgoth caught him. Durgoth asked him what was wrong and Ranzen said in a low voice that was almost inaudible. That he closed his eyes asleep. Durgoth carried him as they looked for a place to rest. They came to the last house in the town and saw that people were leaving it who they assumed were the inhabitants of the town. The four of them ran to the towns people and were asking them if they had a place that they could let Ranzen rest. Everyone was ignoring them because they were looking for where the giants had gone. They thought no one was going to help them until a woman came to them and told them that they could rest in her house. They followed the women to her house and she made Ranzen a bed where Durgoth set him down to rest. After they left the room to let him rest the woman asked them if they were the ones who got rid of the fire creatures. They replied with a nodding yes and the woman went on to say thank you thank you. Durgoth asked the woman what her name was and she said oh my name is Xera. Durgoth then asked her if she knew where the lava giants came from. Xera told him that she wasn’t for sure but she did tell him that they came somewhere form the west. Xera then told him that there was a town in the west that might also be in trouble. Durgoth went to tell Anza about what Xera said and they agreed that it would be best if that’s where they went once Ranzen wakes up. They asked Bordar what he thought but all the dwarf did was give a grunt which they took as a yes. So it was decide that once Ranzen woke up they would head west. Ranzen woke up at noon the next day. When he woke up he looked around for the others. Durgoth and Anza saw Ranzen walk out of the room and they ran to ask him if he was felling better. Ranzen told them that he was feeling much better than last night. Ranzen then asked where Bordar is and they told him that he was probably out walking around. Then Durgoth told Ranzen that they were going to the town in the west. Ranzen asked Durgoth what the name of the town was and Durgoth looked clueless then said oh I don’t’ know but I know who does. So they started looking for Xera and found her outside talking to Bordar. They walked up to her and asked her what the name of the town in the west was. Xera said oh yeah I forgot to tell you that as well it’s Nera. Xera also told them that she heard people talking about someone named Varan. The four of them looked at one another before they asked Xera what she heard about him. She said that people were talking about how the guy named Varan was just in the town of Nera. The four of them said good bye to Xera and started heading towards Nera. The walked out the west side of Tenka. They were moving as fast as they could through the forest which they had to go through to reach Nera. They were rushing so fast that they would have completely missed a group of bandits if the Bandits hadn’t of gotten in there way. The bandits said it costs five gold pieces to pass unless you want to fight. The four of them knocked the bandits out with ease. Anza asked Ranzen if they could have been working for Varan. Ranzen told her that they weren’t they were just some stupid bandits who thought they could make money by charging a toll to get through the forest. They kept walking until they came to a cliff with a 60ft drop into water. They had to cross a bridge to get across but when they were about half way they saw a Minotaur. Who was lifting the logs out of the ground that tethered the bridge down. They ran as fast as they could but they weren’t fast enough the Minotaur lifted the log out sending the four of them falling into the ocean. They would have slammed into the river if Ranzen hadn’t used his magic to levitate them to the shore. When they were on the shore they were all looking for a way to get back up the cliff. Border asked Ranzen if he could levitate them up to the top. Ranzen said he wasn’t sure if he could make it and didn’t want to try because if he couldn’t then they would be falling again without any way out of it. Then Durgoth said well looks like were going to do this the old fashioned way and climb. Ranzen, Bordar, and Anza had no choice but to agree with Durgoth because it was the only way even if they really didn’t want to. They were getting ready to climb when Ranzen told them don’t worry if you lose your grip if you fall I will be able to levitate you until you grab hold of the rocks again. Then right as they grabbed hold of the rocks a giant creature came out of the river it was a sebaz. They let go of the rocks and prepared themselves for battle. The sebaz was one of the most feared creatures on Severa. It had teeth that could bite through rock, it was 40ft long, and was able to shoot energy from its mouth. The sebaz tried to bite them but they were able to dodge the creatures attack and all it got was a mouthful of rocks. The sebaz opened its mouth and was getting ready to fire an energy ball. Ranzen told everyone to gather around him. When the sebaz shot its energy ball at them Ranzen set up a shield that protected them. Durgoth was looking at the height of the sebaz when he had gotten an idea. He told the others that when the sebaz came back down to throw him on its head. Anza said what are you thinking but Durgoth said there’s no time and he was right the sebaz was coming at them again. The sebaz attacked and Ranzen and Anza threw Durgoth on the sebaz head and Durgoth took his sword and stabbed the sebaz several times in the head killing it. Durgoth used his weight to cause the sebazs body to land against the cliff. That’s when the others realized what Durgoths plan had been he was using the sebazs body as a ladder to get to the top. Ranzen, Anza, and Bordar climbed up the sebaz to get to where Durgoth was. When they reached the top Durgoth told them that they still weren’t at the top. Then Ranzen said I think I can levitate us the rest of the way up. The others told him to go for it so Ranzen summoned the spell and levitated them up to the cliff. When they were finally back on top of the cliff they saw the Minotaur that was responsible for all the trouble they went through. They charged at the Minotaur in a blind rage and were able to slay it after they slayed the Minotaur they headed for Nera. When they reached the town they saw the horror half the town had been demolished. They ran to where the villagers were and asked them what happened. The villagers spoke with horror stricken faces and said Varan passed through here with his minions wiping out everything in his path we didn’t have a chance. Durgoth asked them where Varan went and they said to the mountain of blood. Durgoth, Anza, Ranzen, and Bordar ran to towards the mountain of blood. The mountain of blood got its name because of all the blood that was shed on the mountain. They knew that they would have to wipe out all the minions Varan had with him before they could fight him. They still ran towards the mountain knowing that it may even lead to there deaths. They ran as fast as they could and nonstop which paid off they could see Varans minions. Anza stopped and pulled out her bow and started bombarding the creatures with arrows. Varan saw the arrows and sent half of his minions to tear them to shreds. After Anza fired her last bow she pulled out her daggers. Durgoth unsheathed his swords. Bordar was ready to hit the first thing he saw, and Ranzen had already summoned a fireball to throw at the creatures. The minions charged at them there were all different type’s skeletons, Minotaur, goblins and other creatures. There were dozens but that didn’t stop Durgoth, Anza, Ranzen, and Bordar from attacking. Ranzen ran at them while throwing fireballs. Durgoth was slashing anything that moved. Anza was stabbing her opponents in the neck killing them almost simultaneously. Bordar was crushing there. Durgoth was surrounded by a group of minions so he held his swords and started slashing rapidly. Anza was continually stabbing the minions that challenged her. Bordar was crushing bodies left and right. Ranzen yelled out serlight and a blinding light covered the battlefield and wiped out all the undead creatures. The others were still attacking the creatures the four of them fought the creatures until they were certain they were all destroyed. Then they went after Varan they caught up with him again and he sent the rest of his minions to fight them. Apparently Varan saved his strong creatures for last. They were facing giants, lava giants, rock giants, and forest giants. Durgoth swung his blades at the rock giant but he was only able to crack it sot he continually attacked the leg until he cracked it more and more but right when he was about to break it the rock giant went on the offensive. The rock giant was trying to crush Durgoth which made it impossible for him to get close enough to break the leg. Anza looked at Durgoth and was trying to think of a way to help him when she spotted one of her arrows and she tossed it to Ranzen and told him to use his magic to propel the arrow at the Rock giant’s leg. Ranzen did as Anza said and used his magic to propel the arrow at the rock giant’s leg and when it hit it broke the rock giant leg causing the giant to fall and break into pieces. Then Ranzen looked at the lava giant and looked at the forest giant and yelled to Anza, Durgoth, and Bordar to force the forest giant back a little. They did what Ranzen said but they didn’t understand why they were doing it. Then when Anza, Durgoth, and Bordar had pushed the forest giant where Ranzen wanted the forest giant. He summoned an energy ball and shot I tat the lava giant which forced the lava giant back some but not as far as he wanted it so Ranzen summoned another energy ball which did what Ranzen wanted it to do. The attack caused the lava giant move back crashing into the forest giant sending them both crashing to the ground. The lava giant had burned the forest giant to death so now all they had to do was finish off the lava giant and then they could go deal with Varan. Although there plan for the lava giant burning the forest giant worked what they didn’t count on was that the lava giant became stronger after it burned the forest giant to death. Ranzen summoned up a water spell but it didn’t have any affect. The lava giant charged at Ranzen setting on fire everything he steeped on. Ranzen was able to dodge his attack and ran over to where the others were. Ranzen asked them if they had any idea on how they could defeat the lava giant. Anza said what about turning the swords to water Ranzen said that was a great idea. Ranzen summoned the spell and turned there blades to water again the four of them ran at the lava giant and slashed at him but no matter how many attacks hit the lava giant the water blades seemed to have no affect. Durgoth said anyone else have any ideas Bordar looked at Ranzen then asked him can you change are weapons back to steel then increase the strength them. Ranzen said yes but what will that do. Bordar told him just to trust him so Ranzen put his faith in Bordar and summoned the spells. Then Bordar told the others one get behind him one on the left and the other on the right I will be in the front. Bordar yelled everyone in there positions they all said yes so Bordar told them when I say strike hit the ground as hard as you can. The lava giant came towards Bordar but he waited until the lava giant was a little close and then he yelled strike. They all hit the ground which caused the ground to give way and the lava giant fell into the hold and couldn’t climb out because it was too deep. Ranzen told Bordar that was a great plan and now they could finally fight Varan. They raced up the mountain of blood until they reached the top where Varan was waiting for them. Varan said I see you have defeated my minions but you won’t be able to defeat me. The four of them said well see about that and Varan replied yes we shall. Durgoth charged at Varan and went to hit him with his sword but Varan used his dark magic to teleport himself behind Durgoth and then punched Durgoth in the back causing Durgoth to fall to the ground. The others ran to Durgoths aid and asked him if he was alright he told them he’d be fine but he didn’t know how Varan was able to do that. Ranzen said what we have heard is true he has powerful dark magic and the strength to back it up. Anza said well what can we do to stop him Ranzen replied her answer by saying it will take everything we have. After Durgoth got back up he said so how should we attack him Ranzen said any way possible the others said that’s fine with me. Durgoth ran up and slashed at him with both his swords but once again Varan countered his attack. Bordar ran up to hit him with his hammer but he was to slow and Varan almost threw him off the cliff. Ranzen summoned forth a lightning bolt but Varan summoned another lightning bolt that was more powerful than Ranzens and broke Ranzens lightning bolt and shocked Ranzen but he survived the blast. Anza ran up with her daggers and tried to slash him but he moved out of the way but after he dodged her slash she threw one of her daggers at his leg connected because he was caught off guard. Then they regrouped now Varan wouldn’t be as fast as before because Anza was successful in injuring him. Durgoth and Bordar both charged at Varan and would have connected with there attacks if Varan hadn’t of set up a shield to protect himself. Now his magic was the only thing protecting him. They charged at Varan over and over but they couldn’t penetrate his shield. Then Varan used his magic to give himself wings that made him as fast as he was before Anza injured him. Varan flew at them and created a sword out of energy and attacked them. Durgoth tried to block his attack but Varans blade was more powerful then Durgoths and shattered his sword. Anza charged at him while he was concentrating on Durgoth and tried to put a whole in his wings to slow him down but he expected her and threw Durgoth at her knocking them both to the ground. Ranzen summoned a binding spell but his magic wasn’t strong enough to hold him and Bordar tried to attack him while Varan was trying to break Ranzens binding spell but before he could hit Varan he broke Ranzens binding spell and dodged Bordars attack. Then they all regrouped again but they all were becoming fatigued while Varan looked as though he had just started fighting. They all charged at once Ranzen swung his staff, Bordar swung his war hammer, Anza slashed with her dagger, and finally Durgoth was slashing at Varan but Varan dodged all there attacks and then shot an energy blast which hit all of them. The four of them crawled back up and were panting for they were taking a beating and Varan had hardly a scratch on him. Then Ranzen said are you guys willing to do whatever it takes to defeat Varan and free Severa from the darkness. They all said anything good then here’s what were going to do I need you all to hold Varan down. Now before we do this I just want to let you know that fighting with you all has been the best. Durgoth, Anza and Bordar said that they too had a great time fighting alongside one another. Then Ranzen said well here we go and summoned a shield around the top of the mountain of blood. Everyone all over Severa saw the shield and was watching to see what would happen. Durgoth jumped up and grabbed Varan by the legs and brought him down, and then Anza and Bordar grabbed his arms and waist. Varan was struggling, he used his magic to stab Durgoth, Bordar, and Anza but they didn’t let go. They held him down and then Ranzen jumped and grabbed Varan around the neck and then he tried to make them release him by using his magic to damage them. Then Ranzen summoned the spell Zoblitera. Durgoth’s, Anza’s, Bordar’s, and Ranzen’s body started to glow with pure light. Their bodies exploded, killing themselves and Varan. Ranzens shield protected anyone outside of the mountain top. Durgoths, Anzas, Bordars, and Ranzens sacrifice was not in vain for they succeeded in destroying Varan and ridding Severa of a great darkness. Everyone in Severa saw the blinding light and knew that it was the four heroes that had already done so much good in Severa. They built great statues of Durgoth, Anza, Bordar, and Ranzen on the top of the mountain of blood where everyone in Severa could see them. The statues represented that darkness will never consume Severa as long as there are people willing to fight against it. |