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Rated: 18+ · Short Story · Romance/Love · #898751
Short Story about a girl who chases a boy and wins his heart in one night
I stood at the edge of the crowd. I watch four boys walking to the center of the demo. I have been to numerous stake board demos the only reason I come is to watch him. His Name is Eric Knight. He is so gorgeous I see his lips and I want to kiss him. His body was muscular he was always skating. His hair was longer then I remembered it was barely over his eyes. It was longer in the back. He put on his hat backwards it makes him sexier because you can see his heavenly blue eyes. I cannot help but smile at him. The crowd is going crazy for them. They just started getting into demo.
His father was one the one that sponsored them. They made it this far. I really hope they make it pro. The demo started I cannot keep my eye of him He flies through the air as if he has wings. He always amazes me. The crowd was thrilled with their performance. . My best friend grabs me by the arm and drags me off the demo area. We walk toward the tour buses.
“What are we doing?” I asked
“You are going to meet you prince charming and I’m going to meet his friend Rod Davis,” She replied
“No come on,” I started to walk away. “We have been following them all summer. This is our last chance.
She made her way through the crowd. I see the team sitting under a tent. I cannot help but stare. He was smiling while was talking to some fans. He was signing some autographs for some kids. When he smiles, it becomes contiguous. He looked my way. I just smiled back. My friend walked over to him He finished signing autographs and both of them walk this way.
“Eric I would like you to meet Raven,”
“Raven this is Eric,” She replied
“Hi,” I shook his hand.
“My best friend and I have been following you all summer,’
“I knew you two looked familiar,” He smiled.
“I’m leaving you two to talk. I’m going to find Rod,” She left us.
My friend Angie was not easily embarrassed.Whith her looks she could get anything she wanted She can have any guy she wanted. She wanted Rod I am sure they will hook up for at least tonight. Some people came up to him and he signed some more autographs.
“Do you want to go somewhere,” He asked
We went to his car. Honestly, I have had a hundred conversations with him in my head. However, at this particular moment I could not speak. He took of his shirt and put on a new one. His body was so hot. He had a tattoo of barbwire around his right arm and one of a Raven on his back shoulder. He was so tan from this summer. He but on a black shirt that had a Raven on it. The Raven was his trademark. He had it on all his equipment. He brushed his hair out of his face.
“Do you skate?” He asked leaning against his car.
“No, I just watch,” I smiled. I knew he was thinking I was just a groupie. “I’m not a groupie. I just follow you,” I smiled a little embarrassed
“Really,” He shock his head impressed
“I saw you two years ago in San Antonio and I though you were amazing,”
“Thanks,” He smiled at me. He was squinting because of the sun. “My friend and I are from Tyler,”
“Do you want to get something to eat?”
“Sure,” I replied, “I think Angie will be busy for awhile,” I replied
“If Rod has anything to do with it you probably wouldn’t see her until tomorrow,”
“Yeah,” I said softly
He opened the car door for me. We drove out of the parking lot. We drove down the coast. Unwritten Law was playing in his CD player. His car was an old Mustang Convertible He had the top down. The wind was blowing through the car. I looked over at him. His hair was blowing in his face. He was so cute. He looked at me.
We pulled up to a café that was by the beach. It over looked the ocean.
“I come here every time I’m in town,” He walked in. The server behind him counter recognized him.
“Hey,’ she replied coming out from behind the counter.
“Hey Lisa,” He hugged her. “It about time you come and saw me. How long are you in town?”
“Tonight maybe tomorrow,” He looked at me. She showed us a table out back that had a perfect view of the ocean. I was trying to take it all in. I never been this close to the ocean before it was the most amazing thing I ever saw. Lisa brought us to menus.
“So have you heard if you have been picked up yet?” I asked
“We haven’t. We have one more demo in LA in a couple of days if we don’t get picked up then I have no idea what will do,”
“You guys are born to skate you’ll get picked up,”
“I hope so. We have been at this two years. Some people were interested but it has fallen through,”
“How long have you been skating?” I asked
“I’ve been skating since I was twelve but we been competing since I was fifteen,”
“That has to be amazing,”
“It is I can’t think if anything better then doing this the rest of my life,”
Some kids approached us form the beach with there skateboard.
“Can we have your autograph,” One of the boys said.
“Sure,” He got a pen out. He signed the kid boards. “Thanks,” The other boy replied
“Sorry,” He replied
I was amazed how he was to his fan. He cared about his fans. I read in article It read that he realize on his fans without his fans he was nothing. I though that was cool
“Don’t worry about it,” I took a drink of my coke
“So why did you follow us around all year and know I meet you,”
“I was scared of meeting you,”
“I don’t bite,” He smiled at me.
“I know,” I laughed.
“I’m glad we met,”
“Me too,”
Lisa brought us our food. We talked all through super. We talked about Texas. He was still living in San Antonio. We talked about what about Texas. He told me he wanted to move to Colorado someday. I wanted to live there someday also. We talked about our family. He told me his older brother got him into to skate boarding. How his parents believed he should follow his dream. Compared to him my life was boring.
“What are you doing?” I asked He was drawing on his napkin.
“Wait I’m almost done,” He kept his eyes down. “So are you heading to LA tomorrow?” I asked
“I haven’t decided yet,” He looked at me for a second. Then he looked back down at the napkin.
“Here,” He lifted up the napkin “I carry the marker around for more then autographs,” he drew a cartoon picture of me sitting there. He drew it with hearts floating around my face. I started to blush
“Hey guys I hate to break up the party but we are closing up?” Lisa replied
Eric gave her a hug goodbye and signed some posters for her. She wanted to hang them on her wall because she knew was going to be famous someday Then she can saw she knew him when. He laughed at her. We walked to his car He drove to the parking lot that was right buy the beach. We were under a light. I could see his face. I wanted to kiss him so bad. I didn’t’ know what he was thinking. He climbed in the back seat
:”Come here,” I crawled in the back with him. We were sitting closer I can almost feel his shoulder touching mine.
“I can’t get enough of the stars,” I replied looking up at them.
“Me neither,” I could feel him look at me. I looked at him. He was about to kiss me when A car pulled into the parking lot highlights hit us. I covered my eyes. Two guys got out and an headed to the beach. I looked back at him.
“Give me your arm,” He replied. I pulled up my sleeve and gave him my arm. He started to draw on it. He started to draw a Raven.
“Why is your name Raven,” I looked at his shirt. “You named yourself after…” He didn’t finished the sentence
“The friend you met early named me that because after I started to like you I started to ware Raven stuff all the time. Then she started to call me Raven,”
“Raven is the best poem in the world,” He said why he was drawing
“Yeah I feel in love with that poem when I was a freshman in high school,”
“Done” I looked it. I was a raven “Since your doing tattoos I always wanted one on my arm. Barbwire like yours,” I smiled I took of my jacket and lifted up my sleeve he drew a tattoo on my arm
“Here,” He handed me a the pen
“I can’t draw,”
“So,” He held out his forearm. I drew a smiley face on his arm then initial it.
“Nice,” He replied
“He saw my initials, “
“What’s you real name”
“Hallie Nelson,” I replied
“I like that name,” He leaned closer to me.
“Thanks,” I leaned closer to him. He kissed me. I put my hand on his cheek and kissed him back. He ran his hand down my back and pulled me closer. I almost forgot to breath. His touch sent chills through my body. The rest of the night we made out and drew on each other. We fell asleep in his car. I woke up and looked around the sun was just coming up.
“Good morning,” I head Eric replay
“Good morning,” I could not help but smile.
We went back to his hotel. We went up to his room. I need to take a shower. I did not know where Angie ended up I will call her later. He handed me a pair of his he jeans an shirt. I went in the bathroom. His things were lying on he sink. I was actually hanging with Eric Night, I made out with Eric Knight. I looked in the mirror I was smiling so big. I started the shower. I could remember how his lips felt on mine how his hand touched me. I was washing of the tattoos. I felt his touch again. It was soft and tender every time. I got out of the shower and got dressed. I went out to the living room Eric was on his cell phone. He walked over to me. He kissed me. He was ignoring who ever was on the other line. I kissed him back. He hung up on the person.
“Good you look sexy in my clothes”
“I’m sure you say that to all the girls,” I smiled
“I do but you I really mean it,” He kissed me again. There was a knock on the door.
“Room service,” He smiled. He went and answered it. The server brought in the food. Eric signed for it. I sat on the bed and took the lid off the plates. It was pancakes. I took one, rolled it up, and began to eat it. Eric was laughing at me.
“I’m so hungry,” I replied with a mouth full of food. He picked up the other pancake and did the same thing. I laughed at him. He sat beside me he grabbed me and pulled me back. He started kissing me. His cell phone went off.
“Dude where you are,” I heard he person say on the other line
“Dude don’t’ worry about it,” He replied holding the phone form his ear.
“Dude you getting some,”
“Dude don’t worry about it,”
“Eric getting lucky,” He started singing
“I’m hanging up know,” He shut his phone and through it on the other bed. He began kissing me. He got up and went to take a shower. I turned on the TV. All of sudden there was loud bangs on the door it was more then one person
“Dude we know you’re in there. Get dressed and let us in,” One of the guys replied> I went and answered the door Two guys had his there face to the door.
“Hi,” I replied
“Hi I’m Corey,” One guy held out his hand. They way he was acting he must have been the one on the phone. I have seen him around he was always trying to get into someone pants. To me Corey was a little disgusting look like he has not showered in days.
“Hi I’m Matt.” Matt held out his hand I shook it. Matt was cute also. He was taller then everyone. He had short brown hair. He looked like he showered regularly. He had a cute smile.
Rod came on followed by Angie. Rod was a little mature then the rest. He was like the keeper of the group. He was few inches taller then but really skinny. He had longer blond hair. He was the strong silent type that why girls were attractive to him. It didn’t’ hurt that he had cute eye. They were green with a hint of brown.
“What’s going on?” He asked
“Not much,” I replied. Matt and Corey started eating the breakfast
“Sorry for the posers,” Rod replied
The two guys looked at him
“Hey what’s going on?” Angie gave me that look of worried
Eric came out of the bathroom. He looked shock to see everyone there.
“I told someone got lucky,” Corey replied eating some French toast
“Way to go man,” Matt replied
Eric looked embarrassed. Corey and Matt started fighting on one of the beds.
“Come on we got to talk,” Angie took my hand and we went out to the hall
“What happen last night?” She asked.
“Nothing happened we just talked,” She looked at me as if she did not believe me.
“Maybe a little more but it’s not what you think.”
“Ok,” If you say so. She still was a little spurious
“What about you?”
“You don’t’ want to know,” She rubbed the back of her neck
“Enough said,” I smiled
“What the hell are you wearing?” She grabbed my jeans
“There Eric’s,”
“I can see that,” She smiled. “You have to learn to carry a bag of clothes with you,” She replied
“Unlike you I don’t spend every nigh at a different guys house,”
“Harsh” She said
“Sorry,” I put my arm around her. “There this thing in LA tomorrow I was hoping we could go?” I asked
“Sure why not,” She replied
“Thanks,” I gave her a hug
We were walking back into the room. Shane came out. Angie hit him in the shoulder on the way by before she went into the hotel room
“Oww," What was that about,” He asked walking closer to me
“It’s Angie,” I smiled. I put my arms around his neck. He put his hand on my waist. “I was hoping it was ok if we tagged along to LA,”
“Yeah I think that will be ok,” He leaned down and gave me a kiss.
“Come on get a room,” Corey yelled out the door.
“I had a room till some one invaded it,” He replied
Someone grabbed Corey and yanked him back in the room. I laughed at Corey
“I need new friends,’ He smiled

We arrived in LA the next day. Riding in a car with them was blast. Angie and Rod followed us in my car. We got to the demo. The guys signed in. We made our way to the back part. The guys were practicing. Angie and I watched.
“I think I officially became a groupie,” Angie replied looking at Rod.
“Welcome to the club,” I put my arm around here. We hung out back stage we actually met some of the pro skaters. When it was there turn. We joined the crowed. I was so excited about the whole thing. After the demo, we met the guys back stage. I congratulated them on a good job.
“The last one of the summer,” He replied “But this time I’m glad I’m going home,”
We decided to spend the night in LA before heading back to Texas. We ended up on at the beach. We built a bomb fire. The guys were goofing around. They were cool. Angie and I sat by the campfire watching the guys playing football. I thanked her for making this trip with me. She told me as much as she didn’t’ want to do it at the beginning she was glad she did. Rod came over to us. He fell beside Angie. He was out of breath.
“You got to stop with those cancer sticks,’ Eric replied
“Whatever dude,” He pulled a cigarette pack out of his pocket. .
Eric held out his hands. He helped me up We ran down the beach into the ocean. I was warm. I put my arm around his neck he held me up. We started kissing. He started to kiss my neck. I ran my fingers through his hair.
“I could stay like this forever,” I whispered
He looked at me I could see he felt the same way. I kissed him on the lips. After we got out of the ocean we sat by the bomb fire everyone was enjoying there summer. The guys were somewhat sad they did not get a sponsor but they were happy to have last summer of freedom before reality hit and they have to get real jobs. After the bomb fire, we went to the hotel. We got a room to ourselves. He dead bolted it so no one could get in. He did not trust the guys. I went into the bathroom and changed. When I got back out Eric was already in bed. I started to kiss him. He kissed me back he did not have a shirt on I ran my hands down his muscular chest. I laid on my back he laid over me. I felt his hand run down my neck over my breast. I ran my hands down his back and back up. I took of my shirt. He kissed my neck and my chest. He kissed my stomach. He pulled down my panties. He took off his shorts. I was shaking. He started kissing me again.
“I have to tell you something” I replied
“What?” He looked at me worried.
“This is my first time,”
He though about it for a few seconds “You mean ever?”
He had his had on my stomach he was running up and down.
“Can we just go slow,” I asked
He made love to me that night. He was kind and thoughtful. It was better then I could imagine my first time to be. After we made love, he held me. We fell asleep. The next morning I woke up. I heard the guys skating in the halls. I got dressed and went out in the hall. Corey flew by me almost running me down. Eric flew down the hall on his skateboard. He wrapped his arm around and I stopped him
“Good morning,” I smiled
“Hi,” He gave me a kiss
“Come we got to hit the road,” Matt replied out of his hotel room.
“Ok,” We went back in the room. My cell phone went off a few minutes later.
“We’ll catch you guys in Tyler,” Angie replied “Say good bye boys,”
“Bye,” I heard the guys yelled
I hung up the phone.
“Who was that?” Eric asked
“Angie and the guys. I guess we are driving solo to Texas,” I smiled
“That not a bad thing,” He walked over to me and pulled me to on the bed.

Two days later we ended up in Tyler when we got to Angie and mine apartment the guys took it over. They had crashed in the living room. They were playing X Box. They were going to stay a couple more days in Tyler. I walked out to his car. We were alone the guys were still messing around
“I don’t’ want you to go?” I replied resting my head on his chest
“I’ll be back in a couple of weeks,” I looked at him. He was just as sad of leaving as I was of him leaving.
Angie and I watched our guys pull away she put her arm around me. I rest my head on he shoulder.
“Ice Cream,” She asked
“Yes,” I groaned.

Two weeks passed. I talked to Eric almost every day since he left. I was hoping he was coming this weekend. I was eating ice cream reading the funny pages when the phone rang I was hoping it was Eric It was him.
“Hey,” He replied
“Hi,” I smiled
“What are you doing?”
“Is Angie around?”
“You and her pack your bags we are going on a little trip,” He replied “I’ll pick you up in about an hour,” HE sounded happy
I ran into Angie’s room and woke her up. I told her what Eric said she and packed our clothes. The phone rang. It was Eric again, he told us to meet him out front. I walked out front there was tour bus. He was standing in front of it. Rod and Eric walked up to us.
“We were hoping you ladies wouldn’t mind coming with us,” Rod asked
“Duh,” Angie hit Rod. Angie handed him her bags. They went to the bus
“So what do you think?” He stepped closer to me.
“Duh,” I smiled putting my arms around his neck and kissed him.
© Copyright 2004 jade rose (janna at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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