Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/898253-Locket-Of-Friendship
Rated: 13+ · Novel · Teen · #898253
A girl's mother is murdered, but by the last suspect.
Ashlee had, what seemed, like an amazing life. At school she seemed so together and calm. She had so many friends and a lot of guys liked her. Many girls said they wanted to be like her because she acted like she loved life and nothing could go wrong. Life at home wasn't so glorious. Her mom and dad had argued everyday for the past month and Ashlee hated it. She thought it was all her fault and hated herself for it.

Ashlee had missed school for a week and everyone was worrying. Once she came back to school, Ashlee was a wreck. Her best friend, Courtney, immediatley asked her what was wrong. All Ashlee could do was burst into tears, she couldn't tell Courtney what happened that night.

"I can't tell you. I'm just not ready to talk about it."

"I understand, but if you need me, I'm here for you," Courtney said.

Over the next week, Ashlee looked worse and worse. On Friday she was finally ready to tell Courtney what had happened.

"I came home from school and my parents were arguing again. Mom said dad hated her and he said he did. She cried and cried and I told Dad it was a horrible thing to say. He said 'Shut the hell up Ashlee. You're the whole reason we argue. Sit in the damn chair. I'm going to show you and your mother how much I love her.' I wouldn't sit in the chair. I knew something was going to happen. He grabbed my arms and threw me pretty far and I slammed against the counter. All I could do was lay on the ground in pain. He grabbed a knife from the drawer and stabbed my mom. It wasn't in her liver though. He wanted her to suffer the pain that he, supposedly, suffered all through their marriage. I couldn't move, I just cried. Then, coming to my senses, I got up as fast as I could and ranj to the phone to call 911. My dad got to me before I got a chance to dial. He threw me to the ground and grabbed the phone, I figured it was so I couldn't call the police. But then, he," she stopped. She tried to say what happened, but Courtney couldn't understand her through her tears. Finally, she was able to say it, "He went over to my mom and, what he calls, finished the job and beat my mom with the phone. I all I could do was cry as I watch my mom get beat to death by my DAD!"

Ashlee cried and all Courtney could was try and comfort her and tell her she would always be there for her. Courtney was sure if she should ask any questions, but she needed to know if Ashlee's dad was in jail.

"I know you're in pain, but I have to ask. What happened to your dad?"

Ashlee cried some more for a couple of minutes and finally said, "My neighbors heard the screams and came banging on the door. My dad stared at the door and then to me. He jumped on me to keep my quiet and the banging stopped. He told me that if I didn't keep my mouth shut, I would have a worse death than my mothers. He started walking to his room when we heard the sirens. He ran out the back door and I screamed as loud as I could for help. The police kicked the door open and I screamed, 'He went out the back door.' They caught my dad before he could leave. They called for an ambulence for me, and a coroner for my mom."

"So your safe from your dad? Thank God. Oh my gosh, Ashlee I'm so sorry about this. It's not your fault."

"YES IT IS! MY DAD SAID IT IS! I KNOW IT IS!" Ashlee screamed. Courtney tried to calm her down. After a couple of minutes Courtney asked where Ashlee was staying.

"With my mom's siser, Aunt Tracy. It's ok there, but it's so hard. Especially being with my family."

Courtney didn't know what to do. All she could give Ashlee was a crying shoulder, and that's what she gave her.

"Thank you so much for being here for me, I can never repay you. I have to go, my aunt's here. See you later." That was the last Courtney had ever heard from Ashlee, but not her aunt.

On Sunday, Ashlee's aunt called Courtney, in tears.

"Hi, is this Courtney?" she asked through tears.

"Yes, who is this?"

"I'm Ashlee's aunt, Tracy. I called to tell you Ashlee commited suicide Friday night."

"What? No, no this can't be happening. No, I need Ashlee. She's best friend. She isn't the type person to commit suicide. It's just not her. Please tell me this is a joke."

"Why would I joke about my niece's death when her mother was just murdered by her father?!?!?! That would be one sick joke," Ashlee's aunt screamed.

"I'm sorry," Courtney said, "I just can't belive this" Immediately Courtney burst into tears.

"Ashlee wrote a note and there are somethings she wanted you to have. Please come get them, quickly."

Courtney drove to Ashlee's aunt's house. Ashlee wanted Courtney to come pick up her birthday present that she bought Courtney, even though Courtney's birthday isn't for six months away. She also wrote a note to Courtney. Courtney just couldn't read it.

As soon as Courtney got home she opened the little box. There was a beautiful golden locket with a picture of Courtney and a picture of Ashlee. Courtney started to cry. She still couln't read the note.

For a month, the note sat on her desk, just waiting to be opened. Finally, Courtney was ready to read it.

"Dear Courtney,
I hope you got our gift. I spent my entire life savings on it. I knew you would love it. I put those pictures in there so whenever you needed me there, I would be there, in your heart and in your locket. I know you will soon have a new best friend and I will understand if my picture doesn't stay in there forever. I know I have hurt you, but that image kept playing in my head. It was like I was at a non-stop movie. It just plays over and over. I needed closure and this was my way. I know you will survive and I will see you once again, sometime. I love you.
Your best friend forver,

It has been ten years since Ashlee's suicide and to this day Courtney has worn the necklace everyday. The two pictures are still in the locket, so Ashlee will be in Courtney's heart and locket forever.
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