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A vampire named Razar destroyed three clans but left 3 poeple alive now they want revenge |
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Created: October 12th, 2004 at 10:39am
Modified: October 12th, 2004 at 10:40am
No Restrictions In the realm of Dorvan there are three clans one has superhuman strength called Odan, another has the ability of magic called Pozar, and the last clan are masters with the sword called Artar. It was forbidden to go anywhere near anyone that was not part of your clan. Although not everyone obeyed the rules for there were three teenagers each who was forma different clan Gorath who was from the Odan clan, Yuza who was form the magic clan, and Toraz from the Artar clan. The three of them had been friends for years without anyone knowing for if you were caught associating with another clan you would either be exiled or put to death so they kept there friendship a secret. They meet in the woods of Xantar were each one of them helped to defeat a creature that was heading for there town and when they worked together they had no problem and then became friends although they knew they could only see each other in the wood of Xantar were most people don't go. They had lots of fun in Xantar hanging out climbing up trees which Yuza would always say half the things I do with you guys isn't what most girls do. Which always put a smile on Goraths and Torazs face because they knew that she enjoyed the same things they did? Well one day when all three of them were in Xantar they went venturing far into the forest which was something new and exciting but soon they knew it would be dark so they headed back but when they got to the opening of the forest they saw a horrified site which they would never forget. They saw a vampire who had just destroyed Goraths clan and all three of them ran towards Goraths clan not caring if anyone saw them together but when they reached were they gate was suppose they discovered that it had been flung into one of the houses that lived inside the walls and all of Goraths clan was on the floor slaughtered. Gorath couldn't belief it but then he realized that they had to hurry and get to Yuzas clan because that was more than likely where the vampire was heading to next but just like Goraths clan here clan had been slaughtered by the time she got there. Then they wasted no time and getting to Torazs clan and made it to see the vampire but not in time to save anyone in Torazs clan either. Now Gorath Yuza and Toraz were each filled with rage and wanted to avenge there clans deaths. They ran at the Vampire who dodged the three of them easily and was just laughing and said hah how the three of you think you can defeat me when none of your tribes could. He told them that his name was Razar and that he was the most powerful vampire in all of the realms. Although the three of them didn't care if he was immortal they were still going to try an kill him but when Gorath ran up to him Razar threw him aside with ease and when Yuza tired a energy blast on him he swatted it away so though it were a mosquito. Then when Toraz attacked with his sword Razar grabbed his sword and threw Toraz off and then broke his sword. Then Razar said I think I shall let the three of you live just so that everyday you will know that you are the last of your clans and that you will never be strong enough to defeat me. Then Razar opened up a portal and jumped through and without hesitation Yuza Gorath and Toraz each jumped in the portal after Razar for they weren't going to let him escape. When they landed on the other side they were in some kind of dark realm. Before any of them moved Yuza asked Gorath and Toraz do you guys want to do what ever it takes to kill Razar and both of them shook there heads yes and she said good so do I. Then she went on to say that I guess that means that the three of us are willing to give are lives to defeat Razar and once again Gorath and Toraz nodded yes and then Yuza said good so the only way Razar can stop us from coming after him is to kill us. Then the three of them walked forward through Razars realm which none of them knew what could dwell in this realm. Still they continued walking though not letting anything scare them. Then after a little while Toraz said wait what am I going to use for a sword which was a good question because Gorath had his strength and Yuza had here magic but Razar had broken Torazs sword. Then Gorath spotted some kind of metal which he picked up and looked at and then said to Toraz why not use this as a sword. Toraz though long about it then he said yes that should work but is it a strong enough steels so that it won't break and then Gorath said well let me see if I can break it and Gorath tried with all his strength but couldn't even seem to bend the piece of metal. Then Gorath said yeah it's strong enough because I can't even bend it and when Toraz examined the piece of metal closer he saw that the edge was also razor sharp and that the piece of metal would make for a great sword. Toraz grabbed the bottom of the sword and ripped part his shirt off and tied it around the bottom of the sword so that he could use it as a handle and wouldn't hurt his hand. Then the three of them started walking again until they heard something that sounded like chewing but they didn't know what could chew so loud that it could make so much noise. Then they turned the corner and discovered what it was it was a dragon and it didn't take long for the dragon to spot them it got to its feet and started swinging its claws at the three of them. Gorath was able to catch the dragon's claw before it hit any of them and then was able to push the dragon back. Then Gorath let go of the dragon's claw and jumped back but the dragon wasn't done yet it let out a blast of fire which would have incinerated the three of them except that Yuza used her magic to shoot water at the dragon's fire and was able to cancel it out. Then Toraz ran up to the dragon and swung his sword at the dragons left claw and the sword sliced through the dragons scales and flesh with ease severing its left claw. Toraz couldn't believe how sharp the sword was for none of the blacksmiths in his village had ever made anything that was as sharp as the sword he carried now. The dragon roared in pain and then started thrashing about it was able to catch Toraz with its tail which went him flying but luckily for him Gorath was able to catch him. Then Yuza said stand back and she used her magic to spread open the earth and the dragon fell into the crater but unfortunately for them the dragon came flying right back out of the hole Yuza had made. Then Yuza used her magic again to freeze the dragons right wing and caused the dragon to fall back down to the ground and then Gorath jumped onto the dragons chest and punched a hole into its chest and pulled out the dragons heart and then threw it to the ground. Then the three of them just stared at the dead dragon that lay before them for none of them had ever seen a dragon face to face although they had heard about them before. After they finished studying the dragon they started walking again and then they spotted a dark castle which they presumed belonged to Razar which meant that was were they were going to head to. They walked a little further until they were close to the castle when the bridge to Razars castle gate opened as to allow the three of them to enter. The three of them looked at each other not knowing whether or not they should because it looked like a trap but then they decided that if it wasn't a trap this would be there opportunity to vanquish Razar for destroying there clans. The three of them then decided to enter they walked in and the saw that the walls were covered in blood which confirmed each of there thoughts that this had to be Razars lair. They walked further in until they cam to what appeared to the main part of the house and in the center of the room there sat Razar in the center on a what seemed to be a coffin where the three of them presumed that was were Razar slept. Razar announced them saying so I see the three of you who I left live have decided to follow me into my lair which was a poor choice on your part for I gave you the chance to live but know I shall kill the three of you. That's when Yuza said the three of us don't care if we die or not but we couldn't live with are selves if we didn't at least try and make you pay for what you did to are clans. Yuza used her magic on Razar which was suppose to slow him down but it had no affect on him and then he said yeah you think your pathetic magic will work on me I think you need to train some more. Yuza said my magic is strong enough to harm you all I have to do is focus. That's when Toraz said don't forget about me and Gorath over here. Yuza oh yeah sorry about that guys lets take Razar down. The three of them charged Yuza from the right Gorath from the middle and Toraz from the left they each got within in a inch of Razar but at the last second before there attacks he jumped and escaped there attacks. That's when Toraz said we wont be able to defeat him if we keep trying to attack at the same time because that just makes it more easy for him to dodge us we need to attack separately. Yuza and Gorath agreed so on there next attack Gorath started off trying to hit Razar but Razar dodged his attack but then Toraz jumped right were Razar had landed and was able to slash him in the back causing Razar to scream in pain and that when Toraz said so it looks like you can be beat after all. After that slash from Toraz Razars movement was slowed down and that allowed Yuza to hit Razar with a fire bolt causing him to catch on fire which caused him to stop for a few seconds to put out the flames which allowed Gorath enough time to hit Razar he was aiming for his head but Razar moved at the last second which caused Goraths attack to hit his arm which shattered all the bones in his arm. That was when Razar jumped back to the center of the room were he said I should have killed the three of you when I had the chance. Then the three of them aid yes you should have for now we are going to vanquish you. Then the three of them charged at the exact same time aiming at Razars head Yuza hit his head with a thunderbolt which caused him to fidget uncontrollably then Gorath hit him in the head crushing Razars skull and then Toraz ran up and severed Razars head from his body which caused his body to turn to dust. After that the three of them looked at each other and knew that it as finally over and that they could now start to rebuild there clans which Razar destroyed.
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