Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/893286-Angel-of-the-Unconquered
by Jessie
Rated: E · Novel · Fantasy · #893286
In a future world where the bad guys are winning one girl will change the future.
The scum of the Earth, the Hellians, have ruled since long before the time of my birth. My father would tell me wonderful stories of the world before the Hellians. There was a president and the land we lived in used to be a country called the United States. There were televisions and telephones and computers that gave you the ability to talk to anyone in the world. Everything was gone now the states and the televisions and the government. A disease had wiped out much of the people. Few survived to form small villages.
My mother died right after my birth. She was a small weak woman and my birth was too much for her, if there had been any hospitals or doctors she might have lived to see me grow up.
The Hellians drive vehicles they call road runners, they live to rape and pillage. They enter towns rounding all the women of ten and older into the center of town, killing the old and ugly ones. What girls are left they rape until they grow bored with them, then they torture and disfigure them before they sell them back to their families. No one uses money so they take the cattle and horses and what little food that the people are able to grow for themselves.
They are getting closer; with each passing week They kill, steal, and rape their way to Canton. My father and most of the townspeople are worried and want to send all the girls into the mountains to hide from the Hellians, but I am not scared. I foresee the future and Ryan is coming for me. I have seen him in my dreams and in visions for six years now. We can talk to each other telepathically and are aware of each other’s feelings and thoughts. We have never met, but he is on his way to Canton to get me. I have told no one of Ryan or the fact that he is an Unconquered warrior. The Unconquered is an army of rebels who are fighting the Hellians. I know I am to become an Unconquered and something important will happen because of Ryan and I. I know my father and many others will die and there is nothing I can do. I will miss my father more than life itself but there is no way I can prevent his death. I have tried not to think of it but his image lying in a pool of blood haunts me day and night. My father wishes me to pick a husband quickly and leave Canton but I cannot. I have done everything my father has ever asked of me but I cannot marry for I love Ryan and no one else.

His road runner was dusty, as was he. His companions were close behind, Ryan waved his arm signaling them to stop. They pulled off the road and into the desert to camp for the night. Soon Ryan would be in Canton. He knew Angel anxiously awaited his arrival. Each day he grew more uneasy at the thought of the blasted Hellians getting to Angel before he could. No matter what he couldn’t let that happen. His friend Jack built a fire while Ian pulled their bedding from the road runner. Soon he would sleep and he would be able to see Angel again and assure her everything was going to be all right.
I was in a misty wooded area. I could see a hazy figure hastily approaching me. I called out Ryan’s name and the figure answered me. He started running towards me and I was engulfed in his strong arms. I knew we were only meeting in a dream but I was with him.
“When will you reach Canton. The Hellians will be here in the morning and I’m scared.” He kissed the top of my head and squeezed me tight.” Not soon enough! Those damn Hellians better not lay a hand on you or there will be hell to pay.” The vehemence of his words made me smile.
“My father and many other will die tomorrow. I don’t want it to happen but there is nothing I can do.” Tears cascaded down my cheeks and he wiped them away with a caress of his hand.
“ Father wants me to marry quickly and leave Canton, but I can’t I want to be with you I could never marry anyone.” He whispered promises in my ear and rubbed my back until the sun began to rise and we had to part. I knew it was time to wake up but I didn’t want to let him go. He lifted my chin cupping my face tenderly and looked deep into my eyes. “ Kiss me goodbye, my Angel.” As his lips met mine a loud noise like a gunshot woke me.
The shot rang out from somewhere in the house and a loud commotion ensued; frightened I dressed quickly and slipped my knife into my boot. I heard screams emanating from outside and I knew it had started. I cautiously opened my bedroom door and in the living room stood four Hellians and my father lying in a pool of blood, just like in my visions. There was a hole in his forehead; his deep crimson blood flowed into a pool around his body.
I didn’t have time to scream a Hellian grabbed me and shoved me out the front door. I fell and landed on my arms. Pain shot up my arms bringing tears to my eyes. The man had an ugly scar across his cheek and he sneered at me while he wrapped his hand in my hair pulling so hard I almost cried out. He pulled me up by my hair and dragged me to a road runner where a tall broad shouldered man stepped down.
Staring down at my torn shirt, my breasts partly exposed he growled, “She’s mine! She’s not to be touched. You may have her when I’m through but not until then! Am I clear!” He looked at my chest again and then painfully grabbed my chin and licked my cheek. I kneed him in the groin and he dropped to his knees holding himself and cussing. The scar face jerked me around and slapped me with such force I would have fallen to the ground had he not held onto my arm. He slapped me again this time allowing me to fall. I seized the opportunity and pulled out my knife sticking it in his gut. I didn’t try to retrieve it, I used those precious few moments to struggle to my feet and run for the woods. Two Hellians chased me but I was to fast. I heard gunshots but didn’t stop scared I would be caught.
I searched the ground for the handle to the secret entrance to our cellar that my father had constructed. Finding the small wooden handle amid the green moss I pulled it open dropping down into the hole. I felt an odd searing pain in my shoulder but couldn’t see anything in the dark. I felt my way down the long wide dirt tunnel to the secret door. Opening it slowly I stopped to listen for any sounds. Hearing nothing I shut the door behind me and felt my way to the stairs and hid under them. A hot liquid running down my arm was all the conformation I needed that I had been hit. I felt cold, tired, and faint. I could still hear screams permeating the walls and didn’t dare go upstairs. I leaned back against the wall and used pieces of my skirt to apply pressure to my bleeding arm. I felt consciousness slipping from my grasp and I called out to Ryan before I fainted and slumped to the floor.
Ryan knew immediately something was wrong with Angel. In a few hours they would be in Canton and he prayed Angel was okay.
He could smell fire, and he paniced. Oh god please let her be ok.....what if i'm too late. He raised his arm and signaled them to speed up. His heart plummeted to his stomach when he saw the state of the town. Several of the houses were on fire, bodies littered the ground. Never had they seen such destruction. it was strangely quiet only the sound of the burning wood could be heard.
He raced to her house, remembering the description she had given him in one of their past meetings. The door stood open and the body of a man lay lifeless in the floor, blood pooled around his head, he could only guess it was her father.
Guns ready they searched the house. Furniture was overturned her father's study ransacked. They searched the entire house and couldn't find Angel. Frantic Ryan used the only option left to find her. He had never tried it before and he knew it would drain him but he had to find her. Going to her room and picking up her most prized possession, her mother's Saint Christopher necklace, that laid on her nightstand he held it tight in his hand and laid down on her bed. Closing his eyes, he pictured her in his mind. Her hair hanging loose, her face lit up with a tender smile, beckoning him to come to her. She turned away from him and walked through the door he opened his eyes and opened the bedroom door. There she stood a misty image of Angel she smiled again and motioned him to follow her. She walked down the hall to the kitchen and went through a door. Opening the door he went down the basement steps and stopped at the bottom looking around for Angel. The misty form appeared in front of him and walked through him and the stairs and crouched down. Shaken his body tingling he crouched down and crawled under the stairs. The form kneeling looked down on the form of a woman.
Speechless he crawled to the woman and softly brushed her hair back to expose Angel's face. Her cheek was swollen and her skin was hot to the touch, when he touched her arm she whimpered. Relieved he exhaled loudly and carefully pulled her out from under the stairs. Gently he lifted her into his arms and carried her up the stairs. In the kitchen he laid her on the table to check her injuries. The sleeve of her shirt was blood stained, slitting it revealed a gunshot wound. He was relieved to see it was a clean through and through but her fever worried him. He called for Ian and Jack got a bowl from the cupboard and some rags to clean her wound. They came into the kitchen as he was filling the bowl with water.
"You found her!" Ian stepped closer to study her face.
"She's lucky Ryan it could be much worse. Look at this town there's no one left." Ian told him.
"I know Jack. Have you found any survivors?"
"I'm going out to look now, the house is secure we looked it over so we're safe to make camp here. If you need anything Ian will be right outside burying Angel's father " He turned to leave and Ryan stopped him.
"I can't thank you enough, both of you for coming here with me, I wouldn't have made it to her in time if I hadn't had you two with me."
Frowning at him Ian told him," Ryan you and Jack are my family, there was no thought about it family sticks together." Jack agreed nodding.
"I'm off to look for survivors I'll be back soon." and with that Jack left the house and started down the street. Ian went out to bury Angel's father and Ryan carried her to her room. Undressing her carefully he rummaged through her dresser and found a nightgown. He slipped it over her head eased back the covers ans tucked her in. He kissed her softly and whispered,"you will heal and I will take you away from this place I promise you. I'll never let those bastards touch you again." Groggily she opened her eyes at the sound of his voice.
"Ryan...you're here...what happened? I feel so tired..." her eyelids drooping as she spoke.
"It's okay Baby, close you're eyes I'm here. Everything's going to be okay now."
She grasped his hand,"Stay with me, hold me...I've waited so long for you to come to me."
He laid down on the bed and softly pulled her into his embrace, his chin resting on her head. She soon drifted off again but he couldn't bring himself to let her go.
Jack had almost given up hope of finding anyone alive when he heard a faint noise coming from the kitchen. He had searched so many houses he had lost count, the sight of bloody corpses would be something he would never forget. He heard it again, cautiously he entered the kitchen, his gun ready just in case. Surveying the kitchen he saw nothing out of the ordinary, just a door that led outside and another he figured was a pantry or a door to a basement.
He slowly turned the knob and stopped dead in his tracks by what he saw. He was right about it being a pantry but what sat in the corner he was not ready for. It was a girl, how old he couldn't tell with the damage to her face. She sat huddled in the corner, curled into a ball rocking back and forth, her head bumping the wall each time. She wore what once was a blouse and a skirt, now it was tattered material held on by her encircled arms. Her hair had been shorn cut awkwardly in all different lengths. Her face was a mess her nose had bled now it was dried and caked to her face her lip was busted and both of her eyes looked blacked. Welts, bruises, cuts, dried blood and dirt covered all of her skin that was in view. She seemed not to know he was even there. From all accounts he would say she was in shock, with the look of her he was surprised she was conscious. He tried to approach her and she stopped rocking, not knowing what that might mean he reached out to touch her and jumped back when she cut his fore arm.
It wasn't deep but it stung something awful. Watching her closely he kept his distance. He had never seen the knife. She started to scream and he sighed, he was going to have to knock her out to get her some medical attention. He advanced on her again and this time was able to wrestle the knife from her without injury. Holding her at arms length while she screamed he gave her a clip to the jaw and she was out. He laid her down gently while he went in search of a blanket to wrap her up in.
She didn't make a sound as he carried her to Angel's. He felt a sense of anger at the Hellians and a compassion for her he had never felt before. He vowed the Hellians would pay no matter what. He walked through the already open front door and laid her on the kitchen table. Hearing someone enter the house Ian came into the kitchen and stopped short when he saw the girl.
"Damn! I'll go get Ryan", and he ran out of the room. Jack opened the blanket and began looking her over. From the state of shock she was in, her clothes and her battered body he was sure she had been raped.
"Son of a bitch! How bad is she?", Ryan asked fro behind Jack.
"She was in shock when I found her. Had to knock her out to get her here. I'd say she was raped, beaten and left for dead."
When he peeled back her blood and dirt stained shirt they both had to suppress the outrage that bubbled up in them. Cut into her skin across her stomach was the word 'WHORE'. Never had they seen a woman battered so. It took all Jack's restraint to steady his shaking hands and finish examining her. With the loss of so many people and the decline of technology after the Great Epidemic many of the Unconquered soldiers had become somewhat a group of amateur doctors. Teaching themselves from books they had rescued from an old burned out library and a case of trial and error.
Aside from the bruises, cuts and a few broken ribs, she was going to be okay physically. Mentally, they would know soon enough when she woke. Jack washed away the dirt and the blood. He dressed her in a nightgown borrowed from one of Angel's drawers and carried her up to a bedroom. He was tucking her into bed when Ian came up the stairs with a plate of food for him. She didn't stir while he ate or late into the night while he sat by her side. He grabbed a blanket from a shelf in the closet and made himself comfortable for the night ahead.
A scream woke Ryan, he eased his arm out from under Angel and went down the hall to sit what was the matter. Opening the door a crack he peeked into the room and saw Jack holding the girl as she sobbed and held onto him tightly. He closed the door and went back down the hall to Angel. She was awake when he opened the door.
She pulled the covers back and patted the bed," Come back to bed." He climbed in the bed pulling the blanket over him. Angel kissed him and laid her head on his chest.
"I've waited for you to come to me for so long. "

© Copyright 2004 Jessie (jessiealabama at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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