Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/892473-Pentagram-Prologue
Rated: 13+ · Sample · Action/Adventure · #892473
Her parents were dead now, the dark things were coming closer, was Robin going to die too?
NOTE: this is just the beginning of a new story of mine. i have trouble sticking to one, heh, anyway, hope you like it and please comment. If enough people like it, i hope to have the motivation to finish.


         Robin watched as other kids her age laughed and played in the snow. It was Christmas break and everyone was out of school for two weeks. Robin hated every moment of it. Anytime school went on break it meant going to a place normal kids call home, but Robin called it hell.
         Someone threw a snowball at her from behind. Robins ears and eyes had become sharp over her thirteen years of life, so she easily stepped to the right and watched the snowball fly past. She never missed a step and kept on walking. She had grown accustomed to things being thrown at her. Her father was and alcoholic and her mother took drugs. Her father also liked to use her mother as a punching bag, sometimes he’d get Robin too. That’s why she hated breaks from school, it gave her father more chances to hurt her.
         Robin grimaced as her house came into view. It was falling apart, there was junk all over outside; it was a dark dump, not a home. Robin quietly opened the door and slipped inside. Hopefully her parents were asleep or unconscious. Robin walked around the junk on the floors and went to the closet that was her room. She wen in and turned on the small, single light.
         Her so-called room was hardly big enough. If she lay down on the floor with her head to one wall, her feet could touch the opposite wall. Her few possessions were blankets to sleep on, a few books, her bag full of school supplies, and a small secret stash of cash. Over the years she learned to save, collect, and even steal money for her own needs. When she started school, she had to buy her own supplies.
         Robin set her bag down and sat on the few blankets she had for a bed. She pulled out her journal, the most precious thing she had, and wrote to pass her time.
         Robin concentrated on sleeping. It was Christmas Eve, and so far she had only suffered a few bruises from her father. She didn’t know what she would do tomorrow though, she’d finished all her schoolwork and she had read every book she had. With a sigh Robin drifted into sleep. She was jolted awake when the door to her room was slammed open and her father burst through. Robin was about to jump up and run when her father yanked her out of the room and dragged her to what was their so-called living room. Robin started to panic, she knew her father was very drunk, more so then ever before.
         He let go of her and she fell to the hard floor. With a silent whimper Robin got up and started crawling away. Before she had time to react, she was sailing across the room and hit the wall. Robin’s eye’s widened when she saw her mother handing her father a gun. They were both going to kill her. Robin couldn’t move, she was paralyzed in fear. Suddenly the house started to shake. Robin pressed herself against the wall when a huge crack split in the floor, right in front of her parents. Her father started shouting curses, but Robin couldn’t hear, her eyes were focused on the huge crack. Flames were spurting around inside and something was moving down there.....

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