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You think we're only supposed to know certain people for a certain time then let go? |
Do you ever meet someone and can't help but think, 'I hope they don't walk out of my life anytime soon'? And you are just immediately drawn to them for a reason unbeknownst to you and you're not sure if you even want to know why that may be? And you spend most of your time thinking about them, and stealing glances at them from across the room and most of the time they don't even know it? Do you know what thats like? Then on that rare occasion when you two actually meet face to face and strike up a conversation, you just want to take their hand and never let them walk away from you? Yeah, you've been there haven't you? But yet, don't they always find some way to slither just out of your fingertips' reach? And then you watch them walk away, don't you? And you wish that they could come back? They don't even have to say anything, do they? All they'd have to do is stand beside you, hold your hand and smile brightly as you gaze in their eyes. Do you ever get pushed together every now and then so that you get to know each other a little better? And then do you start to realize how amazing this person truly is, and how much you want them to see something in you as well? Am I not correct for saying that this happens to everyone somewhere down the line? Then eventually, do you feel yourself falling for this person and all you can think about is what the odds are that they are falling for you too? And do you not feel excited when the relationship takes a step up as true feelings are spoken aloud for possibly the first time? Have you done that? Or was it only in your dreams? How can you be sure that you aren't living a dream? Does that person begin to grow closer to you as time passes? And do you feel how the wings of the butterflies flutter within you every time you see this person? Doesn't it give you that nervous, excited feeling that you love, yet dread all at once? It does, doesn't it? And have you ever come to discover that this person- the one that you've drawn so close to since the moment you saw them- had something they weren't telling you? Perhaps they don't live around here and will be flying back home in a few days to resume their life there? And isn't their home many hundreds of miles away from you? It is, isn't it? Now you're stuck, aren't you? You are torn apart inside, feeling foolish for letting yourself fall for someone that you barely knew. You swore that you'd never give your heart to someone who wasn't ready to take it and give you theirs in return. And yet, that is exactly what happened. Do you hate yourself for letting your guard down because you fell in love with a pretty face? Did you ever think that maybe we are only meant to know certain people for a certain time, and then never see them again? Could you be close to someone all your life, then go your separate ways and never come in contact again? Is that how life is supposed to be? Are you supposed to forget about your dear loved ones because you can't reach them? Is it right to let them slip away from you possibly forever? Are we supposed to let them go? |