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Carol owns her own photo concession that tours carnivals and fairs. |
Carnival Time I don’t know what got into me on that July afternoon, but I guess it was the heat and also I was missing Dave, my husband who had passed away three years ago. I had run away from home when I was nineteen and joined up with a carnival. That’s where I met Dave Gonzales. He had a photo booth at the carnival. It was all self-contained in a twenty-eight foot trailer. He had it set-up where you could shoot portraits on both ends and then their was a darkroom in the middle of the trailer. They were doing black and white portraits back then and business at the fairs and carnivals was good. Especially for young couples. Anyway he hired me as a photographer. Trained me himself and by the end of the first season I was the best photographer he had. That year I went to work for Dave, he was fifty. Two years later we got married. I still worked one end of the trailer taking pictures and usually Dave would work the darkroom. Spending fourteen hours a day standing up in the dark started to get to him, so he started hiring people to work in the darkroom. Back then we lived in a pick-up camper. And although their wasn’t much room in it, it was okay. We were taking pictures fourteen hours a day so about the only time we were in the camper was when we were asleep. When I turned twenty-five we had an exceptionally good year and I talked Dave into buying a mini motorhome. It was the same lenght as our trailer, twenty-eight feet. But it was like a castle after living in the pick-up camper for five years. Dave died of a heart attack when I was twenty-eight. We were set up in Cheyenne, Wyoming at the Wild West Days Rodeo. We had four people working for us plus me and Dave. That allowed for two people to be taking pictures, one on each end of the trailer. Then one person was in the darkroom and the other three people would be standing outside luring people off the midway in to get their photo taken. We had been averaging two thousand dollars a day and that’s a lot of work when you consider the price of the picture was only two ninety-nine. Dave had given one of the guys a break and was working in the darkroom when it happened. I had called one of the paramedics that was at the rest station at the rodeo but by the time they had gotten him to the hospital, it was to late. I canceled the rest of the rodeo, went back home to Arkansas, that’s where Dave was from, buried my husband, and decided I’d been on the road long enough. We had bought ten acres right outside of Pangburn, Arkansas and that’s where we would head between fairs or carnivals. About ten or so photo trailers were parked around the property. When we were home, Dave was always building a new trailer to work out of. He was trying to improve the set-up that we worked out of to make it more economical. The first year after he died I just hung around the house. He had really good insurance and if I wanted to I would never have to work again. At the time of his death that sounded good, but after not doing anything for a year I missed the excitement of the carnivals. The crowds, meeting people from different parts of the country, the fast paced excitement of the carnival life. So I took out mini motor home down to the dealer and traded it in on a brand new, full sized bus motorhome, It was forty-five foot long and I had the inside redesigned to my specifications. I had my private bedroom in the back of the bus. And up front where the little living room was I had convertible tables put in on both sides. At night the tables would convert to beds. Their was a little kitchen and a bathroom complete with shower. Then in order to pull the photo trailer and be legal going down the road I had to redesign it to be not more than twenty feet long. That took some real creative rearranging. But with the help of a trailer manufacturer we finally came up with a system that would work. And instead of a black and white darkroom I installed a state of the art color darkroom. Then I hired some local young people in their early twenties and trained them by working little county fairs around Arkansas. When everybody I’d hired was ready we hit the road on the big state fair and carnival circuit. I remember how good it was to get back on the road. Ever since Dave had died I had not gotten into any relationships. For awhile I just couldn’t get my late husband out of my mind. But I was still young and I had needs. So I went to one of the Adult stores in Little Rock and purchased a couple of sex toys, you know the ones that vibrate, and that’s how I took care of my primal urges. Which brings us to that July afternoon. We had our photo trailer set up at the Dallas, Texas state fair. It was one of the biggest and longest fairs that we booked each year. Thirty-one days set up in one place. And everyday we worked twelve to fourteen hours. It got grueling at times but I was averaging two to three grand a day. After I paid my help I would clear fifteen to eighteen hundred and that’s per day. I had four people traveling with me. Two guys and two girls. One of the guys was Jack Key who had been with me for just under a year. I originally trained him to be a photographer but now he was working in the darkroom. He was about twenty-three, about five-nine, had black hair, blue eyes and when he wasn’t in the darkroom he was out on the midway trying to score a piece of ass. Sometimes I’d have to get one of the other photographers to go hunt him down when he was supposed to be back at work. The other guy working for me was a nineteen year old who I had trained to be a photographer. He was about six-three, blond hair and was a little stocky. When he wasn’t working he was chasing down a hamburger. I think that’s all I ever saw him eat. Even when I occasionally fixed meals on the bus, Billy Childers wanted a hamburger. And he always wanted it with pickle, onion, and mustard. Kathy Miller was the oldest woman I had working. She was twenty-six. She had just gotten a divorce when I had hired her and liked the freedom of traveling all of the time. In her spare time I would usually find her on the bus reading a novel. She was my number one darkroom person, but she preferred to stand out in front of the trailer and lure people in to get their picture made. With her long blonde hair and clear blue eyes she was a natural born sales person. Alice Jones was a silly girl even though she was eighteen. At five-two, red hair and green eyes, she spent all of her free time making friends and being silly. But she was a good photographer. Jack had trained her himself and I had hired her because she was one of my friend’s daughter from back home in Arkansas. She had never been away from home before and I had promised to try and keep an eye on her. But with this fast-paced life that was near impossible. Anyway, it was July and for some reason the Dallas midway and really slowed down and I didn’t need to be at the photo trailer so I told my crew I was going to the bus and lay down. Billy was already on the bus and when I opened the door and went up the three little steps, I wasn’t surprised to see him cooking a hamburger. “You are going to turn into a hamburger, Billy,” I said as I squeezed past him on the way to my bedroom. “I like them,” he replied. Then he asked, “Is it still slow down at the trailer?” “Yes, there’s no need for you to hurry back.” I went into my bedroom and sat down on the queen-sized bed, propped some pillows up and kind of leaned back. The air conditioner was on and it was cool and it felt so good to be out of the heat. After a few minutes I grew restless. I just didn’t know what to do and didn’t know what I wanted to do. I closed my eyes and started thinking about Dave. That was a mistake. It had been so long that I’d been without a man that I immediately began to get damp between the legs. I considered getting one of my toys out of the bedside table. But instead I got up and paced the small area next to the bed. I walked over and looked through the peephole on my door and saw Billy sitting at one of the tables eating his hamburger. I wondered what it would be like to have a nineteen year old dick deep inside of me. Instantly I tried to dismiss that thought. I had never had any physical contact with any of my employees. I walked back to the bed and sat down, took off my shirt, took off my bra, and I was just starting to pull off my jeans when there was a knock at the door. “Carol, are you asleep?” Billy shouted. I walked over to the door and said, “No. What’s up?” “The midway manager wants to see you.” Damn, I thought. Just as I’d gotten undressed. I looked at my shirt and bra laying on the bed and then put the shirt back on. I walked up to the front of the bus and noticed a guy standing down by the door. “Can I help you?” I asked. The man looked like a carny. I could tell he was Italian with the heavy dark eyebrows and the jet black hair. He was wearing a white shirt and tie with the tie pulled down and the top button undone and the shirt was sweat stained all over. He had a big cigar sticking out of the corner of his mouth. “I’m Gary from the fair office. I need to collect some money for the electricity.” he said. The deal when you set up at a fair was you paid so much per foot for your booth and then you normally paid a flat feet based on the number of feet your booth was, for electricity. “How much do you need?” I asked. “Two Hundred dollars,” Gary said. “Give me just a minute.” I sat down next to Billy who was still eating his hamburger and counting cash that we had taken in that morning. “Let me have two hundred dollars.” Billy counted out two hundred dollars in twenties and handed it to me. I took the money and walked down the steps of the bus to where Gary was standing and handed him the money. He started writing out a receipt and asked, “What name do you want this in?” “Carol Gonzales.” I said. Gary did a kind of double take. “You don’t look like you are Spanish.” he said as he handed me the receipt. “That’s my husband’s name.” I said as I took the receipt. “Ah, okay.” Gary said and walked off. When I went back into the bus I handed Billy the receipt and said, “You know what to do with this and when you get the money counted and put up come back to my bedroom I want to talk.” “Okay, boss, it’ll be about ten minutes.” When I got back to my bedroom I closed the door but I didn’t lock it. I slipped off my shirt and ran a fingernail over my left nipple. It immediately got hard and erect. I felt the dampness between my legs and I knew in my heart what I was about to do was not ethical but I couldn’t help myself. I lit a cigarette and waited. Fifteen minutes passed and then a knock at the door. “Come in.” I said. When Billy opened the door he was bent over a little due to his six-three height and when he saw me with my shirt off he tried to quickly turn away, but he bumped his head on the doorframe and said “Ouch!” Still half turned around in the doorway Billy said, “I’m sorry, Boss, I didn’t know you were undressed.” “What’s wrong, Billy, haven’t you ever seen breasts before. Just come on in and lock the door.” “Ah, y-y-es. But, ah, don’t k-k-now is this r-right?” he stuttered and stammered. “Just come on in and lock the door.” I replied. This time he did as I’d told him to do. He was standing at the corner of the bed, half turned away from me and he asked, “What did you want?” “What I want is for you to sit down next to me and massage my breasts.” “Oh! Maybe I had better go find Jack.” “No, you are here and you will do fine.” “B-b-but, I d-d-don’t know if I know how.” Billy said as he sat on the bed. His eyes were looking everywhere except at my breasts. “Give me your hands.” I commanded. Tentavily he put his hands out in front of him and I took one in each hand and placed them on my full breasts. “Now just rub them.” I said. Finally Billy looked down at my breasts. His eyes got wide but he didn’t say anything. He started rubbing me but his touch was light as a feather. “Harder, Billy, rub harder.” I said. He did and I was getting hornier by the minute. Billy began to squeeze my nipples which made the juices between my legs start to run. When he bent over and took my right nipple into his mouth I swooned. “Yes, Billy, Yes.” I looked down at him and his face was the color of fresh beets. But at the same time he was really getting the hang of sucking my nipples. First he would flick his tongue over the right nipple then he would switch to the left nipple. After a minute I told him, “Undress.” Billy turned my breasts loose and stood up and turned his back to me and began slipping off his clothes. When he got down to his underwear he turned towards the bed. I reached up and tugged on his briefs, “Everything, Billy. I want to see all of you.” There was a big bulge in his briefs and he awkwardly pulled them off. When his erection popped out it looked to be as hard as steel. I reached out and took it into my hand. He was standing still as a statue. “Relax, Billy. This isn’t going to hurt.” I said as I pumped his erection back and forth. He was still stiff as a board. I turned him loose and stood up and quickly slipped my jeans and panties off and took his hand and placed it on my triangle of pubic hair. He drew his hand back and said, “You are wet.” “Yes, Billy. It is from my excitement.” Billy put his hand back and began to explore. It was obvious to me that he had never touched a woman before. I took him in my arms and began to kiss his face, his lips, his ears. I moved down to his shoulders and kissed his neck, then I moved down to his nipples which were small and bright red and I flicked my tongue over each nipple and felt them grow hard between my lips. I could feel him begin to relax in my arms. He started to rub my back. I rolled Billy over onto the bed. He was on his back. I straddled him and raised up on my knees and grabbed his erect penis which was still hard and guided him to the mouth of my vagina. I was so wet now it was running down my thighs. I watched his face as I lowered myself down on his dick. His eyes were shut tight. Oh, it felt so good. His dick wasn’t that long, maybe six inches, but it was fat and thick. Going in it was tight. Slowly I lowered my body until our pubic hairs were touching. Then I slowly started to raise myself up. Up, up, up. Then ever so slowly I dropped down, down, down. My young lover was breaking out in a sweat and his breathing, as my own, was heavy and rough. The next time I fully empaled him I laid down on top of him pressing my breasts against his chest. Then I began to hump him. It felt so good to have a dick deep inside of me I wanted the moment to last forever, but then I heard Billy began to whimper and he said, “I’m gonna cum.” I jumped off quickly. I wanted to watch. I grabbed his erection and began to jack him off. When he started to ejaculate it went everywhere. And Billy started crying, “I couldn’t wait, I couldn’t wait.” Even as he finished cumming I continued to massage and jack him off and as the very last drop of cum escaped the top of his dick he began to get soft. “Now, now, you did real good. Just relax and in a few minutes I’ll you can help me get off.” “I don’t think I can get another hard-on.” He said. “Just relax, Billy I think you will surprise yourself. So, I think it is safe to say that you were a virgin.” “Y-yes.” Billy replied. He still looked tensed up. “You can’t be telling the other employees.” “I won’t.” I took his limp penis in my hand and began to massage it and stroking it up and down. His eyes got wide when the organ began to get hard. He kind of perched himself on his back, but I said, “No, this time you get to be on top.” I laid down in the middle of the bed and Billy got between my legs and slowly inserted his cock. He kind of teased me by not putting more than the head in. Imagine that, I thought, he is already a professional fucker. When he finally gave me all of it, it felt so-o-o good. “Faster, harder,”I yelled. Billy began to hump me like there was no tomorrow. My juices were streaming out of me and running down the crack of my butt. Oh, it had been so long and it felt so good. I couldn’t wait any longer. I reached down with my hand and rubbed my clit and that is all it took. My first orgasm was so intense I thought I would pass out. My pussy started contracting and this caused Billy to explode. I could feel his hot seed hitting the back of my pussy. Then my second orgasm kicked into high gear. It wasn’t quite as intense as the first one, but boy did it feel good. I wrapped my legs around Billy’s back so he could not pull out. And then a third orgasm started up. When that one ended I was exhausted and so oh satisfied. Billy had gotten off and was laying on his side watching me. I laid there with Billy for about half an hour and then I told Billy that maybe he ought to go check out the photo booth and that I would be right behind him. When I got dressed and got to the booth, Billy acted like he always did and nobody was the wiser. Business picked up later that evening and that always made my day. And when we rolled things up that night and I was all snuggled up in my bed, I did not need my sex toys. In fact, I haven’t used them at all since Billy and I had our little fling. And I’ve noticed since me and Billy fucked that when he is off work he is not only out eating hamburgers but now he is hitting on girls. |